Chapter 7
So i changed my mind im not going to change the character names, it just is not going to work out, im still looking for suggestions for Jane and River actors to play them.
I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I kept repeating in my mind as I laid on my bed, 'give him a chance, he is a nice kid" bah is all I say to that. I hate him, every time he is around I just want to take a bat and hit him until he shuts up. Good kid, what was my father thinking, he is far from good, he lied, tricked, sexually assaulted me, and insulted me, he hasn't even been here 24 hour yet. I swear I hate him, he is sick, and I need to devise a way to get him in trouble so he will be replaced, and away from me. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it, I just let it lay there as I heard a soft knock on the door. I groaned
"Who is it?" I yelled out
"River" He said as I heard my door open
"Ugh, did I say you could come in, didn't your mother ever teach you manners" he smiled as I glared at him moving the pillow behind my head
"Actually she did, you on the other hand were not going to be polite and answer the door, and I didn't feel like speaking to a door" I glared at him for a long time as I walked toward the bookshelf
"Well say what you have to say, then get out!" I said angry as I stopped in front of the bookshelf smiled as he looked at it
"I was going to give you good news, but since someone is being little bitchier this morning I don't think you should be awarded this treat" as he picked up my favorite toy from my childhood, it might look like a ratty old doll, but it was my only friend for a long time.
I got off the bed quickly and ran toward him, and was about to snatch it out of his hand when he raised his hand high above his head. He smiled at me as I tried to jump for it, which was utterly pointless because I was much shorter than him. I kept try, I had to get that doll away from him, I realize I am too old for a doll, but I had a lot of sentimental value. I punched him as hard as I could in the stomach and I positive, I hurt myself more than him because his stomach was incredibly hard. I sighed heavily as I clutched my hand, as he just laughed more lowering his arm back-down. I tried to grab for it again, but he caught my wrist fast, how the hell was he so quick? It was like he was superman evil brother or something.
"I can't believe you still have this tattered doll" he said look it over at me, as I just started at him in confusion,"close your mouth princess, it's a little too tempting" I wanted to scream, as I felt all the blood in my body boils as it screamed for me to kill him
"Give. Me. My. Doll. Now!" I said through clenched teeth as I yanked my hand free of his hold, as he just laughed
"Why do you care so much about this doll, you're rich, I sure your daddy would have given you newer better once. Why keep this rag doll? It's in worse condition since the last time I saw it" he said tossing it in the air and catching it with the other hand, as I tried to understand what he was talking about, he had never seen my doll before today.
"I don't know what you are talking about, just give me my doll before I scream and call for the guards" River looked down and when he looked back at the doll he had a genuine smile, not his stupid, cocky, ass hole, smirk. Just a real smile and he actually looked normal like he was in the club last night.
"You don't know what I'm talking about?" he said in real amused tone as he held the doll out and I snatch it away from him as quick as possible and check over it for any damage he might have caused.
"No" I said glaring at him as I moved closer to the bookshelf and placed the doll back in its place
"Huh, so you don't remember the first time we meet" I turned away from the bookshelf confused, and saw him shove his hands into his pocket looking uncomfortable down at the ground.
"I have never met you before, I think I would remember meeting someone like you"
I spat at him with discusses clear in my tone, I never liked dealing with any of my father's 'workers' or 'colleagues' and the few I did interact with where not my favorite people. Well I guess except for his parents, which I found it really odd that nobody ever mentioned they had a son to me. I never expected they did either because I never meet kids they introduced at theirs. River was staring at me confused at I stared off into space trying to remember anyone telling me about him, or me meeting this psycho before. Maybe there was a reason I can't remember, maybe on our first encounter he did something that caused me great injury and I lost the memories or I blocked it out because it was so horrible.
"Jane?" River looked at me strange
"What" I snapped at him
"You truly don't remember meeting before I was sent to school" River looked somewhat disappointed, as he looked away toward the window
"No, I didn't even know Gino and Brit had children tell last night" I said walking over toward my desk
"Huh, I guess you were pretty young, I think about three or four" I looked at him suspiciously
"Why does it matter?" I snapped at him, and I could hear him sigh
"It doesn't," he stood up and stretched his arms above his head "your father gave me permission to take you to the mall, so when are we going?" I rolled my eyes
"Why do you have to come I am perfectly safe in a big public place, nobody would try anything because it would be stupid and idiotic with so many witness" I said glaring at him, he shrugged
"Well here is the deal either we go or we don't, decide quickly unless you want me to choose for you" he smirked that I hated I just wanted to take a knife to his face and mark him up a little.
"We will leave in an hour, now get out of my room!" I said trying to control myself as he laugh
"Whatever you say princess" he said smugly walking out of my room with a giant grin across his face.
I stomped over to my closet, still fuming mad, as I glanced around as I plan started forming in my mind. I need to get some type of control of this situation because it really required me with him having such a power over me. I am Jane Manus, I will not take this River kid, who is below me in social class and cannot treat me in this way. I hate be order around even from parents, but I still do as they say because I love and respect them. I don't agree with their choice and who they 'think' is a 'good kid', I just need to show them the truth about him. Then, I make plea to my father and get the 18 birthday bodyguard reinstated, then I will deal with and might accept easier. I just don't understand why my mother even allowed this, she didn't get a bodyguard tell she was 18 then my granddad, chose my father for her to marry and of course wonderful me eventually came along.
I looked around my closet thinking of a plan to get river in trouble, but the best I could think of is dressing slutty and flirting with as many guys as possible. I sign, I knew river would never fall for that, I mean it would be obvious what I was doing and what really would it do. It is very clear that my father sees him as the perfect gold son that he never had, and whatever I say it is useless. I garbed a normal pair of jeans and shirt, as I tried to think of anything, but I still came up empty-handed. I just had to hope going from store to store, having to carry all my bag he might lose his is temper and cause a sense, then I will have my witnessed prof.
I got ready and grabbed my purse and head down stairs, river was waiting at the bottom step tiring his keys around his finger. I glared at him, he probably thought I was going to let him drive, ha! Not a chance. I have a nice care that I was going to be using and he can ride with me. Then, I thought of him in my car driving me crazy I would end up crash in trying to kill him. That made me smile, but I would have to sacrifice my car in that scenario and I really liked my car.
"Ready to go" he said not looking at me, as I just kept walking toward the front door
In truth I am just tired of him, their obvious is no chances in winning in an argument, he is really strong and I'm very frightened of him most of the time. So I think the best plan is to treat him like the rest of the guard around the house. I don't talk to them, and they don't talk to me, and I like it that way. I walked outside and slide my sunglasses on as I turned to the guard outside to have my car pulled up.
"Call for my car" I said as he just stared at me then looked passed me as I heard an irritated sigh
"We are taking my car" I wiped my head and glared at river
"No, I am driving myself, as you will drive yourself" I said irritated and slow so he would understand, but he had already started walking down the stairs.
"Not going to happen, you will ride with me or we will not go, simple as that" he said motioning with his arms in an overly dramatic way to direct me to where I could see his car parked, I looked back at the guard that was not paying attention to us
"Have my car pulled up, Now!" I said angry, but he didn't move
"They have been given specific instructions, I am to take you, meaning you will ride with me or we can just stay here" he said with a grin on his face I just wanted to scream
"Your disobeying me" I said looking at the guard and glancing at the other guard opposite him.
"Miss. Jane, your father has given specific orders, yes we are disobeying you, but his orders are of higher ranked than yours, please accept our apology" the guard said not even looking at me.
I just wanted to leave and go back inside I didn't want to even go shopping anymore I was to ferrous, but that would make River too happy. I stomped down the stairs and river started walking to his car, as glared at the back of his head that would look better with a rock smashed in it a few hundred times. I smiled at that thought and how much better it would be if I actually got chances to full my deranged fantasy. It would be usually still because he was stronger than me and the guard would probably stop me before I got my chance in do any real harm. I went to the passenger and yanked the door open and slammed it shut as river did the same, but he was genital and looked angry.
"Don't slam your door around like that, this car is very important to me, treating her with disrespect will land you sitting in your room with no trip to the mall" I glared at him as he backed out of his spot
I just bit my tongue try to hold my rising angry, until it was best. He is going to get what he deserves soon and I will be the one hopefully that brings this jackass ego down as he begs my father for forgiveness. That made me smile as I just looked out the window imagining him pleading for his life in front of my father. Being in this car reminded me of what he did last night, I just couldn't believe I was so stupid and feel for that act. I guess I hadn't really talked to any of the girls since before I left the club, except for Nikita. I looked down and saw my shoes from last night, I was so stupid to think I could run. I'm not very good in P.E. I just don't get why I thought running was a good idea. I looked out the window and saw we were pulling into the mall parking lot. It really hadn't felt like we had driven that long though most of the time I spent angry thinking nasty thought and plotting murder. I was almost relieved he didn't say anything else to me the trip here that made being around him almost nice. River pulled into a parking spot and I opened the door slightly before it stopped moving and hopped out the car the second it stops as I made my way toward the mall.
"Jane!" I heard and tried ignoring him, but I felt and hand grip my arm tightly and spin me around
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