41. Through minds
It was night and miles of forest. Nothing else then plants and pokemon around here and even then, it was being lit up like small village.
Some pokemon were running away, but most of them went closer to look at what was happening. When they arrived, they saw huge crater in which blue lightnings were hitting into one point. The electricity was hitting one point. From the crater could be heard loud roaring as all pokemon looked on side from which blue lighting coming from and they saw yellow bipedal pokemon with wild fur.
It stopped letting them out and stood there, breathing and looking on other side. The blue lightings were gone and on the same place was big glowing globe covering another bipedal pokemon, but with no fur, only grey skin and purple skin.
"Finally. You are controlling that power. I was slowly getting bored by this." Mewtwo spoke through telepathy, getting growl from his opponent. "I am not the one with too much power that could kill anyone. Take 1000 laps without causing sonic boom." Mewtwo pointed to sides of the crater. Zeraora mumbled before disappearing in bling of an eye and blue circles appeared around the crater, creating gust of wind around and more light.
As genetic pokemon watched him, another one landed next to it. "How is Zeraora doing?" the female telepathic voice spoke as they watched how the crated was glowing around.
"Well, Zeraora is doing better, but there are more things that are needed to done."
"Zeraora is asking about things like getting meat or 'salmons'." the female Mewtwo looked confused at the other one. "Yeah, same here. Salmons are pokemon like Magikarp or Goldeen. Salmons, fishes are like most of the water types. What about you, did find anything in ruins?"
"Well, Dialga stopped by and told me something interesting. Dialga can't 'fix' some of the situations that Zeraora caused. Something about events that were suppose to happen. And as for my exploration of ruins." Mewtwo lifted up its arm, letting out a purple glowing and then out of nothing, a two big stones popped out and were placed down. The male mewtwo looked at them and world on each of them but the second one was like exploded.
"Ok, I see, but still don't understand."
"Most of the walls were completely destroyed but after I found these two on each side and I started to look at them more. My theory is that and try to listen to me. I believe Zeraora came from another world or reality." Mewtwo looked at the other one, waiting for the arguing, but it never came.
Opposite, it surprised Mewtwo reaction. "It makes sense. I mean, Zeraora doesn't get almost anything at all here and we can't understand most of things either."
"Good, for once we agree and I think I have an idea for this." the female voice ended just in moment when Zeraora slided next to them. "Hey Zeraora, I want to try something, can we?" Zeraora looked at them confused, but nodded. Mewtwo lifted one of its hands and placing it on Zeraora forehead and both of their eyes started to glow.
Mewtwo didn't see its surrounding but saw thousands of images and Zeraora too. Mewtwo was letting its memories more out, but Zeraora was struggling, growling. Being confused, but also how the memories started to return. Mewtwo was surprised by what it saw, but then big shock of electricity hit Mewtwo making it stumble back. Mewtwo looked back at Zeraora who was unconscious on ground.
"Don't tell me you did it again." the male voice inside its head made Mewtwo look back at the other one with crossed arms.
"It will help us all, but Zeraora wasn't really happy about it."
"No joke. Zeraora wasn't surely growling, but I didn't expect the spark. What did you see?" Mewtwo asked on which the other one was thinking about what to say.
"Good thing, I was right with my theory... Bad thing, Zeraora met Ash's version, which was some type of hunter I think? It were confusing memories but the main thing is that... Ash died there."
While this was happening, back in Palet town, behind the lab were running pokemon, among them one that was one moment sitting and sleeping on tree and then another moment feeling sudden pain in head and falling down.
Night pokemon glanced at the bipedal pokemon. It was on of the newest pokemon, the aura pokemon.
Lucario stood back up only to over knocked down by so sudden strong emotions and then, his vision changed. He didn't see forest or plains but saw the room, where he Clemont and Serena and pokemon he almost didn't recognise, but most important was the one he looked through. His trainer.
Since he went here, he was thinking about what the information. His trainer was always talking about opening up to each other and that is what he did, but Ash didn't until when Lucario pressured about it.
When he found out, he didn't know how to feel, but he needed to see other pokemon to know how they felt about it.
Now he knew his trainer needed him more then anything, because he was mourning.
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