5. Only in crises
Serena POV
It turned out I was very wrong. My mom had to watch one of the older fairy tales about the Aura guardians, because such an idea would never have occurred to me in my life. My mother had the crazy idea that I should have blindfolded myself and believed Rhyhorn and thought of one thing, and as soon as my mother finished telling me, the only thing I could think of was thinking about surviving today's training. In the end, after several attempts, we decided to give it up. I would rather end it before my mom thought of blindfolding Rhyhorn.
Then I started to think again. Maybe I should have taken his offer. I would do something else. But again, what would I do? I would watch him win, it would akward between us. I'm a little sorry for him. BUT we solved it and agreed we wouldn't be able to last long. But why couldn't I have the same crush for my ex-boyfriend as I had and still have for him? It's been over ten years since I saw him and he just helped me back then. But was it really just it?
I decided to leave these thoughts out. I smeared the last bruise on my leg with ointment and decided to go back down. Fennekin was resting in a chair, and Mom was watching TV with a constant gaze. I thought for a moment that she had a TV series there, but then I heard something that showed me that I was wrong for the second time today.
"Garchomp is still attacking Lumiose city with hyper beams and dragon pulses, destroying everything in the area. We have recently received new news that Garchomp belongs to professor Sycamore, who is asking for an attempt at minimal violence to stop him. Apparently Garchomp is in painful trance and cannot awaken from it. " came from the television.
"Is this the current news?" I asked my mom, who was still watching TV and just nodded.
"Garchomp has now landed on the Prism tower and is now preparing another aaaaah," the reporter shouted, and suddenly the whole helicopter jerked upwards and then returned to a quieter position "We were almost hit by another attack from Garchomp, who is now sending hyper beams randomly in the sky." said the reporter and the helicopter started to move away "We will have to move away now or we may be hit by another. Even from this distance you can still hear Garchomp roar and we will inform you immediately with new information."
"I wonder what happened." said mom, sipping her coffee.
"Yeah me too." I said and started watching the news again.
About half an hour ago
"Use thunderbolt!" I shouted to Pikachu.
"Use your ears to whip up sand Bunnelby!" Clemont shouted at his pokemon.
Clemont had a pokemon I've never seen before. It was a rabbit-like pokemon with gray-brown fur and relatively large ears compared to its body.
Pikachu's cheeks began to sparkle and then Pikachu released a bolt of electrecity toward Bunnelby only to be blocked by the dirt and sand that Bunnelby whiped up with his ears.
"Good try Ash, but I'm ready for electric-type attacks. Use the Mud shot!" said Clemont.
"Avoid with quick attack and then attack with it." I said to Pikachu.
Bunnelby slapped his ears and then pieces of clay appeared between them, then threw them toward Pikachu, who was only surrounded by white energy to avoid everyone, and then crashed into the surprised Bunnelby.
"Don't let them continue. Use a double slap." Clemont shouted and Bunnelby ran toward Pikachu and began hitting Pikachu with his ears.
Bunnelby uses his ears on everything. That's probably why they're so big compared to his paws. I won't hit it with electric attacks until- It will work. I thought, then smiled at the idea that would work if Clemont didn't realize it.
"Go ahead, Clemont and Bunnelby! You will win!" cried Bonnie, who decided to watch us. I looked at them and saw all the pokemon watching us. Even Froakie who stood by and watched us constantly. Then I looked at Teddiurs, who looked a very happy.
"Pikachu use iron tail!"
Pikachu jumped into the air, where he swung his tail, which began to glow white. Clemont looked surprised, then grinned.
"Catch his tail with your ears!" Got you I thought to my self.
Bunnelby waited until Pikachu was close enough, then grabbed his tail with his ears. Pikachu began to panic for a moment, but then realized that his trainer had probably figured out how to deal with it.
"Good try Ash. I didn't expect Pikachu to be able to use an iron-type attack, but as you can see, we were able to deal with it." Clemont said, pressing his glasses to his face.
"Yes, you managed to block my attack with Bunnelby's ears, but now he has nothing to do when his ears are busy." I said with a smile.
After I said that, Clemont and his pokemon looked surprised and frightened at the same time.
"Use electro ball!"
At the end of Pikachu's tail, a ball of electricity began to form and immediately exploded due to contact with Bunnelby's ears. Pikachu just jumped away while the rabbit like pokemon flew backwards, but managed to catch the ground with the ears with which he slowed down and then landed back on his feet.
"It was very clever Ash, but Bunnelby and I don't end it so quickly. Use dig." The blond boy shouted and Bunnelby joined his ears and spun quickly and disappeared into the ground.
"Pikachu wait and when you feel the ground shake, use iron tail on the ground."
Pikachu stood on all fours and closed his eyes and raised his ears. After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, jumped into the air and slammed into the ground behind him with his attack. Bunnelby flew out of the cracked ground and landed on the ground this time without slowing down with his ears. Within a moment, Bunnelby rose again, but he was already breathing hard. Clemont looked very surprised with the failed attempt to attack.
"How did you do that? How did Pikachu know that Bunnelby would want to get out of the ground right there?" Clemont asked, looking more at Pikachu.
"We trained against attacks like dig. Once a friend helped me figure out how to find out where a pokemon can get out of the ground." I said, remembering.
"Well, I call it the great experience you have." Clemont said admirably, "But we're not out of the game yet. Us-"
"GAAAAAAR!" we suddenly heard from inside.
"What was that roar?" Bonnie asked in surprise. Froakie looked and immediately ran in the direction from which the roar could be heard, and from what it sounded, I had an idea of what it was.
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." I said and with Pikachu we ran right behind Froakie. I was running down the hall when I suddenly heard what I never wanted to hear again.
"and James"
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.
"surrender now or prepare to fight."
I ran into the lobby and saw a very famous trio standing next to Garchomp, who looked in pain and had some kind of collar around its neck. There was a professor and his assistants in the room who didn't understand what was going on, but I saw that the professor looked worried about Garchomp. Froakie was most close to the Garchomp looking really angry.
"Meowth, that's right."
"Team Rocket. What a surprise to find you here." I said in an angry sarcastic tone.
"Well, you are finally here twerp. We were wondering where you are. Now we can take Pikachu, too." Jessie said with a smile.
"Ash, do you know them?" Professor Sycamore asked.
"You could say that, but in short. They're thieves who hurt and steal pokemon. Their greatest favorite is stealing my Pikachu." I said, looking angrily at them.
"That's one of our goals. Our main goal is to get our organization the most powerful and legendary pokemon." James said in a tone as if to correct me.
"It doesn't fucking matter. Professor, what happened? "I asked the professor.
"They came disguised as scientists and said they wanted to see Garchomp. Then they suddenly put a collar around his neck that he stopped listening to and started screaming in pain." said the professor, looking back at Garchomp.
"More precisely, it's a Garchomp control collar and we just have to click here and Garchomp will do what we want." Meowt said, pulling out the remote.
"Wow that's talking Meowth. That's incredible." I heard behind me , so I looked behind me and saw Clemont walking closer to them.
"Clemont, don't approach them. They are dangerous, and I don't want anything to happen to you or the others. Step back, I will take care of this." I said, pushing Clemont apart.
"You will for sure take care of for it. Nothing will happen twerp, only if you give us Pikachu and we will leave with both of us, Pikachu and Garchomp." Jassie said she took remote from Meowth.
"You know my answer damn well." I said, and Pikachu jumped in front of me with a fighting position.
"Then at least let's see how it works." said Jessie and pressed a button and Garchomp began to shout in pain even more "Use hyper beam on Pikachu"
Garchomp began to form a ball of black energy at his mouth. During this, however, he began to roar and instead of attacking Pikachu, he began to head towards Bonnie and Clemont, who stood aside. I already knew what to do and I reached for my third pokeball.
"I need your help. Use dark pulse to counter hyper beam." I shouted and threw a pokeball into the air.
A light shot out of the pokeball, forming a large crocodile-like pokemon. He had red skin all over his body, except for black stripes and gray skin on his abdomen. He wore red sunglasses.
"Krookodile!" shouted my pokemon and started charging in his hands dark energy.
Garchomp fired his attack towards the siblings, but was fortunately blocked by a dark pulse from Krookodile.
"It seems we'll have to fix it next time. But it's still listening to us, so we will try again." Jessie said, clicking the buttons on the remote, and Garchomp began to scream even harder.
"You may think so, but you will not do it. Krookodile use stone edge!"
Krookodile smashed ground and the pillars began to appear towards Team Rocket. One of the pillars appeared directly below them and they flew into the air and then fell to the ground. Jessie dropped the controller, which fell on ground and broke in two pieces.
"Oh oh. T-t-this is bad." Meowth said uncertainly backing away
I thought if I destroyed the remote, Garchomp would return it as usual. Instead of suspecting me, however, Garchomp began to roar and begin to form a hyper beam and aim directly at Team Rocket and blast them off into the sky through the broken roof.
"We are blasting off again." I heard team rocket shouting and disappearing in sky.
"That would be taken care of. Now Garchomp." I said, turning back to Garchomp, who swung and then spread his upper claws and soared into the sky.
"Garchomp come back!" the professor shouted, but in vain, because Garchomp was no longer visible. But I could hear his roar and another scream.
The thing that occurred to me is that Garchomp is apparently in a trance and still can't get out of it. And the only way to get him out of this is to take off that collar. Until then, however, he will be dangerous to everyone and himself.
"Professor I am coming after Garchomp." I said to professor and turned to Krookodile "Thank you Krookodile now I will do it." I said to him and took out his pokeball.
"Kro" my pokemon said before returning back to his pokeball.
"What do you want to do, Ash? Garchomp isn't listening to anyone, "the professor said, looking out of the hole he had flown out of.
"The thing that occurred to me is that Garchomp is probably in a trance and still can't get out of it. And the only way to get him out of it is to take off that collar. Until then, he'll be dangerous to everyone and himself, and I don't want him to Garchomp sent some trainers who would just try to knockout him." I said and ran to the door just to open it and see the ruined streets and the sounds of blasts heading towards the city center.
"Ash, but what will you do when you get to Garchomp?" Clemont asked.
"I will figure it out when I get to him. I need you to get Miss Jenny to explain her the situation. I need you to keep an eye on Teddiursa. I don't want to take him in danger." I added to the siblings. "I have to run before something worse happens." I said and ran out the door just to be stopped by Froakie.
"Fro!" he shouted with determination.
"It will be dangerous, Froakie. I don't want anything to happen to you either." I said hoping to win the discussion.Instead of speaking, Froakie jumped on my other shoulder and clenched one fist. "You're stubborn and I'm not surprised." I said and ran towards Garchomp.
We ran to the Lumios tower, where Garchomp landed or rather crashed. He started firing attacks in all directions and almost hit a news helicopter. Now just how do I get to the top?
"Ash!" I heard behind me where I saw Bonnie running and Clemont behind her with very short breath.
"What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay in the lab and watch over Teddiurs. This is very dangerous." I said I looked at Clemont, who finally ran up to us.
"You saved us from Garchomp's attack. We won't let you in this alone. And you don't have to worry about Teddiursa. The professor took care of him," Bonnie said, looking at Clemont, who was slowly straightening up. "Thanks to my brother, you would almost run away from us. Brother, I already told you to start training a little." Bonnie said annoyed.
"I-I am so-sorry." said Clemont between breaths.
"I'm pleased and upset that you're here, but if you don't know how to get up to the tower, you're here unnecessarily." I said, looking up from where more attacks were firing into the city.
"So you are lucky we are here." Bonnie said with a smirk.
"What do you mean? Do you know the way up?" I asked the siblings confused.
"Yes." said Clemont, who was recovering and walking to the door leading to the tower, which was locked and there was only a computer at the door. Clemont suddenly knelt in front of the computer and adjusted his backpack. "The future is now thanks to science. Alright Clemontic gear turn on. Aipom's arm go"
Suddenly I saw why the Clemont bag was so big. A robotic arm, similar to the one he'd mentioned in Aipom's arm, came out of Clemont's bag and began to rotate with the circle next to the computer, which I had only noticed. After a while, the door opened and we had the opportunity to see the corridor that led to the ladder leading up.
"Wow is that your invention?" I asked in surprise.
"Yes, it's one of my few successful machines." Clemont said, scratching his head.
"Man science is so amazing. You need to show me more after this." I said enthusiastically and starting to wolk in the building.
"Pika pi!" Pikachu shouted and I looked up to see Garchomp unleashing dragon pulse down on us. I jumped with both pokemon in and attack exploded behind me. When I recovered a little, I saw that the entrance we came through was blocked by rubble.
"Clemont! Bonnie! Are you okay?" I shouted, worried they hadn't dodged the attack. To reassure me, I immediately received an answer from the other side.
"We're fine, Ash. What about you?" Clemont shouted.
"We're fine. We will keep going, you hide somewhere so that nothing happens to you. You helped me great, now it's up to me." I said and walked towards the ladder.
Serena POV
"We have received new information that Team Rocket is to blame for this whole situation. According to the information, they were stopped by a trainer who fortunately forced Team Rocket to flee or apparently fly into the air." said the reporter, who was holding a microphone with headphones to her ear.
"That was lucky. Team Rocket is making trouble in the Kanto and Johto regions. Lucky there was the trainer to stop them." said mom, sipping her coffee again.
"Hmh." I just answered by humming and I was still staring at the televisions.
"What is that? A boy appeared on the Prism tower ." said the reporter, and the camera aimed from above at the boy who was slowly approaching Garchomp. "Looks like he's trying to calm down Garchomp. But it doesn't seem to be working." added the reporter after Garchomp used another attack, which fortunately missed the boy and his pokemon.
"GAAAAR!" Garchomp could be heard roaring in pain, which suddenly took off and flew to the very top of the Prism tower. The boy, who still couldn't see his face, suddenly ran with his pokemon to the ladder at the corner of the tower and began to climb quickly to the top with his pokemon on his shoulders.
After a while, he climbed to the very top. "Unbelievable. The boy climbed to the very top of the Prism tower, which by the way is about 500 floors high, and tries to talk to Garchomp again." said the reporter, and the camera focused on the top of the boy and his pokemon, in which I recognized Froakie and then Pikachu from one pretty nice movie, played only by a lot of Pikachu with human dubbing.
The boy approached Garchomp slowly, and as Garchomp fought with himself, he seemed to be able to calm Garchomp. Then, suddenly, Garchomp began to lean back and back to the edge of the tower. I was afraid for a moment that Garchomp would fall from the tower, but trainer's Froakie immediately jumped up and used his bubbles called Frubbles and threw them at Garchomp's feet, preventing him from moving further. Then Garchomp fired another hyper beam at the trainer and the pokemon. Trainer's Pikachu immediately countered Garchomp's attack with his own. The Trainer began to move slowly again toward the immobile Garchomp. Garchomp swung suddenly with his claws. The first claw crossed the trainer's chest and caused injury.
"Looks like an unknown boy was injured." said the reporter, and the look was even more focused. The boy seemed to be recovering quickly, as he managed to dodge the other clawand with one hand grabbed the other claw with the other hand before he could strike again.
"Ouch, that must have hurt." said mom.
I remained silent. I didn't know what to think more. I felt sorry for the boy, that he was injured and that he had to deal with the altitude or admiration that just to help the pokemon decided to do this. Then I had a thought that surprised me quite a bit. The boy must be very strong if he manages to climb to such a height or catch the claws of such a large and strong pokemon. I decided to keep an eye on the situation as it develops.
I didn't expect him to start attacking with his claws. Fortunately, I managed to interrupt further attempts by grabbing his claws with my hands. It was wise of Froakie to immobilize Garchomp, because I wouldn't know how else to stop him and he would probably fall. Garchomp seems to be getting tired and fighting the collar more.
"Pikachu now use iron tail until it's time."
Pikachu jumped into the air and swung his glowing tail, destroying the collar to pieces. Then all the force Garchomp had fought in his limbs until now was gone. Garchomp knelt wearily and immediately laid the claws I had released on the ground so he could lean on them. Garchomp took a deep, tired breath and looked at what had happened. Then he looked at me and noticed a minor wound on my chest.
"Gar, gar" he said wearily, but he seemed to be apologizing.
"You're not to blame. Don't worry now. You're tired." I said stroking Garchomp's forehead. But when I finally wanted to rest, I heard a crack. I looked at the two helpers and saw that suddenly the piece of building they were standing on suddenly cracked and they both began to fall down from the tower. No, I won't leave them alone. It was the only thing I thought about and jumped after them. Fortunately, I fell faster, so I grabbed them both in my arms and just turned us so that they were over me. They looked scared and I decided to just ignore everything that was happening. "Everything is going to be fine." I told them and hugged them tightly.
But the pain or instant darkness didn't come. Instead, I felt something take me and two pokemon into what hand seemed. I looked up and saw pokemon looking familiar to Blaziken. Blaziken took us in one hand and with other one started slowing onto Prism tower destroying the already damaged plaster. After a while, I felt the pressure of the impact on the ground. I looked around and saw that we were under the Prism tower and the people around started running to us. Blaziken laid us on the ground and started running away.
"Thank you Blaziken." I shouted at Blaziken, who jumped into another building in one big leap, where he stood beside a person who looked quite as dressed as Blaziken. Blaziken was wrapped in light as he turned to face us. When the light disappeared, I saw a normal Blaziken, who had a belt on which you had a stone attached in front. It occurred to me at that moment that this must have been the Mega Evolution. Blaziken looked different and, as I heard, he returned to its original form.
Before I could look at the person next to Blaziken, a lot of reporters suddenly surrounded me and they started pointing at me with cameras or taking pictures. Among all of them, I even saw Alexa, who was looking at Blaziken and the person and looking upset. When I managed to look at the roof where they were for a moment, they were no longer there. Reporters immediately started asking me thousands of questions and Pikachu and I just sweat dropped.
Serena POV
The camera that was filming from the helicopter changed to a camera that was on ground, which immediately ran to the trainer, who was looking in a different direction. I wanted to know who the boy was, because jumping down from the Prism tower because of his pokemon seemed reckless and amazing to me. It occurred to me that it was probably the trainer already mentioned that stopped Team Rocket. It would make sense, because he knew what happened to Garchomp and decided to stop him.
"What led you to stop Garchomp?" the reporter asked out loud to make sure the boy would hear her. She had a good idea because the boy turned to face her.
But when I saw his face, I held my breath. The face with Z marks on the cheeks, brown eyes, black messy hair. It was him, and I was sure. The boy who helped me out of the woods when I was injured at Professor Oak's summer camp. I just needed to hear the question and the answer.
"When I see a pokemon in pain, I always help." said the boy with the toothy grin, that convinced me even more that it was him.
"Was it you who apparently stopped Team Rocket?" the reporter asked again, stepping into the picture to be seen next to the trainer.
"Yes. May I ask who's asking?" the boy asked, glancing at the reporter. Apparently he hadn't been to Kalos in a long time if he didn't know her. Everyone in Kalos, who has television, knows her.
"Malva, Kalos news and if I told my name to you so you could tell your name to us." Malva said, pointing toward the camera. Finally, the question I was waiting for, a question that seemed to be deliberately postponed.
"Ash." he said, planning to go now.
"Ash what?" she asked, apparently getting to him somehow under skin, because instead of slowly leaving, he started running with his pokemon on his shoulders. "Well, it looks like there will be everything we learn from the so-called Ash, and unfortunately we won't see any answers to any questions about the Blaziken mask hero today. The thing we can be sure of is that we will find out much mo-" I didn't hear more because my mom decided to turn off the TV. But what I had no idea was that my mother immediately turned to me.
"So, tell me. Do you know this Ash?" my mother asked, which absolutely surprised me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked innocently to try to hide my surprise.
"Serena, you've been living under my roof for almost 18 years. I know when something catches your attention. And the moment his face appeared on the screen, you were silent and in thought. So again, do you know this Ash?" Mom asked with a smile.
"I met him once at Professor Oak's summer camp. He just helped me out of the woods, nothing more." I said defeated, but I decided to keep most of the things to myself.
"Just?" said my mother, looking at me with one eye. Is she reading my mind today?
"Yes." I answered, running to my room rather than answering.
When I entered the room, I quickly ran to my bedside table and found it after a moment of searching. Light blue handkerchief with dark blue sides and a small pokeball.
I took it in my hand and remembered the day I first met him. That's when I got lost in my group and wandered into the woods. After a while, I cried then, because I didn't want to go to camp at all. My mom signed me in, hoping it would help my problems with pokemon.
"Someone help me" I scream in fear because I was alone in the woods. I continue through the forest when I suddenly hear the bush beside me rustle. "Hello?" I said with a swallow of tears, hoping it was one of Professor Oak's assistants.
Suddenly, a small pokemon jumped out of the bush, frightening me so much that I jumped so badly that I injured my knee. A small pokemon jumped out of the bush and just looked at me, "Poli." it was all he said and he jumped away again.
My knee hurt and I couldn't get up and there were lots of wild pokemon around me "Mommy!" I screamed in fear as my vision began to blur from new tears. Suddenly the bush from which a small blue pokemon had jumped before began to rustle again, and I just closed my eyes for fear of seeing what came out of it this time.
"Poliwag, did you find anyone?" I suddenly heard a boy's voice coming from the bushes. After a moment, his head peeked out of the bushes. It was a boy's age. He had black messy hair, brown eyes and Z marks on his cheeks. He wore very light clothes. He was wearing a yellow tank top and blue shorts and boots, and he had a hankerchief tied around his arm. He looked surprised to see me. "Are you okay?"
"I hurt my knee." I said she looked at my knee, which hurt.
"Oh ok. Wait, I will use this." he said, untying the handkerchief he had around his arm and tying it around my knee. "Now just say the magic words. Feel better, feel better right away." the boy shouted.
"I can't still get up." I said after trying to stand up.
"This always works. My father always says this when this handkerchief binds me to where it pain. And he always tells me this, too." he said with smile, holding out his hand to me. "Don't give up until it's over."
I took his hand and set me back on my feet with such speed that I hugged him a little unintentionally. Suddenly all the pain I felt before was completely gone.
"Are you okay?" he asked me with a new look, a caring look.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"I mean, I heard you scream and you cried before I came. What happened?" he asked, looking into my eyes.
"I have been here alone and I'm quite afraid of wild pokemon." I said, looking around, "And I really didn't even want to come to this camp." I added.
"You are afraid of pokemon?" he asked with his head tilted to his side, I just nodded shyly, "Pokemon are amazing creatures, you just have to know them." said the boy with a smile "Poliwag!" he suddenly shouted.
Suddenly, the same pokemon, poliwag, jumped out of the bush where the pokemon had jumped. He looked at us curiously and I quickly turned to the boy and was nervous about what would happen next.
"I chased Poliwag, and that's probably why you were frightened by how quickly he jumped out of the bushes. He certainly didn't want to do it on purpose, did you Poliwag?" said the boy about to look at Poliwaga, who came to us.
"Poli." he said and came closer, I backed away.
"You can't look at them like they're something else. Pokemon have the same feelings as humans and can feel how people feel about them. That's why Poliwag tries to please you because he doesn't want you to be afraid of him." said the boy and began stroking Poliwag. "Give it a chance and you'll see there's nothing to fear." the boy added, turning to me with a smile.
I don't know how, but all the fear left me at that moment, and I slowly approached Poliwag and began stroking him. The feeling that I was stroking him and losing his fear of it was like breaking the chains that just tied you. I looked at Poliwag and he smiled at me and I felt a smile begin to form on my face too.
"See? What did I tell you?" said the boy with the toothy grin.
"Thanks ..." I said, realizing I hadn't even asked him his name.
"Ash, Ash Ketchum. Now come on, I'm sure it's this way to camp." he said and took my hand and led me out of the woods.
Currently in the lab, everyone is already in their rooms sleeping, except for the professor, who oversees the exhausted Garchomp, who is currently being treated. The professor is currently looking at the old Kanto files and is happy with what he thought turned out to be true. He was about to decide to go pour coffee when his phone suddenly rang.
"Professor Sycamore on the phone. Who's calling?"
"Hello Professor, I'm calling, Grace Yvonne."
"What can I be grateful for for a phone call from an elite Rhyhorn racer?"
"Augustine, we both know very well that no one calls me that anymore." she said, and there was a muffled laugh on the phone.
"And we both know there's only one person who calls me Augustine. So what can I please for this phone call?"
"I thought you could tell me about Ash, who saved Garchomp for you."
"And why do you think I know anything about him?"
"Because people you don't know, you will find out right away, and also that it was he who stopped Team Rocket at your place and returned Garchomp."
"And what would you like to know?"
"I just want to know your last name and where he will go next?"
"His full name is Ash Ketchum and his next city, where he will go, is said to be Santalune city for a stadium match. Why do you need to know?"
"I will tell you briefly. Training." and after that sentence she hung up the phone.
Sycamore chuckled softly and looked at Garchomp. I barely know him and he amazes me immediately. The boy will be something, maybe something better than his father was.
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