33. A little help
"Guys, let's try it again." I could hear Serena as we were all in city, on our way for my upcoming challenge. Serena was now training with her pokemon to get ready on next perfomance. And to her disappointment, it was not good and they worked on it for entire day. I needed some training, I checked on her time from time, but most of time, Bonnie was the one running around looking on us.
As I trained with newly evolved Sliggoo. Its body was now bigger, with shell on its back, bigger antenna-like horns. After the perfomance, it was strange with our communication and it got the point where Lucario went for the first time into lab. Frogadier on other hand was now even more ready for our battles.
During our training, I could feel someone watching me and other, but before I could think about it more, I heard sudden yell. "YOU NEED TO STOP!". I knew it was Serena and it wasn't good. I ran in there to see both Serena with her emotions on breaking point. Before she yelled, Pancham and Ralts seemed almost ready to punch each other to ground, Fennekin ready to sent out flames. It seemed it failed big time for now.
"I need some time. I am gonna take a walk. So-" before none of us could say anything, she ran away. I was about to follow her, but then I noticed someone behing the corner.
"Bonnie look out for others for me. I am gonna take care of something and unfortunately it is not Serena." I added the last part because she was asking these things and I went away, only with Pikachu jumping on my shoulder. As I walked past the corner, I swung my elbow, hitting the person forehead I guessed and took the person in lock with my hand. Pikachu alarmed by it, but I ignored him. "Why are you spying on us?" I asked as I tightened my grip.
"Argh- be-because I-I... we-we pulled of the impossible in Viridian city." oh you have to be kidding me. I stopped choking him and let him go.
"Cough* hey-cough*." he lifted his finger and indicated me to wait a moment. I may have took it too far. After few seconds, he stopped coughing and stood up. "Long time no see Ash."
"Hi Jack." I finally saw his face and it didn't change much. The same white almost completely cut only leaving short strands of hair. His red eyesdolls were little bit more redder, probably lack of sleep leaving red more then white. As I was about to say he got dropped the weight, I noticed his broken nose. "I see somebody repayed same as I did last time." I said with slight chuckle and he pouted.
"That time I did not deserve it and this time was something I didn't see coming." he pointed out, but I shook my head.
"What are you doing here Jack?"
"Me? I am working." I raised my eyebrow, but he continued. "And after I noticed you, I could use your help."
"Nope, nope, nope. I am not going to help you again Jack. I don't need anything from you and although we are friends, I am still not helping you." this time he raised his eyebrow on me.
"Because of what? Your girlfriend or that little girl you were with?" I shook my head and he laughed. "I knew you had the balls!"
"She is not my girlfriend. She is a friend and girl I travel with but she is not my girlfriend and if you are not planning on asking me for drink or anything else but doing a job with you, I will happily go with you."
"So you won't go, even if it means you will learn about team Rocket here in Kalos or some bigger organisation than them." this caught my attention.
"What are you talking about? Team Rocket isn't here and I did not notice anything around here." I said, but I knew he wasn't making this up. He might be adjusting the truth to piss me off, but he didn't lie normally.
"Hoho, they are here. I told you this before but you didn't listen to me. Wherever you go, team Rocket go."
"If you mean Jessie, James and Meowth. Yeah they do." I countered, but he chuckled.
"Oh Ash you are wrong. But lets talk about it by the work. I will tell you this, I need your help and I will get you an information about all you will need to hear. So what do you say." I sighed, but nodded.
Serena POV
I was sitting at the bench, most of my tears already gone. I didn't know what do. I yelled at my pokemon, I couldn't keep myself together and only showed how I failed last time.
Part of me was hoping for Ash to show up and help me, part of me felt that I should be alone. And that was probably what was gonna happen, because Ash seemed to take it to give me some time.
"Serena?" a sudden, familiar voice broke me out from my thoughts. I looked up to see someone I didn't think I would see. But those hair were pretty much easily to remember.
"Kerten?" I stood up quickly, trying to hide my face somehow, but I failed totally because what he saw first was my face.
"What happened?" he asked, but I shook my head.
"Nothing Kerten. What are you doing here?" I asked avoiding his question, which seemed to make him annoy even more.
"Alright, I am here to get Korra a gift. Wanna help me out?" he asked out of blue, but after all, I needed one too.
"Yeah that would be nice. I need to get Bonnie a gift too. Guess we can get both our friends gifts." I said, but he lifted his finger.
"There I see we didn't get too much know on camp. Korra is my sister, not friend. Well yeah we are friends of course but we are siblings. But anyway, I could use your help." I nodded, surprised by the new information, but welcoming distraction from before.
We walked into the factory area, where most of time were streets abandoned. But those people who were outside, I could see some of them noticing us walking and raising eyebrows.
"They are confused about you. After we last time parted our ways, business was great and I got myself some name on streets, but I must say it was harder here." he flaunted and part of me was happy for him, but I still remembered what he was doing.
"Yeah, but what are you doing here?" I asked and he grinned.
"Well I checked your history. Pretty surprised me your pretty big history. Especially with team Rocket. And so I decided to go in your steps and travel a little bit. You know, if your service trades go almost everywhere, the more people will want to make deals with you."
"Probably not everyone if I guess with that nose." I pointed out and he smirked.
"Well it doesn't work out everytime. I think you understand me better than anyone with your luck on leagues."
"Do you want me to broke that nose more?" I asked and he laughed.
"Just joking man. Anyway before you ask me, I will get to the point. There is some strange organisation, but if you want to know, I need something from you."
I raised my eyebrow. In Viridian city, I did only ask for possibility to travel without anyone noticing. "What makes you think I wanna know about this organisation?"
He turned to me, with hesitation. "Because I know what happened in Unova." After this, my eyes widened and I punched him into stomach, which almost made him fall on ground. "Uff, cough* I deserved that. Cough* You really worked up."
"How the fuck do you know? All the records have been sealed and stop playing around, you are already getting on my nerves enough for today." I said as he finally stopped coughing.
"Some people know how to hack, I know someone who does and he owed me a favour. And since our last meeting, I was wondering and so I know. Sorry about that."
I placed hand over my face and grunted. Each time I was close to stop thinking about, something comes up and my nightmares comes back with it. "Just tell me what do you want Jack."
He had small smirk, but his face confused me about his reaction. "Remember what I said about team Rocket? And before you say those three, I am not talking about them. You see, there is one warehouse with one group of people that are almost ready to start. But they can't, if someone finds out."
"You mean me. Why won't you do it yourself."
"Because they would go for my ass if they found out, but someone else, I would be fine." he pointed his finger to show the point.
"What will you get out of it, even if I agreed."
"Team Rocket gone means people will have to catch pokemon the normal way and they will need to get pokeballs and other stuff somewhere. Where better, than the best trader in the world." I rolled my eyes.
"I can't Jack, it will put target on my back and others I travel with."
"That is why I said 'someone'. And the warehouse is right behind the corner. So what do you say?" he asked and I thought about it hard. "I will buy you a drink." I sighed.
I am not gonna let that happen.
Serena POV
I was having fun. A lot of fun. Kerten dragged me everywhere to look for things or to just joke about things. 'Who would want a magic wand.' he would say and I laughed with him.
It was nice to get know Kerten other than the flirting guy who tried to impress me. It was really nice, almost forgetting why I left my pokemon behind with others. It made me sad everytime.
I yelled at them, ignoring how they felt about it. I knew Fennekin felt the same way. She blamed herself as much as I did myself.
"Hey!" I was broken from my train of thoughts to notice Kerten grinning at me. "Too much frowning makes wrinkles. Show me the smile again you had today." I smiled more akwardly this time. "How about you tell me why the sad mood." I sighed, I couldn't walk around longer without telling him could I. We sat at the cafe and I talked.
As I continued to talk, he didn't change his expression at all or speak. Only one thing changed, it made me flinch, but it didn't made to move away. That was when I was slowly failing with holding my tears, he placed his hand on my own.
After I was done, he finally said something. "And you expected to just jump back into the action thinking you would be all alright."
"Yeah. Just smile and stand back up. Take the loss and let it make me stronger. Think about having a fun. That was what Ash told me."
"And he is right, BUUUT he forgot to tell you one thing Serena." he said with making me surprised. "It takes time to recover from these things. I would know and I pretty sure your boyfriend does too."
"Ash i-isnt my boyfriend."
Kerten laughed at this. "Just joking, but I must say he looked like it at the camp don't you think?" he asked me with grin. I was about to say something, when he continued. "You need to find a way to see those downs as power. By jumping back into the action won't work for everyone. You tried and your first fail reminded you what happened. The trick is, you have to find something that makes you smile. Like today." he said smirking and I smiled. He seemed to talk a lot about problems, but not his..... Just like Ash.
"Let me ask a question. If you thought Ash was my boyfriend, do you think is good idea." I indicated on his hand. He took it away with laugh.
"I challenge things head on. I did and you didn't mind." he said smirking and I smacked his hand.
"Sure...." I said rolling my eyes. His cockiness is something.
As we sat there, I remembered something that Shauna told me.
In warehouse, which was only lit up slightly, multiple people worked. Many placing cages in corner, others getting electric collars ready. They all wore black bandanas on their shoulders with big 'R'.
As one of the man placed collar to others, he looked for another with its remote, only for the remote to be missing. The man looked under the table only fail to notice one collar missing. As he stood up again, he felt how something cold and metallic was placed around his neck.
He looked down to see collar on his neck flash its lights green. "What the-" his words were taken over by scream that he made when the collar was turned on, sending jolts of electricity through his body.
Other members looked confused at their colleague scream and falling on his knees. "What the fuck Dave, why do you have it on?" one of the workers asked, but he didn't get the answer. Dave was screaming trying to take it off, when he noticed how behind his colleagues felt shadow.
"Be-beh" he struggled to warn them, only one man looking behind them to see fist before hitting him in the face. Other members alarmed by the surprised attack turned to be grounded by multiple hits.
"Who the fuck are you?" asked one of them as he was the only one who wasn't knocked out. He watched how a person, with Black and white mask showing joy and sadness running to him.
"Nobody." he said and big swing, he hit the man in the face. He still stood, but the masked attacker was behind him, taking his hand and breaking its bones in two. The team rocket grunt fell down, fainting from the pain. The masked attacker stood there, seeing theme all knocked out, only to be slammed on ground by huge pokemon.
"Nice try you masked freak." Said man from the shadows, as he walked out. He had big grin, which was mixed with anger by the intruder. He had black hair, which were hidden most by black beret. He was very high and muscular. What cought every person's view was the black eye patch he had over his right eye. He smirked, as he saw the intruder trying to get out, but he couldn't. On top of him was lying green Gastrodon. Its more like luquid part of the body lying on top of its enemy.
"You are not gonna get away with this team Rocket." the masked man said. Team Rocket leader could see the intruder's head. His face was hidden behind mask and hair was covered by black hat.
"We are here over a month and nothing, not even single problem and then you show up, hurting my grunts and thinking you would get away with it? I don't th-" but the man couldn't complete his words, when suddenly from shadow flew out, a white ball, hitting him in face. Before Gastrodon could react, it was hit from side by white blade, making the water-ground type fall of the intruder.
Team Rocket leader fought to get of the the thing that was blinding him, finally taking it off. He looked infront of him, ignoring his patch falling off as well. He saw how his pokemon was being attack be fast attacker and the intruder stood up again, running right at him.
"I will show you to mess with me!" the team rocket elite officer yelled and ran at him as well, ignoring the pain from his hurted eye. Both of them clash at each other, catching both each other's fists. The masked guy tried to trip his legs, but failed. "Ha, nice try you-whoa!" he yelled when the masked guy instead of taking him by leg, quickly took only one hand and threw him over his shoulder. He took the man's arm and dislocated his arm. The member of team Rocket yelled in pain, as he held his dislocated arm.
Before the masked man could do anything more, he was surprised by ice beam that was send before him, making him jump away. He looked to side to notice Gastrodon very hurt, but still aimed the attack. Then the Gastrodon was gone in red beam and when the intruder looked back where he fought with man, he was gone.
The masked man sighed and took of his mask to reveal Ash. He placed his hand on his sides and flinched, feeling a broken rib. After that, he looked behind him to see Frogadier standing there.
"I guess you followed me." Ash grinned as he fell on his one knee. "Thanks for that. I didn't see him." he said as he stood up again. "Wanna help me tie them up?" he pointed his head at the unconscious group. Frogadier simply nodded and both of them let the group tied behind them, walking outside of warehouse.
"Nice job Ash!" exclaimed Jack as he walked to him clapping and big smile on his face. "I knew you could do it."
Ash simply looked at him, but smiled as Pikachu jumped to his side. "Yeah well let's get out of here."
"What about them?" Jack asked, on which Ash pulled out phone with broken screen, text message with location and information for police already sent. "Of course." he said and both of them started to walk, Ash throwing phone back into warehouse. "You might want to let a doctor look at that." he said pointing to Ash's side he was holding.
"If you have doctor that won't ask questions, I will go happily there." and for the first time, both of them laughed together. As they walked, they accidentally bumped into girl walking past them. Before they could say anything, she was gone. Both boys shrugged, but Pikachu looked confused as he felt sparks that were familiar, but strange.
Serena POV
I got Bonnie a perfect gift which she will need and she will like.
I said quick good bye to Kerten, which he used to ask for pokedex number so he could write me. After few minutes of thinking, I decided to give him. It was maybe a bad idea, but as he said.
"What could happen."
I got back to the pokemon center, sneaking around to hide from Bonnie and gave my gift to nurse Joy for her to send it to Lumiose city.
I finally walked up to my pokemon, they all were sitting there worried and all of them ran up to me, happy to see me.
"I am sorry guys about what happened." I said happy, hugging them. As Bonnie ran to me, I noticed Ash was nowhere to be seen.
"Hi Serena, everything fine?" she asked me and I nodded.
"Hey, where is Ash?"
"I don't know. He said that was going to take care of something right after you were gone. Frogadier and Pikachu went with him. I haven't seen them since."
Strange. But I couldn't think about it more because I ran up to TV to switch between channels.
"We only sell the-"
"-living in Kalos couldn't be eas-"
"I swear that skeleton was talk-"
Channels changed, multiple ads showing up, but not the channel I was looking for.
"Absol is unable to battle, Sceptile wins!"
Finally, I found what I was looking for. I could see Bonnie was about to ask me what, but TV answered for me.
"Calem is for last pokemon, while Max is leading with two. Let's see how this will end up."
The camera zoomed exactly on Calem and he didn't change a bit, only higher than last time maybe. Same hat as well.
"That is Calem?" Bonnie asked surprised, seeing for the first time.
"Yup. I remembered Shauna writing me about Calem being in semi-finals. So I wanted to see him." I said and as I watched him pulling out another pokeball, I felt no pain about letting him go. Like this, we are at least friends than failing couple.
"Calem is going for his ace, let's see how Max can handle the mega Altaria." reporter said as the battlefield was lit up with light and there stood big fluffy pokemon, which let out battle cry, surprising me how he got stronger than last time I saw him.
"Hey, isn't this the same Max Ash talked about?" Bonnie asked and the camera zoomed on Calem's opponemt. He wore big square glasses, which looked good with his black combed hair. By what Ash told us, he has started his journey right before Ash came to Kalos so age was fitting as well.
"Yeah, you may be right." I said, while both of them started the battle. Both of them determined to win, everyone could see it on their faces. We were so cought up in watching that we didn't notice how Ash's pokemon ran away or that another person sat next to me.
"Max got to the semi-finals, awesome." this got our attention and we turned around to see Ash grinning at us. "Everything fine Serena?"
"Yup, everything is fine. So this is the Max you talked about?" I asked and he nodded.
"And Sceptile is DOWN!" the reporter yelled and both of us looked at screen to see mega Altaria with no damage taken. "It doesn't look good for Max, is he gonna pull through or will Calem and his mega Altaria live with another victory?"
"Calem? Wasn't he one of your friends Serena." Ash asked, as I froze for a moment. I mentioned him once in front of Ash. I guess he remember as good as I do.
"Yeah, he is." I said, as we watched how Max released pokemon I didn't see yet, but Ralts exclaimed at see it and so I pulled out pokedex.
"Gallade, blade pokemon, psychic-fighting type, final evolution of Ralts. Gallade extends its elbows as if they were swords, and when protecting someone, it fights fiercely."
Now it makes sense. Gallade looked very majestic and both pokemon ran at each other. The battle was huge, many cool moments like Altaria using Dragon meteor and Gallade sliced through them.
"Both pokemon seemed to be tired, are we gonna see the end of this?" both trainers seemed to talk about something, but we couldn't hear anything. After that, both pokemon ran at each other. Altaria shining so much it blinded everyone, Gallade on other hand ran where he seemed to find its opponent with glowing blades it had. When the light stopped, Altaria wasn't there and Gallade looked confused, only to be slammed to ground by sudden Dragon meteor.
"AMAZING! Calem used dazzling gleam to blind and used dragon meteor. Will Gallade stand this?"
Everyone was silent, to watch the cloud of dust, but pokemon standing in it. IT had raised hand, looking on its opponent. But a moment later, it fell on one knee and the on ground.
"And it is decided! Calem Xavier is moving up to the finals against Alain!" the reporter yelled, as in behind scene we could see Max walk up to his pokemon, probably saying something, shaking hand with Calem and it just showed a few highlights.
"Oh! Max loosed, he seemed he could do it." Bonnie whined, on which I giggled and I turned to Ash, who seemed to be proud? I don't know, sometimes is Ash complicated. I thought to myself.
"Oh yeah Ash, where did you go?" I asked and he shrugged.
"I met with my friend. We had a little fun doing some stuff, you know."
A few hours later
Lysandre POV
These news did not made me happy at all. I could tolerate that small team following Ash, but I did not want to see more team Rocket here, but it seemed Giovanni don't hold. It seems I will start with plans earlier. And so I dialled the number I want. It to reveal my head scientist Xerosic in Holo Caster.
"Sir, I was just about to call you."
"Yes, I need you to put plan R sooner. It is prepared anyway so it shouldn't be problem." I said he nodded.
"Yes sir. We had slight complication, because Prism tower was upgryded in its protection so our original plan to use Prism tower to power it won't work anymore. But we found another source of energy that could work as battery and even better than we thought."
"Magnificent!" I was very much happy with all things coming together. And by what Ash told me so far, he seems to see what I want him to see sometimes. The worthlessness of this world and those we can love are taken away by those we hate.
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