7. Helpful meeting
Serena POV
How could I let this happen? We just wanted to walk outside the city because we arrived well earlier than we predicted. Fennekin decided to run ahead and I decided to look at the news on my tablet. Great, I found out that Diantha will be starring in a new movie, but what's the point? As I slid further down the article, I heard Fennekin scream. I ran after Fennekin's scream and saw her as a robotic arm pulled her up into a balloon in the form of a Meowth head?
"Who are you and what are you doing with my Fennekin!" I shouted up into the balloon from which two people and three pokemon peeked at me.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth! That's right!"
I didn't know what to say. I was angry and upset about Fennekin. I was scared because this was Team Rocket. I was confused by this motto. I was surprised by the talking Meowth. How am I going to get Fennekin back?
"Give my Fennekin back?" I screamed in despair.
"Yours? If it was yours, you would watch after it." said a woman named Jessie with a psychopathic laugh.
"Plus, we don't return orders." said Meowth.
"And we will leave, if you don't give us anything else." said a man named James and the balloon in which they were set in motion.
"No! Give me back Fennekin!"
"Fee!" I heard Fennekin scream in fear.
"Inkay get rid of us that girl. Use hypnosis." said James.
I saw Inkay fly out of their balloon and send luminous rings at me. I didn't have time to dodge, and as the rings hit me, I felt a sudden tiredness. No! I can't sleep, not now! I have to help Fennekin. But why would I deserve her? As she said, I didn't keep an eye on Fennekin and they would kidnap her now. I was already lying on the ground and just struggled not to fall asleep, but again, what would I do? They took my only pokemon. I was closing my eyes when I suddenly heard an explosion. Unfortunately, I was so tired that I didn't see what was caused it, I just heard some voices.
I began to wake up slowly when I noticed that instead of on the grass, I was lying on something much softer. Right after I recovered, I remembered what had happened and shot my head up. I noticed that a wet towel fell from my forehead. I looked around just to see where I was. I was lying on the bed in the room. I wanted to get up right away and go look for Fennekin, but suddenly I felt dizzy, which kept me from getting up.
"Wait, don't move too much." I heard someone talking to me from the side. I looked in the direction of the voice, I saw a little blonde girl.
"What happened? Where am I? Where is my Fennekin?" I asked all the questions that came to my mind.
"Don't worry, everything's fine. Your Fennekin is just checking to see if she's okay." the girl said and motioned for me to lean against the bed. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Bonnie. This little pet in my bag is Dedenne." she said, picking up the bag in which the little pokemon slept.
"Plesure to meet you, but what happened please? The last thing I remember is that Team Rocket stole my Fennekin. You said she was being checked to see if she is okay. Did something happen to her and where are we?"
"Calm down. We're in the pokemon center now. We found you unconscious after our friend stopped Team Rocket from escaping and got your Fennekin back. Fennekin is only being checked because our friend had to pierce the balloon they were flying in. After we took care of them, we saw Fennekin running to you worriedly. Then our friend brought you here and Nurse Joy booked you a room here, because you better not go anywhere far after hypnosis. My brother went to get you something to drink and a friend went to check on your Fennekin and he said he would come with her as soon as Nurse Joy was done. I rather stayed here in case you wake up."
"Thanks." I said, relieving myself from the stress. Then I looked around the room once more and noticed that a small yellow head was looking at me on the edge of the bed. It was Pikachu. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he jumped on the bed and lay down next to my feet and rolled into a small ball. He looked like he was waiting for me to be aware of his presence before he lay down next to me.
"Bonnie?" I asked her as she stroked Dedenne's head, and she shot her head up and looked at me, "Is this your Pikachu?"
"No, but I wish. He's our friend. He wanted him to keep an eye on you and me before he came back." Bonnie said, stroking Pikachu's head. "You can stroke him if you want. Just don't squeeze or pull. I've had experience with that." Bonnie said with a smaller chuckle.
I started stroking, which only with pleasure cried. After a while, he surprised me by lying on my lap. I didn't mind, it was pleasant to the touch and you could feel a pleasant warmth. After a moment of silence, a boy with blond hair and round glasses came into the room. I immediately realized it was the brother Bonnie was talking about.
"Ah, you're awake, great. My name is Clemont. I guess my sister has introduced herself to you." Clemont said, setting a glass of water on the bedside table next to me.
"Yes." I answered, and then I realized I hadn't introduced myself, "My name is Serena."
"Nice to meet you." Clemont said and I took water he bringed and I started to
"Are you feeling better?" Bonnie asked, and I finished my water and put the empty glass back on the table.
"Much better. Thanks for the water, it helped me a lot." I said to Clemont.
"It was idea of our friend. He said, that after hypnosis, he always needed something to drink."
"Then I have another thing to thank him for."
Pikachu's ears suddenly lifted and he jumped out of my lap and ran toward the door. The door opened and Fennekin ran out of it, and as soon as she noticed me, she ran to me and I took her in my arms.
"Fennekin, I was so worried about you. I was afraid I would lose you." I said, feeling a tear escape my eye and fall into Fennek's fur.
"Fen!" Fennekin cried happy.
"If I always have the opportunity to help, I don't hesitate. I'm glad you're both fine." suddenly a new voice was heard in the room. The voice of a boy I knew but didn't want to believe. I immediately looked at the door and there he was, just as I remembered and saw him on TV yesterday. His black messy hair was covered with a red cap with a white semicircle in front. He was wearing gray pants with red sneakers. He wore a blue short jacket with Pikachu already seated on his shoulder. He looked at me with his auburn eyes and had a toothy grin on his face and a Z-shaped mark on his cheeks.
"Serena, this is the friend I was talking about. This is-"
"Ash Ketchum." I finished the sentence for Bonnie.
"Do you know each other?" Bonnie asked me in surprise.
"Yes, we last saw each other a long time ago." I said to Bonnie, I turned back to Ash, who pretended I didn't know what I was talking about. "We saw each other at Professor Oak's summer camp." I said to Ash hoping she would remember.
"Professor Oak's summer camp? I remember that." Ash said, but immediately started scratching his head. "Unfortunately, I don't remember you."
He doesn't remember me? I was disappointed because I hoped he could. But then I realized that I hadn't told him my name then, which led me to something he must remember. I looked around and noticed my backpack lying on the ground. I put Fennekin aside and leaned over my backpack and began to search.
"That's when you helped in the woods when I got lost. I injured my knee then and then you found me." I said and I finally found it. I took out my handkerchief and walked over to Ash. "And that's when you treated my knee with this handkerchief." I said and showed the handkerchief to Ash. Ash's eyes widened in surprise. He watched the handkerchief for a moment without any expression of feeling. After a moment of silence, Ash covered his face with his peak, then straightened it straight away with a surprising smile.
"I remember now. You were wearing pink clothes and a straw hat. Sorry I didn't remember. I have a lot of trouble remembering anything." Ash said, scratching his head.
"I can't blame you. I didn't even tell you my name then, and right after we both found us, we split up." I said, remembering the original topic, "I'd like to thank you once again for everything. I don't know what I'd do if I lost Fennekin. I was terribly stupid not to look after Fennekin, because the woman named Jessie was right, too." " I said guiltily, looking at the ground where Fennekin was at my feet and looking at me. I wanted to throw up on myself, I'm eighteen years old, and I'd have her kidnapped like this. I wanted to cry when I suddenly felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Ash looking at me with his eyes looking right in to mine. He had a comforting smile on his face.
"Don't blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault. You can trust me, that you can look after your pokemon 24/7 and Team Rocket will still find a chance to steal your pokemon. Because they stole your Fennekin doesn't mean it was your fault. On other side, I think you tried everything you could. " Ash said with a bigger smile.
I was completely speechless for a moment. Same as last time. He found me when I was in need and helped me physically and mentally. "Thanks Ash, again." I said with a slight giggle.
"No problem, now how about we go eat? I didn't eat since we left Lumiose city and it's starting to get late." Ash said and pointed to window, where sun almost set. How long was I asleep?
"I will cook something." Clemont said and left my room.
"I will help you." Bonnie shouted and ran after her brother and she left me and Ash alone in the room.
"Will you join us? Clemont has great food." Ash said with a toothy grin and I was glad because I realized I had nothing to eat.
"I would love to." I said, following Ash out of the room.
That was great food. When Ash said Clemont was cooking great, I didn't believe him for a while, but now I'm pretty convinced. I took a lot, but when I noticed how much Ash he had, I couldn't compare. Next to us, our pokemon were eating. Clemont had Bunnelby, Chespin and Dedenne that he caught for Bonnie when she was old enough to have a pokemon. Ash had a rather surprising pokemon, he had Fletchling, with whom I said to myself that I didn't have to be afraid of morning routine. Then he had Froakie and Teddiursa, who was sitting next to Pikachu eating honey, but what surprised me the most was that among all his pokemon was one big one. I didn't know what it was, so I took out a pokedex and aimed at it.
Krookodile, Intimidation Pokémon. When it spots prey, even at a distance of over 30 miles, it swims through the desert as if it were water, then jumps out and chomps them.
His jaws really seemed to bite into something in peace. As I inspected the Krookodile more, I noticed red sunglasses on his face.
"Ash?" I asked as he put a large portion of food in his mouth.
"Hmm?" he asked, chewing food in his mouth.
"Why does Krookodile have those glasses?"
"Yeah, I was wondering when you threw him out for the first time in the lab." Bonnie joined the conversation.
Ash bit for a moment, then swallowed the food with one and drank a glass of water.
"It's mainly because of his style. He was already wearing them when I found him as Sandile when I was traveling to Unova." Ash said, looking at Krookodile with a smile. But what surprised me was that while looking at the Krookodile, from smiling he changed to frown and he looked like in deep thoughts. I wanted to ask what is wrong but Bonnie then jumped little from her seat with excitement.
"Wow that is awesome. Will you use him tomorrow in gym battle?" Bonnie asked and looked back at Krookodile.
Ash and Krookodile looked at each other and then Ash turned back to us "No, I don't think I will."
"Why not? If you used Krookodile, you would have a great chance of defeating gym." Bonnie said, reading great thoughts to me.
"Because I want all my pokemon to be able to battle. Yes, I could use my old pokemon and be sure to win it, but I would never grow closer to my pokemon. By me, one of the best ways, how to connect with pokemon is through battle. So I wanna to connect with all my pokemon and I don't care if I loose. Every time you use is useful, even if it is loose, because you can learn how to learn from it." Ash said and fist pump up. I looked at Ash with admiration. Having such thoughts is amazing.
"What are you going to do, Serena, tomorrow?" Bonnie asked me, which surprised me. I wanted to travel with Ash and my siblings, but I still couldn't think of a question without making it look weird.
"You know, I-I was..." I began to stutter with nervousness because I didn't know what to say next.
"You can join us in traveling." Bonnie shouted and I exhaled in relief.
"Yeah you can, if you want to." Ash said and scratched under his nose. He invited me to travel with him? I am so lucky today. I whought to myself.
"I would love to." I said with smile and I remembered the thing I had prepared and searched my bag. I finded basket at the bottom of my bag "I have some pokepuff for pokemon, so if someone want to try, then just ask." I said and opened basket. All pokemon except Krookodile, who just looked at me with, came closer to me. First one at me was Chespin, who looked at me with desire in eyes. Clemont said that love sweat a lot.
"Wow, they look awesome!" Bonnie said looking at my pokepuffs.
After a while, I gave most of the pokepuffs to all pokemon even Krookodile. At first he hesitated, but then he took one of the pokepuffs and threw it in his mouth and liked it according to Krookodile's expression. After everyone had, I put basket on table and looked on pokemon enjoying. I then heard basket rustle. I looked towards the basket and saw Ash putting one of the pokepuffs in his mouth.
"Ash, maybe it's not the tastiest to eat. These are for pokemon." I said when Ash finished the pokepuf. I expected him to say I was right, but instead a smile spread across his face.
"Wow, these pokepuffs are great. I've had other pokepuffs before, but I didn't get much of a look or taste, but these are great." Ash said and started eating another pokepuff "Where did you get these?"
"I made them myself." I said and felt red crawl on my cheeks.
"They are great." Ash said with his mouth full.
"Are they?" Bonnie asked and took one. When she took a bit, she placed it away "I think, I will prefer normal food."
"Do you do them often?" Ash asked with interest that suprised me.
"I normally do them when Fennekin wants, but if you want, I can do them whenever we are in the Pokecenter." I said pleased.
"You can do them whenever you want, but I'm sure we will all be pleased. Especially Chespin." Ash said with a laugh and pointed to a basket where there were vines taking other pokepuffs.
"Chespin! You can't eat that many." Clemont said, taking Chespin in his arms. Chespin put the last pokepuffs in his mouth and ate with one big swallow "Sorry Serena." Clemont said with apologetic expression
"It's not a problem, I will make another one."
"Ash? When do you want to challenge the gym?"
Ash opened his mouth to say something, and from his face he didn't seem to know, but before he could say anything, a new voice spoke.
"So Lumiose hero wants to challenge me?"
We all turned behind our voices and saw a woman with sandy blonde hair, looking at us in light clothes and having two cameras around her neck.
"So you are Alexa's sister. She told me you weren't at the gym." Ash said with a surprised face, but there was joy in his eyes.
"Yes, my name is Viola. Fortunately, I arrived yesterday to see you jump from the top of the Prism tower. My sister was telling the truth when she said you could attract media attention." she said with a smirk.
"Yeah, haha," Ash said with one hand behind his head, scratching.
"I would be very pleased to have a battle with you tomorrow. Alexa will be here tomorrow, so she will join you in watching the battle." she said to us.
"Hello, my name is Clemont."
"My name is Bonnie."
"I'm Serena, nice to see gym leader."
"It's plesure to meet you but I have to go now. I was here to just pick up my pokemon, so see you tomorrow." Viola said, waving her hand at us at the exit.
"I think we should go to bed, it's getting late." Clemont said, picking up the dishes.
"Do you wanna help Clemont?" Ash asked.
"No need to, it will in second."
"If you say so." Ash said and shrugged. Ash recalling all his pokemon except Pikachu.
"Why don't you put Pikachu back in his pokeball?" I asked, looking at pikachu on Ash's shoulder.
"Pikachu doesn't like it inside pokeball so I am never putting him there." Ash said, stroking Pikachu. I then look on Fennekin. I normaly don't put Fennekin inside pokeball, but when I need to do it, I put her there. I never thought about, that Fennekin doesn't like it there.
"Fennekin is it always ok with you, when I put you inside pokeball?" I asked Fennekin, who only nodded. I then felt better, that I had never force her there. I then started to go to my room. I felt so amazing today. I finally met Ash after so many years or more precisely he found me, they invated me to travel with them and Ash complimented my baking. I reached my room to lie on the bed. Tomorrow I am starting to travel with Ash but why I feel so happy? I wasn't even so exited about Calem.
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