55. The secret society
A.N.: I am warning right now, this and next chapter will be probably one of my most CHAOTIC there will be so far in this story. For those who don't want to read this one, I will put description of these at the end of the next chapter. But yeah, I hope you will enjoy :D.
A man stood in front of an destroyed factory. He pulled out a cigarette putting it to his mouth and trying to lit it up with a lighter.
As he tried to lit it up, he heard a multiple footsteps coming closer fast. His eyes turned to the corner, first seeing a blond girl white short dress with red stripes. "It should be right here." and then from the corner came running a group with one person being carried and pokemon following them. His eyes noticed the blood dropping behind them. His eyes then met with the boy who was carring the other one.
"This must be it." the boy said, rushing more to the man. When they were close, the man noticed how the girls seemed uncertain.
"Ash..." a youngest of them said, her eyes still red from crying, her face showing she was loosing hope.
"Give me that." the raven hair boy said, grabbing the card from the blond hair girl before giving it to the man. "They are with me." boy added immediately. The man looked at it for a moment before pulling out what looked like a pen. "Is it so necessary now?" he asked impatiently.
"Just doing what I have to do." he pressed the pen and a blue beam shot out glowing at boy's forehead. Girls watched as their friend's forehead started to glow suddenly. It revealed blue orbs, but they didn't have enough time to inspect it, because the man put back the stick and pulled out a small device. "Open. Prepare one stretcher."
The door behind the man opened, revealing darkness. But as he was about to through, he was stopped by arm. "What now?"
"I will need that Holo Caster you have." The boy eyed him before reaching inside his bag and pulled out the device. He thrust the device into man's hands and without waiting ran inside, being followed after a moment by three girls. Man snickered before finally igniting the cigarette and his eye looked at the Holo Caster.
Everyone stood in a silence, only a slightly lit up room. Bonnie was the first one to speak. "Ash-"
"Please put him down." a female voice spoke, startling girls. In the room stood with them a woman with dark hair in a white suit. Ash slowly walked to her, during which the room started to shake before all of them felt it moving down.
"He was pierced with a rusty metal pipe. Part of the pipe is still inside him." Ash said as he slowly placed Clemont on the stretcher. Clemont coughed, but it didn't alarm the woman at all. "Just hold a little bit longer Clemont." Ash then walked slowly toward the woman, whispering something into her ear that girls couldn't hear.
"I will inform mistress immediately. Thank you for the information Satoshi." upon the stop of the floor. A giant door opened revealing an aspalt road and next to it a street with muliple small trade booths and many people around.
Girls looked wide eyed at the sudden number of people here while on top, there were only empty streets. The woman in white coat grabbed Clemont's stretcher and driving him toward one small building behind the traders. The group followed behind, looking around at people here. They all seem to be different. Some were taller then the the trade booths, some were smaller then Bonnie and either around same age or older then her. Pokemon were also here, but in lower number then the people. There were people holding weapons around their belts either swords, knifes, knuckledusters or even small bottles filled with strange liquids. Bonnie could even swear seeing a girl with black hair, a giant weapon and black bow that almost looked like it could be ears.
Serena POV
The door opened, revealing what looked like field hospital with multiple beds ready and free. There were only two people lying in the beds, one old bearded man with prosthetic arm and one was a boy with white hair. He was leaning against the wall, slightly sleeping. He seemed to have broken nose.
I watched as they took Clemont toward the door what I thought about operating room. The woman didn't allow us in and so this is where we ended up. Sitting in underground complex waiting for Clemont to be better.
"Spill it Ash." Korrina was the one to break the silence. Our eyes turned to Ash. His jacket smelling Clemont's blood and his sleeves torn off. I could see how he klenched his fists.
"I can't." Ash muttered. I could barely hear him say it. Korrina was ready to argue, but Ash was faster and walked out of the hall heading outside. Pikachu stayed next to us, but Ash's Lucario still followed him.
"Like I will le-"
"No Korrina." I stopped her in next words. She looked at me confused, but my mind was thinking about today. Even though Hrist was crazy, she also wasn't.
And that part made Ash kill her. I knew nothing about what happened between them. Only the boy Alex who somehow died. But what I knew for sure, it was hardest to end a life of someone he knew and probably had friendship with.
"We all had a lot of preasure today. We shouldn't press on each other more today." I said, lying down on the bed next to Bonnie. We didn't even notice she was crying again. I hugged her, making her calm a little bit. I looked at Korrina and she silently agreed with me. She ran her hand in Bonnie's hair as Dedenne would nuzzle closer.
After a while, we sat next to each other talking about anything to distract ourselves. During that time, Ash didn't come back. The opposite, the room was even emptier because the boy was gone.
The door finally opened and from them came out man in coat with mask on. We stood quickly up, rushing to him. The doctor looked us with raised eyebrow.
"How is he?" Bonnie asked. The doctor looked at us for a moment before stepping aside, revealing Clemont standing there smiling. Bonnie ran into his arms, hugging him hard. Clemont coughed out a little bit, but laughed.
"The surgeon went without any complications. Although the pipe was through his lungs, it was easily removed and fixed. He shouldn't strain himself too much, but he will able to walk a breath normally without any pain. Just make sure he avoids any hits into his stomach. Oh yeah..." he reached into his pocket and threw something toward Korrina. I looked at her hand and saw bottle with pills. "Make sure he takes one a day, it will keep him on feet and prevent any complications with breathing. But don't take more than one a day, unless you want an addiction."
"Thank you very much." Bonnie and Clemont said at the same time.
The doctor shrugged, putting his hands into pockets. "Nothing hard. We had worse situations. Anyway, the payment is being done as we speak right now."
"What do you mean?" I asked confused. The doctor started walking away.
"Something for something." he said before looking over his shoulder. "Hugin take them to him." and with that he closed the door. We looked at each other confused for a moment.
"How do you feel Clemont?" Korrina lifted his shirt without waiting, seeing the stiches he had over his torso. But what caught my attention was Clemont's red face.
"Y-Yeah. I-I...It is as doctor said. I d-don't feel any pain any-" Clemont was stuttering to which I giggled.
"Cawkward!" we all went silent. Our eyes turned to see a Murkrow. It was standing nearby the door. "Follow!" we looked stunned at the speaking Murkrow. But after everything so far, I was the first one following right after Pikachu jumped on my shoulder.
'I didn't expect I would get into the wierdest situation like, but here we are. In underground area filled with strange people and healthcare way better then I have ever seen and following talking Murkrow.' I thought to myself almost giggling.
As we walked through people, we noticed the area slightly changed. The calmer alley changed into street with buildings each different. One was a shop with various weapons, one with vehicles all that could fit inside. One building was a small restaurant, but then I saw glimps man eating an arm. I quickly turned my head to side with disgust.
Finally, we reached a building which looked like a prison. Windows replaced with bars, some of them bent. A man was walking out with broken arm going in the direction from where we came.
"Inside, close combat!" Murkrow screeched before flying away. We looked at each other, but Pikachu was the first one going inside. We decided to follow.
Inside were two entrances, one with sign 'Pokemon fights' and the second one with 'Close combat fights.' I looked at others, but they were as much uncertain as me. I sighed and walked inside to see multiple people cheering. They were all standing next to each other that it was almost imposible for us to see.
As I was about to walk closer, I felt somebody grab me around waist before feeling being pulled up in high speed. When I felt my feet on steady feet, I saw Malamar floating right next me and I was about to panic when a boy with white popped up from behind with really short white hair and I completely recognised him by his broken nose which was without bandage. "Finally, I was thinking you wouldn't show up."
"W-what do you mean?" Bonnie asked stuttering as she saw the Malamar and I felt the same. The boy seemed to see our concern.
"Don't worry, this Malamar isn't the one that you encountered during your birthday Bonnie." the boy said and I recognised him to be the one from hospital.
"How d-" Korrina was about to ask, the sudden louder cheers stopped her as the boy turned his head down. All of looked down and we had perfect view into the battle cage and my eyes widened.
"Ash?" I asked surprised as he was down there, fighting a man with a giant tail. The man's tail had almost no fur, only at its end. They were in completely closed cage with sand floor, metal bars as walls and ceiling.
"Not only him." Clemont said from other side so I walked to his and looked down. It was another battle cage and inside was Lucario fighting against three pokemon.
"Come on Satoshi!" the boy cheered loudly. I looked at him and he returned it back. "Yeah one thing, you shouldn't say his real name around here."
"Yeah, yeah, but how do you know abou anything with us?" Bonnie asked, to which the boy pulled out a bottle of alcohol.
"Ash told me to look out for you, we know each other." he took sip of his bottle. "The name is Jack by the way. But if you could stay silent for now, I would be happy. Ash is fighting Tailman now and I would like to see my bet money coming into my pocket."
I looked down and Ash was just blocking an attack from by the huge tail. And all I could do was watch and pray.
Ash put up his arms to defend his head. He felt the hard hit but when he was ready to hit, his opponent was gone. He looked up and saw his opponent above him. He quickly turned around sliding down to trip his legs. His opponent felt his feet being kicked, but he bounced on his tail against the bars. In high speed, he used tail to hit Ash hard and send him a few meters back.
"Tailman deals an awesome counter against Satoshi! But he still doesn't fall even after his three fight!" Ash stood strong looking at his opponent. He put up his tail ready to fight. Ash took deep breath before bringing up his fists with one indicating for him to start the attack. Tailman grinned before jumping and launching his tail forward.
Ash put up his hands in cross, but the tail went through and slammed his face. he stumbled back. "Satoshi got a full hit but wh-" Ash's eyes met with Tailman's. He grabbed his tail and with swift movement swang down. Tailman's eyes widened before hitting the ground.
Clemont's eyes widened, seeing the style of fight. He saw before already. Pikachu stopping Bunnelby's ears to use them against him.
"Aargh!" Ash yelled as he used his arms to slam Tailman around without giving him a time to recover. Tailman tried his best to get out of his hold, but each time he would be met with even stronger hit after his tail being held. Tailman then felt his breath being knocked out as his back hit ground. He looked up for moment before seeing a foot hitting his shoulder hard. He let out scream of pain, feeling his shoulder being broken.
Tailman's eyes opened with pure anger before using his full power to swing his tail. He sent Ash through the ring making him hit the bars.
"Oh, another successful counter!" Ash slid down the bars. Serena watched with pure terror seeing him hit the bars like this.
"Don't be so scared pretty girl. He won't let himself go down so easily." Jack said as he took a sip of his drink. "Oh, it is coming." he said with grin. All of them looked back down. Ash slowly stood up leaning against the bars wiping of the blood from his mouth. Some people from behind bars purred an alcohol on him and the other shoved him back into fight.
Tailman held his broken shoulder but his tail ready to defend and hit back. His met the one of the opponent and he saw that fight didn't leave him yet. They both stood on other sides close to the bars.
Raven hair boy ran straight at Tailman. He leaped up, his tail catching on the bars. He looked down expecting for his chance to attack the moment his opponent would hit the bars.
But his eyes widened when the boy bounced of the bars with his legs and jumped back at him and hitting him. They both fell down, but Tailman was the first one to get up.
"Oh no..." Serena whispered.
"Your concern is on the wrong person pretty girl." spoke Jack with smile. Serena looked at him confused, but Korrina was the one who noticed it as well.
"His tail Serena." Korrina pointed at the big tail that was now bent in bad-looking way.
Ash stood back up, his eyes seeing the accomplishment. He then saw the look on his opponents face from complete surprise to one understanding.
"I believe I wouldn't last long after this." he spoke for the first time. "I give up." he said lifting up his hand.
The room was filled with loud cheers. "Tailman is giving up! Satoshi takes another victory today my fellow fans!"
Both fighters walked to each other shaking their hands before the cage opened and Tailman walked out leaving Ash inside.
"I didn't know Ash was able to fight like this." Korrina said looking at him, seeing how his clothing was dirty and his torn off sleeves revealing his arms being covered with bruises and scars.
"Yeah, we kinda learn things about him only by him showing it." Bonnie said as she watched from above how Ash received a drink.
"But why doesn't he leave the ring already?" Serena asked as everyone chanting.
"Dead! Undead! Dead! Undead!" whole room was getting louder and people nearby the cage were slamming it in rythm.
"Yeah ladies and gentleman! After these fights, we have the final fight! Our champion, the man that never falls. The man whose loyalty is to only one man and woman. The man was blessed and yet cursed at the same time." through the crowds walked tall man. His figure tovering over others with short pale blue hair. "This man stole everything his hands could get on. Now even with just move of his fingers without touching it. Nobody can steal better than him and if you try to steal from him, he will steal double back." the man finally walked inside the cage, revealing tall man with pale blue hair in red jacket and long trousers. His red jacket was open, showing off his muscles. He had red eyes with lazy smile across his face. "The longest living bandit, UNDEAD BAN!"
Ash's eyes met with Ban's. People cheering, screaming out names. Ash watched for a moment, but Ban only let out yawn and put his hands into pockets. Ash had no idea what to think about his opponent. He looked like he wasn't ready for fight, but his eyes showed that he was watching his every move. They called him the longest living bandit, but yet he seem only around his 30s.
"Hey!" Ban spoke for the first time, his voice lazy same as his smile. "How long do you plan to try read me? You won't read anything out of me even if you will try."
Ash took step back for a moment before speaking with small grin. "What about you? You don't take me seriously?"
"Don't know. You are just a kid." Ban said as he looked around the room.
"You don't look like the the oldest living bandit either. Or do they die so often?" Ash countered back to which Ban laughed loud.
"That's what everyone say to me." he said with another lazy smile.
"And what do you tell them." Ash asked, which turned Ban's face into annoyed.
"That its none of your business." his voice was more bored then before. He took another yawn before speaking. "Do you plan to attack me in close future or did you decide to give up already."
Ash took a fighting pose, his fists clenched. "Nope." he ran straight forward, swinging his fist right at Ban's face, but he quickly dodge with his hands still inside pockets. Ash slided on his four before rushing at him again in high speed. He shot out another fist followed with multiple kicks. But Ban still avoided them all with his hands still inside.
"Ban once again begins with full dodge no counter attack! Although Satoshi is giving it all he has, it is still nothing for Undead Ban!" Ash launched another wave of attacks, but all of them still missed. But it didn't stop him from continuing.
"He is only dodging and yet he seems to be completely fine with it." Korrina said as she watched it closely. "Why is he called undead Ban anyway?"
"You will see later. But good thing I bet against Ash." this caught everyone's attention.
"I thought you were friend!" Clemont said, on which Jack laughed.
"Of course we are, but I am not stupid. There is no way he can defeat Ban. Nobody was able to beat him, I heard even mistress had to do a drastic things to make him finally stop." Jack said, looking down at fighting Ash.
"Who is mistress? Is it the same person as Madame?" Serena asked, making Jack a little bit whiter.
"Ummmm... you see..." his eyes then caught Ash's next move. "Something new finally." this quickly changed the attention back at battle ring. Ash was capable stucking his hand into Ban's hand that was still inside his pocket and his next punch finally made a hit in his face.
"Incredible! Satoshi is landing a hit on Ban!" a small drop of blood came out of Ban's nose. He picked it with his finger looking at it for a moment.
"Finally planning to take me seriously?" Ash asked with small grin. But his mind was confused because he was sure he cracked his nose, but only single drop of blood came out.
Ban looked for a moment at the the drop. He watched through it right at Satoshi before licking the droplet. "You are fun kid." he said with grin before in even higher speed was right in front of Ash before with his hands together slammed Ash's side. Ash felt the hit through out his body, coughing out blood. Right after that he flew straight at metal bars hitting them, making them all shake.
"Ban's first attack lands once again and Satoshi is on the ground. The question is, will he get back up?!" Ash only faintly heard the voice as he was slowly seeing only darkness and memories started to flood his mind.
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