Chapter 17
Hey guys! Guess what!? I'M UPDATING AND IT'S A WEDNESDAY SO I'M KINDA KEEPING MY PROMISE! But anyway here it is.
(Sweetie Belle POV)
I walked into the Ponyville Mall. I bustled through the crowd of people to finally get to Hooves and Noble, a little book store.
I walked up to the little coffee shop called HayBucks in there and order a caramel latte. Then sat down in a chair.
I was waiting for AppleBloom.
Believe it or not I had asked her to come here and she had agreed. I saw her walk in. She had on light skinny jeans with brown knitted socks that went up mid-cave.
She had on UGGS and a white sweatshirt with 'PonyVille High Colts' in yellow on the front and her last name 'Apple' on the back. Her hair was in a high ponytail with her bow.
She saw me, walking over to the table sitting down. I held my drink out to her in an offer. "Nuh-uh, ah don't like them fru-fru weird name drinks." She said shaking her head.
I shrugged my shoulders, then fixed my pruple sweatshirt that said 'PonyVille Pep Squad' With my last name 'Smith'.
"So I have news." I said. She nodded kicking her smaller legs under the table. "So Spike likes Rarity, as in my mean older sister." AppleBloom looked down. "Ah figured." I smiled weakly.
I put a hand on her shoulder. "Now let's not let a boy get in-between us again." She smiled nodding.
I was glad I had got my best friend back.
(Fluttershy POV)
I was at my gym, I had called my cheerleading team to the gym. It was Saturday. I was waiting for a few of them to show, especially Pinkie.
Sunset Shimmer was sitting next to me on the mat. "When's Pinkie comin?" I sighed shrugging.
I got up calling everyone in a circle. "Alright guys, get into elevators, I wanna see you stunt groups twist craddles."
I was the flyer of the center stunt, with Petals, a girl with light blue hair and freckles, and Dasiy, and girl with curly green short hair as my bases. I groaned, Pinkie was my back spot.
"Colgate fill in for Pinkie real quick." She frowned leaving her stunt group. She fixed her blue ponytail. "Why can't Derpy?" I pointed to Derpy. "Because she is tumbling in front of us, and needs to practice." I snapped.
Pinkie walked in giggling, holding Trixie's hand. I shook my head, shooing Colgate off to practice with her group and walking up to Pinkie.
"What is she doing here?" I asked through clenched teeth. "She's gonna watch." I shook my head. "Not in my gym. Out." Pinkie frown telling Trixie goodbye. "Now get where your supposed to be." I order.
I made my group sit so I could watch the other girls.
I gave Bon Bon the thumbs up to call it. "READY! SET!" They went through it, with Diamond Tiara sticking her twist cradle. "Sunset you got twist slower your doing a double, we can't do that because Diamond can't!"
I seen Diamond's face go red, as she huffed. I rolled my eyes.
We've got a lot of work to do.
Hey guys just so you know here are the girls height and stuff.
Twilight Sparkle: 5'7 very skinny, tan, B cup.
Fluttershy: 5'3 skinny, pale, C cup.
Rainbow Dash: 5'6 in shape, tan, almost a B cup
Rarity: 5'5 skinny, pale, B cup
Pinkie Pie: 5'5 curvy, creamy, C cup
Applejack: 5'4 , very curvy but also very in shape, D cup
Tell me if you want more~
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