Crescent 38: Friday..(8)[His Circle of the Qur'an]
"You've heard the tale of the Nine Stone Pieces, right?.
I want you to find them.."
Arkaan opened his mouth agape in surprise. He didn't see that coming.
"Not all-Just the ones on Tâ Hâ. And-I want you to destroy them."
Arkaan's eyes flickered in shock. Whilst people were looking for the pieces to get their lifetime wishes answered, here was Redbeard, seeking to destroy their only chance!
As if reading the question of why in his curious eyes, he added,
"If you do so, the Halaqah would be safe." Ukashah would be safe..
What did the Stones have to do with the Halaqah? Arkaan wanted to ask, but Âyatullah continued to talk.
"Please do not tell Ukashah about anything we've discussed here, as it's between you and I."
As if to explain why, he narrowed his eyes,"If he knew, he wouldn't help you, but would rather stop all your chances of finding it."
So I was right, they're related. Arkaan smiled.
Could he be that 'Uncle', Ukashah had mentioned meeting after the failed GQRC, about two years ago..?
It all made sense, if you put in the fact that he was now speaking about the same Saint Stone he had warned his nephew about.
But if Âyatullah is of such a high position in the Country of Sulaymân, then what is Ukashah's identity in that country..?
Even though it was possible for Uncle and nephew to be of different nationalities, it was highly improbable.
Ukashah was from Baladus-Sulaymân, and he probably wasn't a small fry..
He had that princely poise to his demeanour.. Arkaan mused, daring to take his thoughts a notch higher..
"Funny.."He laughed."Ukashah said, you probably didn't want him prying into such ludicrous stuff."
Seeing Arkaan hadn't suspected anything, Redbeard sighed with relief in his heart. This boy was too smart sometimes, and was able to decipher things. He was worried Arkaan would be able to read his mind, and that would spoil their friendship.
But fortunately, he hadn't.
Call him selfish, call him vile.
For putting someone else's life on the line, to save his own nephew. Of course he would help Arkaan if ever it came to that. But it still was a dangerous affair.
And yes, ..Ukashah's life meant so much more in many ways than Arkaan's.
Ukashah's meant an entire Kingdom, whilst Arkaan lived only for himself.
Apart from his mother, he had no other family. Even though Arkaan had been silent about his personal matters, for someone like Âyatullah with his many connections and info, it didn't take long to figure the boy out once he got on this island.
Arkaan had come back to this home Island of his, - in search of his mother.
But who knew if she was still alive?
If Arkaan died, no one would truly be affected.
But Ukashah's life was different.
In the past, many had sacrificed their own for him, ..including his own dear sister.
In the future many more would sacrifice their lives for him.
No matter what, the prince MUST survive to liberate his country from slavery to The Tetragrammaton Circle.
"I believe you can do it, that's why."
Arkaan trailed him as they walked onto some neighbourhood streets. He could see the meander of a river, demarcating between the South and the West districts.
Rather me, than your nephew aahn..
Arkaan thought, still with a smile on his face, masking his internal comprehension.
Redbeard, you obviously understand how dangerous this is, but you're pulling me into the fray.
And, to protect your nephew, you don't want me to include him in on this..
I've been used before.. by thieves and drug peddlers.
So I understand this game.
However, ..I already didn't plan on adding any of my new friends..
There's no way I'd tell Ukashah or any of them for that matter..
There's no way I would do something to endanger them after all.
"How would I find them?"Arkaan asked.
"There's a saying spread by the seekers of the they heard from the jann.
Nine couplets, forming a stanza..
For the three stones to be found in Tâ Hâ, the couplets are as follows:
Upon a nest of olives, perching,
A holy name, overlooks the
Circles of Inaayat.
Vast dunes of red sand, a bed of stones
Laying cold in a pond of ice.
Guarding the pages of a life, written in ink
One of she, who wandered amongst the Jann.."
Redbeard recited in mystical serenity to Arkaan's bewilderment.
"But that can't be right!"He blurted out, even as the last line was read. Arkaan understood the implication of the poem, and what it meant for their Circle, 'Inabah.
-The Southern district's halaqah was already in trouble, even before it had started.
"You can guess now, why Inaayat was under so much suspicion, can't you."Redbeard winked at Arkaan.
This wasn't a joke. What was he winking at?! Arkaan's face shadowed in dismay.
Once the jinns added Ustadh's name to their whispers, there was no way he wouldn't be implicated.
In fact, as long as the lines; A holy name overlooks the Circles of Inaayat was there, and no one had yet found that stone, the whole Halaqah was bound to be implicated!
Now if Arkaan failed to find the stone and get rid of it as Redbeard advised, there was no way their halaqah was going to survive..!
It now made sense to Arkaan, why for two years no one had made an effort to revive the Southern Circle of Qur'an from the elderly generation. It now made sense, why Inaayat disappeared suddenly, two years ago. It was because of the Jinns and the Saint stone!
Did the Tribes already know about the Jinns and the Saint Stone, and didn't dare see to its revival..?
And if that was so, would they agree to its formation now..? After all, only the Council hall could legalize a Halaqah on the island and it consisted mostly of the inexorably rigid Native Four, as Arkaan called them.
With all these dangers surrounding the Halaqah, were they then going to yield..?
But what was the Jinns' motive in highlighting the halaqah?
Was it just by coincidence, or ..did they want to stop the Southern Circle from ever forming.
And if that was so, then why?
More questions flowed, plaguing his mind more than ever.
Arkaan realized that, the further he went in seeing to it that the Southern Circle came alive, the more reasons why he couldn't achieve it came into being.
But he was never one to back down from his goals just because someone said not to, or tried to scare him away.
Now even more than ever, he planned to resolve this riddle, and complete the quest Redbeard gave him-As long as it meant that was his only way to save the Halaqah.
"Do the jinns always whisper in riddles and poetic lines?"Arkaan asked, as though to break the heaviness that suddenly surrounded them.
"Some do. Those that steal a hearing from the heavens, and then are pelted with flaming fires."Redbeard looked up above, where the sun had covered a little more than two-thirds of its journey across the sky.
It'd soon be 'Asr. They were near the river by now.
"They add more than a hundred lies to it though."Âyatullah laughed.
Arkaan looked at him in disbelief,"How am I supposed to go on that when there are more than a hundred lies to it!"
"Don't worry son. I don't think these are words from soothsayers. These words were probably spoken from the Hidden Valley.
This must be information the jinns had come up with in tracing the Stones. It's not yet clear why they haven't picked them up yet, and are allowing humans to fight in their greed over them.
Perhaps, they're up to something?"Âyatullah said, a questioning look on his face. Arkaan kept quiet the rest of the journey.
When they reached their point of separation, Âyatullah sighed,"Arkaan, I know the task I've assigned you may be a great burden, weighing heavily on your shoulders.. But there's no one else I can trust.. You have an uncanny ability at solving problems, you're curious and discerning..
Somehow, I feel Allah led me to you, to end this havoc the mystery of the jinns of the Hidden Valley have caused."
After all, you bear her will too.. The jann must by now have realized.
"I didn't choose you because you're dispensable.. Arkaan.
If not, there really were many more people I could have chosen till now.
But you're the first.
Arkaan, I chose you because I have seen the signs of the Rabb's providence upon you. With all the things that have happened, can't you see the favours of Allah on you? Your friends and everyone - people you just met, see how you're surrounded by good."
It was a conflicting feeling, but he knew it was there, he knew he also did care for Arkaan. Although, he happened to prize his nephew more, because of the Kingdom and his sister's sacrifice.
Any other day, he might have taken Arkaan as his own son, provided he never found his parents..
But he also had news- that Arkaan couldn't even fathom. The Jinns were unto him already.
What he had done, was just giving him a heads-up.
If anything were to happen and he was available, he was sure to come to the boy's help. For the safety of Ukashah, he would use Arkaan to bring an end to the misery brought about by the Saint Stone mystery!
Nothing should harm Ukashah!-He was a part of the South's Circle after all.
He thought back to how Arkaan had survived the sea, reached Tâ Hâ and found refuge, - and friends. Just within a day of getting there with essentially nothing on him, he had already become a part of many peoples lives, and was affecting them in many diverse ways.
Above all, he was seeking to revive a fallen Circle that had bred hearts of piety, and had transformed the South district ..had transformed Ukashah.
He had that charisma about him. An image suddenly came to mind of a youthful man he had encountered once before. It was in BaladusSulaymân.
Somehow, they give off the same feeling.. Almost as though they were the same person, or a replica.
Knowing that Arkaan's father had been lost for years, he wondered if he were the same person.
When last he had been to the Country of Sulaymân on a reconnaissance mission, he had met this young man who was in his prime, short black hair, a playful smile on his face. One that gave him a youthful appearance.
He owed that man his life..
Âyatullah watched the boy's solemn back as he made his way back to Mt. Shirah.
"I'm sorry, Arkaan..
..But in the whole Circle, you're the only one I believe can do it."
He needed someone from the Southern Circle, because of the Circle's inexorable link with the stones. Only someone from within, had a higher probability of finding the stones.
"..As long as you're true to your Lord. As long as you're true yourself.." Nothing would happen to you..
But hopefully, if what he was planning on achieving at the Council's meeting went on well.. then neither Arkaan nor Ukashah, would have to face that danger ever again.
Thoughts filled Arkaan's mind, and feelings he couldn't describe.
Was he willing to endanger himself by indulging in this quest to save the Halaqah..?
To him, it depended on how easy finding the Stones was. Of course if they lay just there, right in front of him, he wouldn't hesitate to do what's right.
But at least, One did-The first of the three couplets..
He thought back to what Redbeard said, of the whispers, ..a nest of olives, perching-But there was not a single olive tree on Mt. Shirah!!
He was so stuck in this thought that he didn't see the person coming right in front of him as he walked up the mountain pathway, almost bumping into her, ..again.
"Maryam..?"He raised an eyebrow as his head rose from brooding. She had earlier given the Salaam loud, to knock him out of his deep thoughts.
For a moment they stood there, at a distance, staring at one another. To them both, it was like the first time meeting each other. Arkaan looked at her in realization that they had not known each other from before.
Maryam looked at him as the boy from the tale of a locket and a jinn. Their very first meeting she had been compelled to talk to him. He had just stared at her with such familiarity in his eyes that it felt all so awkward to her.
She had never felt so violated by any male before when he had hugged her although mistakenly, at the forest hills. That day, she had on impulse pushed him down violently. Then later at Madam Chu's stall, she realized he made her feel strangely in her heart. That was when she knew she had to avoid him. But here they were again..with she having so many questions to ask him.
Deciding now wasn't appropriate, she said lightly,"The boys are in the masjid.
They're waiting for you."
He maintained the look of sobriety on his face, lost in thought.
Then he realized his eyes were fixated on her even with his mind lost. He turned, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. With a fist to his mouth, he cleared his throat, and nodded.
"I'm sorry.."He said in a polite manner.
"For what?"She asked. What was he playing at now? Why did he seem so unreadable to her. And why did she feel strange inside whenever he showed that awkward side of himself..
"I seem to always be absentminded whenever we meet."He furrowed his brows, then lightly asked,"You've prayed 'Asr already?"
"They're yet to pray in the masjid. But I'll be praying at the Chinese market.."She replied, then added"I came with some kids from Baytur Rahma orphanage.. There were some amongst them who showed interest when we spoke to them about the halaqah. Zak's childhood friend especially, - Lil' Khayr.."
"Everyone's waiting for you. I guess I shouldn't keep you long too."She said as she stepped aside, walking down the mountainpath.
"Oh.."Arkaan breathed. Why had he had a feeling she had something to tell him.
A few steps, Maryam stopped to consider something, then turned back,"Oh and Arkaan,"
He turned.
"Perhaps the next time, I think we should avoid such needless interaction.. I'll take the initiative then."She smiled, though it was perfunctory, and walked down.
Arkaan turned and watched her disappear down a bend in the path. Even though he understood she only meant good by that, why did he feel unwilling..
My adorned pillar..A gentle voice sounded in his heart which he recognized as his mother's.
Mother.. His heart called out. He had plans of beginning his active search over the weekends. He walked the rest of his way toward the masjid in thoughts about her.
When Arkaan entered the Western prayer Hall, he was held aback by the numbers he saw in Salah.
Were they all there for the Halaqah, or just for Salah..?
It was after he joined them to pray, and then the group sat down to begin with the Qur'an Halaqah sessions, that he realized the true boost in their numbers! It was an amazing upgrade! Perhaps, a little more and they'd already reach Middle Tier!
Even as he approached them, from the corner where he had said his Salah, he examined the group..
Apart from Zak, Ukashah and Abdullah, there was Rafik, Arafat(who strangely was there on time), Haru, Humayd and his friends from the neighbourhood, he spotted some few of the youth from Old man Khidr's group, and some other new faces-people from the orphanage, he was sure.
Seated among the children from the orphanage, within their lines, was one particular child who stood out the moment Arkaan's eyes landed on him. Strangely enough, he had also been looking at Arkaan, a strange smirk upon his face, one that spoke of mischief..
He wore a gaudy oversized hoodie dress, that fell a little below his knees, and covered entirely his arms. His hands were completely obscured in the sleeves of the dress.
"Arkaan, you're back..!"The boy in the gaudy hoodie called out in good cheer as he ran into Arkaan, hugging him at the waist.
"Little green..?"Confusion turned into cognizance within Arkaan's green orbs.
Eastern Prayer Hall
Lady Frieda sat and remembered the time she and her husband had first met, and moved from west district to their own family home before she gave birth to Arkaan, ..the happy times.
Around that time, they still had relations with the Tribes, no matter how strained. But soon enough, even those frail bonds, all withered away.
It was after 'Asr prayer, she sat down to read the letter written to her by her husband all those years ago.
The soft orange glows of sunset flitted through the masjid windows onto her, as she held the well-kept old paper.
The hymns of the children down below, surged to her from across the courtyard.
In vibrant voices, they filled with joyful glorifications every nook and cranny of the Masjid, giving the Masjid life, and sinking her heart into a feeling of eternal serenity, a treasure of the fate of the hereafter.
She probably would stay here for a while, before heading to the Council Hall..
Âyatullah, the hypocrite! *fumes*
How was it????? :)))))
7000+words non-stop(for the two chapters, which I divided :D).
Little green..! I love that jinni😂
Why do you think he's called Little green though..?(will be explained in the next chapter in shaa Allah, but doesn't hurt to try~)
The recall of Arkaan meeting little green, and the contents of the letter are in the next chapter too in shaa Allah.
Thus we'll continue from there after the Holy Month ends. I might be updating my reflections on 'Starry Skies' though. So we can check that one out, in shaa Allah ^_^
Let's all use this month of blessings to benefit to the absolute maximum!
But all the while you could leave your votes, comments, and answers to questions here^_^.
What do you think is Arkaan's key to opening the Domains?
Where do you think the stones are, according to the riddle?
For what purpose is Âyatullah visiting the Council?
Would the South district halaqah be registered and gain recognition..?!
Try answering these questions as we patiently wait for the next Crescent! :)))
(Not yet sure though, if it's tomorrow or tomorrow next:DDDDD Probably would know by the time evening reaches)
Till the next Crescent,
Fee Amânillah
WasSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh :)
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