Celebi sipped its tea with the etiquette of a socialite. It chatted absentmindedly to itself. In contrast to the human who continued to stare at the ground in disbelief over what transpired. "Ugh! Get over yourself, would you? Your kind have a fragile lifespan; you were going to die anyway,"
"Yeah, but...I'd rather die of old age than that,"
Celebi sat its cup down as it straightened itself. "Unfortunately for both you and me, that's not your fate. You weren't supposed to die at this time either, but you failed your test nonetheless, and it cost the life of you and your friends,"
There's that word again. "Time...time...wait! Is Hop okay?" Anastasia was hoping at least one of her friends survived. Celebi held back a snort but failed, which caused the blonde to glare at it venomously. "Nope! He's also dead! That assassin sliced and diced him like it was a game of Fruit Ninja!"
"How the fuck can you find this so funny? Do we look like some sort of fucking joke to you?"
Celebi hummed as a smile grew on its lips. "Maybe!"
Anastasia was starting to get tired of the Pixie Pokemon for toying with her. Opting to change the subject, she spoke again to the time traveler, "You said I wasn't supposed to die at this time. What did you mean by that?"
"Now she asks an intelligent question! Unfortunately, Your family-well on your mother's side, at least, is very good at not dying. That blessing wrapped up in that curse makes you all immortal," Celebi replied. "How can I be immortal if I just died?"
"I wasn't finished, human,"
"It's Anastasia,"
"And I don't care, so shut up and listen. Yes, you did die. However, your soul is in the process of awakening, which will bring you right back where you left your friend,"
Anastasia looked even more confused, and the pokemon took that as a sign to explain further. "Each time you die, you're brought back to life before the moment you died. Because of what's written for you, any wrong choice you make can lead to serious consequences. You will die over and over again until you make the right choice leading up to your destiny. I highly recommend you make better use of your time,"
"And my friends?"
"...Collateral damage. But that depends on you. But your death was your fault. You picked a battle knowing you would lose, and because of that time you wasted, you made it pretty easy for that assassin to kill your friend and follow after you to finish you off. Even then, you still did nothing, not that I can blame you, if you chose to fight back, a greater death would've awaited you,"
"But I-'' the blonde was cut off by Celebi again. "Just because someone offers you something doesn't mean you have to act upon it so quickly. That gym leader knew that which was why she was teaching you a lesson. Why else would she purposely stall out that battle when she could've defeated you in less of a minute? The test was to get to her without your allies taking damage. The only reason she battled you was because you were expecting one. Other than that, you could've prevented this if you learned to use your head,"
Anastasia was about to ask about that, but a sharp pain in her chest cut her off. Celebi huffed as it traced the rim of its cup. "You're returning to your body. Try not to waste time and listen to what people are telling you. Or die a horrible death; either way, it's more entertainment for me!"
"I...hate you-"
"Bro, was my joke that bad you had to soft reset your life?"
Anastasia stared at Izziadora, who was looking at her with an angry pout. "Hello? Stasia? Why does your face look like you just witnessed a murder?"
After a few more moments of silence, the blonde answered, "huh?"
"HUH?!!" Izziadora repeated mockingly. "Did you eat today? I could run by the cafe and get you something to-"
"NO!" Anastasia suddenly yelled as she grabbed the brunette. "Don't...please. I know I joke all the time about leaving you and shit, but please don't leave me alone..."
Izziadora looked around nervously before gently easing her friend's vice-like grip off her shoulders. "Umm, okay? I won't? I don't know why you're so worried. You said I'm like an annoying Zubat; no matter how many times you run, I still end up right behind you,"
Anastasia let out a sigh as she took a step back to calm her nerves. She wanted to believe their death was a warped imaginary scenario formed from her consciousness. But the phantom pain around her neck was still there. As if to reassure herself she rubbed her neck only to find not a single blemish there. "Hey...Izzy? You sure you want to wait out here and not watch me fail epically in there?"
"I don't want to distract you. Plus, I'm supposed to be-"
"Pish posh, I'm going to lose anyway, so why not get a couple laughs and some blackmail material?" Anastasia laughed, although she was mentally cursing herself for how horrible her acting was. "I sense this is a trap because you never let me get the best of you like that, but..."
"What are you dears doing out here?" a voice called out. The girls looked over to see Hyacinthia walk over with Raihan?
"Wow, she works fast," the two said simultaneously. "Giving your friend some tips, are we Izzy dear?" the older brunette asked. "Yeah, with Galar being more dramatic with their league, I thought I could get her familiar with the Xane way of things...." Izziadora replied before throwing a judging look at the dragon-type gym leader. "Raihan...why are you with my aunt?"
"Stay out of grown folks' business, child!" Hyacinthia scolded. "Heh! Don't tell Leon, but I might've given him the slip to snatch this lady up,"
"We got separated, and he offered to help me," the brunette clarified. "Also, I wanted her,"
The girls noticed the look of "HELP ME" on the female's face behind the smile.
"And I wanted to see the look on Leon's face,"
"After we find him because he's probably worried!"
Izziadora stared at them for a few moments before plastering on a fake smile. "Oh, I see, I see! Trainer stuff! You had me worried there for a moment. I almost actually believed Raihan was attracted to an old Leavanny like you,"
"Uh oh," Anastasia muttered under her breath.
Hyacinthia smiled rather forcefully as she laughed, "I'm not that old, but I've heard that my wisdom is wonderfully aged for someone so young,"
"That much would be true for an old witch that hangs around the dead all day. It's a shame all that makeup you put on can't cover up those dark circles and those other reminders of what you are,"
"Izzy...that's no way to speak to your elders. You wouldn't be jealous, are you? You're much too special for that,"
"Last I heard, you said you weren't that old. And I respect my elders, just not cheap floozies like you,"
"Darling, I'm your godmother, not your stepmother,"
"If the heel fits. I'm impressed you can fill out that dress--"
Izziadora yelped as the older brunette tugged on her ear. "My, my, what a filthy mouth you've grown!"
"Tiaaaaaaaaa! You can't take Lee from me! I was simping first!" Izziadora protested. "Izziadora, that's not an excuse to mouth off like that in public--in front of a guest, no less! Cordelia and I raised you better than that!"
"Well, my mum tried..." Anastasia added but trailed off. "What I'm doing isn't for myself, but my home as well, and if you ruin that in any shape or form, then I'll have to punish you, understand?"
"Yes, what?" Hyacinthia asked as she twisted the teen's ear. "Yes, ma'am!"
The older brunette smiled, satisfied with the reply. "Well, we best be on our way-"
"I'm going to take Ms. Hyacinthia here out to eat and post a couple of pictures," Raihan interjected. The brunette sighed, not even bothering trying to come up with an excuse. "You're so shameless-anyway! Good luck, you two!" Hyacinthia waved as the pair walked away. "Can you explain why your aunt is doing this?" Anastasia asked as the two walked into the warehouse. "Being a Gym Leader where she comes from is a vital job. Hellestowne has had some horrible people in power. And ever since she took over, they've been relying on her a lot, and she does a lot already with being the head of Xane's Ranger Union and an Elite Four member on top of being a Gym Leader. She wants to get married to have an heir that can manage the church and hopefully is chosen to be the next Gym Leader. That way, she can focus on her other duties and having someone she trusts to take care of her citizens,"
"You mentioned church. Is she like a pope or something?"
"Well, yes, but the correct title is the Arcenian Vestal--ya know, religious stuff that I can't go in further detail about because of plot reasons!"
"Chansey! Chan!"
A familiar Chansey shuffled up to the two and handed Anastasia a card that she recognized last time. Alex motioned Izziadora to follow her that way, Anastasia could begin her challenge. Celebi's words echoed in her head; she could even hear the time-traveling Pixie mock her. "I need to avoid battle, but what if there's a situation where I have to? What if those Xurkitrees are a lot weaker than they look? For all I know, I could've one-shot the first one!"
At that thought, the trinket began vibrating. Anastasia's blood went cold as she grabbed it from her pocket. She looked around, trying to see if there was any danger or at least the appearance of an Absol, but couldn't detect anything amiss. "Why are you reacting if there's no danger? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" The blonde asked. To no one's surprise, it didn't respond. Sighing, she began walking to where the first Xurkitree was stationed. A voice called out from somewhere, which caused her to stop.
"You are not at full strength yet to challenge these eldritch beasts. Walk the path of kindness to seize victory and reclaim what you lost."
But the presence was gone. Looking down, she noticed the trinket stopped glowing, returning to its bronze hue. "Hello?" She called out to it as she mentally slapped herself for how crazy she must look talking to an inanimate object. She suddenly remembered the gluttonous Xurkitree and how it feasted on the electricity of the various machines and appliances in the warehouse. She pulled out her berry bag and counted how many she had currently. She had an idea. It was stupid, but it would probably be genius to Izziadora.
"Walk the path of kindness, eh? Well, as mum always said: Nothing brings people and pokemon together like food,"
With that, she turned around and beelined it for the exit. Izziadora and Nicole looked at the screen in confusion. "Where is she going?" Nicole asked. Izziadora laughed sheepishly as she shrugged in response. A few moments later, she came with a...pot?
She sat the container down with a huff that caught the attention of the Xurkitree. "Hope you're hungry, my friend. I made my mum's special potato curry!"
Electricity crackled as Xurkitree let out an excited trill. It quickly walked(?) over and began eating. The blonde decided not to question how it could digest the curry as she made her way towards the next Xurkitree. She cringed when she remembered how...hostile it was to her and hoped this time around it might be more docile with food. That should be the least of her problems, considering there's the third one to deal with. She could go with what she did last time, asking it, but what if it decides to be stubborn?
Anastasia jumped out the way as Xurkitree came flying at her with a Brutal Swing attack. "Yep, definitely a fight first, talk later, guy!" She said as the Ultra Beast turned around to launch at her again. Instead of pouncing on her again, it sank its wire-like appendage into the floor and discharged vast bursts of electricity. The blonde ducked behind the wall as lightning streaked across the room. She was glad her boots were made of rubber until she smelled something burning. She looked up and shrieked as she threw her burning hat onto the ground, stomping on it to put out the flame. She patted her head and sighed in relief that her hair didn't catch fire. Alas, her hat was beyond repair as she stomped out of hiding.
"You jjajang noodle ass bitch! You ruined my fucking hat!"
Anastasia roared at the Ultra Beast, who recoiled. "You can chase me. Paralyze my team and me but never-NEVER touch the hat!" the blonde stomped towards the creature, who immediately began walking backward. All attempts to scare this trainer or hinder her were thrown out the window. "I was going to be nice. I figured we could put aside our differences and enjoy a nice meal--well, it seems that peace was never an option."
The Ultra Beast continued to back away until it found itself trapped between the wall and the raging 17-year old. It scolded itself for being intimidated by a child and raised a tendril to scare her off with a Brutal Swing attack. It swung, and...
Anastasia stopped the attack mid-swing; the tendril held tightly in her grasp. Xurkitree gawked at the teen as she grabbed the tendril with her other hand; smiling, she harshly threw the creature over her shoulder. "Sorry, pal. I may not spit fire or summon lightning, but I know how to throw down pretty damn well. Don't take this personally-it's just self-defense,"
"Huh. I haven't seen her or my Xurkitrees on cams for a while..."
The brunette jumped when the door behind her slammed open. "Red put me down. I can walk on my own!" Zita protested as the brown-eyed male walked inside. "I hope you and Cin are happy because Ty has been on my ass all day!"
Red looked over and saw that Izziadora was asleep. "Huh. So, this is the kid,"
"She's one of them," Nicole corrected. "Her friends are also crucial to this little mission,"
"Little? That's an understatement. It must be pretty big if we're hiding it from the dad of the group," Red replied as he dropped Zita onto the floor. "Hey! I'm telling Cin for that,"
"Yeah, yeah, adults are talking pipsqueak," Red said as he pushed the tiny trainer away. "It's for his sake, because he needs to recover from his last fight. Right now, this is phase 1 of Project Sylph."
"....what kind of name is that?"
"S-shut up! I was tired when we were planning!"
"And who's fault is that?" Red and Zita asked simultaneously while giving the brunette a scolding look. Nicole pouted until she heard one of her pokemon screams. On-screen, she saw one of her Xurkitree running from Anastasia. Right behind the trainer was her shiny Xurkitree. "Why are you running? Why are you running?! You owe me a new hat--I hope your mum can fight you fu-"
"Welp! I better go! Gym leader stuff, you know? BYE!"
"You're still going to bed after this!"
"You're not my dad!"
Red rolled his eyes as the brunette disappeared into the elevator. Zita checked the time and began to head out. "And where are you going?"
"It's almost time for our enemy to strike. At this point, she's probably waiting for them to be alone. I'm going to stop her that way she doesn't encounter Izzy and Stasia," Zita replied. "Already? How are they moving so fast?" Red asked. "Chairman Rose...paid a visit after the ceremony. I don't know if he recognizes them, but he's got his sights on them now. Plus, he has a trainer participating in the Gym Challenge. Cin's Rotom reported it saw him in Izzy's room last night-"
"So you guys think the trainer is sus too,"
Zita nodded. "But Cin is against hurting children, so I was wondering if you could deal with him,"
"What makes you think I'm okay with this?"
"You two seem to enjoy hurting people's feelings. Especially ours with that famous disappearing act of yours. Honestly, the nickname Red suits you; luckily, we didn't need to climb a frozen mountain to find you,"
"Wow, okay-I said I was sorry!"
"Next time, I'll show you how it feels to be dead inside. I'll have your body rot from the inside out till not even bones remain," Zita hissed. "...I was scared for a hot second until I realized how little you are,"
Zita screeched incoherently.
"I'm so sorry about your hat! It didn't mean--"
"No, no, no! That little fucker has had it out for--I mean, that thing has a serious attitude problem! I made food for them out of the kindness of my heart, and they spit on not just me, but my mum as well!"
"I'll buy you a new one if you'd like-"
"Ehhh? Think you can buy forgiveness, huh?"
"No, I was just--here!" Nicole exclaimed as she shoved something into the blonde's hands. It was a small golden orb that reminded the blond of a Pokeball. "What the fuck is this?"
"Proof of your victory over my trial," Nicole said as she tried to recover some level of decorum. "....That bratty Xurkitree is incompetent. As soon as it realized its opponent wasn't helpless, it fled like a Mightyena with its tail between its legs. The first one needs to learn restraint, it's too easy to win over, and it's very flighty. The shiny...that one is okay,"
"Yeah, I'm not fucking with you, pal. You seem to have common sense, and you legit terrify me, so I can respect you,"
The shiny Xurkitree did not know how to take that comment.
"Stasia, are you done already?"
The two looked over to see Izziadora approach them, with Red following right behind her with Zita. "Hey, you two and new person I've never met before,"
"Huh? Seriously, Stasia? It's Red--"
"I don't see a Pikachu."
"Not that Red, the Red of the Bay City Luxrays. He's one of the top players in the XSL, and you don't even care, huh?"
"And we have a winner. You want a cookie?"
"Screw you!"
"No, thank you. You taste like bad decisions and daddy issues,"
"You--What happened to that Xurkitree?" Izziadora asked as she pointed to the Ultra Beast, who resembled a pretzel. The others turned to look at the blonde who was walking away, "if we're done here, I'm leaving."
"But-you-I-ARRRG! Sorry about your Xurkitree, Nicole!"
"I-It's okay--"
Nicole blinked in confusion as Red sighed. "Come on, Zita, let's go make sure they don't kill each other. Nicole, stay here,"
"I couldn't if I wanted to! She turned my Xurkitree into a circus act!"
"Well, if we find Cin, I'll drag her in to help,"
"How long are you going to sulk? You didn't even want to wear that hat," Izziadora asked. "Yeah, well, mum put a lot of her time she usually spends drinking into it, so it mattered to me. Plus, that damn thing needed an ass whooping," Anastasia huffed as she kicked a rock off the path of Route 3. The brunette sighed, "this is why you'll never get a boyfriend,"
"Like you're any better? You have shit taste in men. I know what you did last night,"
"Oh please-"
"It was all over his face plus the sass you gave him this morning. I told Hop not to worry, but I'm telling you now. Please, don't get involved with jerks like him. He's not some shounen protagonist; he's just some tool for the Chairman--who, by the way, you HATE," Anastasia said as she emphasized the last word. Izziadora rolled her eyes as she tried to come up with a response. "Yeah, well, at least I know the men in my life!"
"At least I know who my mother is!"
There was a heavy silence as the two stared at each other before breaking out into laughter. After a few moments of walking in silence, Izziadora spoke again. "Thanks, though...for looking out for me. I promise I'll be careful,"
"That's a fucking lie, but I appreciate you trying. You know I'll always have your back; that's what sisters are for," Anastasia replied as she ruffled the brunette's hair.
Meanwhile, Red watched the two as Zita dusted off her hands. "You know...they're pretty wholesome despite their weird situation,"
Zita smiled as she kicked away the rotting corpse of a Mandibuzz. "Yeah, I guess you could say we got a leg up on this situation,"
"...Shouldn't you dispose of the corpse?"
"Red, Pokemon die every day. Plus...this thing wasn't a pokemon anymore."
Red was silent for a bit before a Rotom appeared in front of him, chittering away frantically. "Well, it looks like I'm off to the mines. Shoot me a text if you find Cin,"
"Stay safe! Try not let any fangirls jump you!"
"Ughhhhh! Don't jinx it!"
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