57. Azium
Its eyes finally started to slowly open. Its body was weak, but getting slowly stronger with every moment. It looked around, seeing all pokemon looking down back.
It waved its paws, making all the pokemon run away. It look down at its body and all the images of what happened before. The wood sticking out of its chest and blood purring out. Now it was only its normal yellow fur with remains of dry blood.
"You are finally awake Zeraora." Zeraora's eyes turned to side, seeing Mewtwo looking from above. Zeraora was quickly on his feet and walking toward a small stream. He walked right next to the few hiding pokemon ignoring them. At least how it looked like.
"Will you explain to us what happened before?" the male voice spoke from the second Mewtwo. Zeraora ignored Mewtwo and continued drinking from the stream. 'You know Pokemon's chest doesn't regenerate in blink of an eye.'
Zeraora growled at Mewtwo. Their last fight wasn't complete yet. The second Mewtwo was ready to stop them until all of them stopped when they heard a small click.
From trees and bushes around them flew multiple attacks and nets following. Both Mewtwo set up protection, but when it stopped attacks, the nets flew through.
Zeraora only watched. It wasn't because he couldn't do anything, it was because he watched it all in slow motion. One net also flew at Zeraora but he slowly pulled out claws and slowly tearing the net. Zeraora could feel similiar energy in the nets as Zeraora was using but it was a lot of weaker. Zeraora slowly walked toward the nets aiming at Mewtwos and slashed them as well. Both Mewtwo were slowed down as well and preparing to attack. Zeraora looked toward where the attack came from.
Zeraora walked behind the bushes seeing many men, all of them in dirty clothes with greedy smiles. They had many pokemon by their sides.
Zeraora walked up to them and grabbed the devices he learned to be called pokeballs. When he had them all, he put them in sky and they started to fall very slowly. Zeraora then used his claws and even in this slowed time cut through the pokeballs in blink of an eye.
When he was done, they looked the same. Zeraora then looked at the man in middle of the group that attacked them. Rage boiling inside him, Zeraora lifted its paw with claws and slashed over the man's face. A small lines appeared that were slowly getting bigger.
Both Mewtwos were prepared to take the attack. But to their surprise, all the nets fell next to them with destroyed dropping before them and a man's screaming in agony.
Pokemon, once bound by the pokeball, noticed that they were freed, walked into forest without turning back.
Pokemon poachers were sweating and trying to understand what just happened.
As they started to beg for mercy, both Mewtwos looked at Zeraora who was eating berries next to them watching the poachers with delight at their reactions.
"I will deal with them so they won't remember a thing. You take Zeraora and find a new safer place for us to stay." male Mewtwo said and his eyes glew and lifted all the poachers and flew with them away. The other Mewtwo looked at the Zeraora, who had his eyes closed.
"You didn't mention that you can regenerate this much." Zeraora growled in response with closed eyes. "And then since when can you do something like this?" Zeraora growled and looked down at the scars that were covered by fur and growled in responce. "So it wasn't just you coming into this reality... What then?" Zeraora let out louder growl, filled with an annoyance and anger. "Weapons made of Azium? What is that?"
Zeraora looked Mewtwo and growled quietly before letting its claws out and tightening muscles. "What do you mean by loo-WAIT!" Mewtwo reached out but Zeraora was gone only leaving trail of lighting behind. Mewtwo flew up into sky looking around only to see the blue ball of lighting disappearing behind horizon. "Fuck!"
A.T.: Short chapter, but released with another next moment.
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