26. Some things ends to let new start
"Not today Barry and even we had, after Ash's birthday party, we wouldn't give you." Tierno laughed as they all sat at the fire camp, laughing at their adventures. It was already dark, but Bonnie was still with them sitting and having fun with them.
"Just wanted to ask." Barry raised his hands as he slightly laughed.
"I may not have that this evening, but I have got this!" Garry spoke behind them and pulled out the bag of marshmallows.
"Sweet, nice." Bonnie said as she had small stars in her eyes.
"I must agree small little one." Barry said as he took up from ground a stick.
"Really?" Bonnie rasied eyebrow on Barry, but she had also irritation in her eyes.
"Hey, you are smaller and younger then us." Barry pointed out and Bonnie was about to say mre, but Dawn placed hand on her shoulder.
"She may be, but she still in many ways more mature then you do and probably in responsibility because if you were, we would have probably won that battle and you woudln't have complain about you not fighting with Diantha." Dawn commented Barry's earlier actions, which made Barry shut up. Everyone laughed, even professor who just came to their camp fire.
"Hey professor."
"Hello professor Sycamore."
"I see you are all enjoying your last night here." he said as he stood in between them all. "I am very happy to see you all getting together so good."
"I think it is most because of them." Shauna pointed to Ash and Serena. "Who would think pokemon trainer and one of the most shiest persons could get this huge group together."
"I beg to differ. You are all in a way special and I don't talk only about Tierno's dancing moves or Ash's capability to get into problems or Barry's hot head and I could go on with everything." professor's words made everyone laugh. "I am seeing you all with great potential doing great things and each of you has something inside you. When I look on all of you, do you know what I see else then this?"
"What?" trainers around fire asked.
A few hours ago
"I think Ash should go." Bonnie spoke as she pushed Ash only a few millimeters on his back.
"Yeah I would agree. You are fighting pokemon gym leaders after all." Serena joined to Bonnie's idea.
"Thanks, but Clemont don't you want to fight with Diantha more?" Ash asked, while Diantha smiled at their words.
"I already battled with Clemont, isn't that right?" champion's words were only making Clemont agree more.
"I am gym leader, so we had battle when I started, but even I didn't have, I think deserve it more Ash. After all, you were the who was best of us here." Clemont spoke with smile, making Ash to look on them all.
"Thanks guys, but I would like to correct you Clemont. We all did best we could and we have done this together."
"I see friendship."
"Come out my partner." and Diantha revealed her pokemon, being same as Aria, only blue color was now green with necklace around its neck with gleaming stone.
"Floatzel come on out" Ash revealed his pokemon, which made big popularity since day one on the camp, which got many cheers from crowd.
"I see love."
"I let challengers first." Diantha nonchalantly spoke, Ash made small grin and let out first move.
"Floatzel use hydro pump." Flotzel opened it's mouth to sent out strong waterflow at the standing opponent. Gardevoir looked behind on her Trainer, both making nod and dodging attack by sliding to side, making Floatzel follow Gardevoir. Gardevoir slided and again to side and Floatzel still followed until he stopped for too much of water shot.
"I see now." Ash murmured as he saw familiar comunication. "Now use aqua jet." as Floatzel covered himself in water and jumping into sky, Diantha and Gardevoir both eyes flashed with posibility.
"Gardevoir use psichic." Diantha spoke as her pokemon's glowed blue and stopping Floatzel in moving. Floatzel was still covered in water and being thrown on the ground without words. Floatzel stood up from puddle of water with new determination.
"Alright Floatzel, let's try sonic fire." Floatzel jumped up it's tail started to spin in a big speed, sending out one wave of sound at Gardevoir, only to get Diantha and Gardevoir nod to each and dodging. Diantha was about to smirk, when they saw a lot more sonic booms being fired at them. Gardevoir dodged them in quick, when Embrace pokemon walked over bulge from destroyed ground and the next one attack making Gardevoir jump up. Floatzel landed back on the ground
"Use moon blast." Gardevoir closed its eyes, letting out high voice, creating pink orb and sending it right at Floatzel standing on the ground.
"Counter shield." with this, sea weasel pokemon jumped on its back, letting out streams of water around in all ways. Many spectators were throw by water. The attack was blocked by water and even hitting Gardevoir in the air. This made Diantha surprise, but also delighted. "Now Floatzel use aqua jet with ice punch." Flotzel covered in water and jumping right at Gardevoir, Floatzel's fist started to froze water from center, finaly creating huge ice spyke with Floatzel inside.
"Ice jet, go!" Dawn shouted with hands in the air.
"You have an interesting ideas Ash, now you get a real battle."
"I see fire inside you."
"Gardevoir mega evolve." and with this, from Diantha's neck came beams of light, also coming from Gardevoir's necklace, both connecting and bonding. Gardevoir started to change, spikes on head and in the middle of its chest and dress connecting. As the light stopped, everyone cheered as a new form of pokemon. Gardevoir put its hand in front of it, creating small pulse of psichic energy, stopping Floatzel's attack, shattering ice and making Floartel to jump out back. As Floatzel looked at the enemy pokemon, he smirked at the new opponent's power.
"Floatzel now let's try another things."
"And this fire, I believe, can get you through anything, through danger, challenges, new goals, new adventures and, and..." professor stopped himself as he thought about what to say next.
"And?" everyone asked with raised eyebrow.
"Sorry, it is just I was thinking about what to say, but I know now. I have strong feeling, that your journey in Kalos has only just begun." professor spoke and walked away, leaving them to talk again. After a while of watching at each other, some smilling, some confused.
"Do you think he is right?" Angie asked as she took out from the fire her marshmallow and to bite a piece of it.
"Hard to say, but I think Sycamore is in a way right." Ash answered and everyone turned to him. "Hey, I just say what I think. I mean, we all start from this camp with our ways to our dreams and goals again with new friends and skills."
"You got that right Ash. We all will get to what we want in future." Dawn spoke as she pist bumbed with Ash. She then suddenly realised one thing. "Serena for the whole time we spoke here and did everything, you didn't tell us what you want to do?"
Ash was about to spoke for Serena, but Serena knew finaly what she could into future now. "I will become a performer." this made many eyes look at her surprise, but Ash more of proud.
"You heard that Dawn? We have a new rival."
Diantha's battle
Floatzel stood against Gardevoir with many scratches, but still not ready to give up. Gardevoir wasn't hit as much as Floatel, but was starting to take bigger breaths. The whole crowd was thrilled with the battle.
"Floatzel sonic fire."
"Gardevoir use many shadow balls."
Both pokemon sent out different attacks, one dark balls, one sonic waves colliding in the middle of battle field. When the attacks stopped, from smoke came out Floatzel with freezing fist, running right at Gardevoir. Mega Gardevoir dogded to sides, when Floatzel smirked and punched into ground under Gardevoir, making it freeze. Gardevoir slided away again, only stumble on sudden ice. Floatzel then jumped right at Gardevoir, only to be stop in middle air.
"Now let's finnish this Gardevoir, send Floatzel into sky and use moon blast." Gardevoir used its psychic energy to sent its opponent high in the sky and then creating pink orb and sending it on water type.
"Floatzel use hydro pump." and with last second, Floatzel used his attack to block enemy attack, but both attacks clashed and in the end, moon blast overpowering water and hitting Floatzel into face. Floatzel then fell on the ground with loud thud and smoke around. Floatzel stood up with heavy breathing, with fire in the eyes. He made smirk, when his view blurred and then darkened.
"Floatzel is unable to battle, making champion Diantha winner." Gary spoke as everyone cheered for their champion. Ash came to his pokemon, petting Floatzel on head, getting back a quite respond in chuckle. Ash returned his pokemon with noticing how many people surrounding Diantha with many questions. Ash was about to go to others, when somebody suddenly felt tap on his shoulder. Ash raised up his eyebrow, to be even more when he saw who was it.
"Ash I have a question for you." Aria asked with a slight smile as she asked him.
"Am yeah what is ummm, sorry I don't know how should I call you, Kalos queen? Queen Aria?" Ash asked uncertainly with scratching behind his neck.
"Just call me Aria, Ash. After all, this will make more sense. Have you already visited the Hall of fame?"
"Then I think you will find something really interesting there." Aria suggested as she indicated him to follow her. Ash confusely followed her, not hearing calls from his friends and slowly following Aria with his hurted leg.
Ash and Aria came to the longer building with glass door and ornamental flowers at the entrance. Aria walked in with smile and Ash followed her. As Ash followed her, he looked on other images in the hall from black and white to some that were from when colors started to use to normal like today. Aria suddenly stopped, making Ash almost bumping into her. She made a small giggle and pointed to picture to her side. When Ash's eyes fell on the image, his eyes widened. There on the photo stood young Diantha and Aria and between them young boy with red cap, messy hair and z-marks on his cheeks, making bunnelby ears behind their heads
"You knew my father?" Ash asked with wide eyes as he looked at the image.
"Yes we did. He made us a big prank that time with that image." new voice came as Ash turned around to see Diantha standing there with closed eyes and coming closer.
"How was father like when you met him?" Ash asked with view still on picture.
"He was funny. There was always time, when he made us laugh." Diantha said as she stood to them.
"How did you meet?"
"It was before camp. We needed one person to be on camp. He came to us asking if he could join us, that time we had no idea who he was, I mean that he was a champion from Kanto." Aria said as she made small look on entrance.
"Yup, he told us that time only his first name, which you both have in common, am I right Ash?" Aria coughed the last part, on which Ash acted like he didn't know what she was talking about.
"Aria is right, but I think you should hear from us and we can tell it, that you both are very similar to each other." Diantha spoke with calm voice and Ash nodded.
"Yeah, my mom and professor told me that we look alike." Ash spoke as he more looked at the picture.
"No Ash, you are more then just that. You both have determination inside you for battles and energy to hand out and I could already see that you have an influence on other people." Aria said and with this they started to chat about Ash's father and each new information made Ash more happy.
In the meantime, Serena listened to them from side and even though she was happy to see Ash to know about his father, more made her surprise how she saw Aria and Diantha like this they weren't one of the biggest roles in the Kalos, but now were like two friends traveling around like Serena, Ash and others.
And than Serena remembered Aria's performance, her big smile during it, how it made her smile too.
"After today I saw Aria with the perfomance, I saw how beautiful it was and how Aria could work with her pokemon I thought about how good it can be to do it and after I listened everything you told me, I told to myself that I want to do it." Serena said with big smile and everyone cheered to her.
"So we cheer about this, let's cheer on more things. Cheer for Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie with winning this camp, cheer for our new big friendship, cheer for our upcoming future!" Tierno said as he put up his stick with marshmallow. "Let's tap with our marshmallows!" Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows, but then laughed and put up their sticks.
As they all tried to unstick the marshmallows, professor watched them with big smile.
"They all have good future." with these words his grey flashed for a moment green as he walked away.
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