28. Fist fight
A.N. I count in meters and has like no idea in feet, so let's take it in meters, I will give you guys feet, but most of time, I am gonna talk in meters because I am used to them XD. Also I am gonna try to describe everything, if you don't want, then tell me, but I think about how books are about imagination and if I cut out that imagination like that, what it would be for? Tell me if you want, I know for someone it can be annoying, but it is up to you.
"I know that gyms are suppose to stand out from other buildings, but don't tell me that building right over there is a gym?" Ash pointed at the other small land with huge tower.
"No Ash, it is the gym and before you ask, we will have to wait." Clemont said as he look with small smile on gym. "You see, high tides and low tides are revealing path that leads right to the gym, but because low tides are only during early mornings or evenings. It is quiet interesting this natural phenomenon." Clemont said a he was in the middle of his sentences pointing to water, where bottom was closer to surface then everytwhere else, making small path.
"So you want me to tell, to wait till evening and then we can have a battle or that we missed the morning low tide by only a few hours, or don't tell me just minutes?" Ash asked, Clemont sweatdropped, good thing he did not mention that in the morning it would be before they arrive or they would make it, but it would be whole way running.
"I think you should be glad we made it so quick at all." Serena poked Ash behind his head. "You were suppose to be still healing, making us wait more days behind." Serena commented, which Ash just laughed as Pikachu jumped dowh his shoulder and Ash made small warm up on his muscles, especially in his back.
"Like I already told you, I never really need time to recover, I heal fast." Ash said with small smirk and pulled out his pokeball, as he was grabbing his pokeball, the other one opened revealing Riolu, who looked only to the island. "Do you feal it Riolu, that is our next rival and gym leader." Ash said as he felt the all emotion not only from himself but also from his pokemon.
"Yeah Ash, but you will have to wait until evening for it." Bonnie remarked, but Ash smirked.
"I am also quick to think Bonnie. Ash said as he enlarged his pokeball, making Pikachu and Riolu to back away. "You might want to as well guys." Ash noted and everyone did as he told. "Come out big guy!" as the pokeball opened, a huge shadow covered them all, with loud thud. It was big, fat and large pokemon with cream color fur covering its face, belly and feet and other parts like his back being covered in grey-blue fur. It had pointy ears and eyes looking only just lines and big mouth with two sharp teeth on each side. It's feet and hands were in size to be able to hold the body up and be able to move around.
"It's huge!" Bonnie screamed as they all watched the huge pokemon fell on its back and sleep with loud snoring.
"Yeah and very sleepy." Serena noted and pulled out her pokedex at the new pokemon.
"Snorlax, sleeping pokemon, normal type. Snorlax eats over 800 pounds of food every day. As it begins to eat, it falls asleep and it sleeps while it eats. Its average height is a bit less than seven feet."
"This is bigger than... sorry how does the feet goes to meters Clemont?" Serena asked with quiet embarrassment.
"Well seven feet are like two meters and yes, this is bigger than two meters. Ash where did you catch this Snorlax? It's like 4 meters high!" Clemont said as he watched Snorlax around, which was still slept.
"Seven Grapefruit Islands and I must say I miss the grapefruits from there, nowhere have I had better grapefruits than there and I think Snorlax too." Ash chuckled as he came to his sleeping pokemon slowly. "He ate all the grapefruits from one of the seven islands, and if I hadn't caught him, he might have eaten all fruit from all of those islands. But he wasn't big that time, he just grew up like this by eating a lot."
"And why did you sent him out Ash?" Bonnie asked as Ash went slowly to pokemon's head.
"Because-" Ash bent over and whispered something to pokemon, which made pokemon wake up and with its hands help to stand up and fell into water with belly and face up. "We can swim on Snorlax over water to the gym." Ash said as he jumped up on his huge pokemon.
"Ash, I may not know many information about Snorlax, but they can't swim." Serena said and both siblings nodded. Ash raised his eyebrow and slided back down on the wet sand.
"You don't trust me guys?" he asked, which did made others to look at each and nodded. Bonnie first time tried to climb up, but couldn't, but Clemont's bag shot out its robotic arm and pulled Bonnie, who wasn't there for a long alone, because Ash threw Clemont on the Snorlax and after that, with a little yelp also Serena. Ash ther jumped up and grinned.
"Now what?" Bonnie asked as she watched around over the fur to big head. Ash leaned and spoke finally to be heard.
"Ok Snorlax, go and try not be too fast and you will get it." Ash said and with this, Snorlax's hands started to spin around, making them move with splashes, but away from beach and closer to the island. Everyone watched surprised by the movements without sink. "This is how Snorlax almost ate everything from those islands. Snorlax can swim." Ash laughed, as all of them watched how quickly they were getting closer to the island.
"Why do I always let myself to get surprise. Haha" Clemont laughed as they swim to the island.
"Lucario where are rushing off?" Korrina asked as she followed in the same speed her pokemon, which was running out of the building.
"Rar!" Lucario shouted and stopped at the small stone balcony to point at sea. There was something coming, causing big waves and it was coming closer to the island.
"Another one, who is impatient to wait? And I thought that Barry would be the only one." Korrina slightly laughed and turned around. "Grandpa, we have a challenger coming!" Korrina yelled and looked back only to find nothing, her pokemon was already at the beach.
As she made it to Lucario, he had a face she hasn't seen for some time. It was determination and fighting spirit in one.
"Korrina!" a male voice sounded from incoming object. As she looked there, she saw a red cap and pair of yellow ears poking out.
"Ash?!" Korrina yelled, partly laughing. The huge thing that was almost near them slowed down, revealing everyone she met on a swimming Snorlax. "OK! I didn't expect this type of entrance from you." Korrina laughed as she looked on everyone getting off the pokemon.
"Hey Korrina! Trust us, we didn't expect it neither." Bonnie laughed as well, while they were saying their greetings. In the meantime, Snorlax stood up and poked Ash on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Snorlax, I didn't forget." Ash said as he opened his bag to pull out box with pokepuffs.
"Ash, are those yours?" Korrina asked, but Ash chuckled.
"Of course not, I may cook, but baking is another level for me. These are Serena's. Snorlax may be pokemon, but he has same taste of a good sweets like me and he really likes Serena's pokepuffs. " Ash's words made Serena blush, because he asked today for some pokepuffs, she didn't know he like them so much as his pokemon. Ash to the pokepuff added what looked like half of block and threw it Snorlax, who happily ate it.
As they talked about Ash's Snorlax, both aura pokemon looked at each other a clenched at each their fists. Ash felt the new excitement, as he didn't notice elder man coming.
"So this is the Ash and his amazing Riolu?" the man spoke, as he kneeled before Riolu and started to look at him properly, turning around its paw.
"Everyone, I would like you to meet my grandpa." Korrina happily greeted, and everyone could take a good look on him. He was mostly bald, but had one tuft of hair into pony tail behind. Over his grey eyes, he had very long eyebrows, which didn't block his view and led to sides. He had grey tracksuit with red shirt under it. Although to his age, he looked quite fit and strong.
He stood back up and took a good look at them all, he remembered Clemont and his sister, but the boy was the one his granddaughter could only talk about and also about the girl traveling with, who was how she said, very nice.
"I am Gurkinn, pleasure to meet you. Clemont, good to see you and hear about better situation in your gym."
"Yeah, it is much more better now." Clemont said with nervous chuckle and scratching behind his head.
"That is and what about you Bonnie, how are you doing?" Gurkinn asked as he turned to younger simbling, who smiled back.
"Better every day. Traveling with Ash and Serena is so much fun." Bonnie pointed to both trainers.
"Hi, I am Serena. I am happy to meet you sir."
"Always happy to meet new faces and you must be Ash."
"Yes sir and I am here to fight and win over Korrina." Ash clenched his fist, on which Korrina reacted same.
"And why do you think I am gonna let you?" Korrina said with same determination. Older man chuckled, it was exactly as she told him. He then looked back at both aura pokemon and they were acting exactly same as their trainers.
'This is going to be interesting fight, maybe he would be worthy.' Gurkinn thought to himself, as they entered building.
"The battle between gym leader Korrina and challenger Ash from Pallet town. This is an official battle with challenget having posibility to win and obtain gym badge." Gurkinn spoke from side of the battlefield. It was a big stone hall with high placed balconies, where Serena, Bonnie and Clemont could watch.
As they listened to the talk about rules, Serena's tablet vibrated. Serena only opened it for just a moment to only see blue color and title -ing.
"- and gym leader has one possibility to swap pokemon-"
"What's it Serena?" Bonnie asked as she noticed Serena's actions.
"Oh nothing, some reportage which was good enough to go through by firm which creates these tablets. I will read it after." Serena said with smile and turned back to the battlefield.
"Hawlucha come out!"
"Machamp get out there!"
Both trainers threw their pokeballs and revealing two fighting pokemon. On Korrina's side was standing pokemon looking like man with biceps and four arms and grey skin. On its head, there were three brown ridges right above its eyes. It had black markings that resemble briefs and wears a golden power-save belt that resembles a championship belt. On other side was pokemon looking like pokemon and bird in one. Its head curves into a beak-shape in the front, but its mouth was located in a white patch under the beak's curve. It had a blue-green mask-like marking across its face, an orange blaze running from its forehead to the back of its neck, an orange ring around each eye, and a small, red patch at the tip of its beak. Its body was also colorful, cape like wings on back of them red and inside green and those wings connected to red hands. White torso was ended white thighs and yellow feet.
"Battle between Hawlucha and Machamp, battle begin!"
"Alright, use low sweep Machamp!" Korrina acted first and her pokemon ran forward and prepared to swing with its leg.
"High jump kick Hawlucha!" Ash's pokemon ran as well forward, jumping on last moment before contact and with its leg glowing white. Both pokemon clash, but none of them backed away. "Hawlucha spin!" with this, Hawlucha let his back away and let the power from his jump before and puts its hands together like arrow forward right next to Machamp.
"Karate chop!"
"Dual chop!" Korrina reacted quickly on this sudden change, but not enough without getting one good hit into stomach and after that both pokemon clashed with fists against each other. Machamp's green fist and Hawlucha's white fist. "Don't stop, more!"
"You too Hawlucha!" both pokemon started to punch in bigger speed, everytime blocking one of the fists.
"Combo attack Machamp, Dual chop and brick break!" on this Machamp reacted with smirk, as its other not using fists glowed white and started to change everytime with the green ones. Hawlucha started to have harder time to do all of this on one moment, getting sometimes hits he couldn't block in time.
"Hawlucha hit the ground bellow you with one strong hit!" Ash's voice made Hawlucha to stablize to throw one punch to make Machamp break the series of attack and punch the ground, making it explode and shoot both pokemon up in the sky. "Now use Flying press."
Superpower pokemon looked up to only see torso, which hit its face with full power, sending them down back on the field with loud explosion. Hawlucha jumped out with its pose and behing revealing umoving pokemon.
"Machamp is unable to battle, Hawlucha wins."
"Yeah Ash!" friends shouted, as they watched Ash getting first win to himself.
"You surprised me Ash, Hawlucha is very good trained, but this was just a first battle." Korrina said as she returned her pokemon and she wasn't alone, Ash returned too. "Not gonna stick with Hawlucha?"
"Nope, like you I am gonna swap." Ash said as he returned his pokemon, but Hawlucha was tired, he noticed it, those combo attacks were strong one.
"Mienshao I need your fighting abilities!" Korrina threw her pokeball to reveal pokemon, that was a white, long-bodied and a small head and small, triangular ears. Its forehead had a purple spot adorning it as well as a yellow one on its snout. The lower part of the body was covered in purple fur to the legs.
"Mienshao, Martial arts pokemon, Fighting type and the evolved form of Mienfoo. Mienshao's arm attacks are so fast they're almost invisible. It uses its long arm fur as a whip." Serena put her pokedex, to feel again her tablet vibrating. It looked like some messages were spreading.
"Ok, Fletchinder go!" messy hair trainer revealed his the most newly evolved pokemon, which was his fire-flying pokemon.
"Mienshao and Fletchinder, battle continue!"
"Fletchinder use flame charge." the flying pokemon covered every part of its body in flames and charged in with great speed.
"Mienshao use double slap!" and again, both pokemon colided with attack, but this time arm with the whole body of pokemon. Mienshao slided back with no hit and Fletchinder flew away also no damaged but with greater speed.
"Don't stop, use double team and peck!" Fletchinder cloned itself and many copies were in sky same as the bird like pokemon and all of them dived down on Mienshao.
"Spinning swift Mienshao!" Mienshao placed its hands together and starter wipe against each other, creating yellow stars, flying around destroying all the clones, leaving any, which made Korrina surprised. She looked up to see the enemy pokemon right above her own. "ABOVE YOU!" But it was too late and Fletchinder made contact, which made a small explosion from which Fletchinder flew out. Mienshao was there standing with heavier breathing then before.
"Flame charge, another one!" Ash's pokemon covered itself in fire once more and getting higher speed, charging at the pokemon, but Korrina smirked and on the last moment, she called out her attack.
"U-turn!" this made Ash's eyes widen, when fighting pokemon's arm was glowing green, hitting Fletchinder, causing Mienshao to come back in its pokeball and opening third pokeball, revealing aura pokemon, which had fist covered in orange light and hitting Fletchinder down into the ground.
"Fletchinder!" Ash shouted as he watched how in a second his pokemon disappeared in dust. His pokemon stood back up with its whole boddy shaking. To everything, around Lucario red glowing appeared. "Fly up quickly!" Fletchinder spread its wings and was in the sky again. "Double team!"
"Lucario multiple Aura Spheres!" Lucario put its paws close to each other, creating blue orb and throwing it at clone and doing it again and again.
"Flame Charge!" remaining clones lit up in fire and flew at Lucario. Fletchinder flew our from the dust, but was quickly wrong about out of a danger, because Lucario was right behind him and being hit by glowing bone, being send to huge wall behing like ball with table tennis bat. Ash looked behind to see his flying partner knocked out.
"Fletchinder is unable to battle, Lucario wins." Lucario jumped down with almost none remains of damage behind.
"Clemont, I thought ground type attacks has no efect on flying types, right?" Serena asked as she watched Ash return his pokemon.
"No, they don't, but Korrina and Lucario didn't need the damage from the attack, but the collision with the wall gave that damage. Korrina thought about it in a good way. Fletchinder was getting too fast even for Mianshao so she used U-turn to let out Lucario, who is fast enough and Korrina's strongest pokemon. This is Korrina's trick, that is why she has one swap and this is how she do it. If she feels like getting into disadvantages with numbers, she uses U-turn to turn it around." Clemont said as he looked on battlefield and it was like he saw a few times when he met Korrina. She returned her pokemon and let out her Mienshao and Ash threw his pokeball to reveal Hawlucha.
"Hawlucha vs Mienshao, battle continue!"
"Mienshao use drain punch."
"Hawlucha dodge it!" Mienshao's long arms started to glow green in middle of the palms and swung with its arms at Hawlucha, who quickly dodged again and again from attacks, but Hawlucha stumbled over one of the rocks from the hole he created and this gave chance to gym leader's pokemon to land a good hit, healing part of the injuries from taken damage.
"Good job, now use double hit!" Mienshao started to swing again at Hawlucha, who dodged again, but with harder times to dodge.
"Hawlucha bounce on those arms up." Hawlucha jumped up and and with great speed, hit the arms with its legs to launch up in the sky, making Mienshao to look up, to see its opponent making sky pose. Mienshao swinged both arm forward to hit Hawlucha, but both landed against solid object, that landed right on top of Mienshao. Hawlucha jumped up back from the hole, with looking at its opponent, to see it standing back up.
"Let's end this, High jump kick!"
"You too Hawlucha!" both pokemon jumped up and both stretched out one knee, glowing and flying through hall against each other. But before the contact, Hawlucha close one of its wings, changing its tilt to side, dodging Mienshao to side and then turning around, hitting Mienshao into the face and straight to ground with loud explosion.
Once again, Hawlucha jumped out from the dust with pose and loud "LUCHA!", revealing unconscious pokemon.
"Mienshao is unable to continue, Hawlucha wins!"
"Good job Hawlucha!" Ash spoke, as his pokemon gave him a thumb up.
"So Ash, until now, it seems you have a good chance to win, BUT!" Korrina said as she let out again her partner. "We-" she punched forward, "don't" kicked with spin, "loose" and clenched her fist "without" and she placed her other hand on her wrist, letting out a new light, connecting her and Lucario "A FIGHT!" Korrina yelled and her partner let out a loud roar with blinding light, where the pokemon transformed into a new form.
"So fight with mega Lucario again, I was looking forward to it and now I am even more." Ash yelled with thrill. 'I have to be quick, Hawlucha is pretty weakened by other fights.' thought to himself.
"Mega Lucario vs Hawlucha, battle continue!"
"Lucario power up punch go!" Lucario ran forward with paw covered in glowing energy and ran quickly forward.
"Karate chop!" Ash reacted quickly and his pokemon too, as his pokemon ran also forward with glowing fist, both attack connecting with fighting who will back away first, which was Hawlucha, as he was blast up in the sky. "Flying press!" Hawlucha quickly recovered and made his signature pose in the sky and quickly fell down on Mega Lucario, but Korrina smirked.
"Use Metal sound!" Lucario has placed both paws together and letting out strong and piercing sound, that made Hawlucha flinch and made him to miss the attack and hit the ground. "Aura sphere!" Ash only watched how his pokemon barely stood up to see blue orb flying. The big explosion covered Hawlucha in it and after a few seconds, when dust settled, it revealed unconscious fighting pokemon. Pikachu nervously looked at his trainer with slight nervousity.
"Hawlucha is unable to battle, both sides are now on the last pokemon." Gurkinn spoke as he watched his daughter's opponent recalled his pokemon. He had a good ideas, good reaction for sudden moments and is able to connect with his pokemon, he just needed to see that last thing.
"You have a pretty same fighting style with Hawlucha, you always use opponents attacks to launch your self up and then using flying press or high jump kick. So we used it." Korrina said with smirk, on which reacted with slight chuckle, but in his thoughts, he had another thing to make sure not to let happen again.
Ash didn't even need to grab his pokeball because his final pokemon jumped out on his own. Riolu was ready and he saw everything through Ash's eyes by their special connection. Lucario looked at his rival with small smirk, which Riolu returned with his own.
As they watched the final upcoming battle, Serena's pokeball opened and on stone railing looking at battlefield.
"Fen!" Fennekin shouted toward battlefield to Ash and Riolu, surprising Serena with the action.
"Fennekin, you want to cheer them on too?" Serena asked and Fennekin nodded. Serena happily picked up her pokemon and held fox pokemon in her arms.
"You are determined, but we are too Korrina and we will show you how much!" Ash yelled with clenched fists and Riolu copied his action.
"You surely will give it all you've got, then we will to!" Korrina yelled as she punched forward and her partner too.
"Mega Lucario vs Riolu, battle begin!"
"Lucario Metal sound!" Korrina shouted and as the last time, it made Riolu to cover his ears and right after that, Lucario was right before him with energy covering its fist, but Ash smirked. When Lucario swung with its attack, Riolu on contact disappeared. This made Lucario's and Korrina's eyes widened, when this happened and even more as Lucario was hit from side by Riolu's white glowing paw.
"I am not the only one using the same fighting style with Lucario. First attack to immobilize and then quick attack after that." Ash said with slide smirk as he looked in front of him. Before him were standing four clones of Riolu.
"So you teached Riolu double team? More colorful battle now, I like it." Korrina said, while both pokemon looked at each other with small smiles.
"Riolu use aura sphere following with quick attack." Ash commanded and his pokemon followed, creating blue orb between paws and sending it out and then with quick speed running toward Lucario.
"Lucario use bone rush!" Lucario created another glowing bone and splitting it in half, throwing one half at the orb and with other one running straight at Riolu, both clashing. As both battlers watched both pokemon, Gurkinn watched with delight, Ash's friends cheered on and Pikachu and Fennekin with them. Lucario and Riolu growled at each other with no expectation to go away.
"Aura Sphere!" both trainers exclaimed and both pokemon, who were clashing with each one paws, creating in free ones orbs and throwing arms toward with orbs in them, creating explosion, sending out from the explosion both pokemon, with sliding on their feet and breaking with ground.
"Riolu you can do it! Show them size doesn't matter!" Bonnie yelled, as they watched.
"You are probably talking also about yourself, right Bonnie?" Serena asked, as she glanced to Bonnie and she nodded.
"You can prove yourself Bonnie, just two months." Clemont said, as he noticed, that Lucario and Riolu clashed again with multiple aura spheres.
"I will. I want to be good at battling like you or Ash. Go for it Ash and Riolu!" younger simbling yelled again.
"Double team and quick attack!" Riolu created another clones and with big speed ran around Lucario in circle. Gym leader looked at the circle and thought about how to defend against this.
"Lucario send metal sound into ground, full power!" Lucario punched with both paws into ground and from that point, the ground started to shake and crack. All clones disappeared and only Riolu left, which stumbled over stones and fell over. "Bone rush!" Riolu looked up to see glowing bone, only to feel connecting it with his jaw and sending him out in the sky. "Power up punch!"
"Riolu aura sphere!" Ash shouted, as he watched his pokemon to fly in the sky. Riolu calmed down and looked down to see his rival coming closer with glowing paw and quickly getting closer. Emanation pokemon has sent out the orb, but Lucario deflected it to side and got closer and punched again, sending Riolu even higher. Lucario bounced from wall to get even higher to connect next fist. But Riolu wasn't going to give up. He bounced from ceiling and with great speed against Lucario. He didn't feel the pain in his cheek on which he got last hit, he only felt the speed and wind around him. He heard his next command and swang for the punch and felt an electricity through his whole body. He then concentrated that electricity into his paw and swang.
Both pokemon clashed with each other, creating a small explosion, from which both pokemon fell out and landed on their feet. Lucario looked at his rival, he had a pretty big bruise on his cheek, but he only had a big smile and clenched his fist, which was letting out sparks. He was pretty heavily breathing, but Lucario knew that he wasn't going in to his pain or fatigue.
"Lucario use Aura sphere!"
"Riolu use double team with quick attack!" Riolu clonned himself and ran fast forward. Blue orb only flew through clone, making it vanish. "Thunder punch!" Ash yelled and all clones shone more with yellow lightnings around their paws and ran forward.
"Metal sound!" Korrina reacted and Lucario with her, the sound once more destroyed the clones, but none Riolu left. This made their eyes widened and Lucario quickly turned around to see Riolu with paralyzing paw and in one paw aura in other. "Power up punch!"
Lucario swang with its glowing paw, but Riolu used the aura sphere on the ground, sending him over Lucario and above aura pokemon. Riolu connected the paw with Lucario's head, but Lucario could do one more thing. He swang with his other paw, making it glow on last moment and connecting with Riolu's belly, sending him into wall with high speed.
"Riolu!" Ash yelled, as he saw his pokemon in wall that was covered in dust. Riolu fell down from the wall with thud. Ash felt the feelings, his pokemon did not wanted give up, but he still felt how other parts were starting to give up and trying to replace determination with tiredness.
Riolu slowly lifted up with his paw to look forward, Lucario was watching him or that was what he thought, his vision was getting blurry. His body was giving in, but he didn't want, his spirit was flowing with electricity and not because of the attacks. He closed his eyes for a moment to convince his body with his mind but it was not enough.
"Riolu!" Riolu heard the voice he knew very much. It was from pokemon he was helping when it needed and that pokemon helped him he need it and belonged to person his trainer trusted.
"Don't give up Riolu!" her trainer yelled as well, they were all cheering for him and his trainer had all hopes in him, he told him that and even if he didn't, he felt it.
He finally stood up, "Raaa!" Riolu roared and his voice was getting more stronger and the room filled with light. Riolu grew in bigger size. His chest got more hairy, he paws longer with his whole body and on his paws grew spikes along with one in middle of his chest. His ears grew longer with four appendages from behind his head. As the glowing stopped, Ash's pokemon let out a louder roar. "RAAAAAAAAAR!"
"Wow, Riolu evolved!" Bonnie exclaimed, as she watched down, how the newly pokemon returned back to battlefield.
"Lucario, the Aura Pokémon, fighting and steel type and the evolved form of Riolu. Lucario reads the thoughts of others and anticipates their movements by sensing their auras." Serena's pokedex ended, but Serena mostly looked at her partner. Fennekin's eyes were literally sparkling with excitement.
"Wow, I did not expected Riolu to evolve." Korrina said, as Lucario stood in position, so he was standing side to side with Ash by look with an eye.
"As you said Korrina, we also don't give up without a good fight and-" Ash turned his cap around. "WE CAME TO WIN HERE!"
"Raaaar!" Lucario roared with his trainer and Korrina chuckled and punched forward.
"We are not also going to let this battle end like this, but we want to be the one to win this one. May the best win!"
"Ok, battle continue!" Gurkinn announced as both pokemon were back on the battlefield.
"Lucario use bone rush!" Korrina's mega lucario broke the yellow glowing bone in half and ran forward to Lucario.
"Lucario use quick attack!" but to Ash's surprise, Lucario didn't use quick attack, but put his paws together and created a blue glowing bone and ran forward, like holding a sword and collided with Mega Lucario's. Mega Lucario growled at the new move from his opponent. Lucario quickly tripped Mega Lucario's feet with his leg. Mega Lucario lied on the ground, when he was hit by glowing bone.
"Lucario metal sound!" Mega Lucaro quickly let out the sound, making Lucario to cover his ears and giving a window of opportunity to get away. Mega Lucario heavily breathing, but Lucario as well. Lucario may have just evolve, but it didn't take away that damage from before.
"It's time to end this! Lucario thunder punch, full power!" Ash yelled, as he and his pokemon felt all the determination in their bodies.
"I agree. Power up punch!" Korrina said, as she repeated same way, how her pokemon prepared the attack and ran forward. Both pokemon clashed with each other, sending out waves of wind and aura around. Ash held on to his cap with others, as both pokemon fighted each other until occurred to an explosion, almost sending Pikachu away by the sudden explosion and creating big cloud of dust.
Everyone watched with tension, waiting for to be able to see on battlefield. The dust slowly settled, to reveal both pokemon with their paws on each other faces. They were both motionless on long distance, but both of them were looking at each with fire in their eyes, until one blurred and closed with small thud.
"Mega Lucario is unable to battle, Lucario wins, leaving Ash from Pallet town a winner!" Gurkinn yelled and pointed with his hand on Ash, who looked at his pokemon with proud. Lucario fell back on his back with heavy breathing. This time, he was the one standing.
"You did great Lucario." Ash spoke from his side, Lucario looked up to see his trainer holding hand out and on the ground stood Pikachu with thumb up. He reached out to take the hand, when he suddenly felt aura flow through him only from that touch. He has never felt this when he came in contact with Ash. "You ok?" Ash broke his thoughts. Lucario led the thing slip aside and with smile grabbed the hand a let himself to lift up, only for his feet to almost crack up. Ash quickly reacted, taking Lucario's arm around his back to help him stand.
"It looks like you really won." Korrina said, as she was as well supporting her Lucario. Korrina's Lucario was back with senses and looked at pokemon, which was before this battle still shorter than him, now in same height. Ash's Lucario grinned and reached out with one paw clenched and Ash with him. Korrina and Lucario changed glances and smiled and tapped their fists with challengers. "Grandpa bring it!" Korrina yelled.
Ash looked to his side to see his friends coming closed with Gurkinn holding small box. "I think I can agree with my granddaughter that you deserve this."
"Right grandpa, Ash this is your proof about winning over me. Rumble badge." Gurkinn opened the box to reveal badge, which looked like two fists tapping each other. Ash pulled out the badge and held it with smile and turned to his both partners. They all grinned at each other.
"Awesome battle Ash!" Bonnie exlaimed, as she ran toward him.
"Thanks Bonnie, but I think most credit deserve mine pokemon." Ash genuine chuckled, Serena smiled, but her Fennekin jumped out from her arm on Lucario to lick his bruises, which made Lucario laugh.
Korrina watched from side as they celebrated, Korrina watched them with smile when a familiar face stood beside her. "You have battled hard." Clemont's voice made Korrina to look at him.
"It will be your turn, are you ready for it?" Korrina asked, encouraging him.
"No, not at all, but I will be." Clemont said with smile.
"Sure you will be, that is what i tell to grandpa, if someone can defeat me, they still have Clemont to take care of." Korrina said with grin, leaving Clemont stunned by the words. "Guys how about you slept over here? We have plenty rooms here." Korrina spoke and Gurkinn nodded.
"That is true and I can take care of all injured pokemon." Gurkinn spoke and Clemont recovered and stood next to him.
"I can as well, it will be faster." Gurkinn smiled at the energy from fellow gym leader.
"That would be nice."
Serena sat in the guest room and with Fennekin on her lap, as she read the article, who everyone was writing about and it was very interesting. It was a few hours after they watched the battle and it began to darken slowly.
The sudden knock door almost made her jump, when Ash spoke. "Serena are you gonna watch with us sun set? Korrina said it is beautiful to watch from here." Serena stood up with Fennekin jumping down and opened door to reveal Ash already in his night clothing.
"Yeah I am." Serena said as she closed the door and in other hand still holding her tablet. The blue light from tablet caught Ash's attention.
"What are you reading?"
"Oh this? This is a news from internet, that is traveling around Kalos internet. Read it for yourself." Serena said, handing her tablet to Ash as he looked at article.
'The Bluetning
Another person claim to say, that they have saw a mysterious lighting at Laverre city. The person says, that this time Bluetning was on top of Laverre gym in middle of night. Before person could take picture of the Bluething, it was gone, only leaving a wild wind behind and some cracked windows.
Once again, we hope for more information about this mystery. What or who is this? Be ready for next information coming soon.'
"What do you think it is?" Serena asked as she thought Ash would have it read already, but Ash didn't react. She looked up to him to see once again stone expression, the one he was giving that time, when she heard first about Ash's father. "Ash are you alright?"
Ash broke from his train of thoughts and looked down on Serena, realizing his sudden change of mood. "Oh yeah I am. So what is this Bluetning?"
Serena for a moment thought about asking, but she decided to let it be. "Nobody really know. The only is known, that it started to appear around whole Kalos in a few days. Everyone says one same thing, that blue lighting appeared out of nowhere and same as well vanishing. There are some reports, that some persons were one moment in danger and then suddenly somewhere else like middle of the town. What do you think it is?"
"I don't know, I have never seen something like this, but I wouldn't think about it now. Let's go before we miss the sun set." Ash said as he walked ahead. Serena smiled, but then looked again at the same article she has shown him. 'He is either lying about Bluething or was there something else to make Ash feel like this again?' Serena looked again and again at the article, but she hasn't found anything much. 'Mysterious lighting, person, Laverre city and gym.' It doesn't make sense. Maybe he knew something about that person or something with lighting, but it wasn't with Laverre city. Ash has never been there, neither Serena. Ash was visiting Kalos for the first time as he said.
Serena walked out to see everyone standing at the railing. Pikachu, both Lucarios and Fennekin playing with each other. Ash was watching the sun set almost happening and Bonnie was saying him something. Korrina and Clemont were as well talking and so Serena leaned next to Ash on the railing.
"Hey, we have almost the sun set, let's watch everyone!" Bonnie said and everyone agreed. The sun was slowly setting behing see.
As they watched the sun set, Ash felt something and it wasn't from Lucario. He turned to side, from which he felt it and what he saw made his eyes widened. Serena noticed how Ash changed his view and noticed it too. "Um, guys." she spoke, breaking everyone from watching sun set to see something more amazing.
A big blue blur of lighting was traveling in big speed to the city, faster than any pokemon or even sport cars. The blue lighting suddenly stopped right in middle of the beach, same spot where was the route to gym, but now flooded.
"It's that thing. The Bluething." Serena said, but before they could try look at it more, something impossible happened. The blue ball of lighting went straight toward sea, but it didn't go under water. It traveled over water and after toching ground of the island with gym, it jumped over gym and traveled over water to far ocean and in a moment, disappearing with last sun lights.
"That is insane. Ash have you ever seen something like this?" Bonnie asked, but Ash chuckled and wiped a tear from his eyes.
"It looks like I am not the only one to talk about, right?"
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