Chapter Seven
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Seven. A bit of a time skip in this chapter, it helps the storyline. Gif of Finn ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I'm currently watching TV alone because Jack and Finn are both filming a video together. I get a text from Finn saying 'Hey Babe. Come upstairs. We've finished filming but I want to ask you something ~ Finn xoxo' What on earth does he want to ask me. I walk upstairs and into their filming room, Jack's sitting at his desk - editing I'm presuming - and Finn is sat on a beanbag smiling to himself. I walk over to him and straddle him "What?" he smirks and kisses me quickly "Well, we have been dating for just over two months and I wanted to know if you're okay with us going public about our relationship to our viewers" he asks and I smile "Sure. I was wondering when you were going to do that" he chuckles and kisses me again "Jack, lets set up the filming stuff again" Finn says to Jack and they both get up and start setting up.
----- Finn's P.O.V -----
I know that Hannah has Instagram and Twitter but I'm pretty sure that she can handle the hate that she will get, knowing my girlfriend she will just brush it off, have a go back or say something in one of our videos. I know that it is mainly Jack's channel but I asked him earlier if I could do this video and he said yes because he wants to share the channel.
"Okay, Hannah me and Jack are going to sit infront of the camera. I will introduce you and you will come in and sit either on my lap, Jack's lap or inbetween us. Clear?" she nods. She's standing behind the camera waiting for us to start.
(Normal - Finn~Bold - Jack~Italics - Hannah)
"Hey Guys" Jack says waving at the camera "I know that we've already done a video this week but Finny here has some news for you" he gestures to me.
I smile "Indeed I do. Now if you have been watching our videos for a while you will know that I'm not the most cheery sometimes but for the past couple of months I have had a reason to make awesome videos" I look to Hannah and she smiles "Come out" she does as asked and sits inbetween myself and Jack.
"Hi viewers" she says waving at the camera.
I place my hand on her thigh and continue talking "This is Hannah" I give her a side hug and she laughs.
Then Jack buts in "And she's my girlfriend" he pulls Hannah into his lap and Hannah bursts into a fit of giggles.
"Actually I'm Finn's girlfriend, but Jack's single everyone" she gets off Jack's lap and sits in mine.
I wrap my arms around her waist and stick my tongue out at Jack "Mine" she giggles and I turn to face the camera again "Well that's everything guys" myself and Hannah do a heart to the camera smiling.
Jack smiles "Hannah's a great girl for Finn please don't give her hate. WE LOVE YOU ALL" he shouts and then puts his hand over the camera.
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Finn has just uploaded the video we filmed he called it 'Finn Has News' and he included my Insta and Twitter so I'm just waiting for the hate to roll in, Finn has warned me but I can get over it. "BABE" Finn shouts from his room "WHAT" I shout back "COME HERE". But I'm comfy, ugh, the things I do for my boyfriend.
I walk into his room and he's sitting at his desk on his laptop "What Finn?" he turns around and gets up, pulling me down on his lap when he sits down on his desk chair. "Look" he says pointing to the screen "No hate. Everyone loves you" I smile and kiss his cheek "That's amazing. Lets read some comments" he nods. I scroll through the comment section most of them were 'Finn looks so happy', 'I ship #Fall' (I'm presuming that someone found my last name) and 'Jack's single OMG'.
One really stood out to me though 'You're a natural infront of the camera Hannah. Everyone finds you funny. Maybe make a vlogging channel with Finn'. That wouldn't be a bad idea actually, Finn would have to teach me how to edit though. "Finn look at this comment" I point to the comment I just read and his face breaks out into a huge grin "We should do it babe. Why don't we?" I smile "Lets do it. But you need to help me find a camera, a new laptop and teach me how to edit" he nods "And before you say you'll buy everything, you're not I have a job and I can buy it" he pouts and kisses my cheek "I'm buying you something though" I sigh "Fine, but don't tell me until we get back, okay?" he nods.
We go out into town a couple hours later. Right now myself and Finn are walking hand-in-hand to the apple store, I have bought my camera - Finn didn't pay for it, I feel bad when Finn buys me stuff because I have a job and I can buy my own things - but I still need a laptop, Finn's insisting that I need a macbook because it's the best laptop to use for editing and he wants to get something for me, it better not be a phone well I hope it isn't because they are too expensive.
"I have my laptop now. Can we go home?" I ask and he shakes his head, we walk hand-in-hand to his car and he drives to where we had our first date. This is weird. We sit down and look out over the city and Finn pulls out a box - thankfully not a ring box - and gives it to me. "I said I would buy you something. Open it" I open it and it's the new IPhone "Finn, this is too expensive. I have enough money to buy it myself" I try to give it back but he doesn't accept it "Hannah I did it because you're my girlfriend and I wanted to give you something" I smile and kiss him, somehow whenever we kiss whilst we're alone it turns into a make-out session.
I'm now lying in Finn's bed and Finn has his arms wrapped around my waist. He spent the rest of the day setting up my laptop, phone and then teaching me how to edit a video. He suggested me leaving my job but I said that I'm going to stop the evening shows but stay doing the morning shows with my brother. We have called our channel 'Cheeky Vlogs' and uploaded an introduction video that basically consisted of us introducing ourselves, what's happening on the channel, us messing about and then laughing like crazy - a fun video to film actually.
"Night Finn" I kiss his nose and rest my head on his chest "Night babygirl" he kisses my forehead and rests his head back on the pillow.
This is my life now, I have a Youtube channel and my boyfriend of 4 months is a Youtuber.
Every little thing that he has done for me since we've been togther has made me love him more, I have seen the real him, the person that's behind the camera not infront of it.
All I know is that I have fallen for him and I hope that Finn catches me.
That was Chapter Seven, hope you liked it. I'm sorry if it moves quickly or becomes confusing though.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter....
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