Chapter 4
As we rounded the last turn I could see the closed security gate that led up to my house, most people that worked for my father called it the big house. The baboons that worked for my father are not the clever types, they just made the name based on the size of my house, which wasn't really clever by my standers. I was so fuming mad I just wanted to claw this River guy to death, and bury him in the backyard never to be found again. He tricked me, made me think he was actually into me and was actually looking to pursue some type up relationship with me. I guess I was wrong in every way and my father was never going to hear the end of sending one of his goons to bring me home. As the car came to a stop at the gate the guard came over as River rolled down his window.
"Hello Mr. River," he said in a happy tone, as he looked at me and I gave him a death glare and he just smiled "Miss. Jane" as he arched an eyebrow almost amused, yep he was going to die and be buried along with River in the backyard "go in, I'll notify Dante of your arrival" he said as the gate opened, my palms stared hurting from my nails digging into my palms from trying to hold in my anger
We drove still in silence up the hill, pulling his car into a spot next to my father's friend Gino car. The second the car stopped moving I jumped out quickly and made my way to the stairs as I could see the two guards the stood outside the door looking amused. I clenched my jaw harder, as I thought I'm going to be doing a lot of shoveling tonight to bury everyone.
"Miss. Jane, back so soon?" the guard on the left said as the one on the right opened the door
"Go to hell!" I yelled at him as I stomped up the last few steps
"Mr. River, you seem to have done your job faster than expected" I looked back to see he was right behind me smirking as he climbed the stairs "Dante wants to see both of you now" he said as I smirked as a new plan started to form in my mind.
I glanced at the still smirking River and flashed him and evil genius smile that didn't seem to faze him in the slightest. I turned and stormed down the hall to my father's meeting room, as the guard automatically opened the door as I approached I could see both of my mother and father sitting in their big thrown like chairs, I think they thought of themselves like royalty or something. They sat talking to Gino and his wife, I've known them for years they're very nice people and I've never had any problems with them. Their conversation stopped the moment I was at the bottom of the platform standing there very pissed off.
"River, you did a wonderful expedient job tonight" my father said completely ignoring me in the prosess
"Thank you Sir" I heard river say, as I looked to see he was standing next to me smiling,
"Daddy!" I yelled at him not liking being ignored and him praising the baboon for what he did
"Yes Jane" he said with a self satisfied grin
"Did you really send one of your goons to try and kidnap me?" I said in an irritated tone
"Kidnap?" my father said in a question tone as he looked at River
"I believe Jane might be exaggerating Sir, I merely asked to take her home, she agreed willingly" he said as I just wanted to chop him to bits and feed him to fishies "See informed her friends and uncle of whom she was going with, and I believe her version of kidnapping is when she tried to take off out of my moving car down a street with no shoes on. I proceeded to fallow and bring her safely back to my car so she would not hurt herself" River said as my father nodded in agreements as he looked back to me
"I don't see how that can be construed as kidnapping Jane" My anger flared
"He's making it sound not as serous as it was, he also didn't tell you that in that he was flirting and tricked me into thinking he was taking me home as in his house for the night" I yelled in response, and my father looked unhappy
"So your telling me, a guy who is a stranger 'flirted' "he said using air quotes "with you and asked to take you home, as in his home to do inappropriate things together, and you readily agreed," he said in a tone that was not pleased and I knew I was going to get scolded for that
"Yeah, but Dean said he was a good guy" I said in defense
"That's not helping your case dear" my mother piped in
"She's right Jane, just because Dean said he is a good guy, doesn't mean he is, I'm sure my brother would say I'm a wonderful man, doesn't mean it is true" he said as he stood up "River, though doubtful could have been secretly working for my enemies and actually abducted you, hold you for ransom, beaten and torchered you" Yep, I thought here it comes the same old speech I've heard for years now "Jane, our world is not one to trust people because your adolescent hormones go haywire and you find someone attractive"
"I do not find him attractive!" I yelled interrupting my father's speech as he gave me a suspicious eye, and could tell that was a lie, he was like a human lie detector.
"So basically your saying any guy that was attractive or not, you would have gone home with" He said with a smirk on his face
"No, I mean yes" as my father gave me a look that said was still in trouble for lying "No!" I said mad and defeated, as I heard River chuckle next to me "shut up" I said as I glared at him
"Jane I have told you countless times to stop drawing attention to yourself, to keep a low profile. You and your friends continue to disobey us. So we have no other chose, but to assign a protection detail" he said as my mother stood up and walked to my father as he wrapped his arm around her
"You can't do that, you promised me I wouldn't get body-guard tell I was 18" I screamed at him
"I did, but your disobedience comes with consequences Jane" he said
"Also Jane, you are 17, so mind explaining your attire to me" my mother said as she glanced at my clothing, I had all but forgotten that I was still in my club clothing.
"Give me a break" I said angry covering my midriff with one arm as I tried to pull my top higher
"You grounded for the rest of the weekend, no clubbing, now get up to your room and change" she said as I stormed out of the room.
I was so angry, as I stormed down the hall back to the foyer and headed for the half spiral staircase that wrapped around the room up to the second level where my room and gust rooms where. My parents and Gino's room where on the top-level, but I didn't go up there very much. The opposite side of the house held a large room similar to my father's meeting room, but was bigger and only used for when we had parties, the kitchen, dinning room, and living room where all through the hallway under the staircase. We had a pretty big backyard with a tennis and baseball court, but I didn't play unless forced to. There was also a large garden with a lot of fake statues of really famous ones, and past that was the forest I wasn't really meant to go in because that's where people go out to be killed and buried and never to be seen again.
I walked into my room completely angry and I flopped on my bed and screamed my lungs out into my pillow. I didn't want a protection detail, it was unfair and was a little harsh to punish me for wanting to have fun. I never asked for my father to do the business he did, I was never given that luxury of a chose to have a normal childhood. I sometimes envied those that never knew about my family business, not having to deal with the fact knowing your father murdered a countless number of people, and somewhere in your backyard, in walking distance of where I had tea partys, laid numours bodies. I lost count of how many times I've tried to run away, go somewhere, where I'm not known because of who my father is, be treated like a normal person. I remember laying in my bed grumbling how much I hated everyone and everything when I heard a knock at my door. I groaned and tried to ignore them, as they continued to knock on my door as it progressively turned into a loud banging.
“What!” I yelled at the door irritated that the person didn't get the clue I wanted to be alone, and a smug looking River came walking into my room. “what do you want?” I said I flung myself off the bed and stood there glaring at him
“I believe your mother asked you to change your clothing” he said as his eye traveled down and back up my body and I wanted to scream I was so angry
“I'm not going to ask again what do you want” I yelled at him as he kept walking closer to me and smiled as I took a step away from him
“Well it seem to me little miss princess is in a grumpy mood” as he sat on the edge of the bed and laid back resting his hands under his head
“Get off my bed you you creep or ill scream rape” I said as he started laughing
“And who do you think your father is going to believe” River said propping himself up on his elbows “Me, the perfect golden boy, child of your fathers best friend and personal guard or you, the wild, disobedient, out of control daughter”
River said smirking laying back down stretching as his shirt lifted showing his lower very toned and muscular abdomen and a happy trail that lead to the band of his boxers. My mouth fell open as I just gawking like an idiot at his sexy body and had a little day-dream of what he might look like if his shirt completely off. Maybe my father was right and I couldn't control my hormone cause in the few seconds I would have jumped him and had my way with him if he wasn't such an arrogant baboon that worked for my father. His laughter is what brought me out of my day-dream about licking chocolate off his stomach
“I know I'm sexy, but your drooling shows your desperation little princess” he said as he pulled down his shirt and I no longer wanted to rip his shirt off, but his head
“Get. Out. Of . My. Room.” I said through clenched teeth
“We both know that's not really what you want” River said
“GET OUT NOW!” I screamed loudly enough that at lest half the house heard
“You don't got to scream princess, I was just joshing ya” he said as he stood up and started walking away
I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat on the edge of my bed as I heard his overly loud giant feet foot steps started fading as he walked to the door, I heard the door handle move, but not the door open so I looked over to see what he was doing as he turned around smiling evilly at me.
“I almost forgot why I came here” River reached into his pant pocket and pulled out my phone “i figured you might want this back” as I shot up and walked quickly over to him as he raised it above his head
“Give me my phone you dysfunctional ass” I said as I tried to make a jump for it, which was point less
“That's not very nice little princess” I dug my nails into my palms so I wouldn't claw his eyes out
“Stop calling me little princess, i'm nether, now give me my phone” I tried to say in a threatening tone
“Fine, spoiled brat say please and I'll think about it” that's it I lost what little control I had as I lunged for him, but that was just as futile as trying to reach my phone cause before I could he reach his face he managed to grab both of my hands rotating our position so I was pressed up against the wall with my hands held lightly above my head. “attacking me is not a smart move, I advise not to do it again” I just stood there shocked not complete understanding what had just happen.
“Let me go or ill scream” River started laughing and pressed his body closer to mine
“No you wont” River said as he backed away from me but still had my hands above my head
“Wont my ass” as I opened my mouth to scream he placed his free hand tightly over my mouth
“No you wont or you wont ever see you presses phone again, got it” I nodded mostly cause the grip he had hurt, as he let go of me completely “do as your mother said and change” he said walking back over toward my bed and sitting on the edge
“You cant order me around” I said glaring at him wondering if I could make a mad mans dash to the guards downstairs for help
“Actually I can, see i'm sure your aware of the fact I have your phone” he pulled it out of his pocket again “and unless you want dear old daddy and mommy to see all of the content of it I suggest you change” River said as he laid down again and I wanted to murder him
I stood there fuming and thinking of thousands of ways to kill him and my parents for making me deal with this psycho path. He has lied, tricked, invade my personal privacy and I haven't even known him for three hours. I stood there watching as he played and scanned through my phone snickering every few seconds. That's when I decided to try my hand at manipulation, try to use what all girls are born with to get what I want.
I slowly started walking over doing my best cute sexy walk, but it was little hard cause I was not in heel which would have made it better. I saw him stop playing with my phone and watch with a pleased look on his face. I stopped when I was about a foot in front of him as I lightly bit on my bottom lip as I batted my eyes at him.
“can I help you with something” River said as I stood there trying to look attractive enough
“well see, earlier you got me all...” I really didn't now what to say as I tried remember how Gina or Courtney descried what it was like when a girl sexually excited
“All what princess” I signed trying to keep my anger under control
“You got me all excited and I'm trying to calm down, but see your laying on my bed and it not helping” I tried not to roll my eye at how stupid I sound or that he might actually believe I wanted him, that was laughable
“Oh yeah, and what do you want me to do about it” he said smugly
“Well” I said, as I slowly brought one knee at a time up to straddle him, and instantly I left his hands slide midway up my thought as I tried to control the way my body reacted with joy for his touch “I was thinking that, you maybe wanted to have a little fun, before I have to change” I said sweetly as one hand toyed with the edge of his shirt and the other played with the elastic of his boxer.
“does little princess need some help releasing her self” he said as his hand slid high and fully grasped on to hips as he licked his lips and pulled me down closer so I was sitting on him.
I froze because I felt through mt thin booty short and his pants that his genitals was slowly becoming harder as he lightly rocked my hips with his hands. OK maybe this was not my brightest moment, and the way he was making me feel was not good. I had never done this and only meant to tease him tell he gave me my phone back. River was becoming harder under me and I needed to stop this before it went to far. Before I even knew it I was being flipped over as River was on top of me as his member pressed into my core harder and I gasped. What was I suppose to do, the guy was undeniable hot and from what I feeling he got to be a big boy, I just hated his personality. Then as if the world froze, I felt his hand move from my hip over my stomach as he started playing with the edge of my booty shorts, and I panicked.
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