60. The Song
The group walked closer to the volcano from which they could feel the warm all around them. They completely forgot all the worries and preasure they felt after their last encounter with the police. And it surprised Ash as how easily they seemed to get over all of it that happened these past days.
Suddenly from the bushes ran Charmeleon and before anyone could say anything, the Charmeleon let out a flamethrower at the group at which Pikachu sent attack with high voltage to stop it from hitting.
"Not again Charmeleon." they all heard from the bushes. From there jumped out familiar person as it stopped Charmeleon from attacking.
"Trevor!" Ash called out at him as he turned to them.
"Oh hey guys! Long time no see." he said as he tried to close Charmeleon's mouth from letting out another attack.
"I see Charmeleon evolved, but is same as before." Serena said with chuckle to which Trevor sighed.
"Yeah. Does anyone want to have a battle? It always he-" Trevor stopped talking as he noticed Bonnie and Korrina. Even Charmeleon seemed stunned upon noticing Bonnie.
Clemont laughed nervously as he looked at Trevor. "I think you want all of it explained after. But trust me, you won't believe it even when you hear it."
"Well, I can understand somehow that another gym leader is traveling with you, but..." Bonnie simply smiled at Trevor's words.
"So how about I take you on?" Ash asked Trevor to which he nodded. But as Ash was about to pull out pokeball, Trevor stopped him.
"Could we have an double battle? I am preparing for my next gym battle." Trevor said pulling out another pokeball.
"Hoho, could it be Olympia?" Korrina asked to which Trevor nodded.
Ash talked with both Clemont and Korrina about her. He heard she is specialised in double battles. But most famous are her predictions of the future.
He shuffled through his pokeballs until he landed on two that he tried to put together in battle, but wouldn't work. Well, he could try them now.
Ash threw both pokeballs into air, both opening and revealing Lucario and Frogadier. Their opponents were Floette and Charmeleon.
Lucario and Frogadier looked at each other before looking at their opponents.
"Charmeleon use flamethrower on Lucario and Floette use razor leaf on Frogadier." Trevor's pokemon let out attacks aiming at their opponents. Some of Floette's attacks aiming as well on Lucario.
"Lucario block it with bone rush and Frogadier use cut on the leafs." Lucario put his paws together and created glowing bone and started to spin it. Frogadier reached to its waist and pulled out glowing blade and started to quickly cut the leafs in half.
When the attacks almost stopped, Lucario stopped spinning the bone as the fire stopped. Lucario didn't noticed a few incoming leafs but Frogadier cut them for him. But instead of being greatful, Lucario started to growl at Frogadier, who returned it with glare.
As they were about argue with each other, Charmeleon charged at them with glowing claws. Both pokemon let out their cries and used their glowing attacks to sent Charmeleon back on its back. But their eyes widened as they noticed glowing wind coming at them. Ash face palmed himself as he watched them being sent back by the attack. All of the fallen pokemon stood back up and prepared for battle.
But before the battle could continue, ground underneath their feet suddenly violently shook. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and braced themselves to make sure not to fall.
During that, a loud cry was heard, which made everyone turn their heads toward the direction. It was coming out of the volcano. The moment it went silent, the shaking stopped as well.
Everyone looked between each other in confusion until Serena noticed Ash and
Trevor looking and the volcano. Trevor had stars in his eyes while Ash had the one that showed he knew what it was.
"Moltres." they both said together. Ash and Trevor looked each other before saying: "Don't tell me..."
"you are trying to take picture of this Moltres." Ash said.
"you have seen Moltres already." Trevor said.
Serena POV
We all laughed at them, but it made me even more happy. These past days Ash seemed stressed and tense. And I could understand, but Ash seemed even more. He would barely sleep again and whenever we entered more public spaces, he looked like he was waiting for somebody to jump at us.
So it made me happy that he and Trevor had a battle. Whenever he would battle somebody in pokemon battle, it looked like he was letting all his worries behind and only focus on battle and tactics behind them and what he would call the fire of the battle.
We decided to have a lunch while we explained everything around Bonnie and Korrina. Well of course except the part with Slash. That was something only for us for that moment.
As we explained it, watching every face that Trevor made laughing at it, I felt Ash nudge my side.
"Could I borrow your tablet?" he asked me, which surprised me a little bit, but I nodded and gave it to him. "Thanks, I need to look for something."
Before I could ask what, Trevor asked his burning question. "When and where did you see it Ash?"
"In Kanto. Moltres is from there originaly. I saw it only breafly once and another time on tv where Moltres was with Zapdos, Articuno and Lugia. But I couldn't see it properly at the time. I didn't have time." he said and closed my tablet. "Do you plan on taking photo of Moltres Trevor?"
"Of course I do. I heard there is one Moltres located here so I came rushing here before it would disappear." Trevor answered.
"I don't think it is safe to go there now Trevor. We all felt the tremors." I knew it was pointless saying that. Trevor wouldn't listen until he would get the picture of it. And Ash seemed to catch up on that because after that he said:
"I could go with while you guys wait here."
"And loose the chance to see a legendary pokemon? No way!" Bonnie said excited. I giggled silently as everyone started arguing with Ash. His reason as everytime was to protect everyone else.
And so here we are. Walking on top of a volcano to see a legendary pokemon. As we walked on top of the mountain, everyone me included were prepared to see one of legendary pokemon, but as I looked at Ash, he was looking everywhere around, expecting something to attack us. He tried to look like he wasn't worried, I could tell.
Suddenly, the ground shook again and bunch of rocks started falling on us. But before any of us could react, Ash's Lucario was already destroying all the rocks with his glowing paws. We looked at Ash and he chuckled as he looked at us.
"Does any of you want change their mind?" Ash asked, but I knew he knew we wouldn't.
As the group got higher, they noticed that with higher temperature, the lesser wild pokemon they noticed, even though the pokemon could live near the volcano without problem.
Finally, they all stoped as the heat got to the point they could barely breath. And for a good reason. Under them was a huge crater filled with lava.
"I don't think I need to need be scientist to know that staying here for a long time isn't good idea." Clemont said, drinking a water as he looked around. "Do we really think Moltres is somewhere around here?"
"Well, it so hot in here, you might lit up a cigarette only from from a stone. If it isn't here, I don't know where." Ash said, kicking a rock toward Korrina.
She started to kick the rock on top of her foot. "We might as well get out of here before one of us passes out." She said and kicked away the rock against the cliff.
As it landed, the cliff slowly cracked around until it reached a huge stone. Under it, the ground started to fall and the huge stone followed behind into tha lava pit.
The group watched as it landed in the lava, splashing it around and melting.
"Sorry?" Korrina spoke with surprise.
Before anyone could say more, the ground shook. Everyone backed away quickly. Loosing view over the pit. And then they heard the cry they heard before, but much more louder.
A second later, from the pit flew out huge pokemon with wings covered in flames. The pokemon shook of the lava, making it shine incredibly. The group stopped for a moment to see the incredibility. Trevor was quick to take a picture of the legendary pokemon, completely ignoring what was the pokemon doing.
As Moltres opened its eyes, it noticed the group and let out a loud cry. Ash was the first react as he noticed that it leaned its head back.
"Take cover!" Ash yelled, grabing Trevor by his colar and pulling him away. The group was confused for a moment before they noticed the flames coming out its beak. They quickly followed Ash and hid behind a stone. They then felt as the flames hit the stone, the heat getting even worse.
"What do we do?" Serena asked.
"We could try to fight Moltres, but my pokemon will be almost useless. Fighting types aren't great against flying." Korrina said looking at her pokeballs. "And it doesn't look like Moltres will stop."
"What about running away?" Trevor said, looking over the stone only to quickly take cover again as another wave of heat hit.
"And risk putting up the forest on fire? No way." Bonnie said. And as they were ready to make another suggestion, Ash finally spoke.
"I have a plan." Everyone looked at him, as he looked back at them. "Clemont, you have speakers in your bag right?"
Clemont looked at him confused for a moment. "Yeah, but not ready."
"And how long would it take you to prepare them to play from Serena's tablet?" Ash asked, as he prepared two of his pokeballs.
"I don't know, 5 minutes?" Clemont said putting down his bag.
"You have 3. Pikachu stay here and protect them." and before they could protest, Ash ran out of the cover. He looked back, seeing how the stone was half destroyed. He released both Pokeballs, releasing Fletchinder and green reptilian pokemon with green blades on its hands and long tail looking like a tree. "Fletchinder use Flame charge, as much as you can. Sceptile use quick attack, but don't get into crossfire. Whatever you do, do NOT get hit!"
Moltres turned around on them and was about to attack Sceptile, but was hit by Fletchinder from side. When Moltres's wing turned white and send out many sharp projectiles coming from its wings toward Fletchinder. Fletchinder dodged to sides, spinning away from the attacks. From behind Moltress jumped up Sceptile with green glowing blades coming out of its arms and slashed Moltres over back, but let out a loud cry..
Moltres qucikly turned around, swinging its wing around. Before Sceptile was hit, he put up its arms with still glowing blades to cover and was send flying into the cliff above the pit. Ash looked at Sceptile. He could see how Sceptile tried to get up from the debris, but fell down the moment he supported himself by arms and Ash's thoughts were confirmed. Sceptile's arm were burned and not in the way normal burn worked on pokemon. He quickly looked at Fletchinder.
It seemed fine, he couldn't see any burns so it was maybe because of its fire typing. Ash quickly recalled Sceptile and ignoring Sceptile's protests. Ash grabbed few stones and threw them at Moltres, but they almost melted upon touching.
"It's body is same heat as the lava." Ash quickly ran behind a small rock. Huge flames following quickly behind him. Fletchinder used another attack, it's wings now glowing and striking Moltres quickly. Moltres turned around to look at Fletchinder that flew under. Moltres let out loud cry and followed behind Fletchinder. "Fletchinder, when you get the chance, fly up toward the sun!"
Fletchinder avoided the nextattack and before hitting cliff and flying up. Moltres followed behind, straight behind. When Moltress almost got to Fletchinder, Fletchinder's wing change direction, revealing a sun, blinding the legendary pokemon. Fletchinder used this oppurtunity to use its glowing wing and hit Moltres over its head.
Fletchinder flew higher over cliff looking down preparing for another attack, but when Fletchinder looked back where Moltres was, it wasn't there anymore. Fletchinder heard loud words from its trainer but before it could react, Fletchinder was hidden in shadow. Fletchinder looked around and was taken down from sky by Moltres's wing.
Ash clenched his teeth, he was about to recall Fletchinder, but a loud screeching sound got his attention. Clemont was almost ready by what it looked like, but the problem was that Ash wasn't the only one who got his attention.
"Run!" Ash yelled. Moltres let out huge flame attack. He saw how Pikachu tried to stop it, but Moltres was overflowing with energy and Pikachu didn't have enough power. He ran, but his memories and nightmares covered his vision. He wouldn't make it in time. He watched as the flames got closer and he could see Pikachu did everything it could.
But then, right next by his side flew flaming Fletchinder and put itself right in the middle of both attacks. Everyone watched as Fletchinder started glowing inside those flames, being surrounded by them. Letting out loud cries and slowly getting larger with body.
Finally from the flames came out Fletchinder, but now twice larger with upper body covered in red feathers and the end of its wings and back wings covered in black. The lower body covered in grey finished with large yellow claws. Talonflame let out large cry getting rid of the flames and ready to attack.
(A.N.: I would recommend the song up there before start of the chapter. Just for the feel. XD)
But they all stopped, when a flute was heard over the entire area. Ash caught the glimpse of the group looking at him skeptically, but it was shaken off when they noticed Moltres's rage seemed to go down with its heat.
As the song played, it made eveyones hearthbeats go down as it seemed to caress they minds and hearths.
Moltres let out a new cry this time calm one. Moltres looked at all of them and started to make circles over their heads. After a moment, when the song finally stopped, Moltres looked at them down finally and flew away.
Serena POV
I couldn't undestand what really happened. We all collapsed on ground, taking deep breaths. Trevor broke our silence by laughing as he showed us the picture of Moltres. I giggled as everything seemed to work out.
But then my eyes landed on Ash, lying on the opposite side of the pit, Pikachu and now evolved Fletchinder by his side looking worriedly at him. I stood up and walked toward him, he had covered his face with his arms. I got down on my knees and touched his arms. He flinched as he looked up at me. I saw something I didn't at all in Ash. Fear.
"Ash, d-" but I couldn't even finish my words before Ash tightly hugged me. I was stunned, but then I realised why it probably hit him so much. Iris told me that Cilan died saving him by stopping the flames with his own body.
I returned the hug hesitantly. After a moment, Ash finally spoke. "Sorry...for not being able to protect you."
"No Ash. You did protect us." I said back, but I felt Ash shaking his head.
"If not for Talonflame and our luck, you would be maybe dead." I took his head with both of my hands. He was thinking of saying it, I knew it.
"If you did nothing, we would be dead for sure. You and your pokemon did everything you could, so stop blaming yourself. Let us get out of this heat, to others and to our next goal. Stop thinking about it Ash. Just so you know, we all know you did everything you could." Ash was about to say something, but I stood up and put out my arm. If he thought he did almost nothing, I did absolutely nothing everytime.
Ash finally recovered himself and took my hand and went to others.
"That was incredible thing Ash. How did you know this would calm down Moltres?" Bonnie asked and I could ask the same.
"It is something what is spread around Kanto as myth that can calm down the legendary pokemon Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno. I can explain later but can we please go lie down and rest?"
Later the evening
Ash was lying on grass on open plain with his cap over his face. I came slowly closer to him as he had closed eyes. Pikachu was lying on top of him and his ears perking up and turned to me. "Do you need anything Serena?" he asked not looking up.
"Could I ask you a favor Ash?" I asked, Ash let out muffled 'yes'. "Could you train me how to fight?"
Ash lifted cap off his head and looked at me surprised. "Why?"
"Because I don't want to get into the situations where I have just wait for you to come and save me from danger. Or at least against some poachers or thiefs. I don't want to be powerless all the time." Ash looked at me even more suprised, but smiled.
"Sure. We can start tomorrow. Let's not start today for both our sakes." he said, both of us laughing. I nodded and went back to others. But before that, I looked around looked down at my tablet. The song that saved us today with name underneath.
'Lugia's song or the song of Chosen One?'
"He is CHOSEN ONE after all!" Slash's words came back to me. Slash seemed always straight forward with his words. What is Chosen one?
Meanwhile in the other part of Kalos, Anistar city, was the gym leader wide awake but saying nothing. Her assistants were trying to figure out what was happening, but she finally spoke.
"Call them, call the psychics! The Kalos crysis is approaching. We need to be prepared for great green flame, Chosen One, outsider and the guradian!" she yelled at her followers and they quickly followed her orders.
A.N.: This was suppose to be out on Amourshipping day of 2022, but my connection was the worst it could get. Finally it is out.
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