44. True power
Serena POV
It was pretty interesting these past days. We were making our way to Laverre city and all we could talk about was time Bonnie what happened with her since she was hiding for two years.
The new thing we found out, Teddiursa into Ursaring. It gave us all pretty big hug, but when it came to Ash, Bonnie seemed uncertain always around Ash. When she let out Celebi, it was scared of Ash, which we understood, but after a few days, it made me confused.
But that wasn't a big problem... because Ash was for the most of the time avoiding all of us or spending most of time with Linda doing some type of training with Emboar, which seemed very dangerous to us all, but it was exactly what he wanted.
He seemed also to avoid Bonnie because whenever they were together he looked like he couldn't believe it still.
After explaining the thing with Bonnie, we were all interested in about Emboar. Linda seemed to be still confused about it, but took it anyway.
Even though Ash said we travel together, it didn't look like. He would rarely say anything. When we would stop to camp or eat, he would be gone in forest and when he came back with words:
"Me and Pikachu went for a run."
I would rarely see him at evening and when I met him one time coming out from forest, he would look like having a headache.
After the small explaining we got from Linda and
A few days ago
Others sat on the plank, Pikachu and Lucario beside them. Ash and Linda were exchanging some words and Linda held suitcase in her hand.
"Serena?" Linda suddenly asked her. "Ash said you have a Braixen. Could you call it out please?" Serena looked at them confused and turned to others. Bonnie shrugged her shoulders and Clemont reacted almost the same. "It will just help you more understand what are we trying to explain more."
Since the whole thing with time travel and Lumiose city, she was just more curious about what happened. They were always curious with Bonnie and it wasn't enough now for her to ask question anymore.
"Ok." she said and let out Braixen out. Braixen looked around, surprised to see Lucario, but before other things could happened, Krookodile walked out from forest with another big pile of wood and placing it around the modern target. Ash than pulled out pokedex and gave it to others. They looked down and saw Emboar, but this one looked completely different.
"Emboar, Mega Fire Pig Pokémon. Fire-fighting type. A flaring beard of fire is proof that it is fired up. It is adept at using many different moves. The classic size is 1.6m."
"So as you saw, Emboar is pretty different from the one you can see in pokedex." Linda said and placed the suitcase on ground.
"How did it happened to Emboar? Emboar isn't pokemon that has other evolution stages." Clemont stated and Linda froze. Here it was again. Ash grabbed the suitcase and walked away. They all looked how he went behind trees and turned to Linda who sighed.
"I know what you are thinking about Ash, but don't be mad at him. You see, Ash and Emboar got into accident, bad things happened and Ash's Pignite was exposed to very dangerous power that me and others in Unova are researching." she explained, looking to the trees.
"You mean True power?" Clemont spoke again, confusing both girls.
"True power?" all of them asked together.
"Yes. To explain. For years, we as people were living along side with pokemon that can let out fire on command, let out electricity that can power our machines or can let out beams of energy that can brake walls, yet you don't see reports of people or pokemon dying because of it. Pokemon only being knocked out or people being hit by it, only for them to walk it off in a few minutes. But there are reports of people or pokemon dying because of pokemon using their moves." Linda through her explaining started to talk more and more.
"Which pokemon?" Bonnie asked, as she let out her Dedenne to pet it.
"Legendary pokemon that are pushed into big rage." Ash spoke. They turned their heads and once again, they could see the huge Emboar as they saw it before. This time, they could look at it more and even though it walked on all four like before, it was around 3m high. This time when Emboar walked, it didn't burn as it made in Lumiose city to all roads.
Even though the huge made no reaction to others, it made everyone freeze. Krookodile took off its glasses to see the same pokemon it remembered now completely different. Lucario couldn't believe as well even though it saw already in his dreams. Braixen stood back to her trainer. But the hand on Braixen's shoulder made her stop. It was Serena's arm, she only one stood not backing away.
"What do you mean?" Serena asked and Linda continued.
"For example, Yveltal."
"The destruction pokemon?" Clemont asked and Linda nodded.
"Yes, people are scare of it for its signature move Oblivion wing. It has power to turn anything that it hits to stone and most of time people heard about it was because it caused some kind of destruction. But that is also not the problem, the problem is that Yveltal sleeps in its cocoon and most of the time, it is waken up sooner by any reason. In that moment it destroyes everything in its way. It isn't because of its abilities that it destroyes all things, it is because of the rage. The same damage, well, almost. It depends. Yveltal is destroying so Xerneas can recreate it again. But if it was one of the fire legendary pokemon it would burn forests, all pokemon in them. The pokemon would be badly burned or die. And I don't mean the fire from forest burning pokemon. I mean the direct hit from the flames that would legendary pokemon send out."
"That is why even legendary pokemon know probably how to control their full power to not cause so much damage." Ash added for Linda, as he had his hand on Emboars fur, petting it.
"But why other pokemon can't do it? I mean, the flames are the flames, right?" Bonnie asked, on which Linda snapped with her fingers.
"I can say only this. Yes and no. Serena, could Braixen hit the right target." Linda pointed to target that Krookodile brought. "And full power that you can." Linda added and both Serena and Braixen looked at each.
"Ok, Braixen use flamethrower. The best you can." Braixen pulled out her stick and let out huge flame. This seemed to make Emboar let out more steam of its nose. When Braixen stopped, the target absorbed the flames and Linda's laptop lit up.
Linda turned to Ash and nodded to him. He took a deap breath and said. "Emboar, use flamethrower."
Emboar let out big cloud of steam and then sent out from its mouth big blue flame stream. Everyone stood back, feeling the hot air around them. Linda looked at laptop and nodded to Ash who clapped Emboar's side. Emboar laid down on ground and started to snore.
"Now, just a moment... Good, I have it." Linda said and turned the laptop around. There were numbers and next it Braixen's picture. "This is Braixen's fire energy." she pressed a few buttons and than Charizard picture appeared with a higher numbers. "This is Ash's Charizard's fire energy and now, Emboar." she pressed next number and the numbers were three times higher.
"How is this possible?!" Serena asked surprised, Bonnie and Clemont as well.
"As I said before, we are living with pokemon for years. But a hundreds, maybe even thousands years, pokemon had to live with people that only needed them to haul their wooden vehicles, to help them plow the field, heat up their food. And although it make me sad to say it, they had to somehow make sure they couldn't die from their pokemon they enslaved. So they somehow took away their true power, we don't know how, but they did. And the only one who kept it were legendary and mythical pokemon because either they were too strong to be enslaved or were hiding. So that is why today no pokemon can kill human or other pokemon." Linda explained and although she was talking about something like this, she was fired up for their research.
"But that still doesn't explain why Emboar is how it is." Bonnie asked again and this made Linda to drop her energy attitude. She looked at Ash, but he was only looking at Emboar, he seemed ignoring everything.
"Well, when Ash's Emboar was still Pignite, it was hit by fire attack from legendary pokemon that sent out its true power. Pignite in the moment istead of dying from it, it absorbed the true power and it made Pignite go into forced evolution. But because normal pokemon aren't made for true power anymore, it made Emboar to ummm...change completely." she said as she closed the laptop. Everyone looked at each other. They all felt sorry for both Ash and Emboar, but one question remained.
"Which legendary was it?" Bonnie asked once again and Ash pulled out the strange black pokeball and recalled Emboar. When he did that, a small protrusions started to glow the same color as Emboars flames.
"Unova legendary pokemon. Reshiram."
Serena POV
Multiple our questions were answered, but one stayed unaswered and that was what really happened. But it seemed like Ash wasn't trying to hide anything almost.
Linda was very nice. She wouldn't say anything by herself, but when we had something to talk about, she would be very talkative, well almost. When we would ask about Ash's past, she wouldn't answer anything new. But I stopped with it because I didn't want make her feel like she was here only for answering our questions.
"Hey Serena, could you go look for Ash and take him lunch? He wasn't here on breakfast and I am pretty sure he won't show up on dinner again." Bonnie said and gave me his plate. My tablet was giving me alert about something happening, but Bonnie's smirk changed my next plan.
"Are you planning to hook me up on Ash?" I said and she shrugged.
"Hey, I didn't do it for two years, I was pretty much planning on it." she said with small smirk, but it fell quickly and murmured something to herself.
"Is there anything that happened between you and Ash?" I asked once again and she shrugged.
"It is something not needed to say probably." she said, her answer same as always and this time I was getting a lot of angry.
"Bonnnie! I hope we are not starting to have secrets with each other as well, right?" I asked, placing the plate on stone and dragging Bonnie aside. I looked at her and she looked nervous.
"No! Tha- no. It isn't about between us. It is about what happened that night when it all changed." she seemed nervous. I looked with raised eyebrow at her.
"I don't know Bonnie how scary it could be, but just so you know. I am here for you Bonnie, if you are scared of something, or even Ash, you know you can tell me." I placed my arm on her shoulder and it seemed to calm her down. She looked up at me and had big smile. Before I could react, she hugged me hard.
"I missed this so much Serena." she whispered. I hugged her back, we hugged each other in silence, ignoring things. "I just need to make sure of one thing and then I can tell you." she said as she pulled back. I nodded to her picked back up the plate and went the last way I saw him walk away.
After a while, I heard something hitting trees around. I slowed down and it was good idea. I saw Ash with wooden stick. He was standing next to huge square rock and he seemed like he was doing some type of dance. He had closed eyes, taking deep breaths.
Than, he suddenly opened eyes and ran forward the trees, slamming most of them. It wasn't random, he was aiming lower, higher or even jumping. He seemed really only thinking about the fight.
After a few minutes, he walked back. He didn't notice me because he just sat down against the boulder. Pikachu was on top of it, sleeping.
"I know." he spoke and I thought he finally noticed me. "It wasn't suppose to happen this way. I am sorry I didn't do something sooner, but I needed some time. I was told that it was suppose to be and I agree." he said, looking down. "I was always stupid. I couldn't even end my life properly."
I froze be these words. I took step back, but the small 'crack' exposed me. Ash turned around and looked at me and by how his face changed and my face looked. "H-hey Ash. I brought you lunch." I said, showing him the food. He looked at me and I knew he knew. The question was, how much he thought I heard.
"Thanks Serena." he said, took the plate and sit down on grass. He was eating in silence and I didn't know what to say so I was about to walk away. "Could you- Could you please stay Serena?" I froze and looked back at him. He was looking up at me and I couldn't decipher his emotions enough. But I sat down next to him.
After some time of silence, I lied on ground and looked up in the sky and let out calm breath. I thought about what Ash told us in Lumiose city. He was wrong and right at the same time I thought. Even though we were getting in danger. On this journey, I felt most alive for past 18 years.
"Thanks." ha suddenly said, I turned my head and Ash was lying next to me, looking also up in the sky.
"For what?" I asked confused.
He turned his head and looked me in the eyes. "For not asking now. And being here. Being with you makes me for once in a while calm" he answered and I looked at him surprised and after a few seconds realising how close we were. I felt my blood coming to my cheecks, but luckily Ash looked back in the sky.
We sat there for a long time and after some time, we agreed to be on our way. And that is what we did. We were finally arriving to Pokemon center, I opened my tablet and multiples news popped up at me.
"Guys, loo-" but my words were cut by multiple people standing nearby TV.
"These images might be disturbing" a female voice said, I recognised reporter Malva. But it all went out when I saw the screen.
Everyone watched, how the beautiful Prism tower ended up showing this message. On one side was tied with ropes man, covered in blood with knives stuck inside him. The ropes tied him so its arms and legs were wide open.
"This man was found this mourning tied up to Prism tower. When police was, they immediately took down the cops and officer Jenny. Until a few moments ago, we had no idea about what until a anonymous post was sent into entire world. We got the information that this man was a leader team rocket leader Giovanni. The police still doesn't confirm this but-" everyone listened, when Ash got a message on his pokedex, telling him to go to nearest telephone.
Everyone watched completely surprised by this until Serena noticed Ash was gone. She looked around for him, until she found him on phone. She jumped up when Ash slammed the phone and fell to his knees.
"For you, my friend. They killed you, I did the same to them. You were not suppose to end this way." Lysandre toasted to it and took sip of his drink. "I failed twice in my life Red, first saving you. Second was letting Z3 die on my watch.
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