Chapter Twenty-Seven
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Seven. Hannah's outfit ^^^^.
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I'm getting married to Finn tomorrow, the nerves are getting to me. It's my Hen Party tonight and it's been organised by Zoe, we're going bowling so that should be interesting. Jack has planned Finn's Stag Do and I'm not sure what they're doing but what I do know is that Finn and Sam are staying at Jack and Zoe's place tonight as I can't see Finn tomorrow. Zoe is staying here because she's my maid of honour, I also have Tilly and Laura as my other bridesmaids, Jack is Finn's best man and Troye flew over here last week because he's walking me down the aisle. My brother hasn't been invited and neither has Ella, all of the British gang are going along with O2L, Smosh, Tyler and we did invite Sawyer but he isn't coming as he got a new girlfriend but I didn't think he would come if I'm honest.
I get changed into purple denim shorts with studs, a white t-shirt and white hi-tops. The elevator dings letting me know that Zoe, Tilly, Laura, Niomi and Tanya are here. I walk to the door and open it, I'm pulled into the elevator by Zoe and luckily I locked the door before the elevator left.
We get to the bowling alley and Zoe puts a 'Bride To Be' sash on me and she is wearing a matching on but with 'Maid of Honour' on it. I smile and input all of our names, Zoe takes a picture of me holding up a bowling ball and sticking my tongue out and she sends it to Finn. "Lets Bowl" I say and we start the competition.
----- Finn's P.O.V -----
I'm currently at Jack and Zoe's place for my Stag Do. Jack has planned everything but we aren't actually going out, we're all staying over here tonight because of the Groom not being allowed to see the Bride the night before the wedding, I know for a fact that one night not sleeping with Hannah next to me will kill me. I'm not planning on getting drunk tonight because I don't want a hangover tomorrow, I know that Hannah doesn't drink however she's agreed to have some Champagne tomorrow. "FINN. WANT A DRINK?" Jack shouts from the kitchen "I'M GOOD MATE" I reply and everyone else walks back into the living room to sit down. There's Jack, Troye, Tyler, Jc, Kian, Sam, Trevor, Connor, Ricky, Joe, Caspar, Jim, Alfie, Dan, Phil and Marcus over here. Jack's my best man, Troye is walking Hannah down the aisle and Emmy is the flower girl because we asked her nicely.
My phone beeps a couple of minutes later and I see that Zoe has sent me a picture. I open it up to see a picture of Hannah wearing purple shorts, a white t-shirt and white hi-tops. She also has a sash on that says 'Bride To Be'. She's holding up a pink/red bowling ball, sticking her tongue out at the camera and winking - her signature pose apart from the two she has with me, one with me kissing her cheek and she looks surprised and another one that's both of us doing hearts to the camera.
I show Jack the picture and he smiles. We all start to talk about the future, what's going to happen to our relationships and our YouTube Channels, whether or not we want kids. It got pretty deep within seconds.
All I know is that I can't wait to call Hannah mine forever, I wanted to settle down and get the marriage with the one girl that my love will never fade for. I know for a fact that I have that with Hannah, I will never let her go no matter what happens and nothing will tear us apart.
That was Chapter Twenty-Seven, hope you liked it and I know that it was short.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.....
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