Chapter 10: First Day
I closed the door behind me, sliding against the wood and I felt so warm. I stood back up and took off my shoes, about to head upstairs until I heard my dad call me. "Marinette! I need to speak with you pumpkin!"
I quickly turned around and headed to the living room. "Yes dad?" He was sitting on the sofa with his hands folded on his lap. His face seemed serious and I sat on the couch across from him.
"Marinette... I received a call earlier today and... I'm heading back to America for a little while." My lips parted, my eyebrows narrowing. "W-why?" he sighed. "Just to finalize the divorce..." I looked to the side, "O-oh..."
"How long will you be gone?" I asked. "A little less then a week. You can come if you'd like, you'd get to see your mother and... Some of your old friends maybe. But you'd have to miss some school."
I thought about it for a bit, "When are you leaving?" He sighed, "First thing tomorrow morning." I shook my head, "I don't think I wanna come... I just got settled here and..." He interrupted me. "It's okay sweet heart. I know this whole moving thing was hard for you. You don't owe me an explanation."
I smiled at him, "Thanks dad..." I took a deep breath, "U-umm..." I shifted my legs uncomfortably. "About Adrien, and the whole situation with Kim..." My dad furrowed a brow. "Is it already time for girl talk?" He teased.
I giggled a little, "Dad... I think I really like him..." I said biting my lip, cringing at my own words. "I-is that okay?" My dad sighed, "This is my only exception. He's a good kid." He said in approval. I grinned, "Your the best."
He shrugged. "I try my best." I smiled and gave him a bear hug, "So, I'll see you next week then?" He nodded, "You'll be at the house all by yourself." He warned. "I know..." I said. "I love you dad." I said kissing his cheek, giving him one last hug before I went to bed.
I woke up the next morning, taking a nice warm shower and eating a couple of strawberries with a croissant. I brushed my teeth and hair. Then changed into a loose pink shoulder-show sweatshirt and jeans.
I tied my hair into a ponytail and put on some pink lip gloss, along with some mascara and eyeliner. U grabbed my bag and headed out the door, making sure to lock it and put the key in my pocket.
This was the first day without my father.
I already knew my dad was gone, I noticed his car was gone from the driveway. Football practice was canceled for the next few days. All of the players were going to be bummed. But I assumed Kim would be happy, maybe even Chloe.
"Marinette!" I heard someone call, I looked behind me. My lips curving into a smile, "Hey Adrien." He grinned as he walked beside me. "I got a notification that football practice was canceled. Is your dad alright?"
I nodded, "He just needed to head back to America for... Something. He'll be gone for about a week." Adrien nodded in understanding, "You sure you'll be okay all alone by yourself this week?" I smirked, getting an idea.
"Hmm, nope. Would you like to keep me company for the next few days?" I could see him blush a little as he rubbed the back of his neck, "S-sure." I smiled a little, remembering what had occurred only yesterday.
I looked down at the pavement, watching as I placed one foot in front of the other. A small blush crawling across my cheeks. That's when I felt Adrien slide his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers. I looked up at him just as he looked down at me.
I could feel my heart race as he sent me such a sincere heart melting smile.
She smiled, exposing her beautiful purely white teeth that lined her glossy pink lips. She leaned closer to me and bumped me to the side, "That was for yesterday." She claimed. I playfully glared at her as she began to run away from me.
I laughed and chased her, the moment I caught up to her I wrapped my arms around her, lifting her off her feet and twirling her around as she laughed.
The day seemed to pass by faster then usual, and since there was no practice scheduled I had no plans for today. That was pretty unique for me. After school Marinette and I were walking home but I didn't want to say goodbye just yet.
We stopped in front of her house, she looked at me with a furrowed brow. "You think... Maybe we could go swimming or something?" I blushed a little, it would be just us. There was no way I could turn down this opportunity. Besides...
I did say I'd keep her company.
And, mom was getting groceries today and didn't expect me for another 2 hours when football practice ended. I had time to get my swimming trunks from the house before she got back. She'd let me hang with Marinette if she knew anyway.
"Yeah. Sure. I'll just go get my trunks." I said, she nodded and we both went inside our houses. I quickly grabbed my swimming shorts, changed, brought an extra pair of clothes, and headed back to Marinette's. By the time I got there she was already waiting outside the pool.
I gulped, my cheeks a dark shade of red. Her swimsuit exposed her each and every curve. Being a two-piece swim suit unlike the other night after the game. She smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
I smiled lovingly at her, walking closer to her and she looked up at me. I gently placed my hands on her hips, admiring her beauty. "You're so beautiful..." I said. Her lips slightly parted when I gently kissed her.
Her head tilting up towards mine as she slowly ran her fingers down my biceps. I smiled a little when we parted. Then I picked her up, smirking as she shouted and clung to me when I jumped into the pool.
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