Back to the Beginning
I am so sorry for not updating in forever. I have had masses of school work and we went away so I had no Wi-Fi. I am so sorry but Thank you all for bearing with me and I should be back to regular updating.
Chapter 6
Abi stayed frozen on the floor until she heard the approaching steps of the agents Ross had sent. She stood on shaky legs; her eyes were still glowing. As they stormed through the door she cocked her head to the side.
"Stand down!" The agent at the front shouted.
Her hands started to glow as she, for the first time in a long time, unleashed the full force of her powers. All the men were thrown to the floor and knocked out immediately. She reeled in her powers and started breathing heavily. Her energy was draining but she had no time to lose. She set of running to where Bucky was.
Sam and Steve had reached where they were keeping Bucky. The soldiers were all on the floor and unconscious. Steve crouched to check on of them.
"Help me." The doctor muttered from the floor. "Help."
Steve walked over. "Get up." When the doctor didn't move, Steve pulled him to his feet and slammed him against the wall. "Who are you? What do you want?"
"To see an empire fall."
Sam walked into the room but was met with Bucky's metal arm. Bucky missed Sam's head and instead his fist went through the wall. Sam tried to attack but Bucky landed a punch in his stomach then grabbed his head and threw his to the floor.
Steve ducked Bucky's punch but Bucky kicked him to the floor. Steve tried to block Bucky's attacks but Bucky forced him back until his back met the elevator doors. Bucky punched the door and then went to punch Steve's chest. Steve grabbed the metal arm but Bucky pushed back and pushed Steve through the doors and down into the elevator shaft. Bucky left and Steve started to try and climb out. The doctor had stood and began to walk out but Sam got to his feet and followed him.
Bucky had moved into the main compound and was fighting and knocking out all the men that came at him. Tony watched from behind a wall before pulling a smaller Iron Man glove over his hand.
"We're in position." Nat's voice came though his radio.
Tony moved out and sent a sonic pulse at Bucky which temporarily disorientated him. As Bucky came towards him, Tony let out a flash that made Bucky crouch to the ground. Tony walked up to him and they started fighting hand to hand. Bucky pulled a gun and Tony only just managed to grab the barrel before Bucky took the shot. Tony pulled off the top of the barrel and hit Bucky around the head with it. Bucky reeled back around and elbowed Tony in the face. He landed a punch on Tony's chest and Tony went flying back.
Sharon ran at Bucky and kicked him in the chest. He stumbled back but blocked her next attacks. Nat came in and kneed him in the chest, right hooked his jaw and Sharon kicked him in the head. However, Bucky caught Sharon's leg and flipped her over into a table. Nat flipped herself so her legs were around his neck. She started elbowing him in the head as he moved back. He slammed her into a table and wrapped his metal hand around her throat.
"You could at least recognise me." Nat said trying to bring him back.
His grip tightened but T'Challa ran in and started kicking him back. Bucky blocked each attack and landed a solid punch on T'Challa's chest; sending him sprawling backwards. Bucky climbed the stairs but T'Challa jumped and blocked his way at the top. They fought hand to hand and T'Challa attempted to break Bucky's arm. He froze in surprise as he was met with cold metal. Bucky looked at him and flipped them both down the stairs. They fought again and T'Challa kicked Bucky in the chest, sending him over the railing. But, when T'Challa jumped down he was gone.
It was minutes later that Abi ran through. She surveyed the damage and looked from Tony to Nat.
"Where'd he go?" She asked Nat. When Nat didn't reply, she tried again. "Where did he go? He's not himself I need to stop him before he hurts anyone else."
"The roof." Nat replied.
Abi started running but was met by T'Challa. She rolled her eyes and threw him the length of the room with her powers before running to the roof. When she got there Steve was attempting to prevent a helicopter from taking off. She met Bucky's cold eyes as he crashed the copter back onto the landing pad. She put a force around Steve to stop him getting hurt. When everything had settled, Bucky's hand came through the glass and gripped Steve's neck. Abi pushed the copter off the edge before running and jumping off the edge.
She dived down and pushed Steve to the surface with her powers. She ripped the helicopter door off with them and then pulled Bucky out. She pushed them both to the surface next to Steve who also grabbed Bucky and together they pulled him ashore.
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