An Unexpected Return
Clary POV
I was sitting on my old bed at the Institute and I had just gotten out of the shower. I heard someone knock on the door and then Isabelle walked in. "What are you doing just sitting there in your bathrobe? Come on we have some shopping to do."
"Oh you know. Just thinking."
"About?" she inquired.
"Nothing. Nothing at all. Let's just get ready. I'm ready to get out and about."
"Ok," she stood me up and guided me to my, now almost empty, closet. We were finally
able to muster together a decent outfit from the clothes I had left behind.
"So where are we going? And what are we going for?" I asked as we walked out of the
big Institute doors.
"To look for baby stuff. Duh."
"Well, yeah, but what in particular are we looking for?"
"We need a theme for the baby shower. We don't want a theme that everybody does like
baby animals. We want to be unique so nobody forgets this baby shower. We will also need to go cake shopping. Maybe we can get one of those diaper cakes. Wait, no. Everybody gets those. We have to bring Shadowhunters into this somehow. Normally, the Silent Brothers take care of this baby stuff. But the Silent Brothers are a little creepy for this event."
"Wow, Izzy calm down. Do we really need a theme for a baby shower? That seems like a little bit too much. Let's just do something simple. I think mom would like that much better."
"Fine, as long as we get to have the party at Luke's farm."
"Ok, fine. Let's just shop and have fun." Izzy had a big grin across her face and she dragged me off to the mall.
We shopped in a lot of different stores and tried on way too many clothes. But Izzy could have gone on for hours. "Izzy, I'm getting tired. I'm going to go home."
"But we still have so much more to look at. We haven't even started looking at baby stuff yet." She was right we haven't looked once at any baby stores.
"We can do that another day ok?"
"Ok." She said in defeat. "Let's take you home before you pass out." Then we took off toward the bus.
Luke POV
I was sitting toward the back of the room in Java Jones, waiting for Jace to walk through the door. When he finally arrived, I waved him over. "Jace."
"Luke." Jace said as he sat in the chair across from me. "So what's this all about? Is little wolfie having issues getting along with the other Downworlders? I should have brought Alec and Isabelle."
"Is little Shadowhunter having an issue with asking my daughter to marry him?" I asked mockingly.
"Oh so that's what this is about."
"What else would this be about, Jace?"
"Is little wolfie now having problems getting along with this fabulous little
"Jace, stop. This is serious business. I don't want to talk about this any more than you
"Well, at least we agree on one thing. So what is it you want to talk to me about?" Jace asked tapping his fingers nervously on the table. A waitress came up and set down two cups of dark black coffee.
"I think you know exactly what we need to talk about. Jace, you're 19. What are you waiting for?"
"Ehr, Luke. I still don't know what you're talking about. Like I told you the other day, Clary and I are doing fine. And if we could hurry this along I have some stuff to attend to."
"Uh, right. It's just that. Um."
"Just spill it little wolfie."
"Right, ok. So... um. I don't know how to put this. I just.."
"Am I going to need to order another coffee?"
"No, no. It's just that. I want what's best for my daughter."
"Ummm. Ok. You don't.. ehr.. want me to break up with Clary.. right?" Jace said
sheepishly. I can't believe he would actually think I would want him to break up with my daughter.
"Uh. Not exactly. Actually quite the opposite."
"Oh. And what might that be?"
"Urgh. I can't believe you." I slapped my hands on the table and leaned in closer to Jace.
"Stupid little Shadowhunter. I want you to marry Clary." I sighed. It felt good to let it out already. But Jace just laughed
"You want me to marry Clary. Ha." Jace laughed again. "Of course. But.. umm... what if she.. you know.. says no?"
"Jace I have made this mistake plenty of times. I have always loved Jocelyn but, I was scared she wouldn't love me back. So I lived my life in agony. And then I finally got the courage but by then it was too late. Just ask. What is the worst that could happen?" I don't know if this pep talk was working but Jace was starting to turn a bright cherry red. I hoped this moment would end soon because I hate giving pep talks and it makes everything awkward.
"I just don't think this is the right time.."
"There is never a good time for Shadowhunters, Jace. Just ask her already. Life's too short." Jace's face was turning more red as we continued our conversation. I heard the little bell on the door jingle as someone entered the coffee shop. It was too dark in the room and it was hard to tell who had entered. I was about to continue the conversation with Jace when two familiar faces appeared. "Isabelle. Clary. What are you doing here? I thought you two were out shopping." Clary came up to give me a hug.
"We were and then we got tired." Clary explained.
"I didn't get tired. Clary got tired." Isabelle looked across the table like she just realized Jace was sitting there with me. "Jace! What are you doing here? I didn't know you liked coffee. And what are you doing here with Luke?"
"I'm sorry if we interrupted something. I should probably get going. Come on, Izzy." Clary interrupted.
"Jace have you noticed how red your face is? I didn't know your face could reach that bright shade of red." Isabelle said as she pulled me back to the table. "What have you been talking about anyway?"
"Politics." I said.
"Nothing." Jace said at the same time.
"Oh you were talking about something. And it definitely was not politics. It was something else." Isabelle said. I saw Clary glance at Jace asking what was going on. Jace wouldn't confess. And I didn't blame him.
"Come on, Isabelle. I want to go home. Bye Luke. Bye Jace." Clary said looking at Jace one last time.
"I will figure this out, Jace Herondale." Clary and Isabelle left the shop and Jace let out a big breath he was holding.
"Well, that just happened." I commented.
"That was the most embarrassing thing that has every happened to me, Jace Herondale." Jace looked down at his hands. I have never seen Jace so upset and embarrassed before.
"I need to mark this date on my calendar. Jace Herondale got embarrassed by his sister and girlfriend."
"You're wrong. I was embarrassed by you." Jace stood up abruptly and quickly walked away.
"So where are we going?" I asked Maia as we were walking down Park Avenue.
"I was thinking Hunter's Moon."
"You don't want to try something different? We are in there all the time."
"Well if you got a better idea I'd like to hear it," she huffed putting her hands on her hips. "Wow calm down. I thought maybe you'd want to try something else," Maia just glared
at me. It was one of those glares that only girls can perform and boy are they scary, "The Hunter's Moon it is then," I declared instantly going on the defensive. Maia just smiled and continued walking.
We walked in silence for a while until I decided to break the silence. "How are you doing?" I asked.
Maia looked up at me like I had two heads. "What do you mean?"
"I mean how have you been doing since the whole Jordan thing?"
"Bat I don't want to talk about it," she answered flatly.
"Ok." We stopped talking and just walked together in silence. I glanced over at Maia.
Why did she have to be so pretty? And why did I have to be so me? I didn't deserve someone like her.
All of the sudden Maia stopped and stared at something farther away. "Maia what's wrong?" I asked waving my hand in front of her face.
She shook her head and looked at me. "It's nothing I just thought I saw someone," she answered with a slight smile.
"Are you sure? You don't look"
"I'm fine," she interrupted. Then Maia did something I didn't expect. She leaned up and kissed me. "Come on, let's get going." She proceeded to pull my dazed self to the Hunter's Moon.
Jordan POV
I stood there in the alley in complete shock. Did Maia just kiss Bat? But what about us? Am I so easily forgotten? My hands tightened into fists by my side. "How could you, Maia. I always knew you were a lying cheating bitch," I growled, to no one in particular. Just then I heard something behind me. In a blind fit of anger, I shifted into my wolf form and attackedwhatever it was. As I collided with the stranger, I heard a satisfying "oof" come from him. Once I had whoever it was pinned I was able to get a good look at him. He was around the same age as me with blond hair and in regard to his height he certainly was tall.
"Well then. That went well," he groaned, "Mind getting off of me?" He smiled flashing his long kanines. A werewolf! I quickly got off him. "There we go much better," he grinned as he got up and brushed himself off. "Please excuse me for one moment." He left for a moment and returned with some clothes. "Some how I had a feeling this would happen. Now change and get dress. I'd like to talk to you when you can respond," he commanded as he turned around.
I quickly changed and got dressed. "Bossy aren't we?" I grumbled as I pulled on the pants.
"Yeah well I want to get this business done and over with. So hurry up," he said tapping his foot repeatedly.
"I'm done," I said flatly.
"Alright let's get to business," he said spinning on his heel and began circling me. "My name is Kade and I already know who you are so let's move past formalities. I'm sure you know of Luke Garroway."
"Of course," I said a bit annoyed by the stupid question.
"Well then, I am sure you will be furious about what he's done."
"And what might that be?"
"Oh just that he plans to marry a shadowhunter," Kade growled.
"So? Everyone knew that he had feelings for Jocelyn."
"That's just it. Shadowhunters are not supposed to marry werewolves. That doesn't make
you the least bit outraged?"
"No, people should be able to marry whomever they wish. That doesn't mean they should
stab their dead boyfriend in the back and go and date someone else." I growl looking back out to where I just saw Maia kiss Bat.
"So you're on my side. After Valentine died, Jocelyn ran off and married Luke. It's unacceptable." Kade replied with hopefulness.
"What?" I ask.
"Jocelyn stabbed Valentine like you said, when she married Luke. You don't pay attention very well do you?"
"Oh right. I suppose I don't. But what does this have to do with me?" I asked cautiously.
"This seems to have a lot to do with you. I am a rebel in Luke's pack. He doesn't know this but I'm not fond of how Luke runs things. He is reckless and displays inappropriate behavior. I need you to help me defeat Luke and take over all of the Shadowhunter world. And it seems as if you may need my help too."
"And why would I need your help? I'm sure I am capable on my own."
"Well, considering that you have no place to go, you have no money, no food, and I'm sure you have a lot of questions concerning why you are here in the real world and not from wherever the hell you came from."
"Am I dreaming? This better all be a dream." I respond look around me and pinching my arm for good luck.
"You ain't dreaming sweetheart." Kade replied sarcastically. "So are you joining my side or not?"
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