Chapter 41
I don't have a good reason, beside my life is busy
Just know I haven't forgotten about anybody or the stories
I will hopefully have another chapter soon
Nervously, I offered River my hand as he pulled me closer to him sucking in a sharp breath. As the music started playing again. All I could do was look at River, all I wanted to do was look at River everything else didn't matter. River led the dance almost perfectly, I was at a loss for word watching him. I wanted to tell him what my father had said that if I wanted to I could chose him, but the nagging question in my stomach stopped me. What if he didn't want me to choose him, what if he didn't feel the same way I was starting to feel. I didn't even know what I was starting to feel, as I dropped my eye looking down, biting my tongue. I had no idea what I was feeling, did I like River, yes I would say like at times, but the other times he makes me so mad. Telling me what to do, and the other girls. As my anger flared thinking about all the other girls he always with or giving attention to.
"Jane" I heard River say close to my head, I snapped out of my thoughts as I gasped from warmth of his breath so close to me, causing a goosebumps to spread out across my body "you look so beautiful tonight" he said as I smiled and chuckled
"You don't look that bad yourself, you look almost sophisticated" I said in the best teasing voice I could as River chuckled.
"Will you do me a favor" he asked, lowering his voice to almost a whisper as I pulled back an inch to look at his face confused as I nodded "When the songs done, there be a line out the door of the boys want your attention" he paused
Looking away as I followed the gaze quickly to see many guys standing chatting near the dance floor. Some I recognized, some I didn't, but it caused my stomach sink and my throat started feeling tight and I gripped onto River a little tighter, I didn't want to dance with them. I just wanted to stay here with River. River responded by holding me tighter as I tried to not think about the ridiculous parade of men about to be shoved down my throat.
"Just do me a favor, try not to dance with any of them for too long" he said as I nodded, feeling panic still rising as he became quiet as I nodded, trying to breathe
"I don't want to dance with them" I said looking up looking, pleading with him to save me from this. However, there was nothing, he just sighed and started to pull away from me ignoring my pleas and silly attempt to try to keep him dance with me
"I'm sorry" was all he said as the music stopped and he made a polite bow as I did my best to smile and do a curtsy.
Before I could even turn and run to hide in the crowded, my hand was grabbed and I was pulled into another dance. This time the man who stood in front of me was not who I expected it to be, wanting deeply to call for River to come back. I couldn't even remember his name, I had only met him once and didn't see him again after we had arrived at his house. I remember his sister's name, Melissa, I had spent a lot of time with her. A panic jolt ran through my body, last time I saw Melissa she was trying to hook up with River in the entrance way of their summer home. I wanted to pull away from the younger son of Mr. Noonan.
"You seem very upset about something, I do hope it is not my dancing skill that are causing it?" He said in an amused ancient
"I'm not upset" stating a little too harsh to make it believable
"Yes, I'll believe that when I feel like my life isn't in danger during this dance" chuckling under his breath, as I gave him a weird look. "The look he had as I walked up to you" he laughed again "He really need to learn to control his possessive attributes not everyone is after his girl"
"What are you talking about?" I asked really not sure where he was going
"Oh love, don't play coy, your boyfriends fuming mad I can feel his eyes burning a hole in my head where I'm sure he would like to put a bullet about now" he mused
"I don't have a boyfriend, are you drunk or high" I accused as I tried pulling away slightly
"No dear girl," he said, pulling me back "you can tell your boy" he said making a dramatic pause "friend that I am no threat to him" he hummed out satisfied
"Then why are you dancing with me?" I asked, most men that want to dance especially on this night
"Because love, I am doing what my parent demanded of me, I have to live under their rules, just as you do" he said as I nodded understand that fact "if I want to take over, I need to look like I'm make an effort in finding a bride or at least find someone willing to play the part" he said as I was now confused
"I thought you where the younger son," I asked "shouldn't your older brother be taking over after your father" he nodded
"My father disowned him, father didn't like the fact his oldest son would rather be a housewife to his husband" he said as my eyes opened wide
"So now it's up to you to take over, why make effort to go after me, you can't take over two business" he smirked
"Well things are not always what they seem love. Example number one, I would rather be with your boy .... friend over there, then you" he said as I gave him a distaste looked "don't fret love your beautiful and I'm positive your boy won't leave you for me" he said laughing as I rolled my eyes
"I heard you were interested in me through the grapevine" I said still confused
"I play the role that is expected of me Jane, which mean finding a pretty little girl to marry and have a family with, even if it is not what I desire personally" he said pulling away as a song ended. He kissed my hand as I could hear a few claps from around the dance floor more people joined on the floor
I don't know how long I had danced for, but my feet were really starting to hurt. The combination of clumsy men stepping on my toes with the combinations of high heels. My feet were hurting and I feel like this dancing needed to end very soon. I was starting to feel anxious because I kept looking around but in the crowd of face I could never find the one I wanted to see. Being forced to continue dancing with guys, some I knew some were strangers, some were more eager than others. I was getting agitated and really not want to dance with any more people. In addition to everything else, I was becoming hungry and getting a bit faint from thirst, but every time I was about to escape a hand would drag me back to the dance floor.
Over and over I was sidetracked from escaping the dance floor, all I wanted to do was sit and rest, talk and eat with my friends. I was becoming more and more irritated and bitchier as the dancing went on. Most I was angry that I couldn't spot River anywhere, it was a making even madder thinking about who he was with and what they might be doing. I was getting more made the more guys kept talking to me. Some were able to read social cues and realized when I wasn't responding to stop talking, but the other kept rambling which made me want to scream at them. Also, my feet were really starting to hurt heels are okay for a while, but with dumb guy not know how to properly dance they were stepping on my toes more often than was really necessary. Finally, this guy I was dancing with realized me, was going to make my escape, but a rough hand and latched on to me pulling me back in the opposite direction. I was about to snap when I turned and seen my uncle Dean smirking looking amused.
"Come on I deserve a dance with my niece" I sighed in frustration "come on, one more dance isn't going to kill you, beside I'll help you escape the line of boys attempting to get your attention"
"Fine" I grumbled as we started to dance at least my toes wouldn't be stepped on for the next three minutes.
"Come on Jane, you look like you're the most miserable person in the world" he said as I looked up "it's not that bad, everyone eyes are on you, just how you like it" he said, amused
"I don't like attention all the time, and it's not the attention that bothering me" I said as he chuckled
"I know the looming realization What this party really signifies got you a bit panicked." I looked at him as he twirled me around, which made me catch sight of River walking up the stairs. My heart jumped, then panic, why was he leaving, he can't leave me here. My attention was brought back to Dean's laughter
"Has anybody here caught your attention" he asked, feeling amused
"What, no" I said, avoiding looking at him, did he catch me watch River heading up the staircase
"So quick to respond which mean two things, A, you really haven't found anyone that you fancy, or B, you have, yet refuse to tell" he said looking smug as I glared at him "My guess is option B and is leaving the party currently" he said as I looked away
"Are you drunk Dean? What are you talking about" I said, avoiding and trying to change the topic
"You know Jane, you're bad at lying, beside your face is red and avoiding looking at the stairs, because you already know who is there" he said as I glared at him. As I tried to pull away
"I think I'm done dancing" I said angry at this point
"Nope my song not over, plus you will get over it, River just gone outside for some air like I told him to" he said as I was just completely confused at this point. "He is in a relatively foul mood all evening glaring at every boy who dance with you, It's been boring trying to talk with him. When we are done just excuse yourself from the party, he is outside waiting for you" he said with a smirk
"Why would he be waiting for me there" I said, trying to hide the excitement I was feeling
"Because I'm not stupid," he said a bit harshly "I watched my brother and Lana play the same game, they might not notice it because they are so wrapped up in their own world and plans, would be easily missed, but not me" he said as I nodded "now get going, before two sour moods ruin the entire party" he said as I curtsied and turned walking off the elevated dance floor.
I headed to the stairs, I could see Rivers dad start walking up the stairs as I reached the bottom lightly grabbing a bit of my skirt to lift it so I wouldn't trip. I was only a few steps up before I heard my name being called and I grunted stopping where I was.
"Jane where are you going" my mother said, standing near the staircase
"I just need to go to the restroom and freshen up a bit" I said in a pleading voice
"There is a restroom down here, you can use" I'll help you, she said smiling
"I just need a moment mom, please" I said as she didn't look happy
"Jane nobody is up stairs, it would be better for you to stay here" she said motioning for me to come down
"But Gino going up, he can wait for me" I said as Gino was halfway up the stairs not paying attention to us or the party
"Fine quickly go, there are people I want to introduce you to" she said, sounding a bit angry
I went up the stairs quickly as I was nearing the halfway point Gino disappeared into the hallway above. I was trying to rush and not fall down the stairs and be a laughingstock. But I have to say the tightness of the dress, the heel, and the fact I haven't eaten in what feels like forever is making it really hard to climb these stairs. I was panting as I reached the top and hating whoever invented stairs. I looked around the hallways was pretty much empty except for what I assume was security guards standing near the end of the hallway most likely controlling who came in the building. The door on the right opened quickly and Gino walked out causing the door to slam open and hit the wall
"Jane! What are you doing up here? You should return to the party where you belong" he barked and with me being hungry and exhausted after running of stairs in heal it pissed me off
"I can be up here if I chose to be, I was trying to use the restroom and have a moment to myself" I snapped back, irritated "beside you are up here and River is as well" I said starting to walk to the room I was in earlier
"Make it quick I will have River, once I find him waiting outside that door, don't leave that room, he will escorted you back" he said abruptly
Gino started walking down the hall toward the balcony entrance that overlooked the cliff and the ocean. It was the same view in the ballroom on a different side of the building. Once Gino turned the corner, I quickly closed the door, I was pretending to open it and followed after him. Clearly River wasn't in the room across that hall from ours. I was slowly walking toward the open set of double doors where I could hear a very angry Gino. It was hard to hear until I was standing in the archway, thankfully I was blocked by a big plant so I could easily hear.
"DO you have any idea how embarrassing that was" Gino was shouting, but kept it in control. "How your mother and I have so much work to fix this mess now" he spat as I stood there confused, had something happened while I was dancing
"I'm sorry sir, it was my intention to cause you embarrassment, I was..." I heard River voice stop as I heard a large slapping sound which I assumed was Gino hitting River with an open hand, i covered my mouth to not make a sound, but I was furious at Gino
"But you still danced with her, know the entire world thinks you have a claim on the girl, because you decided to dance with her" he yelled not controlling his voice as much this time "what in the world where you thinking? You're ruining everything for her" he yelled and I was so angry
"Look, I only did what I was told, Dante told me to dance with her after his dance he was concerned nobody would dance with her cause they were scared" River spat back cutting off what Gino was say.
They were both silent for a moment, but in that moment my throat felt as if it was closing up and my chest started to throb. I took a step back and held onto the door frame. Feeling stupid yet again for believing Dean words on the dance floor, thinking that was possible more to what had happened the morning in my room. My eyes started to burn as I looked and up trying to not let the tears that were forming in my eye fall. I hated this feeling, every time I thought something was real, it's just ripped away only to show that it was fake and they were told to do it.
"You better be telling the truth or the punishment is going to be worse when I find out River" Gino said as I was pulled back together as his overly loud footstep neared me. I looked down quickly so I couldn't see my face and how hurt I was. "Jane what are you doing out here" he said, genuinely startled so I guess they didn't know I was there "let me escort you back to the party" he said, gesturing for me to turn around
"No, I want some air and alone time" I snapped "Rivers is here, he can do his job perfectly just like he always does" I said angry building in me
Gino didn't say a word and just walked off, as I continued to stand there trying to not to cry and scream. I was so hurt and angry. River saying he was only doing his job dancing with me. Furious that they both thought nobody would want to dance with me is pathetic. I didn't need my father forcing one of his idiot monkey men to dance with me, especially when that monkey man was River. Now dealing with River pitying me was worse, if he didn't want to dance with me he should have said no. Once my breathing started to return normal after a few second as my pain in my chest turned to anger. I pushed off the door frame and stomped out further onto the balcony and say River with his back to me leaning with his arm on the railing.
He turned as I got closer and didn't even look me in the eye. I let my anger out as I smacked him as hard as I could across the face and he just stood there. I flung the other hand, wanting to hurt him and make him feel the pain I was feeling that I feel everytime I'm around him. I'm tired of him playing these games, I had feeling and I was sick of one minute him acting one way, then the next him completely dismissing it like it was nothing. After the second hit he grabbed my hand that had instantly started swinging again
"I hate you": I shouted as he held onto my hands and refused to look me in the eye "for a moment you made me believe that maybe you possible want me, everything from this morning and that fake plea on the dance floor" I shouted trying to pull my arms free, yet he wouldn't realize them. "Was all some big joke to you, you should have said no, when my father told you dance with me, you should have just said no!" screaming at River, as he pushed me against the wall that was next to use not hard it don't hurt. Hold both of my hands against the wall trapping me.
"Shut up Jane" he said as I struggled agant him
"No, let me go" I struggled
"I was told to dance with you Jane, but nobody asked if I wanted to" he said slowly letting my hands free and had his hands on the wall behind me looking down at me, I felt frozen and confused by his question "the only reason I was allowed to dance with you was because your father told me to" he said taking a deep breath "I hated the idea all day thinking about all the guys that were allowed to dance with you and would get to dance with you" he said shaking his head I couldn't see his face well the moon looked almost full and was bright and gave some lights expect he was facing the opposite direct casting shadows on his face
"D...did you? Did you want to dance? With me?" I said as my chest felt tight all over again, I need to hear what I think he was saying in his own words.
"Yes" he said "but you don't see the truth of me dancing with you was an embarrassment to my family, disgraceful that I thought I had the right to dance with the likes of you" he said
"River" I said as he started to pull away, I grabbed him stopping him "I don't want to dance with anyone but you, and what Gino said is wrong" I said as he shook his head
"He's not Jane" he said as I shook my head, about to argue with him, but his hand had pressed against my cheek and his thumb pressed against my lips softly as my breath felt stuck in my chest wanting him to kiss me again "he's not, I'm worthless Jane, I'm scum of the earth to practically everyone in there. A hired hit-man with nothing to offer you, nothing to compare to everyone else who danced with you" he said and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer
"Your wrong" I said with need "you have me"
Before I could even finish my words in his lips had smashed against mine as they need and want I felt this morning came flooding back with vengeance. The longing and craving for this all day was being filled and I was starved and wanted more. His hand pressed me against him, and I seriously hated this big stupid dress from block me to be able to feel him fully against me and I hated that he was in a suite. He broke the kiss, but didn't stop, his lips traveled down my neck as I grasped and felt my entire body feeling like electricity was flowing through me. River hand still held my neck firmly as his lips returned to mine and the hand that once was pressing my back firmly to him was sneaking up the beaded bodice. The sensation was agonizing every moment was like pins and needle without pain.
Then the second I felt I was going to explode River's lips and hands were gone as I stumbled back an inch of the wall. My chest constricted as I wanted to move, but every inch of me was like frozen jello. River stopped and leaned over the railing lighting a cigarette not looking back at me. Had I done something wrong, why did he walk away. I was able to stand without leaning against the wall as a slowly walked over to him.
"River" I said confused and frustrated
"Jane don't" he said taking a step away from me "go back to your party forget what happened this morning and just now" he said shaking his head "it was wrong it shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry"
"Jane" I heard Tiffany voice coming from inside the building
"River" I tried to say he was wrong but he cut me off
"Look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it was a mistake Jane, there can never be anything here" he said finally turning toward me "I shouldn't have lead you on and I'm sorry, but this just needs to stop" I stood there confused how could he say this when second ago he said he did
"Hey Jane, there you are" I heard Tiffany voice behind me but I was frozen as pain started seeping back into my chest
"But, I don't understand" was all I could get out as
"Tiffany and Nikita will you escort Jane back to her party please" he said turning and walking away toward the other end of the balcony, standing there dumbfounded as I was about to scream from anger
I felt building shake softly before I heard the sound and everyone stood staring at the balcony doors. Then the scream, cries, and shouting could be heard growing louder as every instinctively started moving toward the door. As we approached guards that were once at the end of the hall were running full speed toward the instances of the ballroom. I started to turn and follow them panicking at the soul of the screams and smoke that was visible at the top of the ballroom. Then gunfire could be heard. I was pulled fordable in the opposite direction I was herding
"Absolutely not, we need to leave now" River tone was hard and stern. Knowing better not to question his words, I looked to see Tiffany and Nikita with mark and Kegan walking quickly behind them.
River practically dragged me down the hall not all the way to the main entrance where the limo had dropped me off earlier, but close I could see the lights outside and men holding the door closed and could hear screams and shouting getting louder behind me. He yanked me through a door that led to a much smaller hallway workers looked stunned as we speed past them to a door that said exit above it. Both Tiffany and Nikita where stand there looking concerned and Kegan and mark waited for us.
"Is there anyone outside" River said
"It's clear we should hurry though" Mark said as he pushed the door and I was once again pulled outside into the dark night with little lights there were a lot of cars out here.
The car wasn't far, but started people yelling names once we were in the car and door started opening. And flashing started to come closer. I could hear River curing as we got in the car Kegan ending up in the back seat with Nikita sitting on his lap behind River who was peeling out of his parking space as quickly as he could make the car go. Tiffany sat being mark who sat in the passenger seat and I somehow got stuck in the middle. Trapped in my big puffy dress, as well as Tiffany and Nikita dresses didn't leave much space in the back. This was just a wonderful party so far
"What the hell just happened?" Tiffany said as we all fell over as River turned a corner to fast causing all of us to fly to one side of the car
"I don't know it was a bomb and then someone was shooting" mark said as he pulled out his phone from his pocket, my heart beat panicked
"A bomb went off, we have to go back" I said panicked
"Jane are you insane, or just have a deathwish" River shouted at me
"My parents and two of my best friends were in there and a bomb went off" I shouted back ferrous with him from earlier and panicked "I know you don't care about anybody but yourself but I care about other people"
"Jane we can't go back" Nikita said putting a hand on my shoulder "Gina and Courtney will be okay they have Vincent and Dominic with them, all are parent will be fine to their more capable of handling this than us" she said as I was about to go off again but all three of the boys almost instantly went off as they all grabbed them out of their pockets cutting off what ever Nikita was going to say
"Hello" River answered i only listened to him because only my parents would call him "yes i have, were heading back into the city" he said and he nodded as I sat there waiting for him to say something anything. "Yes Sir" he said and hung up, mark hung up, Kegan barely spoke and had finished almost a minute before River.
"Okay, we need a place to hide out" Mark said, turning toward River
"Hide out? Why can't we go home" Tiffany said mark turned his head to look at heard he didn't look happy
"All the house are on lockdown, Tiffany a bomb went off at your house and one at Jane front gate, plus the one at the party" he said as we both panicked "look one at your house where small the biggest one was at the party, nobody got hurt except the guy with the bomb at the party" he said it like that was supposed to make us feel better.
I glanced at Nikita, who was sitting looking deep in thought as I noticed Kegan thumb rubbing circles into her arm. It made my chest tighten as I remembered the first week River had arrived up and I was sick. River sat there stroking my hair and at one point had his hand rubbing circles in my arm. Then everything came back that happened on the balcony how he could switch like that and be so mean. It was consistently the same thing pulling me into a little fantasy, then shoving me hard to the ground hurting. Yet stupid me sitting her kept running back for more every time he felt like wanting me for a moment. I was pulled out of my thoughts as mark started to speak again.
"Everyone is scattering right now, better to be apart, then in one place and be an easy target. We can't go anyplace that will call attention to us"
"We're going to Kevin's" River said "Kevin isn't well-known around town so hardly nobody will look for us there, plus he has a grudge around back we can hide the car in until this blows over" River said and mark nodded and started texting on his phone.
"Sounds good" mark said, pulling out his phone "I'll text him"
The rest of the ride was in was almost silent except for the sound of the car speeding down the road. We were in a neighborhood that didn't look bad not as nice as mine or any of the other girls, but it was nice which was almost surprising. I couldn't remember anything about Kevin's place I knew I had been there, but the drugs had clouded any memory I had. We stopped at a pretty nice looking house and turned into the driveway that had a gate that was opened. River drove that are all the way past the house and pulled into a garage next to a Lexus. I was pretty surprised to see that type of car, especially if this was Kevin place. He didn't seem very rich when I first meet him.
We all got out and started walking back toward the front of the house, I was surprised there was a pool light up in the back and as we walked around to the front the house was a pretty nice size two floors and based on the other house around here it was not cheap. I would say it was probably less the David's house that his father bought him a house with the modern design, this was more classic normal neighborhood. River knocked on the door as I stood admiring the front a little garden that was near the steps leading up to the door.
"Well, well, well, look what has shown up on my door" Kevin said opening the door he was dressed and looked exactly like the first time I had seen him ripped jeans and tank top "come on in, ya'lls on the news again" he said smirking as everyone came inside "Jane, happy birthday, I'm a little hurt i didn't get an invitation to the party" he said acting like he was hurt
"Kevin, don't be an ass" Mark said over his shoulder
"I'm not, anyways kinda glad I didn't go, first your dad is hella scary and second why the hell is their bomb going off" he said going back to sit down on the coach as mark sat down to
I looked around the living room, with still surprised it was nice and bigger than expected, what seemed to be leather sofa and glass coffee tables, a nice large tv game consoles that not surprising. I could see what might be a dining room through an open doorway which was dark and another closed door which I assumed to be a kitchen. A set of stairs leading upstairs. In all it was nice so far, and really confused what was Kevin the homeless looking person doing, living in a house like this.
"Kevin is it" Nikita said as he looked at her more closely
"Which one are you?" he said looking at River
"I'm Nikita," she said continuing on with waiting for a response "I'm sure you can see we are in lovely very unworkable giant ball gowns in your living room" she gestured to the gowns "is it possible that there might be something in this house that we could wear besides these" she asked as both me and Tiffany looked at each other and tried not to laugh, Nikita was away blunt and to the point and Kevin looked confused and didn't know how to respond for a moment
"Uhm, maybe I think Brianna left a few things here, you're welcome to them, can't promise there going to fit, River you got some clothes still up in your room" he said shrugging and the first question popped into my mind was who was Brianna"
"Thank and who might Bri...." Nikita said, but was cut off by Kegan covering her mouth clearly that was something not to ask apparently.
"Come I'll show you where" River said as we all followed
"Hurry up I called a couple of girls and a few friends to come party they should be here soon" Kevin shouted as we walked up the single staircase
"Great a party is all we need" River mumbled
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