9. Visions or seeing?
Author's note: The quality of this AMV is quite bad, but I can't find a good AMV with this motif. If anyone finds it, write in the comments and I will see if it's good so I will replace it. Anyway, enjoy next chapter. :D
"If anyone wants ride to Lumiose City, they have one last chance." shouted the captain of the ferry, on which some people were just waiting to leave.
"Wait for us!" he heard the captain and looked in the direction and saw a boy running towards him with two girls behind him.
"Then get on. You're lucky we just wanted to go." said the captain, looking at the children.
"We still have to wait for my brother." Bonnie said, looking behind her and seeing her brother slowly catch up with them.
"Wai-wait for me." Clemont shouted tiredly and taking deep breaths while he catch up with others.
"Young man, it's not my place to say it, but I think you should work on your body." said the captain, looking at Clemont, who took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"That's what I keep telling him, sir." Bonnie said, looking reproachfully at Clemont.
"Well, will you board anything or not? My ship will be leaving and we have to arrive before dark and you're not the only one who needs a ride." said the captain, standing up sideways and motioning for them to board. They all boarded and the captain gave the order to leave.
"Why do you need to be in Lumiose city so early?" Serena asked.
"We have to bring these Poketches to the shops in Lumiose city and the shops that ask for them are all over the city, so we just pass them on to the importers, who have to bring them all by midnight." captain said pointing on some boxes around them.
"Wow, I heard about Poketches. They can be really useful. My brother here, was trying to make his own." Bonnie said pointing to Clemont, who recovered already and looked down embarrassed.
"I guess it didn't turn out very well, did it?" the captain asked with a small grin because of the blond boy's reaction.
"No, they all exploded. It's not that I don't know how to work with it, I just don't know what the original looks like. If I got to some, I'd already know how to deal with it. It's mainly a bigger problem for me to create something new than fix something. I've already found out. " Clemont said, looking thoughtfully down the river.
"I can try to find some that are probably damaged. One of my workers was quite clumsy during loading. Wait here, I'll go check out some boxes." said the captain and left. Serena then looked at Ash, where she noticed that he had not spoken a word. When she looked at him, he looked around, but he looked like daydreaming. Serena approached Ash, who didn't even notice her, so when Serena tapped him on the shoulder, he jerked in surprise.
"Ash, are you okay? Since your victory at the gym, you look like you don't know what's going on." Serena asked worriedly. Ash looked around the deck as if checking something, then just exhaled and leaned against the railing.
"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something." Ash said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. Serena just kept looking at him with unconvinced about his words, so he decided to change the subject "Clemont why did you decide to help with the gym in Lumiose city?"
Clemont looked uncertain and nervous and looked at Bonnie, who looked nervous too but nodded at him. "You know, the reason I signed up was because-" Clemont said, swallowing, "I'm Lumios gym leader."
"WHAT?!" Ash and Serena asked together in disbelief.
"That doesn't make sense. You said yourself that the gym leader is there, that's why we're going there, that the gym leader is going crazy." Ash said, looking at both siblings.
"Let me explain it all." Clemont said with his hands in front of him.
"Ok. We are listening." Serena said and leaned next to Ash on railing looking at simblings.
"Wow, where should I start." Clemont said, scratching his hand behind his head.
"I think you should start there for all this." Bonnie told her brother. Clemont just sighed and took deap breath.
"My father, the previous gym leader, handed me the stadium management when I was eighteen because he believed I would be better off with my intellect than he was and said he was getting too old to do it. By the way, that is why I have to do it, because if my father finds out, he will kill me. " Clemont said with a nervous laugh.
"Yeah I can see that, but that still doesn't explain it." Ash said looking at Clemont.
Clemont then went on to say that when he became a gym leader, he could not invent, which is his passion. So it once occurred to him to create a robot that would take care of the gym when he needed it. But he seems to have programmed something wrong, and Clembot, as he called him, took Clemont only as a challenger, and if he didn't get four badges, he wasn't allowed to go to the gym, so Clemont fired him and then just started thinking about what to do next. Clemont then expected Ash or Serena to blame him, but instead Serena was silent and Ash looked at him understandingly.
"Do you know how to reprogram it?" Ash asked.
"Yes, I know. But rightly, I should just turn Clembot off to take my place. Everyone expects this from me."
"And who said you have to do it?" Ash said, getting Clemont's attention "Clemont, I think what you want to do is important and you shouldn't try to do what everyone expects you to do. You can still be a gym leader, only Clembot will help you."
"Ash, I'm the son of a previous gym leader." Clemont said, apparently planning to say something more when Ash cut him off.
"That doesn't mean you have to make yourself a gym leader. You're not the first person I've encountered with this problem. When I traveled in the Hoenn region, my friend May was the daughter of a gym leader, but she decided to do pokemon contests and her father? He accepted it and decided to work it out, so if you want to be an inventor, go for it. You even prepared that the gym didn't have to look for a new gym leader. I also had similar think like you, the offer, but I said no, because my dreams are the most important thing for me, along with my friends. " Ash said, and everyone looked at him with admiration, but like Clemont, who realized what he wanted.
"Thanks Ash, it helped me. By the way, what were you supposed to be?" Clemont asked. Ash was planning to say something when he suddenly stopped.
"What is it, Ash?" Serena asked for a sudden change of Ash. Ash had closed eyes and looked like he was focusing on something.
"I have a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. Fear." Ash added as he opened his eyes and at that moment a small explosion could be heard on the ship, drawing the attention of the entire deck.
"What was that?" Bonnie asked looking at direction of the small explosion. Ash didn't answered, instead of that he ran in direction of the explosion.
"Someone catch that pokemon!" the captain's voice could be heard directly opposite them around the corner. A pokemon ran out of the corner and began to run toward the bow, followed immediately by the captain and his crew. Everyone except Ash watched incomprehensibly what was happening as Ash ran after the captain. In a moment they all reached the bow of the ship. The captain and crew stood so that they could not be seen by the pokemon standing on the edge of the bow.
"Don't go any further or you will fall." said the captain, and in the meantime Ash ran to the captain and pushed him away.
"Riolu!" Ash shouted and others with Ash catch up with him and could see a small blue-black pokemon standing on two legs at the edge of a ship. He looked frightened, but after noticing Ash he looked more reassured. He seemed to want to go to Ash, but then his foot slipped on the slippery floor and he fell into the water. Ash, who was closest to him, lunged right behind him and fell into the water with a pokemon.
"Ash!" all friend shouted together looking down into the water for Ash.
"Man overboard!" shouted the captain, and one of the crew's men immediately ran for the lifebuoy.
The crew pulled Ash and the pokemon he held in his arms out of the water, and now Ash was just sitting with a towel over his back, treating the pokemon. Clemont was repairing some poketches that were damaged. They found Riolu inside box, when captain wanted to show one of the poketches to Clemont.
The girls were now watching Ash and a pokemon named Riolu quietly, as they learned from Ash and Serena's pokedex. Each time one of the girls tried to get closer, Riolu jerked in fear, so they decided to watch.
"It's not you girls." Ash said suddenly in complete silence as he was just treating Riolu's shoulder "Riolu is afraid of all people that he doesn't know. That's how it was when I first came across him, which is kind of funny because he also had an injured shoulder and attacked us out of fear. " Ash said, looking at the girls. Riolu then looked at his shoulder and was pleased with the treatment when he realized he had lost what he watched the most. He panicked as Ash placed his hand on his not injured shoulder, holding a pouch in his other hand.
"You dropped it when you fell into the water. Fortunately, I noticed and managed to catch it before it swam away." Ash said, and Riolu looked at him happily, but then suddenly broke into tears and Ash just hugged him. He felt Riolu cry in his shirt, so he slowly stroked his head. "I'm sorry." After a while, Riolu calmed down and Ash just took pokemon's food out of his backpack and gave it to Riolu, who began to eat it quickly. After a long time, Riolu fell asleep in Ash's lap. This then gave the girls the opportunity to ask.
"Ash, how did you come across him?" Bonnie asked quietly so as not to wake Riolu.
"It happened while I was traveling in the Sinnoh region." Ash said as he went on to talk about how Riolu then wanted to catch hunter J so she could sell him for a lot of money because it was Riolu, who could use Aura sphere. He deliberately left out his connection because he didn't want to repeat the reason for the question that would come.
"What did you mean by that feeling before?" Serena asked after Ash finished the story.
"I don't know how to say it myself. Before I met Riolu, I felt something like a diferent feeling coming into my body, because I suddenly felt scared out of nowhere. Then a pokemon ranger explained to me that Riolu and Lucario can build on people's feelings and share their feelings with others, but they can also communicate through it. " Ash said, looking at Riolu.
"Wow, that's great, I would like to feel the feelings of other pokemon, too." Bonnie said enviously.
"Yeah it has advantages, maybe thanks to our connection I found Riolu for miles then. For the last two days I had dreams in which I saw through Riolu's eyes and I thought for a moment that they were just some visions, but today I already had these feelings that I knew it wasn't just visions. " Ash said, looking at Riolu, who was slowly waking up.
"Ash, why is the pouch or what's inside important to Riolu?" she asked, pointing to the pouch he held Riolu in his paw.
"The man who raised him and taught him how to use an aura sphere carved a wooden figurine for him. The figurine reminds him of the man, and especially the figurine is carved to look like Riolu."
"So you are going to give him Riolu back?" Bonnie asked, disappointed that Riolu would have to leave.
"I can not." Ash said, frowning.
"Why not? Don't you know where he lives or is it far to get him back to Sinnoh?" Serena asked confused.
"No, that's not the reason."
"Then what is the reason?" Serena asked, knowing that Ash is probably trying not to say it.
"Because if what I saw in those dreams was true, then the man was shot while getting Riolu to safety from hunters." Ash told to Serena in a voice full of sadness. Serena then noticed that Riolu was already fully awake and apparently heard the last part and was just waiting for a response.
"Oh Riolu, I didn't know that, I'm so sorry." Serena said in a sympathetic voice. Riolu was sad, but also partly glad to find someone he could trust the most, but he was still unsure of the other people he was with. He felt the girls didn't want to hurt him, but he looked at Ash, who knew what he was thinking and just nodded in agreement. Then they were interrupted by Clemont, who returned.
"I fixed the last Poketches. The captain said we should see Lumiose city in a moment. Ash, you treated Riolu, but I think Nurse Joy should look at him." Clemont said, pulling the screwdriver back into his backpack.
"Yeah, I plan to. Then I will have to let some pokemon ranger know I have found Riolu under their watch so they can hide him again." Ash said, Riolu just shook his head in disapproval," Riolu, I need to let them know, they should have taken care of you to keep you safe, and given that you're here now, it's clear enough that they failed and are looking for you. " said Ash to Riolu, who just facepalmed and took one of the empty pokeballs that Ash had on his belt and tapped him with himself and the pokeball pulled him inside with a red beam. Pokeball didn't even swayed and immediately clicked. Everyone was looking at the pokeball in surprise, which reopened in a moment, and Riolu looked at Ash, wondering if he now understood what he meant.
"You didn't see that coming?" Bonnie asked with smile plastered on her face.
"What do you mean?" Ash asked still confused and everyone around Ash dropped in anime style on the ground.
"Bonnie meant you did so much for Riolu that you shouldn't even be surprised that Riolu wants to go with you." Serena said with a smile and admiration in her voice.
"But he certainly has someone waiting for him in Sinnoh. Someone who helped his original owner with the upbringing. He was excited to come back then. By the way, I should have found out the man's name then." Ash said, scratching with one hand behind his head.
"He came back then because he was sure to go back to someone he knew best, but now that he has no one to go back to, he'd rather spend all his time with someone, who risked his life for him, his life for someone he didn't know but knew that's right, isn't it, Riolu? " Serena said, looking at Riola, who just nodded excitedly that someone understood how he was feeling. Ash watched Serena and Riolu for a moment, unable to say anything. Then he burst out laughing and everyone didn't understand the change in behavior in confusion.
"I may be bonded with Riolu in feelings or maybe more, but you understand Serena in feelings, and that's just a little hint." Ash said to Serena.
"I just learned from what you taught me." Serena said with bigger smile.
After a while, the ferry arrived at the docks, which were only a short distance from the city, so they decided to go to the Pokemon Center, where they could sleep and have their pokemon checked and treated, so when they arrived at the center, it was dark.
"Riolu, before Nurse Joy will check on you, I wanted to ask you about one thing." Ash said to Riolu, who just looked at him curiously about the question "You jumped out of pokeball on the ship right after you got caught. Don't you like to be inside of pokeball?" Ash asked to Riolu, who did half and half with his hands. Ash didn't understand for a moment, so he tried to open up more to try what Riolu meant through feelings, and suddenly felt familiar feelings that didn't come unexpectedly, but more like a pleasant wave "So if I understand correctly, you don't mind being in pokeball, but when you want to be out of pokeball, then you will jump out of pokeball? " he asked uncertainly, to which only Riolu nodded enthusiastically, "Great! Maybe we will learn to communicate better like this if I learn to open up to your feelings." said Ash with fist pumped up and Riolu mimicked him.
Ash had just finished talking to pokemon ranger Kellyn, on whom he found a number from Serena's tablet, and told him that if they were looking for Riolu, he had him with him and Riolu decided to stay with him. At first he wanted to protest, but after Solana joined the conversation, convincing him that Ash was probably the best person Riolu could end up with. Then Kellyn just gave the numbers to Ash so he could at least write a message in an emergency. Ash entered his room and Clemont's room, where he found Clomont on the balcony, looking directly toward the Prism tower. Clemont didn't notice Ash being on the balcony with him until he spoke.
"Nervous?" messy hair boy asked Clemont, who jercked out of the unexpected company.
"Why wouldn't I be? What if I can't beat Clembot or I reprogram it badly again." Clemont said nervously at the thought of tomorrow.
"If you think about whether you fail, you have a better chance of failing. You have to believe you can do it, and I believe you can beat Clembot and fix it." Clemont then stared at Ash for a moment, looking confident at him, forcing him to lose most of his fear.
"You are right. I built Clembot, so I can fix Clembot." Clemont said in a much more confident voice.
"That's the way to go. And I have one request I'd like from you."
"And that is?"
"I will get four badges first and then I will challenge your gym, but I don't want to fight either Clembot or you. I want to fight you both in a double battle"
"But why?"
"First thing is the bigger challenge, the better battle and second thing is that if gym have more gym leaders, then I want to challenge them all" Ash said with fire in his eyes. Clemont look at him thinking about offer and he knew his answer.
"You got it." Clemont said and Ash just smiled and started to leave, "Did you challenge some gym like this before?" Clemont asked and Ash stopped for a minute.
"Yes. One time, one time." Ash said and left the balcony.
Meanwhile, in another region, a man was sitting at his desk looking for something on his computer with pokemon by his side when suddenly someone knocked on his door and a woman with purple hair and glasses came in.
"Speak Matori." Man said as turned off his computer.
"We found out, where that plane with our objective has travelled."
"Kalos region." Matori said and on her tablet, that she was carring appeared hologram showing map with route between Sinnoh and Kalos.
"Do we know, where it is?"
"We got report from one of our spies, that were helping to protect it, that they weren't needed anymore. They got information, that some trainer in Kalos has taken care of it."
"Well, that still doesn't give us information about where it is now."
"That isn't all I have for you. Our agents 3I has sent us report today."
"What those three idiots want now? I am still thinking about we have talked about and if they will just report how they want money or how that stupid trainer, that they are following has strong Pikachu, then I will probably make my thinking become real." man said frustrated only thinking about it.
"That's the thing sir. We normally delete all reports from what they sent, but there was thing, that will be for rarely time useful." Matori said, getting man's attention.
"They said, that he caught pokemon with same abilities we were trying to get."
Man was thinking what to do, he knew that if more information about Team Rocket in Kalos would make problems with team that is working there. After a while he came to coclusion.
"Matori, give them instructions, that they have 6 months to get that pokemon and if they will fail, that they will face the consequences of their failure." ma said strictly and woman just nodded and left. Pokemon by his side looked up to his master, who pet him on head, "If they will fail, they won'ť be first one I will make sure to kill."
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