Chapter 5
I lied on Jane's bed playing a game on her phone, I knew she was probably fuming because she thought I was going through her private stuff. I did not really care, her parents instructed me to keep her in line and make sure she follows their rules. I came to check on her and she had not changed out of the revealing club clothing. Don’t get me wrong she looked really good in them and I would not have minded if I was actually able to take her home with me. I saw her start walking closer to me so I put the phone down to see what she was going to do. She was shaking her hips as she walked closer to me, my mouth became a little dry. Then, she bit her lip and I almost got up and grabbed her to bend her over and had my way with her. I had to control myself I knew I could not do that I would be killed the second I tried, but I could think about it all I wanted.
"Can I help you with something" I said as she stood in front of me look so sweet and innocent it was hard not to want her
"Well see, earlier you got me all..." she said looking down like she was shy, and glanced at me every few seconds
"All what princess?" I said trying to relax myself so I would not get hard while I was talking to her, but as I watched her I saw a flash of hatred flash in her eyes.
"You got me all excited and I am trying to calm down, but see you're laying on my bed and it's not really helping" she said and I tried not to laugh at her, she had to do better than that to fool me, but I would play along for now
"Oh yeah, and what do you want me to do about it" I said trying to play along, as I could see her trying not to roll her eyes, as she started to climb on the bed and began to straddle me, and I knew she was trying to seduce me and I could not fall for her tricks, but she was so gorgeous and it was becoming difficult
"I was thinking that, you maybe wanted to have a little fun, before I have to change" Jane said in a seductive voice as he toyed with the edge of my shirt and top of my boxer and I had to take a deep breath to try to gain control
"Does little princess need help releasing herself" I said grinning remembering reading she was a virgin, so she would eventually get scared and freak out when I try to push further
She sat up straddling me as I smirked because I knew exactly how to mess with her and I would be able to get a little fun out of it for myself. Don't judge me, I am a guy and she is really sexy and since I was going to spending a lot of time with her, it would be better if i get it out of my system now and not let my desired escalate. I gently brought my hands slowly tell I reached her hips. Gripping her hips firmly, Jane was obviously not expecting this and her face almost made me laugh. Pulling her down closer to me, She gasped when she felt my semi erection that I was trying to hide. I started to rock her hips grinding her against me. It started feeling really good, well for me at least it did, Jane was just shocked and unsure of what to do.
I started really getting excited by this fully clothed humping, I could feel warmth radiating through my pants from her thin shorts grinding on me. I almost lost myself when I noticed Jane's tube top was lower than before. I couldn't see anything fully, but I could see the outline of her erect nipples and I groaned at the sight of them. Wanting to rip that top down and take them into my mouth and suck on them. Make her scream, beg me to take her fully, and as I was about to pull her top down, I started to hear a little voice in my head. That's Dantes' daughter, you need to stop this, what would your father think if he saw this. That voice kept repeating over and over, and I realized what I was about to do and how much trouble I was about to get myself in. I grabbed her a little rougher than necessary and flipped her over so I was on top of her. I was going to teach her a lesson in messing with people, to make sure she never did it again. I dragged my hand across her visible stomach and as she gasped as I started to play with the edge of her shorts. I played little more pushing her to snap, well I hoped she would snap and stop me because I was sure as hell not doing too well with controlling my desires.
"Stop!" Jane said as she grabbed my hand and pulled it away from her shorts
"Why? Is this not what the little princess wanted?" I said smirking waiting for her confession
"Yes, I mean no, I don't want to do this" she actually looked scared it was almost cute how frightened she was, all I could do was smile and laugh at her expression "What are you laughing about" she said confused
"Nothing, you just look so frightened and scared, it's really funny" well she looked extremly angry
"What?" she said as I moved laying down beside her still laughing as she stood up and was glaring at me with her arms crossed
"Did you honestly think I was going to be that easy princess" I started laughing "I give you props for trying, but you're not going to be able to get rid of me that easy" I said and she looked a little confused
"I wasn't trying to get rid ... Wait a second it looks to me based on your happy little friend" she said gesturing toward my penis "That you are easy" I laughed again
"Oh, little princess you got a lot to learn about guys" I said grinning up at the ceiling trying to think of something disgusting to get me less excited
"What is that suppose to mean?" she hissed
"Well it basically means you're naïve, what do you expect going to happen when you rub up against a guy, its bound to happen eventually" I said as she looked angry
"You were the one grinding me" Jane said as a smug smile spread across her face "Plus what do you think my daddy going to say when he finds out about what just happened and you mini friend coming out" she said the last part uncomfortably and I started laughing again and sat up to fully face her, I no longer had the erection so I felt more confident in actually looking at her
"I wonder as well. Go run and tell your daddy" I was shaking inside her dad would kill me the second he heard about anything I just did, so I just needed to convince her not to do that
"Oh I will" she started to turn and walk toward the door and I shot off her bed and rushed in front of her quickly
"But you might not want to do that" I said smirking blocking her path
"And why is that?" she said in a bitchy tone
"Looks at how you're dressed" she glanced "You look like a prostitute in those clothing and if I'm not mistaken, the same ones that got you sent to your room, so who would your presses daddy believe" could see what I said sinking into her mind and she just looked down almost ashamed "So I suggest you be a good little girl and do as your mother said and change into some age appropriate clothing" I said as stood there contemplating what I said
"You might be right, but daddy would believe me when I tell him you got an ... erection" she said while looking away and blushing, I smiled at how cute she was when she was embarrassed and mentally slapped myself for thinking she was cute "Daddy will not like that you're attracted to me and will send you away and I'll never have to deal you again" I started laughing
"Oh sweetie, don't flatter yourself so much, I'm a guy and when my dick is being rubbed it will get hard for almost anything if it meant getting laid." she looked shocked "Besides you're not really my type I puffer girls with well-endowed assets and yours are rather on the small unattractive boyish scale" she raised her hand to smack me, but I caught her wrist before she could be get near me
"How dare you say that" Jane was angry and her eyes were starting to water and I felt bad for saying it because it's not true she was exactly my type,
She pulled her arm free of my grasp and walked away toward her bathroom and slammed the door close. Water of a shower start-up a few seconds later. I sighed feeling really bad about what I had just done. I lost all control I had and violated her and almost did things that could have gotten me killed, then to put a topping on it all I insulted her looks, that was just not something you do to a girl. Everything my dad taught me had just been thrown out the window, I treated her horribly, but it was for the best. If I didn't act like an ass I might and she might developer feeling more than just lust and it would be very bad. I was here to protect her and that's what I'm was going to do and it just better if she hates me in the process of it all.
I sighed and walked out of her room and down the hall to the next door that Dante had said was mine. It wasn't any wear as big as Jane's, but had a big bed, a desk with a computer, I could see a bathroom through the door opposite and a basic wardrobe. It was about the size of my room back home, it had a strange feeling it just wasn't home I guess. I saw a note sitting on the desk from Dante,
The door in the corner is a hidden entrance into Jane's room, there is an alarm set to go off in the security room when it is open. The computer is your own private security system set up in Jane's room and you can use the computer for personal use. Your school uniform is in the closet, and are required to accompany Jane to school. The schools been informed and you are not required to do the work, but can if you choose to, but you will need to be respectful and polite.
I looked at the computer and turned on the monitor and four images of her room popped up. One was of her main door and closet, full view of her bed, the window and balcony area, and the fourth was of her bathroom. I was shocked that Dante would allow this, it was inappropriate and an invasion of privacy. I could she Jane sitting on the ground with her arms wrapped around her legs. I couldn't hear anything so I turned up the sound lightly and what I heard was disappointing. She was sitting in her bathroom cry because what I had done. I really just wanted to go over there wipe her tears away and tell her I didn't mean any of it that I was sorry.
But what good would any of that do, I just kept watching and listening to her cry. She finally stopped and stood up and started to take her clothing off, she obviously did not know the camera was their. I just watched as she stood there naked, I couldn't look away. I knew it was wrong, but she was gorgeous and I couldn't look away. She just stood there looking in the mirror turn to the side looking at herself over and over. I just kept feeling worse with what I had done, I knew what I said was wrong yet I still said it. I wanted to go into there and teller she was so beautiful and what I said was not true, but I sat there and watched her for a few minutes until she finally got in the shower where I couldn't see her anymore.
I got up from the desk and walked over to my bed and flopped down burying my head into my pillow. I felt horrible, I kept telling myself it was for the best, it was what needed to happen. I sighed, listening to the shower stop I wanted to go back and watch her but I forced myself not to. There really was no point in indulging in what ever sick fantasy was developing in my mind. I was a bodyguard and she was the only daughter to a mod boss, if that wasn't enough reason to stop any type of relationship then my action just sealed it with a perfect cherry on top
Well i know its bee a few weeks sinces i uploaded, but i was on vacation and i didnt want to waste my time with my family that i dont get to see very often typing at my computer. but im back home and can type away now.
Also just as a heads up my other story, I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best Friend, is in the Watty Award and it would make me super happy if you toss your vote at it.
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