22. Fight or flight
An hour ago
"Serena, Angie! Where were you, we were looking for you!" Dawn shouted as she caught sight of girls coming out of the forest. "There was earthquake and professor Sycamore is scared about you." Both girls looked confused at Dawn.
"You mean the earthquake was here too?" Angie asked, on which Dawn only waved with her hands. Girls looked around, to see tiles from the roofs were on the ground or cracked grounds and even a few fallen trees.
"Yeah, it was kinda strong. Professor is confused about this. And to the main thing, where is Ash? Did you find him?" Dawn asked, with this question Ash came out from forest with Pokemon that he supported. "What is th-?"
"Dawn, I need professor Sycamore, now." Ash said as he dragged Zeraora.
"So what did we miss?" Serena asked, as they sat outside of the house.
"Well, we lost 20 points, because you were missing. Dawn, Angie and Barry lost 10 for Angie." Bonnie said as she sat by Clemont's side.
"Oh I am sorry. Guess we won't win." Serena replied sad. But what reason she could say about this?
"That is not a entire truth." Clemont replied, Serena looked at them confused, but Bonnie grinned.
"My big brother made sure, that we are not out of the game yet. You should have seen him. He made team Litten and Snivy look like Snorlax sleeping with his answers. They didn't know what hit them and before they could do anything about it, Clemont got enough points for us to be in a final competition." this made Serena surprised, happy and confused in one moment.
"What?!" Serena shouted, making Clemont chuckle to himself.
"Well, it wasn't that hard. Just questions from academy." Clemont said casually.
"If it was even academy questions, now we are on the first place with team Piplup, Chespin and Squirtle." Bonnie said happy, but then she looked away. "Sooo, what happened in that forest? And what was that pokemon?" This made Serena frown.
"I don't even know Bonnie. I caught it was Zeraora." Clemont's eyes widened.
"So I thought it was it. I have studied all the electric types pokemon, since I went on the academy, specialized on the electric types.......I feel like flaunting with this." Clemont added with scratching behind his head. Both girls giggled, but then Clemont turned into more serious. "Where did it come from? I know only about one Zeraora, is in the Fula City and that is like thousands miles away from here and it also looked in bad state. Do you know what happened to it?"
"No I don't Clemont, even thought I wish I knew, but I don't." Serena said and then continued on with the things, that happened, when they found Ash. To the end with them getting back to the camp.
"Wait? You mean that thing, portal you say, opened Tapu Guardians?" Clemont asked surprised.
"Well yeah, do you know something about them?" Serena asked with confuse.
"Well, I know about Tapu Koko, but the main thing, they are from Alola region. They all are on divided islands. It is just crazy to hear, that they were all the wa here to open some kind of portal." Clemont words made Bonnie laugh. Both older Ash's companions confused this.
"Sorry, it is just haha... it is just that with Ash, everything seems possible to happen." everyone chuckled at it, but then fallen silent. As they sat in the silent, Dawn came to them with Barry and Angie. Angie looked like deeply thinking about something.
"So how do you feel about tomorrow guys?" Dawn asked happily.
"Well, I have heard about it right before you came, so I am surprised, but also happy." Serena said, as Dawn nodded. She then noticed, that Bonnie and Clemont deap in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" ocean blue hair girl asked as she watched them.
"Just about Ash." Clemont said as Dawn sighed and with one finger poked her own forehead.
"Is he still looking after that pokemon?" team Froakie nodded. "Well, not the first time like this. Have you talked to him?"
"No Dawn, we didn't talk to him since he went there." Serena said with small frown.
"Someone want to go talk to him?" Angie asked finaly after being silent.
"What about you Serena?" Bonnie asked with small smirk.
"W-why m-me?" Serena asked with a small sweat on her forehead.
"Because he likes talking with you." Dawn said and pulled Serena from sitting and started to drag her away. Clemont and Barry looked at them confused for a moment, but then shrugged.
Dawn dragged for a moment Serena, who was in pink shades. As Dawn looked at her, she could't hold back small giggling.
"Hey! You were the one to drag me away from others like this and to say that thing." Serena pouted. Dawn giggled even more and letting go Serena by herself.
"Sorry, I just wanted to talk with someone, who isn't boy or other reasons." Serena raised eyebrow at this comment.
"Other reasons?"
"Well, how do you think I would talk about situation that happened between Angie and Barry after you came back?" Dawn asked with small grin. This made Serena smile too.
"What do you think about it? I mean it wasn't something really much."
Serena POV
Ash went away with Zeraora, he looked like everything, yet not happy and that made confused. Nothing was wrong, yet Ash seemed really thinking about something and when I asked him about me coming with him, he didn't react.
"Angie!" I heard suddenly behind me and I could see Barry rushing to us in big speed. I was thinking he would crush into us but he then slowed down. Before we could say anything, Barry gave big hug to the Angie. "YOU SCARRED THE HELL OUT OF WHERE WERE YOU?!"
In that moment, I wasn't sure, what made Angie silent, the thing Barry hugging her, the thing she was held in the air for a moment or the thing that next thing she said was this.
"B-Barry yo-you are hugging me too T-TIGHT." she finaly said on which Barry reacted placing her fast on the ground.
"Sorry, just, you know how things are. You are gone, then this fucking earthquake with you missing, we were scared." Barry said with pointing to Dawn. And then they both started to shout at each other, but I felt something was different about this.
"I knew something was different." but then I noticed Dawn, she looked like daydreaming. What is this day. Thing and ignore others? "HEY!"
"Oh yeah sorry, I was just thinking about what Gary told me today." Dawn answered me.
"What? You talked with Gary? Tell me, what?!" I asked keen about informations.
And so the conversation went on our way to the Medical part of the camp. The sun was slowly setting and thanks to the earthquake, there was much less trees in the view. As I talked with Dawn, there was one thing bugging me.
"Do you remember, what you talked about Ash on the race day?"
"Uhm no, could you remind me?" Dawn asked confused.
"Well, you talked about you couldn't talk with Gary before Ash was gone. Did you meant when you separated from your traveling?"
"No, I meant after Unova."
"Unova? What after Unova?" my question made Dawn froze as she realised, that she said something bad.
"I will tell only this. Ash was after this on Mt. Moon. I can't tell you more." with this we felt silent. I wanted to ask, but I closed my mouth. Mt. Moon?
Rest of way was in silence. As we finaly got into Medical part, we asked our Nurse Joy, where we could find Ash.
"Yeah, follow me." Nurse Joy said and gestured us to follow her. As went by her side, we could see many pokemon asleep or being treated by Wigglytuff.
"I guess you have a lot of work here?" I asked on which Nurse Joy nodded.
"Yeah, we have pokemon from other participants or one that get here injured. After today earthquake, we have some our medication damaged, but we were lucky, that our generator wasn't damaged." Nurse Joy said with smile and continued in walk. "Your friend, he wasn't much talkative about what happened to Zeraora, don't you know anything?" we both shook our heads. "Those scars and cuts are quiet strange. I have seen a lot of cuts from battles and even when pokemon has cut them selfs by glass or other things. But those scars from Zeraora are from something different."
"Do you think you know what did it?" Dawn asked.
"I don't. That is why I hoped you could tell me or your friend." Nurse Joy didn't continue in her words. We looked in front of us.
Ash was watching through the glass window right into medical room. I silently made my way to him and I could slowly see through the window. Ash seemed not to notice my presence, only Pikachu, who watched me. I could see through the window too and Zeraora was much more treated then other pokemon. There was lying on the bed Zeraora with bandages on the body, machines glowing at him and small generator, that was charging electricity into Zeraora chest. I could see also Wygglytuff leaving slowly room with bloody bandages.
"It is slowly stopping the bleeding." Ash's voice made almost jump. He looked at me with really small smile, but then turned back at Zeraora.
"Everything fine Ash? You seemed off since we returned." Ash for a moment didn't react on me, but looked at me.
"It just remind me something Serena. Nothing to worry about."
"What does it remind you?"
"Some of my loosed battles." he answered and then stayed quiet.
"What does it make you feel you like watch Zeraora?" I asked after a while of silence.
"That is hard to say Serena. I don't know Zeraora, or at least me. The other one knew." Ash's joke made me think, that I don't know what is he thinking about, but at least I can make him think about other things.
"So is Zeraora getting better?" as I spoke with Ash, I realised, that Dawn totaly disappeared.
"Yeah, the bleeding is slowly stopping, but Nurse Joy said, that is strange. They were suppose to heal already, but something is slowing regeneration. But she said it is not stopping it, only slowing."
I smiled at him and I decided to tell him all what Bonnie and Clemont told us.
After an hour
As they all their way, Shauna met with Angie and made their way around beach.
"So tomorrow is last day, do you think we will meet up again? I really enjoyed it with girls." Shauna said as they made their way on the beach.
"Hey, I know Ash. You know Serena. They both travel together? HELL, is there any chance we won't?" Angie said and both girls giggled and went on with long conversation. Their conversation was interrupted by strange thing. Many water type pokemon were on the beach and were jumping in the wet sand
"Why aren't they in the water?" Angie said and picked up Horsea and was about to put it back, but water wasn't there. "Where the hell is water?"
"HEY GIRLS." both girls turned around to see Bonnie running to them. "Why are holding that Horsea?"
"I would wanted to ask same. The water is gone." Angie words made Bonnie look at the shore. The water was gone and what remained were pokemon or seaweeds. Then a lot of Wingull flew from the ocean away. Bonnie eyes widened.
"GIRLS WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Bonnie shouted and ran away.
"What, where are you going?" Shauna asked confused.
"To warn professor. Girls RUN!" Bonnie shouted and ran away. Both girls looked at each other confused, but then something covered sun beams.
"Is that-?" Shauna asked, but she could slowly see what was it.
Meanwhile with Ash, Dawn and Serena, who started make jokes around their advature in sinnoh, when suddenly sirens could be hear.
"What is that?" Serena asked and went to see Nurse Joy in panic. "Nurse Joy, what is happening?"
"We need to evacuate everyone!" she shouted and Wigglytuff and other assistants started to run.
"What is happening?" Dawn asked on which Nurse Joy turned to them in fear.
"There is incoming Tsunami, we need to evacuate everyone. You too!" she shouted and everyone's eyes widened.
"We need to-" Serena was about to say, but Ash interrupted.
"How far it is?"
"I don't know, it appeared on horizon a few seconds ago." on this, Ash with Pikachu ran outside. Serena and Dawn followed him.
"What are you doing Ash?" Serena asked as they ran after him.
"What does it look like to you?" Ash shouted and ran down on the beach and threwing all pokeball out. Dawn and Serena looked at him in shock.
"Don't tell me you are going to fight with nature?" Dawn asked and she was almost laghing.
"Yeah I am. There is not enough time to evacuate everyone." Ash said and all of his pokemon turned to him. He started shout all kind of attacks on range and to get them ready.
"Dawn, there is no way he can stop it." Serena said as the wave was slowly getting closer. Dawn didn't answer, instead she threw her pokeball out.
Serena watched them as they all tried to do anything. Dawn started create ice floes to try to block it. Team Squirtle, Piplup and Clemont joined them, but he made sure to sent her away with professor.
"TSUNAMI IS HERE! EVERYONE ATTACK!" Ash shouted and everyone fired their attacks if they could. Ice floes on the ground were simply destroyed. The attacks hit all the parts of the Tsunami and it broke in some parts, but it wasn't enough.
"EVERYONE CATCH TO SOMETHING!" Ash shouted as he looked around. They all were in fear and it was just because they wanted to help.
Suddenly, there were new sounds. First was explosion, then loud roaring. Ash looked up to see in the dark sky blue lightning in the big orb. Ash could already see what it was.
Zeraora made a mighty roar and hit the wave from side, which broked Tsunami and the wave started to fall in many sides in most just falling water. Everyone brace themselves and all of them got splashed by water. As everyone saw, that Tsunami has fallen, they all started to cheer.
"We did it Ash!" Serena shouted, but he ignored her. She looked in the way he looked and she could see falling motionless Zeraora to the wild sea.
"ZERAORA!" Ash shouted, but before he could do anything, a huge metalic arm grabbed him also with Pikachu and Riolu. Right behind everyone was huge robot, flying in the sky with big red R. It had six hands and small yellow glass in the middle.
"We must thank you twerp." sounded female voice from huge robot.
"Yeah thanks to you my fur won't get wet, Jessie's hair clear and now we also thank you for your pokemon and this mythical pokemon Zeraora."
"ARE YOU EVER GOING TO GIVE ME BREAK?!" Ash shouted in pure anger, but the robot laughed and put three other free hands to it's sides.
"Hahaha, that is very good joke. Of course we won't." Male voice spoken.
"After all, we have over three-" the voice was muffled by someone inside.
"Anyway, we are taking our leave. Bye!" and the robot started fly highed over others and to the sea. Before they could get away further away, they were hit by another attack. It was from Luxray, Piplup and Empoleon. The robot balanced for a moment, but it stood back in firm position. "How dare you!"
"We are not letting you take them." Dawn shouted.
"We want to just leave in this eve." sounded robot.
"Well we won't let you!" Barry shouted, but from the robot could be heard laughing.
"And how do you think you gonna do it? This robot will stand any attack. Now if you stand safe, we will take those to our safe." and the robot's other arms shot after the Piplup, Luxray and Empoleon. The pokemon shot after hands attacks, but it didn't do anything to them and firmly grabbed them.
"Oh no, Luxray!" Angie shouted, but the hand was slammed on the ground by Floatzel in the water. The hand loosed grip on it and let go of Luxray.
"Hey that wasn't nice!" Jessie shouted.
"Yeah, we wanted to take it too! Now we won't have two electric types."
"Yeah, so see ya!" and the robot started to leave and everyone watched in horor. Ash came up with idea.
"Dawn I need your helping hand." Ash said and turned to Floatzel. "Use Aqua jet with spinning." and on this, Floatzel covered itself in water and went to Robot's back.
"Go on, this won't be enough." the robot voice made Ash smirk.
"Dawn use Buneary's ice beam on Floatzel." Ash's words made Dawn smile and her Buneary created small light blue orb infront of her mouth and then sent out freezing beam at flying Floatzel. Floatzel got covered in ice in high speed spinning hit robot, going through robot.
"AAAH." team rocket shouted from inside and the robot started to throw with it's hands, dropping all pokemon to the sea. As the Robot slowly started explode, Ash threw himself into water and started to swim to pokemon in the water and Floatzel followed him. Everyone watched as all pokemon got out of the water. Empoleon had on it's back Pikachu and Riolu.Then the robot blew up and team Rocket flying into sky.
"We are blasting off again!" they shouted as they disappeared in the sky. The last parts of the robot fallen right into water.
"Ok so what happened right now?" Shauna asked confused others and Tierno with Trevor nodded.
"Well, that was team Rocket." Angie said with small chuckle.
"I thought they were criminal organisation, not producers of robots." Tierno said as he looked confused at the sky.
"These one are different." Bonnie said as they were about to continue, but thenfrom water came out Floatzel holding Zeraora, but Ash was nowhere.
"Floatzel, where is Ash?" Serena asked, but Floatzel was once more gone in the water. Everyone looked into water with tension in the air.
Then from water came out Floatzel supporting Ash, who was heavily holding to him and slowly limping back to others. He then suddenly broken in his legs and fallen on the sand.
"ASH!" everyone shouted and ran to him.
Meanwhile in other part of the Kalos was in movie studio sitting on her chair in her white dress reading her next screenplay for next movie and her partner by her side, when suddenly her manager came in with.
"Oh Kathi, what do you want?" the woman asked as her manager came closer and handed her card. There was professor Sycamore in his lab coat and pointed to many houses. "Is it time already?"
"Yes Diantha, we wanted you to go there today so you wouldn't have to travel on this fast, but there was unexpected earthquake and also Tsunami." this information made champion's eyes go wide.
"Is everyone safe?"
"Yes, Sycamore didn't say anything, but he said that Tsunami for everyone luck has broken before hitting camp."
"I guess there is another reason why are you telling me this."
"We aren't sure if it is good idea to go there. There is possibility of second wave."
"Is she coming?" Diantha asked ignoring the comment manager said.
"Yes she is coming."
"Then there is no doubting in me coming there." Diantha said as she stood up throwing screenplay on the chair.
"I knew you would say it." Kathi said with small smile. "You will be with your helicopter there tomorrow afternoon." and with that Kathi left Diantha in her room.
Actress turned to her pokemon, who had small smile. "Hey, we see rarely, this is one time I can see her again. We have too much things to do to meet each other."
A.T.: I AM SO SORRY. I couldn't make myself into this chapter for some reason. I will make it better now. I will try to write for one day at least 1000 words so the chapters would be in 5 days maybe. Anyway I kinda made a lot of things in this chapter so I am sorry.
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