Chapter Thirteen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Thirteen. Time skip in this chapter. Different rooms in the apartment ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Vidcon was great, I went onstage with Finn a couple of times but I was pretty much behind the scenes but we vlogged everything.
We've been home for about 4 days now and I have spent those days packing my clothes, I'm leaving my furniture because Finn's parents bought his apartment and kitted it out with everything he needs. He said to them that he wanted me to move in with him so it isn't a bachelor pad which is good. I met his parents shortly after filming the video for Jacksgap, they're really sweet and I love his mum - Rebecca - she said to me that eventhough she has Emmy she wanted another daughter and apparently that's me?
We're moving into the apartment today and Finn will be here in a couple of minutes to pick me up along with my cases full of clothes and junk. I have already said goodbye to David and he's gone to work, I'm leaving Capital unfortunatly but if I'm going to be travelling with Finn I can't have a job. Our vlogging channel has enough subscribers to slightly supoort me and Finn, plus Rebecca and Andy - Jack and Finn's parents - have said that they will support us financially with whatever we need for as long as we need it and for that I am extremely grateful.
My doorbell goes minutes later, I open it to reveal my boyfriend in a cheery mood "Hey Babe" he says kissing me gently "Hello" I say letting in him "Do you have everything packed?" I nod and point to my four suitcases "Is that clothes and personal items?" he asks and I shake my head "Those suitcases are just clothes and then my personal items are in that box there" I say pointing to a box next to the suitcases. The suitcases aren't that big, probably medium sized but I can fit all of my closet in there.
Finn loads all of my stuff into the car and opens my door for me "Thankyou Mr Harries" I say in a posh accent, he bows "Welcome Miss Hall" I giggle and he shuts the door once I'm sat in the car. Whilst we're in the car I'm looking out of the window and Finn places his hand on my thigh rubbing different patterns on it with his thumb whilst his other hand is on the steering wheel, I look over to him and smile; he looks to me and returns the smile before returning his attention back to the road.
We pull up to the apartment and Finn gets my suitcases out of the boot and I grab the box from the back seat. We get into the elevator, Finn presses the penthouse button "We have the penthouse?" I ask shocked, he chuckles "Yep, the whole two floors" as he says that the elevator dings and the door opens. We step out and Finn unlocks our door.
As soon as you walk in you see the black shiny kitchen with a counter island in the middle of the room, then the living room with two corner couches, a coffee table, a wii, an XBOX and a bigish flat screen TV, and a simple bathroom. The there are some stairs to the right of the door that leads to the second floor, when you get to the top of the stairs there is are two doors to your left that both have offices - one for me and another for Finn - a door to your right that has a filming room. Walk to the end of the hallway and there is a double oak door, when you walk in there is a black and white sofa facing a wall with a flat screen, there is a wall that is a bookcase and stairs leading up to a platform with the bed on it. Then an ensuite bathroom, a large walk-in closet and a balcony that looks out over London.
I see that Finn already has his clothes in the closet. I walk back to the living room and take my suitcases off Finn, I go back to our bedroom and out my things away on my side of the closet. I walk out onto the balcony, I'm looking out over London when I feel two arms wrap around my waist and chin rests on my shoulder "Hey baby" I say "Do you like it babe?" he asks and I turn around to face him "I love it, it's amazing. Plus I love the bed in our room" he chuckles "OUR bed in OUR room" he says emphasizing the 'our' part.
"Finn, do you want to film a house tour?" I ask him, he turns his attention away from the TV and onto me "But we have a vlogging channel" I shrug "Maybe we could have a proper channel? If you want to that is" he smiles and pulls me into a warm embrace "That's a good idea. We could film it tomorrow" I nod "You know I quit my job right?" he nods "Don't try to buy everything for me please, I would feel really guilty" he shakes his head "Hannah, we've moved in together and I love you. I want to give you everything I possibly can and you should never feel guilty about it. Okay?" I nod "Okay" he smiles and pulls me into a passionate kiss, that kiss ends up in Finn carrying me to bed not breaking the kiss.
After our make-out session we decide to go to bed, I get changed into one of Finn's shirts and Finn stays in just his boxers. I walk out of the closet and FInn catches me by surprise by picking me up bridal style and carrying me up the stairs to our bed. He puts me on the bed and I get under the covers, once Finn is in bed he wraps an arm around my shoulder letting my head rest on his arm as a pillow and his other arm rests on my thigh. "I love you Finn" I say and Finn pulls me into him kissing me quickly "I love you, but so much more" I smile, we stay up for a few more hours talking about things that wouldn't make sense to any other couple but to us these are the conversations that are our favourites.
"Goodnight sweetheart. I love you forever and always" I smile "Goodnight boo" he smiles at the choice of name "I like that nickname. Good choice" I giggle "Night Finn, I love you" he kisses my forhead. I settle myself on his chest and fall asleep.
That was Chapter Thirteen, hope you liked it. I'm updating at half 1 in the morning, geez.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.....
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