16: Deal
Serena POV
I still heard those words in my head. 'Rhyhorn racing'. After my talk with Ash at fountain, I stopped worring about it. I was enjoying fun and everything else from that night on travelling with Ash, Bonnie and Clemont. Yesterday, Shauna only reminded me that I was still doing that, but I shook it with that maybe I could become something or someone else. But after Sycamore said, that we are going to have similar race to Rhyhorns, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Those two stupid words, those fuckings words brought all my worries, all my stress, all my anger, all my memories of failing in the past to my mind. After I head small talk with Shauna, on which I answered only halfly and changed myself into my normal clothing, I went away from others. Kerten wanted to congratulate me, but I just added on my speed in leaving him.
So here I am, sitting in the forest next to the camp when I was suppose to get Ash away from our house so others could prepare party. And think I wouldn't be the one to do the race isn't chance I wouldn't do it. I only heard what proffesor said. Two members on the pokemon, one on the feet raning throught the forest and there is no way Clemont would run it, so it will be Ash. And yet, before we could talk about it, I left others behind and the only one, who somehow know about my thing is Ash. I mean Shauna and Bonnie too, but Shauna knows only about how I hate Rhyhorn racing and she doesn't know about my reasons to be here with Ash and others. Bonnie asked me, but I didn't want to bother her with it. Ash? Ash he doesn't also really know about it, but he saw me, how I started to cry that day at the fountain.
Why did my mother even wanted me to find Ash in the first place? I don't still get it and I also don't why did I wanted to go. I mean, I thought it would be helpful to me and it did help me, because I never felt so happy and alive in these years, but some moments with Ash? Like in the forest, our reunion, fountain or even today at the beach? It always brought my feelings into the levels, that I had with Calem only a few times. Not like Calem was a bad, no, HACK NO. He was awesome and I think, that if he has a new girlfriend now, she is very happy with him. But I just couldn't make myself to bring out so much emotions, feelings with him as with Ash. Ash from moment we met again is helping me, always, Always and ALWAYS. He says to me, that doesn't want anything back from me, but still. I feel bad, everytime Ash hurt himself or make so much effort to help me or others, that I feel just useless here. Just the waste of space for Ash in his worries. I can't never help him because I don't have words or strenght like Ash.
As I was sitting on the log with Fennekin in my arms, that I brushed for cleaning her, but most for the reason that Fennekin was always helping me with her present to not start failing to hold my emotions. Even thought I tried, I just couldn't help to let some tears to escape. Fennekin looked to me with concern and I tried to force out of myself smile, but it just broken as my efforts to not let my tears not to go.
"Sorry Fennekin, I just need to let few go. I am holding some of them for too long." I said between a snuffles. Fennekin licked a few tears in attempt to make me feel better. But I somehow couldn't make my self to make a bigger smile. I hugged Fennekin to make myself feel better. As I had closed eyes, I almost jumped up from surprise, as on the log, where I was sitting, sat someone else. I would say, that from surprising I dropped Fennekin, but she jumped down rather. I looked to my side with tears and yet again, I find those hazelnuts eyes watching my own.
"So, do you want to talk or do you want a moment for it?" he asked and I would answer, but my words were stucked in my throat. He probably noticed my attempts of answer, because he wrapped his arms around me and I melted in them and let go my tears escape from me. I sniffed into his chest and hold with my shaking hands to his jacket to easier my crying. And then I realised, that it was happening again. I am relieving my pain to Ash and he is here to comfort me.
"Again." I whispered, taking Ash off guard as he was stroing my hair. He had his hands around me, but he pushed me a little away from himself, so he could watch into my face again.
"What are you talking about?" he asked confused and I made sure to force those words out of myself.
"You are helping me for nothing in return and I feel again like I am just using you. You do all the comforting and all work for me and I use it so I can feel normal. That is what I said on the beach Ash. You don't care, that you will do everything even hurting yourself or letting go away the one you like or love like was your first caught pokemon Butterfree." I said with a few stopings. Ash looked to me surprised.
"You mean like you don't want me to help you?" he asked me confused on which immediately shook with disagreement.
"NO!" I said not planning to shout it. "I just feel bad, when you help me, if I know I can somehow help you too." I anwered with more energy in myself.
"Serena, you know I don't want or need help with anything." Ash said, but I looked to him in the eyes, hesitating to say it or not.
"And what about your thing with your father?" I asked and bitting my bottom lip. Ash looked at with wide eyes and he looked away for moment.
"I am not sure... if I want to talk about this. I'm just going to bother you with that, and you already have a lot of things to worry about." he said hesitating and he looked away.
"And I allowed to tell you my problems and everything to bother you with it, when I know you have something too or only something with your father. To say, you don't say much of the things from your past except your journeys like saving Riolu or Teddiursa." I said, when I remembered one thing, that I noticed today. "By the way, you didn't mentioned from your stories that Ursaring didn't only hit your jacket." I said with small pout and from our tension it went to a better I would say, because I still thought about Rhyhorn racing, but it didn't make me to loose control over my feelings like before. Ash nervously chuckled. "And if those five long scars weren't from Ursaring, then at least tell me, how you could get hurt like this from behing."
"Well... I don't want everyone to know that." he said scratching behind his head, but then he looked down. "If I want to help you so you can be happy, then..." he said with pause and I looked to him and he looked to me with small smile. "I can probably tell you about it, but before I do, how about make a small deal between us." he said with small toothy grin making confuse.
"What deal?" I asked confused by his words.
"You don't want to help me, when you can't help me back so, I will listen you and help you with your problems." he said, but I still didn't get it.
"Aaaand what am I suppose to do for you?" I asked with tilted head.
"Well... I have some problems to figure things like what Miette said. What was it, 'I hope I would see your pokemon out?'" Ash said unsure, while I placed my hand on my face.
"It was your special pokemon and seriously? You will help me with my mental things, while I tell what this means?"
"Um, yeah it would helpful for me. You could already notice, that I am not...haha... not good at these things what we can say in our age." Ash said with small chuckle and making me giggle.
"Ok if you say so, but I want one more thing from this." I say as he look to me with rise eyebrow. "If you will need help or just to talk, then you can count on me talk about it with you." I said with smile. He looked like he spaced out for a moment, but then smile.
"Ok, deal." he said with bigger toothy grin, but then it changed into small frown and looked up into sky, that was slowly darkening. "So what meant by those words?" he asked on which I sighed.
"She was talking about your..." I trailed off and pointed down. It looked like Ash got what I said, because he got more red, then I saw him until now.
"You... I... Wow, I wouldn't think that" Ash stuttered out, which looked cute on him. Embarrased and blushing.
"Yeah it is." I said between my giggling. Then I remembered, if I could try the topic about his father. "So... About your father..." I said, breaking an akward silent, hoping. To my surprise he looked up and took an inhale.
"Where should I start?" he was asking, but I wasn't sure if me or himself.
"How was your father like?" I asked looking to him. He looked to me with small smile and then looked to our Pokemon, how Fennekin, Riolu and Pikachu were playing.
"He was really energytic, even more, then you would expected from adult. My mom told me, how she liked that about him, how he could always make her laugh with his actions. Even after his trainings or job, he had so much energy to play with me and that must be something, when my mother told about how much energy I could has and always get in some troubles. As his personality, he was always happy or smilling, he was the guy, that was rarely mad about something. Everytime I had problem or something else, he was there to help. When I was sad or mom was, he always found a way to make us smile, because by him, to have smile even for nothing or small joke, shows to the world more colors. Since then, I am always smilling, even when I am walking in quite or just sitting in Pokemon center." he said it with smile, which made me smile too. He then looked at our pokemon in silent, probably not knowing how to continue.
"What was his work?" I asked with curious, because he had probably some awesome, but also demanding job if he could be so tired of it.
"He had... well, it is kinda hard to say. When he was ten years old, he became Kanto champion." Ash said nonchalantly, but I looked at him with wide eyes.
"How?" I asked trying not to shout it and get attention from Fennekin and Riolu. Although, Riolu had a look on as, but he then turned back to Fennekin. Ash chuckled at my reaction.
"You are like me, when my mother told me that. Back then, there wasn't Mr. Goodshow or more precisely, he didn't come up with the idea of the Pokemon league so when someone had at least eight badges, which was a rare thing and even more, when someone defeated first member of elites. That day was really surprising for whole Kanto because not only my father defeated elite members and champion, before him was one guy who did the same. Gary's father Blue Oak." that made a confuse.
"Wait, I need to think about it. Gary's father defeated them and after that, your father came, did the same and defeated Blue and became champion? What are the chances?" I asked trowing my hands up.
"I know right? But it is true, but I have to say, that my father and Blue were fired up into battles. So after my father won, the news were crazy about it. Blue decided after that to go in his father steps and my father became champion." he said with look of thinking away.
"That sounds awesome. I only saw Diantha in Lumiose city ones and I must say, she had a lot of attention so I guess your dad had also." I said, as I knew that Diantha had enough from a being actress and becoming champion is a another thing.
"Yeah, but what my mom said, she met him before he became a champion. She said he saved her from Team Rocket, when they were beginningf their actions in that time, but she never got his name. After she heard, that he became champion and saw his picture, she wanted to thank him for saving her."
"I guess he didn't see that coming." I said more of like question and Ash chuckled.
"Yeah, it was the last thing dad expected. Mom kissed him on the cheek as she finally found him back at the Pallet town." I looked surprise.
"She kissed him on the cheeck? How did your mother come up with it?"
"Well, she is always told me, that it was the best thing by her. He saved her and gave her hope and energy, when she was loosing it all. She was living under them most of her live, my grandparents died because they refused to do what team Rocket, wanted so she was raised by her parents friend. She was starting to loose hope in changing things because cops couldn't do much even when she told them, they couldn't. But it was probably more the thing, that cops were corrupted by them. So when my father came in that town and defeated them all so they had to retreated, she was beyond happy about it and when she first time spotted him, she just had total crush on him by my father, but my mom told me after his death, it was love at first sight. I would say dad felt same way, because they ended up dating and all until marriage and me."
"That sounds so beautiful." I said admiring at their love. Ash's father always for battles, but loving husband. And all started by kiss on the cheeck, which made think about placing me and Ash there. I blushed at my thinking and shook it of and thanks to Ash's not noticing my blushing all the times or thinking, that I am just hot.
"Yeah it was. My father did everything for our family. He even gave up his title of being champion of Kanto after I was born."
"What? I thought that was his dream." I said in disbelief.
"By him, what he told me, it was his goal, but his dream was to have family and leave legacy, that he wasn't just ordinary boy or man. And by him having me and mom was everything for his dream. He gave up his title after my mom was pregnant. Mom told him not to give up because he is enough home for her and will be for me. So my father became a next member of elite member replacing one, who was also leaving, I think Sombra was her name? She left because she was getting old for it. So there were a battles between elite members, because this doesn't happen often. It won Lance and he became a champion until this day."
"But wasn't your father sad about it? I mean it not bad, but... you know what I mean, right?" I said hesitating with my next words.
"My dad didn't regret it and more, after news made headline 'How many times champion will do it with his fiance.' Yeah in those time this wasn't a thing out of others and by him, he didn't want for me too much attention from news. So when Lance replaced him, he was happy about it, because they were a good friends, so for him it was a good thing and when I last time met him, I am happy he is champion of our region and Johto. But even after my father became only elite member, he still got more battles then others thanks to his history. And that wasn't even everything for him."
"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head confused.
"He was member of G-men. If it doesn't say anything to you, those people are special police forces operating more secretly. He was one of the main one. Mom was always worried about him, when they had to do something too much dangerous, but she supported him in it. And do you know what was the best thing and I already said it. Even his two jobs, he had time for me." Ash told me enthusiastically.
"That sounds awesome." I replied with smile.
"It was. He made small adventures with me into forest or took me with him, when he had battle as an elite member. He gave me so much rad and wanted to spent every moment with me. One time, when he was so tired, that he almost fell asleep, I asked him, why doesn't he take some time off so he can rest enough. He told me, that is not happening, because he wanted to be always there for me and not like his father, who left him as young. He told me things like my pokemon always matter and also," Ash said and chuckled with look at me "your mantra about never giving up until it's over. 'Always smile' was one I told you or...." Ash stopped for the moment and looked away. Probably something more personal. " 'I will never leave you Ash and remember this, because it is true andnoone will take me away.' but, he... " I could feel, how Ash from his happines felt with his voice into sorrow. "He was gone Serena. Last time I saw him was helping me with packing my things on summer camp and next time, when I saw him was in his coffin." Ash said and I saw his face with a tear. I needed to help him somehow and with only thing that came to my mind, I took his hand in mine. It looked it helped him a little, because he finaly made again eye contact with me. "Sorry, I just really miss him."
"Don't apologise Ash, if I had father like this and loose him, I would feel same." I said as I gave his hand a small squeeze. He made a small smile. "How did he died?"
"He died here in Kalos." Didn't expected that. "He had to go away on mission here, because of people, who were hunting pokemon in big numbers. When my father joined in helping catching them, they did last thing, that they could come up with. They attacked shopping mall in Lumiose city and took people as a hostages. They wanted money and helicopter so that they could get out of there with nobody following them. My father took it into his own hands, when he sneeked up into mall and with idea taking them out. Police and G-men waited with expecting with him coming out with hostages. He came out with most of the hostages, but there was still one family remaining, so he came back for them. G-men expected him come back by teleport with his Alakazam. Instead of that, they heard loud screaming from mall so G-men immediately went in. The criminals lied were there with hands up and pokemon inside their pokeballs. They didn't fight back, but they laughed to what they have done. They killed him. They had prepare some device blocking Alakazam to teleport in room where they kept those hostages. They stabbed him with many knifes until they killed him."
"Oh my god Ash, I am sorry." I said as felt his hand squeez mine more.
"When my mom heard about it, she went totaly depressed. She took me out earlier from camp to tell me this. I was so sad and I am still. He always told, he would never leave me Serena, but he left me, because those criminals took him away from me. And I-I" he was trying to continue and as he knew when I continue, I did same thing as him. I wrapped my arm around his back to comfort him.
"He would never want to left you. By me, he never left you, because he is still and he will be always with you." I whispered to him with hoping to help him.
"Thanks. I just.... I am sorry. I know you wanted to know about my father, but this is the first time, I talked like this about him. I talked about him with Dawn or Gary, but I talked to them, that he was good father or other things, but I have never really talked like this about him."
"Then why me Ash?" I asked confused. By what I saw yesterday and today, they looked with Dawn like best buddies.
"Well... you wouldn't tell me, what is wrong, if I didn't." Ash replied to me, which brought back my worries. "When we talk about my father, what about yours?" Didn't expecting this, but nothing new.
"My father is also death, but he wasn't a father figure like your for me. He only seduced my mother and when he heard, she is pregnant, he started to drink so much, that my mom took to court and took him custody over me. Last time my mom heard about him was, when he left to Kanto. We never heard about him again and I didn't have urge to find out, what happened with him, so I guess he died."
"Wow, you mean like never?"
"No. I mean, I would wanted to see him, if he tried somehow to contact with me, if he cared about me. He never had so I figured out he doesn't want anything with me." I said with small sigh.
"His lost." Ash said which caught me off guard.
"What?" I asked confused and Ash looked at me with fire back in his eyes.
"I mean, that if he didn't or doesn't care about his daughter like, who is amazing in so many ways, then it is only his lost."
"W-wow, thank you." I said with blush. "But I think you will take it back, after I will tell you, what you wanted me to tell you." I said with sigh.
"Hey, it won't change it, what I said. Everyone has something. So what is wrong." Ash asked me, as he looked at me with his auburn eyes.
"Well..." I started and somehow, I couldn't find myself stoppping. I told him about my mother and her job, about how she wanted me do the same. How I hate it or I couldn't start with anything else. I told him how he much he helped then. As I was saying it, I found in myself a new energy, that gave courage to say it. With each word that I held inside me for years was like weight, that Ash helped me lifted from my back. When I was talking, Ash never interrupted me, he only nodded or was quiet.
"... and when Shauna came up with idea leaving a year ago, I didn't go." I ended my explanation of the whole training.
"Ok, but why? You don't like Rhyhorn racing, then why are you still doing it?" Ash asked me, with confuse.
"Well... I..." I tried to answer, but I kinda stucked with the words, but then a small voice in my head told me what to say 'Say the truth' "I thought I could never become something better then what I am doing now." I said with disappointment, but Ash looked at me with wide eyes.
"And how did you come up with this?"
"Well, my mother never thought or said I would become something else then Rhyhorn racer."
"Then what? If she didn't said something else then Rhyhorn racer? If you don't want to be Rhyhorn racer, then you can become everything you want. You are good at baking? You can become a baker. You have a good touch, then you can become a model or stylist. You can go good along with pokemon too, then you can become a trainer. You can become anything Serena, just think about it!" Ash shouted standing up and throwing his hands above himself, getting attention from our pokemon. I giggled at his behaviour and he looked at me with tilted head. "What?"
"It's the thing, that I came to find you, that I mentioned at that fountain. You already are solving my problem and you are coming up with already three ideas and yet, I am not sure. My mom wouldn't be really happy about it. I mean tomorrow will be that race and I will call her for Rhyhorn, so yet I will have to ride it. And even thought you said I am good with pokemon, but I wouldn't say it like this. I mean, I can't even be one with the Rhyhorn, because my mom says I need to think about same thing as Rhyhorn, but I can't somehow. "
"Let me answer for that with question Serena." Ash replied and I looked to him confused. "You always think about riding on Rhyhorn as job or necessity, but have you ever thought about it as having a fun?" he ended his sentence with toothy grin.
"You know, just have fun and don't think about winning or job, just to have fun. Think of the fresh air you can get from it or the action in this. I don't mean to do it everytime, just when you want some action or showing off. Or I think of it just the you will use in the future. By me, everything you do in life is for something" Ash said and for the first time, I looked at it this way. To do other things, but think about whole Rhyhorn racing as only, I don't know, hobby?
"Well, I am not sure, it won't be so easy, to think about it like this." I said uncertainly.
"Hey, do you trust me?" Ash said breaking me from thoughts.
"Of course I DO! But it's the thing it is not so easy for me. Even thought, I will think about it." I said with small smile.
"You should, I mean, it's on you. You can continue the way you did until now OR you can become something else and show your mother how awesome you are." Ash answered with big toothy grin, on which I blushed.
"T-thanks Ash. It is like on the camp. Also, I wasn't sure about one thing Ash." I said as I took from my from my back pocket folded handkerchief. "Do you want it back Ash?"
"No, I gave it to you as a gift." Ash said with scratching on his cheeck. I need to think about his reaction on some things. He scratch behind his head and cheeck, I should try to figure out when and why. But more happy I was in that moment, what others where doing.
"O-oh thanks, it's kinda funny, becuase after that camp I had a birthday. Now I more sad for not celebrating your birthday."
"Why did you want to celebrate it so much? I don't mean it bad, I pleased, but I don't get it a little."
"You joking, RIGHT? I wanted to celebrate it, because you helped me back when we were younger or recently now. I wanted to show you how much I appreciate it."
"Oh..." Ash said and I looked back at him. He was staring at me with surprise. I smiled and got up.
"How about we go back. I think others are wondering what is with us." I said and Ash nodded and got up too.
"Ok, come on guys, le-" Ash was about to say, when he stopped.
"What?" I asked to Ash, who was staring to trees. I looked there and noticed small white pokemon with blue hat. It lifted its head up and with it its eyes under its hat into mine. It had a look, that was by me showing fire in its eyes.
"Wow, it is shiny Ralts." Ash said and I pulled out my pokedex.
"Ralts, feeling pokemon. Psichic, fairy type. Senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition."
"What is it doing here?" I asked confused, but Ralts came closer to me.
"Ral!" Ralts shouted with a energy to me.
"Hm?" I looked confused at Ralts. Then a thing popped in my mind. "Do you wanna have a battle?" and to my surprisr, it nodded. "What do you say Fennekin?"
"Fen!" my partner replied happily and jumped ready for a battle. It looked like Ralts took the opportunity of the first attack. Ralts used some attack, that covered its hand in white power.
'If I remember correctly, it is Mega punch, so go with range attack.'
"Ok Fennekin, stay away and use flamethrower." I shouted and Fennekin on my command, she let out stream of flames. Raltss stopped surprised probably by this and tried to jump away, but it got hit, which Ralts tried to block with its fist. Fennekin stopped and Ralts looked really hurted by Fennekin's attack, by it still got up and Ralts eyes glew blue and lifted Fennekin in the air.
"Fen?" Fennekin started to panic, but from my watching Ash, I learned not to panic in these situations.
"Don't worry Fennekin. Use Hidden power quickly, before Ralts can hurt you somehow." I shouted and Fennekin did it. She created white orbs and threw them at Ralts. Ralts stopped holding Fennekin and stopped a few balls and threw them back, which surprised me. Fennekin got hit, but also Ralts, who started to breath heavily. I clapped happily with my hands, that I capable of these small battles. As I put my hands by my hips, I felt a warm hand on mine and in mine a small ball. I looked behind me to see Ash smiling and I looked to my hand to see pokeball.
"Go for it." Ash told me as he backed away. I looked to Ralts and thought about it. If Ralts won't want to go with me, then be it.
I threw a pokeball, hitting Ralts on top of its head. And I pressed my hands together and watched as it shook. After three shaking, it stopped and I could hear small 'click'. I looked at the ball with no words. I came closer to it picked up. And I made big smile and raised my hand in which was the ball.
"I caught Ralts as my first pokemon!" I shouted happily, while Fennekin jumped by my side.
"Good job Serena." I heard Ash behind me. I looked to him and he had what looked like smirk and Smile in one. "And you said you are not good in working with pokemon."
"What?" I asked confused by his words.
"You said, that you are not sure, if you are good with pokemon, but now you showed to yourself and me, that you awesome with them. So do you trust me now." Ash asked with grin and bow so he was close to my face. I felt that I was getting red more.
"I-I, yeah thank you." i said as I started to go faster back so he wouldn't notice. "Let's go now." I said as I started to run a little.
"Wait Serena, there is no need to hurry." Ash shouted behind me, but I didn't stop. As I ran, I finally made it to our house and lights were off, which meant, that they were ready.
"Hey, why is there dark? Does it mean that Clemont and Bonnie aren't there?" Ash asked behind me, but I smiled.
"Let's go see." I said with small swang as I looked to him. I went in and waited for Ash, who turned on lights with loud cheering.
FINALLY. Sorry for this long delay, but my explanation is in my message on my account, so if you want to know why, go look. :D
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