65. The Heist
A.N.: Happy World Ash Ketchum Day. I wanted to make sure to release new chapter on this day when our boy changed the world. I wanted to thank you for all the support. So enjoy!
Gozu sat in his chair, his fists white as he clenched them. Nobody could find those thieves and the female grunt they took.
He thought hard about the plan that could come. Although they stole an important keycard that was used to their warehouse, it was useless. And that was because it was double door system. The first were for the keycard but the second were on code. Code that only him and grunts only selected by him knew.
Which is why it didn't make sense for them to kidnap the girl. She couldn't know the code and she was nobody to him. She was just another number to him.
He then thought about the boy they tortured. When he made his way into the room after their escape, he saw how the grunts were massacred and yet they took the female.
Maybe rule of never harming women? Unlikely. The grunts that witnessed part of it saw fight between the two of them.
Maybe they wanted to attempt a trade for her life? No chance. Team Rocket isn't known for such thing.
Maybe they hoped she would know the code. Which would make them absolute idiots.
Or there was a chance she was working with them. So that whole charade was just to hide their plan.
Suddenly his walkie talkie broke the silence. "Sir, I have something to report."
Gozu picked it up. "Speak."
"Hrist, grunt that was kidnapped has returned. Shr pleads to speak with you. She says it has something do with those that kidnapped her." this made Gozu surprised.
"Bring her in." He heard the reply and waited.
He barely remembered her but seeing her beaten up, he knew that this is not how she looked like.
"I didn't expect for you to return. How did you escape?" Gozu stood up and walked up to her. He noticed that she held her shoulder. It was dislocated.
"They wanted to convince me to change sides." Gozu looked at her in suspicion.
He chuckled. "And let me guess, you played it and they let you free." He slammed his palm into the table. "Because that sounds like the greatest cliche." he watched her every move. He expect a tremble, anything. But she stood still. "Give me a single reason why I shouldn't torture it out of you."
"Because I know what they plan sir." Hrist said. She didn't look up at him.
He let out a laugh. Suddenly he grabbed her bad arm snapped it back. Hrist let out groan. "And that is? It still doesn't sound to me like you know anything."
"They plan to override the keycard and steal everything in the storage. All of our pokeballs, tech and gadgets." Gozu's eyes widened when he noticed his walkie talkie scrambling. "I also heard them mention something about codes."
Gozu picked up his walkie talkie and listened. "Sir, we have intruders. They have locked themselves in our storage. Guards that have been guarding it have been knocked out. We are trying to get inside but they destroyed the access tablet and barricaded themselves inside."
Gozu clenched his fists, almost cracking the walkie talkie in his hand. He opened his mouth and finally spoke. "TELL THEM TO USE ANY ATTACKS THEY WANT! IF THEY DON'T GET INSIDE BEFORE I GET THERE, YOU WILL TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT JOE!" he then looked at Hrist who was about to stand up. "Stay here. You would only get in the way." and with that, he was out. He then heard the real reason.
"Sir, they have blocked the door with explosives apperently."
A few minutes earlier
Two grunts stood next to large garage door, almost falling asleep. When one of grunts opened his eyes, he saw a small kid before them.
"Hey George?" said the one to the other. He opened his eyes lazily aswell and looked at hiim. "Do you also see small kid here?"
He looked down and saw him too. "Yeah. What about him?" he said lazily.
"Aren't we suppose to alert everyone on intruders?" he said. The small kid with brown hair chuckled. Both of guards looked at him.
"You are mistaking me for one. I am the boss's kid." he said. Both guards let out a sigh with comfort.
"Ahh, that's good." both guards said.
"But I have a secret. Can you both lean down? I don't want to say it out loud." both guards leaned down closed to the kid and listened to the whispers.
"So what's the secret?" what they didn't see was the kid's smile.
"You shouldn't trust the word of a child." right after that, he grabbed of their heads and banged their heads together. They loud a groan and collapsed. "It's clear." Alex said and from behind the corner came out Satoshi and Jack.
"Good job Alex." he said and pulled out the keycard.
"Is she going to be ok?" Alex asked. Jack chuckled and continued in his work.
"The more you mention her, the more you will break her cover. Don't worry. She will be just fine. And even if she wasn't, she can take care of herself. You should know by now." Jack said, his fingers quickly moving. "And open sesame."
The large door opened, revealing large boxes. Satoshi looked at them and back at the partners. "Let's get to work. The faster we complete this, the faster we move to the second part of the plan."
"Sure. Alex, you take the small boxes and when you are done with them, take the forklift and help Satoshi. Satoshi... you take what you can. I will have Malamar help with the rest. I will plant the explosives." Jack said, locking the entrance door.
In a few moments, a loud banging on the door could be heard. "Do you think you can mess with us?!" someone yelled from behind the door banging on them.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you! Or you will blow us all to smithereens." Jack yelled back with snicker. He looked at others. They were only half through. They needed more time. He heard about Gozu, he will figure out around their trick. He then noticed the pile of destroyed pallets and an idea hit him.
"So what is the situation?" Gozu asked the higher up, the same one from the walkie talkie. He turned around, almost jumping up from the surprise.
"S-Sir, we are attempting to open those doors. We can't open them by card or force. We don't know if it could trigger the explosives." the Joe said. Gozu pushed him aside. Joe went over his side, making sure it was still hidden.
Gozu threw his pokeball, revealing Arcanine. Arcanine looked back at Gozu. "There are suppose to be explosives. Tell me if you can smell them." Arcanine nodded and put his nose close the door. Team Rocket watched as after a moment Arcanine shook its head.
Gozu was about to yell, but someone was faster than him. "What are you waiting for?! You can see there are no explosives!" Everyone looked back and saw Hrist leaning against the wall. "So get a move on and open those door."
Gozu smirked and continued after almost nobody moved. "You heard the lady, OPEN THOSE DOOR!"
Right after that all grunts finally moved. They all grabbed the bottom of the door and pulled them slowly up. Gozu looked at his higher up. "I have ordered the rest of the men to be prepared at docks. It's the only place they have left to go."
"You better hope." but his attention went back to the door as the grunts suddenly dropped them back down. "What is it now?"
"S-sir, some of us burned their hands. They have started fire." the grunt said, trying not to look at his burns.
"What?" Gozu looked Arcanine and it let out barf, confirming. "Ok, I have had enough." Gozu recalled his pokemon and opened his second. From that came out Aggron. Gozu grabbed his key stone and evryone was blinded by the light.
"Damn, Gozu is getting serious. Alright, ready you two?" Jack asked both boys. They nodded and took quick cover.
Aggron was about to make attack. Suddenly a large explosion shook the building. A few grunts almost fell over. Gozu's rage grew and yelled. "Use Iron head!" Mega Aggron's head started to glow even more and charged through, breaking the door, getting rid of the flames. Gozu looked at the origin of the flames. He saw broken pallets lined up with the door.
Grunts ran in ready with pokemon. But what they saw surprised them. The door that lead to the docks were still closed. But the whole warehouse was empty. Not even a single box was left behind.
Grunts scattered around looking for any clues. Gozu looked around and his eyes noticed a small rubble next to the wall. He walked up to it and tore down the fake wall revealing destroyed wall blocked by rubble.
"Tell the grunts outside to guard the exit from the pokemon warehouse." the grunts looked confused at their boss. "NOW! THEY HAVE BROKEN INTO THE POKEMON WAREHOUSE THROUGH THE WALL!" after that all grunts scattered.
Jack chuckled as heard the boss yell out orders. They couldn't stop them now. He looked back the two of his colleagues and saw Satoshi frantically ripping out all the smaller cages. Multiple pokemon ran out of them but none of them was Pikachu.
"Pika!" Satoshi's head turned around so fast, Jack thought for a moment he would break his neck. Satoshi ran where he heard the voice and saw small cage with tired Pikachu inside. When Pikachu saw his trainer's face, all the fatigue turned into happiness. Satoshi grabbed the cage, feeling shock coming from it. His rage grew and ripped it open, ignoring the pain.
Pikachu walked out. He struggled for a moment and after that jumped on Satoshi's shoulder. "I missed you buddy. I am so sorry." Pikachu nuzzled his head to Satoshi's cheeck.
"So this is you Pikachu?" Pikachu's head turned to look at Alex. Satoshi looked at Alex. Alex had stars in his eyes. Satoshi gently picked up Pikachu from his shoulder and put him to Alex's arms. Alex hugged Pikachu hard. Pikachu let out thunderbolt, making them both fall on the ground. Satoshi made a point for himself to warn kids next time. "He is so cute." Alex said with smile while lying on the floor.
"It's a cute moment, but we have to move on guys. Or would you rather wait here until the Team Rocket gets around our hacked door?" Jack said as he opened the huge cages. From it came out capture Garchomp.
Satoshi started to open the cages when he heard loud banging against the larger cages. Satoshi opened it and from it came out slowly Hippowdon. Hippowdon stomped, but it looked like from happiness. Satoshi looked confused until a large bubble came out from Hippowdon's mouth. Satoshi dodged it, but it hit his memory.
"Hippopotas?" Satoshi wanted to know more how the pokemon he met in Sinnoh was doing here in closed cage, but he couldn't, not now. Because he heard the metal door being banged on. He pulled out empty pokeball and tapped it against Hippowdon's large mouth. It sucked Hippowdon in and clicked.
Gozu watched as his grunts were prepared in the docks. He looked back at Hrist, she was leaning against the wall. He had few of his grunts trying to get from the front, but he knew they would come out through docks. After all, for some reason one of their loading ships was stuck because anchor wouldn't lift .
Suddenly, the door started to slowly open. All the grunts had prepared their pokemon to attack.
From inside of the warehouse ran out all the pokemon they had taken or stolen. They all either ran away or attack everything around them. Gozu watched in shock. It was one of the assumptions he thought of. Gozu's mega Aggron clashed with Empoleon and Magnezone they had taken. He called out all of his pokemon, but it was still not enough for all the released pokemon.
As they fought, he noticed the thieves boarding the ship and all of their stolen equipment. They had help of all psychic pokemon that were inside the warehouse. Everytime he attempted to get closer to the thieves, another pokemon would get in his way.
"Set a sail!" Jack as yelled it, he reached behind the board. He picked out a small device. Right after that the anchor started to go up. "Ok everyone! Scatter!"
And with that, all the wild pokemon stopped fighting team Rocket and started to run off. Some of the team Rocket grunts only small portion of all the escaping pokemon.
Jack laughed as they were leaving the docks with all the stolen goods. Satoshi watched in silence the chaos in the docks. He then looked at Alex who jumping around happily. It made him smile.
Jack then stopped jumping. Satoshi looked at him confused but right after that he heard something.
Satoshi looked behind and saw one of the team Rocket members holding a gun, aiming at them. Satoshi looked back Alex and he saw it. From Alex's chest dropped blood. Right after that, it was all slow for Satoshi. He ran to Alex who was slowly falling to the ground. He couldn't even hear Jack's words of confusion.
Back at the docks, all the grunts stood frozen. They watched as one of their leaders held a gun in their hands aiming at the ship. Joe had a nervous smile and he was about shoot again when he was struck by Gozu.
"ARE YOU A MORON!" Gozu yelled with rage. The leader looked up at him in surprise and he was silenced by the rage that emitted from him. "Everyone knows guns are banned all over the world for almost a decade ago!"
"B-Boss, I can-" stuttered but he was hit again.
"I don't want to hear anything." he tore the guy's shirt, tearing off the red 'R' and grabbed the gun and threw it with all of his might into the water. "HRIST!"
Hrist walked up to Gozu. "Yes Sir?"
"Get rid of him. Don't care how but I don't want to see him, EVER!" he walked up to second leader. "Cops will come to see for themselves. It doesn't matter that we have them on our payroll. Make sure that they understand that it wasn't what they think it was. Do whatever you must to make them go away." Hrist grabbed the former leader by the shirt and started to drag him away. Toward a forest. "And Hrist." Hrist stopped, her head not turning. "We will talk about your future." It was for a few moments before she nodded and dragged the begging guy away toward a forest.
"No, no, no, no, no, NO!" Satoshi said as he pressed on Alex's wound. His and Alex clothes stained with blood. Satoshi looked at Alex's face, his eyes slowly closing. "Alex, don't close your eyes. Stay with me!" Satoshi said, looking up for Jack. He was still inside, frantically looking for first aid kit.
"Sa...Satoshi?" Satoshi looked at him. "Can I ask you something?" Alex breathed out heavily.
"Yeah, yeah. Ask. Just, just don't close your eyes." Satoshi said, tearing his robe trying to cover the wound.
"Wh-what's your real name?" Satoshi looked at him surprised, but Alex replied with smile. He was smarter than he looked.
"Ash. It's Ash Alex. And we will have so much to talk about later so just hold on." Ash said, looking around for anything that could help. He noticed Jack finally rushing out of the cabin.
"Do you think I can become a pokemon trainer..." Ash smiled as he saw Jack almost at them.
"Yes Alex, you can." Ash looked down, but his smile fell. Alex's eyes were wide and breathing stopped. "ALEX!" Ash started pumping his chest.
"Satoshi." Ash continued pumping. "Satoshi!" Ash's eyes watered. "ASH!" Ash looked up at Jack. He had frown on his face as he dropped next Ash. "He is gone Ash. All you are doing is pressing blood out of him and breaking his ribs." Jack said, covering his face with hand.
Ash's eyes went from Jack to his hands covered in blood. All that he could was let out loud roar of rage. Rage that would be washed away same as the blood of young boy.
"H-hey Hrist, let's talk about this." Joe said, she was dragging even more through the forest. "J-Just let me go, I will disa-" his attempts were stopped by Hrist's feet that crushed against his head.
"Don't talk. It makes that much hard for me not to kill on the spot." Hrist said.
"S-so you will let me go?" Joe's eyes lit up with hope. Hrist in a flash grabbed him by chin and made him look into his eyes.
"No." Hrist's eyes were full of rage. "Because I am going to enjoy breaking every. single. bone. in your body until you won't scream from pain anymore. And if you think that is horrifying, it will get worse." she stomped his feet, cracking them. Joe started to crawl away. Hrist watched him, her view blurring. She wiped away tears and walked up to him. He wasn't getting out of here alive.
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