Chapter Three
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Three. Picture of David ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I wake up to find that I'm not in Finn's car anymore, I look around, I'm on a picnic blanket. I check my phone it's 4pm, I should text my brother 'Hey bro. I'm still out. I will probably be spending the night so might not be home. Love you ~ Hannah xxx' I put my phone down and sit up. I see Finn sitting on the edge of the cliff, I get up and sit down next to him. He turns to me and puts his arm around my shoulder "So you woke up huh?" I giggle "Nope. I'm sleep walking" I say sarcastically and he laughs "Do you like the view?" he asks and I look at the view, it's breathtaking, you can see the whole of London from here "It's amazing. Who arranged all of this?" he smirks "My brother did. I was planning on taking you for dinner but he wanted me to do something big" I smile and lean into him.
We spend the rest of the evening talking and cuddling - basically getting to know each other even more - whenever he says something incredibly adorable it makes me fall for him more. Yes, I have known him for two days and I am falling for him already. Damn, I move fast. "Hannah, I have a question" I nod "I know we met two days ago but I'm falling for you. I have this feeling about you, something I have never felt with another girl" he pauses "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, looking me in the eyes biting his bottom lip "Of course I will. I feel exactly the same Finn" he smiles and pulls me into a hug. I look up at him and he pulls me into a passionate kiss.
"Do you want to stay the night at mine?" he asks and I nod. We both clean up after our date and get back into Finn's car. "I don't have any clothes" I pout and Finn smirks "I called your brother whilst you were sleeping. He dropped some clothes 'round my house" I smile "Okay" he reaches over and places his hand on my thigh, gently rubbing it. I lean back into my seat and watch the world go by.
We get to Finn's house in just under an hour. We walk in together, I walk to the living room and sit down whilst Finn goes to the bathroom. "Hey Hannah" I jump and turn around to see - who I'm assuming is Jack - Jack smirking at me. I hug him "Hey, Jack right?" I ask and he chuckles "The one and only. I am the better twin" I gasp in mock horror "I thought that it was 'Finn, Finn the better twin'" I say smirking "Oh so you watch our videos?" he asks "Only a few. I'm not some obsessed fan" he chuckles and sits down on the sofa across from me.
A few minutes later Finn comes to join us in the living room. We all sit and watch movie after movie eating sweets and doing basically nothing for hours. Jack went to bed a couple hours back and left Finn and I to ourselves. "Do you want to go to bed love?" he asks and I nod. He gets up but I can't be bothered to get up "Carry me" I say holding out my arms, he obeys and picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, he carries me upstairs to his room and drops me on the bed gently.
I get up and go to his bathroom, "FINN CAN I HAVE A SHOWER?" I shout into the room "SURE BABE. TOWELS ARE ON THE RACK TO YOUR RIGHT" he shouts back. I turn to my right and sure enought there are towels there, I strip and get into the shower, I stay there for about 10 minutes. When I get out, I wrap a towel around myself and walk back into the bedroom. "Finn, can I borrow some clothes?" I ask him, he gets up from the bed and opens a couple of drawers. He takes out a t-shirt and a pair of boxers, he walks over to me, kisses me and then hands me the clothes. I walk back into the bathroom, drop the towel and change into the clothes Finn gave me.
I walk back into the bedroom to see Finn lying on the bed in his boxers, he looks hot and he is especially fit. I walk over to the bed and get under the covers, Finn gets under the covers aswell and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest. I turn around and lay my head on his chest.
"How did I end up with you?" I ask him and his grip tightens on my waist "Because you're perfect Han, you love video games, you penny board, you're beautiful, you crack jokes all the time. I have known you for two days and look where we are now, we're both falling for each other hard and all that matters is we're together right now, right here. Okay?" I snuggle into his chest and smile "Okay". I look up at him and he kisses me gently, I lay back down on his chest and sigh in contentment.
"Goodnight Finn" I say "Goodnight babe" he says kissing my forehead.
I'm now in a relationship with a guy that I have known for two days, I know that we will have some problems but not necessarily to our relationship. He's amazing. I'm falling for him, hard and quick I just hope he catches me.
That was Chapter Three, hope you liked it. I know that the last two were short, but I wanted to get the full effect of the date and the cuteness. I dont really care if they're moving fast, I like them together.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.......
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