Meeting Up With The Mikaelsons:
After Marcel's revelation, Davina took some time at the park to clear her head, while Gia and Thierry stayed behind to help calm the situation, providing Marcel with the support he needed.
She settled onto her favourite bench and rested her head in her hands, letting out a sigh as she contemplated her situation.
Elijah Mikaelson was seen chatting with Sophie Deveraux, signalling that the plot was about to unfold.
This meant that she was destined to die soon. Like, a billion times.
Davina sighed once more, then lifted her head to gaze at the rising sun.
Who was she kidding?
She couldn't do this.
Where's the handbook for "living the perfect reborn life" when you need it?
But at the same time, Davina Claire is no quitter.
So she couldn't be a quitter.
Hmm, that should be her new mantra.
Davina Claire is no quitter.
"Ahem," a deliberate throat clearing sounded, abruptly breaking into Davina's thoughts.
Davina swiftly grabbed onto the concealed dagger from her sleeve and feigned a smile as she turned her head to acknowledge the person seeking her attention. However, her expression dropped upon realising who was seated on the same bench as her.
It was Elijah Mikaelson.
The brunette witch yelped as she fell off the bench in her attempt to cautiously back away from the original's presence, as her witch sense loudly warned her to get away from him.
"Good morning. Is it safe to assume that you are familiar with my identity?" The Original inquired, maintaining an unfazed composure as he extended a hand to assist the witch who had fallen off the bench.
Externally, Davina maintained a wide-eyed stare at the Original addressing her, while internally, her mind was in turmoil, screaming at her.
Davina cleared her throat, feeling embarrassed by her initial reaction to the Original Vampire, and then accepted his hand to rise from her position on the ground.
"I'd be foolish not to recognize who you are," she replied, subtly stepping back. However, the original vampire noticed and advanced toward her, prompting Davina to hastily take a seat on the nearby bench.
Davina patted the seat next to her and tentatively smiled at the vampire. "Would you like to sit? It's a free country. You won't get arrested for wanting to sit down. I mean, it's a free park," she remarked, followed by a light smack on her forehead, "No, wait. I mean it's a public place so no one is going to get arrested here. Not unless they've done something wrong." Her eyes widened as she waved her hands in a fluster, "Not that I'm accusing you of anything or implying that you've done anything wrong or committed a crime. I'm just saying that I'll stop talking now," she concluded, noticing the amusement on the Original Vampire's face.
Elijah offered a small smile as he observed the witch sitting beside him. "Thank you for enlightening me regarding my right to occupy a park bench," he teased gently, his smile deepening at the blush that coloured the brunette witch's face.
THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, Davina's mind screeched at her as her heart went into overdrive at having Elijah Mikaelson smile at her.
Deep breath.
Deep breath.
I am calm, she thought, I am the embodiment of calm.
Davina turned to the Original and let a welcoming smile grace her face so the Original wasn't aware of how nervous he was making her, "It is no problem to inform you of your rights, Mr Mikaelson. However, I doubt that's the reason you approached me today," she remarked.
Be polite and don't bite. Thierry will never let it go if you bite someone again, She repeated in her head like a mantra.
"Yes, that is correct. Miss Claire, I was hoping that you would assist me with a spell that binds the life of a pregnant woman to that of a witch who is unafraid of death," he paused. "The witch has expressed strong opinions about you, and I was hoping you could come to either refute or confirm these allegations held against you."
Davina sighed, ensuring her tone was not whining, and said, "Let me guess, does the witch's first name rhyme with 'macaroni'?"
Elijah chuckled, "It seems you know about the witch I'm referring to, Miss Claire."
"More like unwillingly forced to be reminded of her presence," she scoffed before turning to him with a smile, aiming to maintain a good atmosphere. "And please, none of this Miss Claire business, my name is Davina," she said, offering her hand to make a better first impression.
Instead of taking her hand in a handshake, Elijah performed a suave gesture, gently taking her hand and bestowing a kiss upon it.
"In that case, I must insist you refer to me as Elijah," he smiled, unaware of how Davina was internally screaming.
Davina withdrew her hand and attempted to maintain composure, although she felt a strong urge to squeal, giggle, and sigh dreamily at the sight of the gorgeous specimen before her.
The witch stood up abruptly, aiming to avoid embarrassing herself, and asked, "Well, shall we go save the pregnant woman from the suicidal witch, Elijah?"
"We shall," the Original Vampire replied, leading her to the edge of the park, where he approached what appeared to be a very expensive car.
Upon opening the passenger seat and gesturing for her to enter, Davina froze, trying to remember to breathe.
Elijah Mikaelson was in a good mood, which was a rare thing with the events that had transpired over the years.
From the shocking revelation that his younger brother Niklaus had cast their family members into the ocean, prompting Elijah's retribution, to the discovery of the doppelganger, to his brother lifting the curse and revealing his true nature as a hybrid, to the subsequent realization that their mother was alive and attempting to murder them, to the events where the Mystic Falls group killed two of his brothers, to the pursuit of Silas and the Other Side, and the revelations that the first doppelganger wasn't Tatia but was Silas' lover, Amara, who was the key to the Other Side. Additionally, she had been suffering for 2000 years due to Qetsiyah (the Bennett Witch who created immortality) placing the curse on her as a woman scorned.
It's safe to say it's been quite eventful over the past few years.
However, since returning to New Orleans, the second place on Earth he would call home, with Mystic Falls being the first, he had felt at peace. That was until his life became eventful once again with the news of his brother fathering a child with a she-wolf, now linked to a suicidal witch, reaching his ears.
With a sigh, he walked to the park, seeking a moment of tranquillity and hoping to witness the calming sight of the sunrise to soothe his aggravated mood.
It seemed that fate decided to work in his favour for once when he wandered into a park and stumbled upon the very witch, Davina Claire, whom Sophie Deveraux openly despised. She was muttering under her breath with her head in her hands, "Davina Claire is no quitter."
She must have been preoccupied with her thoughts for a witch of such power because she didn't seem to notice his presence, even when he seated himself next to her until he purposefully cleared his throat to get her attention.
When he made eye contact with her, he observed the wisdom beyond her youthful appearance, realising that he was facing a witch who was fully aware of her power, capable of grounding him if she desired. And now, she just fell off the bench in panic?
Elijah bit the inside of his cheek to conceal his amusement and extended a hand to assist the cautious (a good trait to have) witch to her feet.
The witch remained seated on the ground, staring wide-eyed at him until she snapped back to reality, visibly embarrassed, and then accepted his hand to rise from her position on the ground.
From that point, the conversation flowed smoothly without any awkward pauses, and the brunette witch's reactions and mannerisms continued to amuse him, leaving him to consider her adorable in his mind.
It was a pleasant change to be in the company of a witch whose initial reaction wasn't to induce an aneurysm or curse him for being a freak of nature.
It was truly remarkable that she agreed to assist him in separating Hayley from Sophie Deveraux without requesting anything in return.
He walked her over to his car and held open the door to the passenger seat on his side so they could continue conversing. However, when he realized that Miss Claire—Davina—wasn't moving, he looked up and saw that she had gone very pale at the sight of the car.
"Davina?" he inquired with concern for the witch whom he had grown somewhat fond of in the few minutes they had spent together. "Are you feeling all right?"
The young witch continued to stare blankly at the car, even when he went to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder to snap her out of her trance. "Davina? Are you having a vision of sorts?"
Davina shook her head as if trying to dispel any intrusive thoughts, then turned to face Elijah, startled by his proximity but not fearful of his presence.
"I'm fine," she stammered, though the shakiness of her hands betrayed her, "I'm not a fan of cars, or sitting inside them for that matter," she continued, rubbing one hand on her shoulder in an unconscious act of self-soothing.
"Well," Elijah began, putting on a reassuring smile to calm the brunette witch, "there's an easier way for us to depart," he concluded, extending his hand as a clear indication of his proposal.
Elijah mused that Davina Claire seemed to catch on immediately, possibly from spending most of her time in the company of New Orleans vampires.
"I don't mind speeding to wherever you're taking me, but what about your car?" she asked, a tinge of worry in her tone. "If you leave it here, it might get towed or stolen."
The reassuring smile on his face transformed into a more genuine one as he looked at the concerned brunette witch before him. 'Worried for him even though he's an original vampire,' he thought to himself.
Elijah placed his left hand on Davina's shoulder, amused when her blush returned. "I assure you, Davina, I do not mind leaving my car here. If we're gone too long, I'll ask one of my associates to drive my car back to my apartment complex," he reassured her.
Davina gazed at him intensely, searching for something, before casting a hesitant glance at the car and cringing slightly. She then looked back at him and grabbed hold of his extended right hand, saying, "Let's go. The sooner we leave, the sooner I can sever the bond between the pregnant woman and the suicidal witch."
Elijah grinned, almost teasingly, revealing a fang at her, and dropped his left hand from her shoulder to take hold of her waist before picking her up in a bridal carry. He then grinned at her flustered expression and said, "Hold on tight, Davina Claire," before speeding her away to the place where his family were currently staying.
Since Davina Claire typically spent time in the company of vampires, it made sense that she didn't seem nauseous once they had stopped speeding and arrived at Mikaelson Manor.
They made their way past the front door and into the living room, where his siblings and the Deveraux witch were already seated. In a sudden realisation of who had entered, Sophie jumped to her feet and shouted, "What the hell is she doing here?"
Elijah raised an eyebrow at the display and calmly responded, "I wanted to see for myself why you were so negatively biased against Davina Claire. It was simply my good fortune that she agreed to accompany me to assist Miss Marshall."
"Help Hayley from what-," Sophie began, but then slumped unconscious against her chair as Davina quietly whispered a sleeping spell under her breath, directing it solely at Sophie.
Davina then turned to the Mikaelsons, who were watching her with interest, and inquired, "I heard I was supposed to perform an unlinking spell?"
Hayley Marshall was having a terrible day. Well, it was nice what with the foot massage she got Klaus to give her in the morning.
However, her day took a turn for the worse when Sophie Deveraux, her former kidnapper, appeared and started discussing how the city's dynamics had changed since the Mikaelson siblings had left. She also mentioned the rules that Marcel Gerard, a name that made Klaus look gloomy while Rebekah and Elijah seemed to turn away in guilt.
Her day seemed to improve when she discovered that Sophie had a conflict with another witch named Davina Claire. Hayley smiled, hoping to meet Davina and join forces to annoy Sophie Deveraux.
Elijah left after Sophie explained who Davina Claire was and how everyone in the city knew her because she was Marcel's most dangerous weapon. Sophie mentioned that Davina had the favour of the Regent of the witches and how she was the only known survivor of the sacrifice ritual called the Harvest.
The Original Vampire had returned with a girl, causing Sophie to get out of her seat and start to get angry. The girl turned out to be Davina Claire, and she appeared to be very powerful since she was able to knock out Sophie without even making physical contact with her.
"I heard I was doing an unlinking spell between a pregnant woman and a suicidal witch?" Davina Claire asked, calmly as if she didn't just knock out Sophie Deveraux.
Hayley raised her hand, smiling bitterly at her situation. "Hi, it's me, the pregnant woman."
"The pregnant woman who's unfortunately linked to Sophie," Davina finished.
"Unfortunately," Hayley emphasised glaring at Sophie's unconscious body.
Davina smiled as she walked closer, knelt near Hayley, and said, "I need to touch your forehead to determine the kind of spell Sophie put on you to link you two together."
Hayley nodded before saying, "At least you asked, unlike the other witches I've met in the city. If you had done it without warning, I would've ripped your arm off with my teeth." Hayley smiled at the end of her sentence, baring her teeth.
Davina chuckled, "Well, I'm glad I asked," before reaching out her index and middle fingers to touch Hayley's forehead.
But before she could make contact with Hayley's forehead, a hand latched onto her wrist, gripping her hard enough to leave a bruise and stopping her from moving.
She turned her face to see the deadly golden eyes of Klaus Mikaelson pinning her in place.
"You must be Nikalus Mikaelson," she greeted as if she wasn't currently under threat of having her wrist snapped.
"Brother," Elijah started but stopped when Hayley shot him a look to back off.
"You've heard of me, young one?" The Original Hybrid asked, tilting his head at her, revealing the veins that were beginning to form underneath his eyes.
Davina continued to smile, despite everyone hearing her heart racing, "Like I told your brother before, I'd be pretty foolish to not know about you or your family." She looked down at her wrist and back at Klaus, "Now if want me to get the bond ridden between your mate and Sophie, I'd suggest letting go of my wrist. If you're that worried I'm going to harm her, you can sit next to her so you're able to rip me into shreds more quickly."
He released his grip on her wrist, his eyes reverting to his natural blue colour and when he took a seat next to Hayley, he joined his hands together in an intimidating pose - that made Hayley roll her eyes- and ask the brunette witch, "What do you mean mate?"
Davina froze for a moment, then glanced at Hayley with a questioning look. Hayley shook her head and then looked at Klaus. Klaus, however, missed the exchange because he thought that Davina was seeking an ally in Hayley to escape his intimidating stare.
Davina chuckled nervously and said, "I heard your British accent and thought that I'd refer to Hayley as your friend, 'mate' as the British call their friends. I didn't want to assume anything because Hayley wasn't wearing a ring. Not that she needs to; she's probably a strong, independent woman who doesn't need you." A horrified look overtook the witch before she waved her hands in a panicked manner, "Not that I'm saying she doesn't need you personally, just that she doesn't need to rely on people. Not you specifically." Davina rambled before turning to Hayley and saying, "Not that you don't rely on people or you don't have to. I'm going to shut up and get on with the spell because Klaus Mikaelson is smiling at me, which is even scarier than him glaring at me."
Davina turned back to Hayley, ignoring both Hayley's and Klaus's amused grins at the brunette witch's ramblings. She touched Hayley's forehead, instantly feeling the magic of the spell cast on her.
The brunette stood up from her place on the floor and approached Sophie. She yanked a strand of her hair and then walked over to Hayley, extending her hand. "This might sound weird, but can I have a strand of your hair? I promise I won't use it on a voodoo doll, scout's honour," she said, winking at Hayley to reassure her. Hayley appreciated the gesture.
Hayley yanked out a strand of her hair and handed it to Davina. She placed it in her palm with Sophie's strand of hair and then placed a hand on top. After whispering some words in Latin for a few seconds, she opened her hands to show that the strands were gone.
Hayley was about to thank Davina before she saw the brunette witch wince.
"What's wrong?" asked Rebekah, concerned as she instantly noticed the wince.
Despite not having met Rebekah before today, Davina seemed most uncomfortable in her presence compared to Elijah and Klaus. Hayley thought she saw Davina tense up and take a step away from the direction she heard Rebekah's voice come from.
The brunette witch just shrugged and sighed. "It looks like I'll be staying for a while," she said, before turning to Elijah. "You should get that associate of yours to take your car from the park,"
"Why?" Klaus demanded, standing up and getting closer to Davina to intimidate her.
Davina blinks at him, not registering the threat Klaus poses or not caring, which contradicts how she reacted before, "Elijah's car will be towed if it stays too long at the car park-"
"Not about the bloody car," Klaus interrupted, gritting his teeth, "Why do you need to stay a while? Haven't you completed the unbinding spell?"
Davina looked confused, "Who told you that? I haven't even started the unbinding spell."
Elijah interjected before Klaus could throw Davina across the room, "What my brother means to ask is that the strands of hair have disappeared and you had chanted Latin for a while. Does that not mean that you have completed your task, Davina?
Davina blinked in realisation, making an oh sound before shaking her head, "No, I was trying to bring the bond to life to see how complex Sophie had made it and it's pretty complex if you ask me. Look," she said before making a few hand movements and Latin words here and there before a glowing line from Hayley's chest and Sophie's chest meet in the middle to show a large, complicated knot that Hayley herself couldn't solve without reverting to her claws to rip through the knot.
Dvina waved her hands around the knot, "Like I said, I'm going to be here for a while trying to unwind it,"
"Does that mean you're a weak witch?" Rebekah remarked snarkily.
To which Davina deadpanned, "No, I'm a careful witch who doesn't want all three of them to die if I make one wrong move."
Silence fills the room.
Davina freezes before turning to Hayley a horrified look on her face as she tries to defuse the situation, "Not that I would ever make a wrong move-,"
Elijah intervenes before Davina can begin her rambles once more, "Do you require anything for the spell, Davina?"
The witch frowned, her expression showing that she was thinking before she shook her head, "I don't need any ingredients. Just some water to keep me hydrated,"
Elijah nods and speeds away leaving Davina with Hayley, Klaus and Rebekah (and the unconscious body of Sophie Deveraux but she's not important right now)
Davnia kneels near the knot and places her hands over it to cover it and then turns to Hayley, sensing her nerves.
"How are you finding New Orleans, Hayley?" Davina asks mentally chanting the unbinding spell so Hayley is more at ease and less stressed.
Hayley looks grateful for the distraction from the tense atmosphere, "The gumbo is delicious,"
Davina chuckles, "100% agree. I've been different places but New Orleans gumbo just tastes different,"
"I came to find my family, but that was before the miracle baby happened," Davina furrowed her brow. "You don't know who your family is?"
Davina continues chanting a little faster as she sees the knot begin to loosen.
"I'm an orphan," Hayley says bitterly, lost in thought. "I've searched for my family my entire life since I figured out I was adopted when I was younger when I first shift-"
But Davina cut her off with a relieved gasp as she watched the knot loosen further until it formed a straight line, showing the connection had broken.
Davina walked over to Sophie and plucked a strand of hair from her head. Then, she walked to Hayley and was about to do the same, but Hayley did it herself. The witch then twisted the two strands of hair together and placed them in the palms of her hands.
She closed her eyes and began to chant as the knotted strands of hair floated above her palms, untwisting themselves. When she stopped chanting, the two strands of hair fell into her palms, showing that the spell was complete. Davina opened her eyes, looked at the strands in her hand, and then walked over to Sophie.
She took out an earring from her ear and then pressed it down on Sophie's finger. The witch turned to Hayley, lifting Sophie's hand to show her bleeding finger, and when Hayley showed her hand free of blood, Davina smiled, "I guess my work is done here."
"Davina walks over to Elijah and takes the glass of water from him, taking a few sips before speaking. "I've been in New Orleans my whole life, and I know a lot of people who work in archives. If you want, I can ask them to search through families with your last name."
Hayley smiled but with a tinge of sadness. "Thank you, but Marshall is my adoptive parents' last name. The only reason I came to New Orleans was because Klaus told me that people with the same mark on my back are part of the same family."
"That's interesting," Davina frowned. "I've never heard of families who share the same birthmark."
Klaus interjected, "That's because Hayley is part of a pack named the Crescent Wolves."
Davina choked on the water, clutching at her chest to catch her breath, causing the glass to drop to the floor and shatter into pieces. The witch put up a hand to stop Elijah from coming to help her. Once she could breathe again, she croaked out, "You're a werewolf?" to Hayley.
Hayley furrowed her brows, and a hand came over her stomach protectively, her eyes sharpening. Klaus intervened, standing in front of her protectively, making Davina look at his golden eyes. "Is there a problem?"
Davina shook her head and took an unconscious step back before stopping and shaking her head, then taking a step forward towards the pair. "Yes, there is a massive problem. She's a werewolf," Davina stressed the word as hard as she could to get her point across. However, that just made the original vampires take a more threatening stance.
"So bloody what? You don't hate vampires because you haven't sneezed at me or my brothers this entire meeting but werewolves are what you consider abominations?" Rebekah demands standing closer to Hayley but advancing towards Davina.
Davina pointed a finger at Rebekah. "No. Do not put words in my mouth," she said before putting her finger down and addressing the room as a whole. "There's nothing wrong with Hayley or her being a werewolf or werewolves in general," she added, staring at Hayley before addressing the original siblings. "And I don't hate werewolves either."
"Then why are you so concerned about the revelation of Miss Marshall's wolf nature?" Elijah asks, still assuming a threatening stance.
Davina runs a hand through her hair, "What has Sophie told you so far about how New Orleans works?"
Klaus scoffs, "Just that a fake king is presenting himself as the rightful ruler of New Orleans,"
Davina's eyes darken, "Excuse me?"
Klaus missing the look continues his spiral, "Ah yes, Marcellus or as he now likes to be called 'Marcel' has decided to proclaim himself King of New Orleans when he has done nothing for this city and even if, I was the one who built this city,"
Davina tilted her head, tuning out Klaus's rant, and assessing how to approach this situation.
'You'd be a tyrant if you were the king' she says before he slashes her head off from her body.
'You'd kill us all' she says before her head gets chopped off.
'You'd have no love no respect only fear' she says before getting her heart ripped out.
'War follows you, Do you think we'd follow you to war?' she asks before he snaps her neck.
Davina shook her head, snapping back to reality when she saw Klaus looking at her pointedly, "Oh, I wasn't listening to anything you said after 'built New Orleans',"
His eyes narrowed and he advanced towards Davina but Hayley grabbed his arm in a tight grip, shaking her head when he made eye contact with her.
"You were going to tell us how New Orleans works," Hayley prompted Davina, eager to find out more about the werewolves.
"There are factions within New Orleans. The Vampire faction is currently led by Marcel Gerard. The Witch faction is currently led by Regent Josephine Larue and the Werewolf faction which used to be ruled by the Labanairs, who were the alphas to the Crescent Wolves Pack."
"Used to be?" Hayley asks, something like heartbreak in her eyes.
"Used to be," Davina confirmed what Hayley was silently asking.
Hayley sat back down on the sofa, her hands trembling at the revelation of what could have been her family, with Klaus sitting with her stroking her shoulder confortingly.
"How did they die?" Rebekah asks when no one speaks.
Davina bit her lip in worry then looked around and used her witch powers to check if anyone was listening. She put up a privacy spell, just in case, and then turned back to the Mikaelsons. They were now on guard as if they remembered that someone could be listening in to the conversation. "Relax, I put a privacy spell up so no one can hear," Davina said. Then, she sighed, walked over to a chair, and slumped against it, muttering, "Marcel is normally better at explaining this story."
"Are you close to Marcel?" Rebekah asked, a tinge of jealousy in her voice.
Davina deserves an award for not rolling her eyes when she said, "If by close you mean I see him every day and he's a good friend that buys me art supplies, then yes, we're close."
"You're an artist?" Klaus asked, finally getting on familiar terms with the witch.
"I paint occasionally, but that's not the point. The point is that over 20 years ago, New Orleans was a mess and that's an understatement. All of the factions hated each other. Fights were happening on the street and the amount of people being compelled was insane. The factions were basically in a state of war with each other. Especially the werewolves and vampires."
Klaus rolled his eyes, muttering, "Of bloody course,"
Davina carried on as if she didn't hear his muttering, "But the Labonairs AKA the leaders of the werewolf faction were trying to join the wolf packs together and make a deal with Marcel to stop the vampires/wolves war."
"Let me guess", Hayley said, "Some people didn't like that idea,"
Davina smiled ruefully. "Got it in one. The Labonairs were assassinated by an alpha of another royal bloodline, well-known for his radical, violent nature and hell-bent on waging war against the vampires-
Hayley interrupted with a silent threat in her eyes. "What was his name? The alpha who killed the Labonairs?"
Davina sighed at the determined look in Hayley's eyes. "His name was Richard Xavier Dumas. But I wouldn't get any ideas of killing him, Hayley. Marcel killed him after finding the bodies of the Labonairs when he went to their house to discuss negotiations."
"Does Mr. Dumas have any family?" Elijah asked, also with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
"He married Mary Kenner, who is alive and they're survived by their grandson Jackson Kenner. Both of his parents were killed in the vampire-werewolf war that started after the Labonairs died."
"So how did you get peace with the werewolves," Rebekah asked, crossing her arms.
"That's the thing, we didn't," Davina explained. "With the only werewolves advocating for peace dead, the werewolves from both packs acted as if they were possessed and started attacking everyone. The event itself was placed in Supernatural New Orleans history as the 'Bloody War' due to the amount of blood that was spilt because of the wolves."
"Let it sink in," she said before continuing. "So, during the summer of 1991, Marcel asked a witch named Brynne Deveraux to curse the Crescent Wolf Pack and the Dumas Pack so that the werewolves would remain in wolf form permanently and only reacquire their human form during the full moon. Brynne Deveraux reversed the werewolf curse," Davina said, awe in her voice as she finished her sentence.
"Are you complimenting her?" Rebekah asked incredulously.
Davina looked at her incredulously. "How could you not? Brynne used the original curse on werewolves and reversed it. This is no small feat. Brynne was an incredibly powerful witch to have pulled a spell like that off."
"Deveraux?" Klaus asks, taking a side glance towards Sophie Devereaux's still-unconscious body.
Davina nods, "She's Sophie's aunt." A confused look appeared on her face, "But for some reason, Brynne drowned herself in the Mississippi one day and til this day no one knows why."
A pause.
"So because of this war, werewolves aren't allowed in the city anymore?" Hayley asked
"Not if Marcel has a say in it and because Marcel is king, he has a say in every matter concerning the factions. Which means if he finds you here, it'll cause issues especially because there are already issues," Davina says turning to Elijah with a glare.
Elijah raises an eyebrow, "I know not the reason why I've gained your ire, Davina,"
"Marcel's informants have let him know that he's seen you chatting with Sophie Deveraux which means he knows that you're in town and where one original goes," Davina trails her eyes across Klaus and Rebekah before meeting her eyes to Elijah again, "the rest of them follow. So the factions are worried."
"As they should be," Klaus smirked.
"I don't know why you're smirking," Davina internally bit out, nearly snarling in anger. "They're worried because wherever a Mikaelson goes, war and destruction follow. No one in this city wants that, or for you to be here, so why don't you all stop being selfish for once in your life and stop hurting everyone by leaving? There are more places than New Orleans to settle down in." But Davina kept it in her head, biting her tongue and trying to keep a calm head because angering an Original, let alone 3, was just a suicide mission.
Davina sighed, standing up from her chair, "It was nice to meet you Mikaelson Family but I need to go before anyone begins to wonder where I've wandered off to,"
She started to walk to the door but Hayley stopped her, "Wait."
Davina turned to face Hayley who looked hesitant in asking her something.
"What's the matter?" she asked in a gentle tone trying to calm down Hayley's nerves.
"A witch had a vision that my child will be the death to all witches and I just-"
"Wanted to know if it was true or the witch was just exaggerating." Davina finished.
Hayley nodded.
Davina walked to Hayley and knelt.
"You have to lift your shirt, Hayley so I can have direct contact,"
When Hayley did so she could see a small bump forming.
Davina unconsciously smiled something that didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the room.
She placed her hands on Hayley's stomach and nodded turning to Hayley saying, "Your daughter won't be the death of all witches, just a group of them."
"Why do you not sound more concerned for your brethren, Davina Claire?" Rebekah asked.
"Have you forgotten sister, it's because of the Harvest."
Davina froze, her body rigid and eyes widening in fear of what Klaus was to say next.
Klaus grinned at the reaction before continuing, "Rumors follow your name, Davina Claire. You bear many names, choose the company of vampires over your kind, and currently, you are the most powerful witch alive in New Orleans."
Davina was about to protest but Klaus carried on."Sophie Devereaux has lied to us about the events that had transpired on that dreary night."
Klaus looked up and pinned Davina down with his gaze, "You are the one who walked away, Davina Claire. The last one standing. So tell us Davina Claire, what had happened on the night of the Harvest?"
A.N. Me realising I made Elijah seem too flirty when I already have plans for him to get with Gia and plans for Davina to get with Kol: 😭😭😂😂
Also, I'm laughing at the title of this chapter being similar to 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians'
I was going to have Davina reveal that Hayley was Andrea Labonair in this chapter but I realised that would mean the story is moving too fast so I only left it at the Labonair parents got murdered so Hayley can find the book and find out herself that she's Andrea Labonair.
Also, the whole marriage between Hayley and Jackson is NOT HAPPENING IN THIS STORY.
BTW, Davina doesn't like most of the Mikaelsons.
Especially Rebekah and Freya.
Rebekah cuz of what she did to Marcel *cough incest *
Freya cuz Freya murdered OG Davina so we don't know if it'll happen to this Davina
Elijah as well but Davina's currently blinded by how handsome he is to remember that he helps Freya to kill her.
Externally: 🌺🌺😄😄<3<3
Internally: 😒😒😤😤🖕🖕
She has a vendetta against them especially because she's on Marcel's side so she's been under Marcel's wing for 15 years.
Davina was 7 when Marcel took her in and is currently 22 because I wanted to age her up so she had more reputation with the witches and so she wasn't looked down on for her age or 'lack of experience' when she's been part of the politics since she was 10.
I can't believe I went from 1k words to 6k words in this chapter.
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