40. She...she...she...
Lumiose city. The center of Kalos region. During day, it would be very active. During the night, it would lit up with multiple lights and tourist would look up to see the highest building, Prism tower.
But today was entire city was talking about the mysterious explosion of an old pub and about destroyed roads with melted trail from forest into the same pub. The police investigated the reason of explosion and dead body in those ruins.
Information weren't leaked to public, but there rumours about blue black pokemon running out from Lumiose labs rampaging through city and then disappearing after the explosion.
As the entire city was alive, talking about the mystery, the prism tower locked for any new trainer. The whole gym was mourning.
Serena POV
I couldn't believe it. When we came that evening, I was so happy to find Ash only with burned cloths, but then Clemont's cry changed everything.
Bonnie was gone.
And I couldn't stop crying. But all of us mourned in our way. Clemont closed himself inside his office. Ash seemed like walking ghost. When he woke up, he didn't remember anything and when he heard what we knew, it devastated him and then he was appearing and disappearing with cold face over his face, the only thing changed was Pikachu, either Pikachu was on his shoulder or not, and if he smelled by alcohol. We didn't see Meyer since yesterday, but he somehow knew about it, because when we came back, the table in kitchen was completely smashed. Clembot stayed at door, turning people away and even if it is robot, Clembot was from time to time freezing.
We didn't stay yesterday any longer there. None of us noticed that Blaziken mask arrived only when he dragged Clemont away to give him small hug. I didn't understand it much, but I guess he knew Clemont needed it. The girl that was there, she pulled out some strange type of pokeball and recalled Emboar. She introduced herself as Linda and said that she and Ash knew each ither but nothing more. But to me, I could see it had something to do with Emboar, but I couldn't care in that moment.
Five months. Five months I knew Bonnie and she was like younger sister to me. We knew everything about each other and helped each other everytime we could. I thought things I knew and she helped me with my performing. I remember how we had fun with Miette.
A few weeks ago
We waited for commercials to end so we could watch Calem in finals, when hands covered my eyes and they were too much smooth for them to be Ash's.
"What do you push inside something that is pink and pointy?" I recognised the voice and almost laghed.
"Do you mean Slowpoke's tail inside Shellos??" Bonnie asked, my brain hoping for her not to get ambiguity.
"Well, see Serena. Even she gets the one half of it." Meitte laughed as she let go of my eyes. "Planning to watch your ex fight?"
"Yeah, but not in the way you think." I countered and she laughed.
"Oh I know, you have new one. Btw how is it going with new one?" she asked, as her eyes looked around. "Where are misters anyway?"
"Ash said he had some headache so he went to jog and my brother is in Lumiose city. Anyway do you wanna join us or do you plan to release waters like Skuntank its liquids?" I looked at her completely shocked, but Miette sat next to us completely laughing.
"Oh god, I knew I liked you!" she bursted and I joined her after few seconds. After few minutes, we were stopped in it by TV.
"And here it finally comes. Final battle between Calem and Alain. Both trainers from Kalos region and people don't tell me that region isn't special one. And here they come. Although it is his first league, he already made it to finals. Say hello to CALEM!" the whole audience roared with cheers and applauses. Camera zoomed closer and there walked Calem waving his hand and coming closer to battlefield. "And other side, we have last finalist in Kalos league, but for unanswered reason left the league and letting his opponent free win. But most people talk about he would win it. HERE COMES ALAIN!"
I looked at the man around his 20s coming from other side. He had black hair with blue eyes His clothing was almost only black. Trousers, mountain boots, gloves and jacket. He had blue shirt and white shirt under that jacket and around his shoulders blue fluffy scarf. He had look of determination on his face, but he looked specifically into audience and then turning back at Calem.
"Don't you think that is a lot of information about trainers from one reporter?" Bonnie asked and I had to agree.
"He is new one, but very popular. What he says, people should know about pros and cons about trainers they watch battle. The more they get higher in battles, the more he gets information about them and digs for them. He is quiet hot." Miette said, but our attention went back to screen, watching the battles.
We watched it with big tension until Calem was on his last pokemon and Alain still had three pokemon. The biggest problem for Calem was Alain's mega Charizard.
"Can Calem's mega Altaria help him defeat Alain's mega Charizard X and get him another chance to win or it will be another won for unstoppable Charizard X? My name is Oliver and this is final round of Kanto league!" he yelled and continued in commenting the battle.
Calem wasn't going to give up. I knew that, but neither was Alain. Alain's Charizard was fast, strong and could take a hit. Altaria was as well, but I could see Alain had a lot more experiences.
Altaria took a lot of damage by surprising attacks from Charizard and we could see how Altaria was heavily breathing.
"Altaria goes for dazzling gleam! Alain reacts on it with Charizard using thunder punch." the camera zoomed into the shining light and black Charizard with sparking claws clashing. To everyone surprise, Charizard was hurt more, sliding back on its own feet. Altaria flew there and I thought it would be chance, but then sudden sparks around Altaria's body.
"What a play. Alain's Charizard received damage, but even then hitting Altaria's wing." my eyes roamed to the wing and I noticed that the fluffy clouds were reforming back into normal form. Charizard then slammed into ground creating cracks in ground and coming closer to Altaria. "Here comes Blast burn! Altaria tries to escape but paralysis is doing its job and Altaria is being hit!" we watched how Altaria was gone in huge explosion and smoke. The whole audience was silente, waiting for the smoke to reveal how it ended up. We waited, but then from the smoke came out small light and then the dust revealed Altaria back in normal form. "And here you have it. The winner of Kanto league is Alain from Kalos!"
We watched how Calem walked over destroyed field and shook his hand with Alain and then TV started to show highligts of the battles.
"Well, he tried first time and did fine. What about you girls?" Miette spoke and I agreed with Bonnie on same thing. Miette looked down on her watch and her eyes widened. "I have to go. Bad I can't see big guy, but I have girl to meet. See ya.
Bonnie was close to everyone she met.
My thoughts were broken when someone slammed with doors in room next to me and then I heard yelling. I ran to look what was happening and I froze for moment seeing what was happening.
Meyer had Ash slammed against wall, punching him and Ash didn't defend and only listened what Meyer yelled. He was bleeding from nose and his cheeck was bleeding as well.
"She was my baby girl!" he yelled and I could smell alcohol from him. "She was suppose to be safe, but now she is gone, but you survived! Explain that to me!" but it was only rhetorical question because he gave no more time to Ash and started to beat him again.
"Dad stop!" Clemont's voice made me turn around and Clemont hurried to stop his father and I joined him.
Bonnie might have followed Ash, but we still don't know anything. "Meyer stop. Beating Ash won't solve anything."
"He will tell us. Bonnie told me he is keeping secrets. How do you-" Meyer spoke, but Clemont yelled this time.
"He cared about her as well! He wouldn't lie about that! You don't know him!" Clemont made us stop yelling, but Meyer still held against wall. I didn't know about that.
"History is repeating its self." Ash finally spoke. His voice was hoarse, and I looked at him. He looked like someone praying. "First comes tragedy. Cough* T-then comes catastrophe and darkness." I don't know why, but it made me goosebumps. He looked into Meyer's eyes. "You are maybe right, maybe wrong but last time it was my fault. Clemont is right and cough* I am sorry and it was my fault because people followed me." Ash then closed his eyes and leaned his head back against wall waiting for another hit. I couldn't understand his words, but he wasn't paying any attention to me this time.
We stool there in silence and my eyes scanned everyone's faces. Clemont was holding Meyer's arm, but I could see it wouldn't stop him. Meyer on other hand had mixed emotions, anger and sadness together.
After a moment, he dropped Ash who fell on his butt and I hurried to help him up. Meyer walked away, slamming doors behind him.
Clemont knelt next to me looking at Ash. "Come Ash, let me stitch that up." Clemont said and he looked at me and with nod, we helped Ash up and took him to medical room.
We placed Ash on white bed and Clemont pulled out first aid kit and started to stitching Ash. By how Clemont was making his faces, he wasn't best with it and looked everytime up at Ash, but he didn't flinch or move.
Then I realised that we were again three of us together after what happened. That was until Ash said those words.
"I need to leave."
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