Chapter #3
Chapter Three - Unedited
A blinding light washed over me, rousing me from my sleep.
I didn't want to wake up, I simply wanted to die. I squinted my eyes opened; I knew who had come to me. It was just the first time I saw Him. It terrified me more than I could ever imagine.
"Demon!" The voice boomed, rattling the walls of the cell they confined me in.
A whimper left my mouth, as the voice sent terror inside my body. I could feel goosebumps all over my body.
"Ye... yes?" I stuttered.
"Stand up!" I flinched and rose from the ground, my wounds and bruises screaming for me to sit back down. "I have a task for you, would you heed the call?"
I wasn't sure if I could even say no, so I just nodded my head in agreement. "Yes."
"I will make you an angel, but you will the angel of death for Hell!" He said, taking me by surprise. "You will be stronger; it will be your responsibility to keep Lucifer in check."
"Ho... how?" I was baffled by the idea of being the one to keep Lucifer at bay. I was a mere demon and not even stronger than him.
"I will adopt you as my own, you will have the power that angels have and when the time has come, you will know what to do." He explained.
I looked at the blinding light again, "I don't think your children will ever accept me." I said honestly. I had met the other angels, and they were never nice to demons, even fallen angels.
"It wouldn't matter what they think!" He said. "Would you heed the call?"
It seemed better than being beaten to a pulp every day by my sire, fighting with other demons and being locked up whenever Phanuel felt like it.
"Yes, my Lord, I will heed the call."
My eyes fluttered open when I was sucked out of the dream. I was lying on the floor of my cell, I'm not sure how and when I fell asleep, which was not surprising because it happened every day. I worked tirelessly every day to get myself out of this dungeon, but turns out I wasn't that strong.
I picked myself up from the floor and set on the bed, my mind drifting off to Zuri. I wondered what she was doing at that moment. I was glad that I got the chance to tell her I loved her before I was taken away from her. My God, I missed her so damn much.
One thing that comforted me was that she was with Theo, whom I trusted with my life. Viljar had also promised to take care of her, even if it's from a distance.
A presence pulled me out of my reverie, I internally groaned when I figured who it was. It was only a matter of time before he came to see me.
"Well then, this is an interesting turn of events," Phanuel said. I could almost see his smug face. "What? Still not talking to me?"
"What do want Phanuel?" I asked him, my eyes finally meeting his blackened ones. I would not be lying when I said I wasn't still slightly bothered by him. He was after all the angel of wrath, and I have felt his wrath for millennials before his Father came to save me that one fateful night.
"Just wanted to see how my protégé was doing," he smirked. "I'm surprised Father hasn't come to save your sorry ass. I warned Him that you will disappoint Him. You are, after all, still a pathetic demon."
"We both know I am not a demon and that you don't scare me." I pointed out, sending him a glare.
"Yes, yes, the adopted one." He waved his hand dismissively. "it doesn't change the fact that I am on the other side of this cell while you're rotting in there. If it had been me in there, I would've already freed myself."
"Go to Hell," I snarled.
He let out a sinister laugh, "You forget young one, we're already there." He disappeared in front of me, his laugh echoing in the empty hallway.
I felt my veins burn with anger; I wanted to kill someone, but I focused on punching the wall beside me; the walls vibrating from the impact. Lucifer had used powerful magic for the place, I knew this because my fist usually goes through walls but not in there.
"Don't let him get to you," I heard Viljar say. My head wiped towards the metal bars and I found him leaning against them.
"How is she?" I asked, ignoring his comment.
He let out a sigh, "she's doing okay, she's been in Azock with Amir for three weeks now."
I felt my heart swell with hope when I heard this. That meant I needed to get myself out of here faster. I wasn't about to sit there and be rescued by Zuri. My ego wouldn't allow that.
"Did you get what I asked you to get?" I asked him.
He nodded, "I gave everything to Theo." He relented. "Did you know your demons are making plans of getting you out of here?"
It was my time to sigh; I knew this and forbade them to do it, but clearly no one listened to me. "I told them not to do it. Lucifer is vicious when he wants to be, and I don't want them to be at the receiving end."
"Well, they seem pretty adamant." He shrugged.
"Thanks for looking out for me. I'm ready to see Theo now. Tell him to come as soon as he gets the chance." I told him.
"I-" Viljar was cut by another member of the family arriving to the party.
"Brothers," Gabriel greeted, his grey eyes cold. His caramel skin was glowing slightly, and he stood as tall as Viljar.
"What are you doing here?" I asked urgently. In all the years Gabriel has visited none of us here, or even on earth. He hated us more than anything in the universe.
"Hello to you too, Gedeon," he snarled.
I rolled my eyes in response. He should know why I was surprised to see him there. "Hello Gab, nice to see you." I smiled sarcastically.
"I remember why I hate you all," he mumbled under his breath.
"We love you too," Viljar interjected.
Gabriel sent him a glare and turned to me. "Father sent me to tell you to stop playing, you have a job to do."
I felt my heart ram inside my chest; I haven't spoken to Father ever since that day he declared me an angel.
"Well, I am trying to get myself out of here," I glared at him.
"Don't shoot the messenger," he raised his hands in mock surrender.
I glared at him, "is that all?"
"No, you can get yourself out of here," he told me. "Let go of your fears and open the damn dungeon."
"What fears?" I asked him but it was too late he was already gone. "What the hell was that about?"
Viljar shrugged. "Hell, if I knew." He whistled lowly. "I'll go get Theo." I nodded, and he disappeared, leaving me to ponder on what Gabriel just told me.
"Gedeon?" I heard Zuri's voice, and my entire body froze.
Slowly, I turned to the door and found her faded figure standing on the other side of the metal bars, with tears streaming down her face.
I took in a shaky breath and approached her slowly. "Is it really you?"
She nodded, "Yes, I astral projected here." A sigh of relief left my lips, I didn't want her physically there. Lucifer would kill her on sight, and I wasn't sure I could live with that.
"I miss you so much," I told her. I could feel myself shaking from the shock of seeing her.
"I miss you too, there's so much I have to tell you." She smiled through her tears.
"You will have all the time in the world to tell me, my love," I assured her. "Have you worked on your immortality spell?"
She let out a sigh, "not yet, I wanted to see you first before I drank the potion. It is ready."
I moved closer to the metal bars, my hands itching to touch her and reassure her. "Don't worry my love, it will all work out." She gave a smile that tugged a muscle in my heart.
"I know," she agreed. "I will get you out of here."
"Don't worry about that," I assured her. If things went well, I would get out in a few hours.
"I love you, Gedeon," she said for the first time, and I felt my heart constrict.
"Tell me that face to face when we meet." I told her.
She smiled at me, "I have to go, Amir is ready for me."
"I love you."
As she disappeared before my eyes, I felt hope surge inside me. I will get out of here tonight and I was going to spend the rest of my life showing her just how much I loved her. Even if it's the last thing I did.
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