Chapter 7
(Applejack POV)
Has could Dash not be happy for me? Ah was always happy for her, so why can't she let me have this? All guys want me for is mah body. Do you know how hard that is knowing no one really cares about you, just want under mah here' pants. I punched the closest wall ta' me. "Hey Jackie, you okay bae" Pinkie said coming up ta' me. I shook my head. "Ah'm fine Pinks, it's just ah'm frustrated right now" She smiled, and walked toward her pink Mercedes, motioning me to follow. I walked down after the crazy-pink party teen. She got in the car and drove off towards her job.
She turned on her radio, and started singing problem by Ariana Grande. Soon I started to sing along with her, brfore we knew it we were at Sugercube Corner. She worked there with the Cakes, they were basically Pinkie's family, since she didn't really have a good relationship with the really Pie's. We walked in, and suger-filled diabetes causing treats filled mah nostrils. And we were quickly greeted by two very active 4 year olds. One was a little boy in a cream short sleeve and overalls and a little in a yellow long sleeve and orange skirt. These were the twins, Pound and Pumpkin Cake. "Pinkie" They said huggin' her.
We went off to Pinkie's room upstairs. Ah sat down oh her bed. "So Jackie, whats got you frustrated" Pinkie asked. "Ah got a date with Sorian tonight" Ah stated. Pinkie's eyes went wide with happiness. "Oh oh really! We got to get you ready girl" Mah eyes got wide. "Pinkie no no no no"
(Fluttershy POV)
I walked up to Rarity's front door step, I waved goodbye to my chauffeur Remond. I ringed the door bell, waiting for entrance I tapped my foot. Soon Marylin, Raritys maid, opened the door. I walked up to Rarity's room. And I saw Twilight and Rarity chitchating away. "Um hello" Rarity turned to me and smiled. "Why hello Fluttershy dear, come come sit" I walked over and sat in the dark purple fluffy chair. "So Twilight tell us about your self" Rarity said. Twilight shrugged. "Well I'm Celestia's and Luna's personal student. My mom's a messager and my dad's a chief at the castle. My brother is captain of the royal graud snd is married to Princess Me'or mora Cadencea of the Crystal kingdom. Oh yeah I almost forgot I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle snd my brother Spike is top royal messager." Said Twilight with a smile. Rarity and me sat dumbfounded. We picked on a princess?!?!
(Rarity POV)
No! I'm letting this girl steal my popularity just because she's a princess. As Fluttershy asked a bunch of questions, I was planning. I couldn't do my plan now. But I was thinking of one. Oh poor little Twilight Sparkle, your doomed.
This is for @Sparity sorry for it being late.
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