Chapter 35
"Jane, get Mark" River commanded as I felt him shove me and I stumbled as I realized I need to run
I ran as fast as I could, tripping and stumbling my way back to the warehouse, it's not easy to run in heels, plus there were puddles everywhere and it made the ground slippery. My ankles were throbbing I was panicking, I couldn't hear anything over my pounding heartbeat. I didn't know what was happening behind me, I couldn't afford to look back, I had to get to mark. I Turned the last corner and saw the line of bikes and stumbled again and my ankle throbbed harder in pain, I should have abandoned them, but there was glass on the ground. But finally I made it to the door and bolted inside, there was another fight taking place and the crowd was roaring I screamed Mark's name as I made my way toward the staircase where I could see mark rushing down the stairs followed by everyone.
"Jane" mark grabbed onto me as I stumbled in my heels again from exhaustion and pain
"River there is guy in the alley, around the corner a couple of blocks" I gasped out
"Stay here" mark said as Tiffany grabbed onto me "Let go quickly" he said as he stopped and turned "wait someone needs to stay here with them" he said as I rolled my eyes about to yell at him to go get river
"I'll stay and call Dante" David standing beside me pulling out his phone as Mark gave him a warning look
"Fine" he said after a second pause and took off with Dominick, Vincent and Kegan following behind quickly
"What happened?" Tiffany asked as I sighed, we were talking and two guys one was named Mason" came out a door that lead into the alley and I don't know, river told me to run"
"Dante and Gino are on their way, go back upstairs now" David said and I glared at him, who does he think he is ordering any of us around
"Let's go" Tiffany said pulling on my arm as I grumbled as David followed up behind us with his friends
"Get anyone that doesn't need to be up here out" David said behind me
I ignored him as his presence was irritating me, what in the worlds did he think he was doing. I waited leaning on Tiffany as my ankle throbbed and I glared at David, who was talking and ordering people around like he was in charge of everything. He was the one who probably orchestrated this whole mess. I looked over at the stairs as everyone's attention suddenly switched focus and saw Mark and the rest of the guys quickly ascending the staircase. Hopping off the chair once I noticed River was not with them, my heart beats exhilarated as I started to feel panic
"Jane what happened?" Mark said in a very threatening voice
"I don't know we were..." I said, stopping I can't say what we were doing out there if my dad and his dad were on their way it would get back to them and that would be very bad
"You were what Jane, this isn't the time to zone out or mess around what happened!?" Mark said in a very scary voice this time that snapped me out of my thoughts and made me shrink away from him
"I don't know, we were talking a door opened and two guys came out" I said almost shouting back at him in an irritated tone
"What did they look like? What did they say? Give me something, anything" I said, shaking my head
"one was named mason, they knew who we were that all I know" I said, frustrated
"What did they look like" mark pressed on and I was getting sick of the questions
"I don't know river shoved me behind him and then shoved me, told me to run back to you" I said as mark shook his head opening his phone
"They didn't come after or follow you?" Nikita said from beside me shocking me as well as everyone else looked at her in silent
"I don't know I just ran as fast as I could to get back here" suddenly everyone was very quiet and I realized the roaring of the crowd was causing my head to hurt. "Where is river did you find him"
"no" Mark said in a cold flat tone
Mark and the rest of the guys moved away from us, as Dominick and Kegan left the warehouse a moment later. It felt like forever and I was becoming very impatient with waiting where was River and why hadn't anybody shown up. I felt like ours, but I guess the same fight was going on as the crowd never settled or a declaration of a winner never was made either. Marked passed back I and forth and Vincent and David talked in hushed voices.
"Get Out!" a loud booming voice said louder than the roaring crowd that was slanted and frozen still "2 min the clear out or I will shout you in your face" Peta said , as I felt a sigh of relief that they were finally here.
My dad and Gino came walking through the door right before the crowd flocked to the door in trying to escape. Generally people don't take treats from my dad or Gino little and most people in the warehouse where loyal to my dad and if they weren't they were loyal to someone and knew better. My father made his way toward the staircase and his face was angry, which was just wonderful.
Jane get over here now" my dad said in a very harsh way as I hoped of the chair and walked over barefoot. "What happened?" he said as I rolled my eyes, I was getting really sick of this question
"I don't know" I said frustrated
"So river just randomly disappeared did he?" my dad said as Gino rubbed his temples next to us
"No" I shot back
"Jane explain to us what happened in detail" Gino cut in saying in a much nicer tone
"We were outside around the corner in an alley..." I said, stopping thinking maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell the full truth
"Why were you outside, you were supposed to be here in the warehouse, who else was with you?" My dad barked at me
"nobody was with us" I said
"Wonderful Jane why were you out there?" My father said, getting frustrated as Gino moved away from and went to talk with Mark
"Cause I wanted to walk around" I said back as I watch Gino and mark head down the stairs as more of my father's men were coming in the building
"And river thought it was a good idea to walk around at the time of night and this area I don't own everything down here" he said as I shook my head
"No we were arguing and I left to get a break-away from him and he just had to follow me" I snapped back
"Okay this is wasting time, what happened next?" my father said as ran his hands through his hair frustrated
"Well we were arguing and a door opened down in the alley and two guys came out" I said
"Okay something I can work with, What did they look like, what did they say, did you see and mark indicating who they belong to" my father said as I shook my head
"I didn't see anything, River shoved me behind him and I couldn't see anything, I know one name is Mason, but I can't say which one" I said, as my father pursed his lips together thinking
"Go on what happened from there, did they fight, what?" He said
"I don't know, River told me to run and get Mark and I did, I ran all they way back here, I hurt both my ankles running which nobody seems to be concerned about, running here" I said angrily
"Jane they're clearly not broken grow up, did they chase you?" He asked as he pulled out his phone
"I Don't know, I didn't hear anyone or see anybody, I was running in heel so I wasn't that fast so I don't think so" I said as my father stopped playing with my phone and quickly turned away from us
"David can your car take them all home" he asked and David shook his head no, "Take my car and take them all back to the big house, do not deviate or go any other place beside there or I will slit your throat" My Father said handing him keys and heading down there stairs
"Girls let's go now please" David said almost frighteningly, I smirked what a baby
We walked out of the warehouse and there was a ton of people standing around I saw on a group of men kick down a door and enter the building across the street. Why were they searching there that not even where I said we were, I was about to say something, but Tiffany pushed me into the car. I glared a little at her, but she wasn't really paying me much attention. The car ride was really long and quiet David drove a little sporadic. I wanted to smack a few times as he drove because why was he even helping us? He hates river and literally tried to humiliate him less than an hour ago by making him fight a giant. But now he wants to play the good guy and act like he wants to help, it probably a trick I'm also not sure if he still hasn't orchestrated this whole mess.
We pulled up to the house and Nikita opened to the door close to the house as the guard came rushing down the stairs. David didn't move out of the driver's seat as we all filed out quietly and I don't really know what the big fuss is all about. I rolled my eyes River a big boy he can handle himself, I took down a giant in a rink. The guard leaned into my dad big SUV and said something I didn't hear, but close the door quickly after and David speeds off. They didn't say anything, just followed quickly behind us up the stairs. Mine, Tiffany and rivers mother were standing in the entrance way.
"Jane what happened" My mother said in an irritated voice
"I don't know!" I shouted back heading toward the stairs "I'm getting really sick of everyone asking me that question, nobody seems to think it's important to ask, if I'm okay? I hurt my ankles just for your information" I said ferrous, I didn't know what happened and I'm sick of everyone asking me like it's all my fault
"Jane!" my mother yelled after me
"what" I shouted back, stopping halfway up the stairs
"come down here and talk to us" she said as everyone looked back at me
"no I'm going to my room to change I'm wet, and my ankles hurt from the heels, I'm going to go change, then I'll come back and answer the same damn question I've already answered, Because in that time frame nothing going to change I still don't know what happened" I said storming up the stairs
Once in the room slamming the door behind me, I took off the shoes throwing them across the room hitting a wall knocking down a picture. I was so furious with everyone, they all acted like this is my fault. I stormed into my closet yanking down a pair of yoga pants and a spatial strap shirt. I changed quickly because I was furious and made at river at everyone when I heard my door being opened. I glared at whom ever came through my closet doorway. It has been just Tiffany, who came in, closing the door behind us. I walked out the closet and walked to the bathroom where I found a hair tie and put my face up.
"I'm going to steal some clothing to change into" Tiffany said as I started washing my face not responding to her "so are done avoiding everything and tell me what happened" Tiffany said standing next to me as I glared at her
"I don't know anything" I growled at her pushing past her
"bullshit Jane, we have been friends since we were in diapers I know when you lie, you paused when twice, once when Mark asked you and another with Dante" she said as I sat on my bed avoiding her "you my friends are lying about something, so spill before I make your mom or your dad come and forces it out of you" Tiffany said as I refused to look at her and just keep look out the window on the wall "fine ill just go get your mom and call up your dad" she said walking toward the door, I assume she was bluffing, but as she started closing the door I freaked
"Tiffany get in here" I said irritated
"Are you going to talk"She said in the doorway
"I'll tell you" I said as she closed the door
"speak then" Tiffany said still standing near the door, as I crossed my arms
"In the alley, he pulled me into it, and he..." I said, stalling she was going to act all girly when I told her and freak out
"What did he do?" She said walking closer to me
"He kissed me" I said, looking down at the ground, embarrassed
"He's kissed you before Jane, I get didn't tell your dad he wouldn't be too happy, but why are you hiding this from me" She said, sitting next to me
"Yeah he faked kiss me in front of everyone, but this was different it was real, it wasn't for show, well at least I don't think it was" I said Tiffany squealed sitting next me
"oh my god, really, what was it like?" she said as I felt my cheek flare up, this is why I didn't want to say anything making a big deal out of it
"Well it was good" I said not really sure what she wanted me to say as she looked at me not amused
"Well duh Jane, but I'm mean what do you feel, how was different from the fake kissing?" she said practically pulling on my arm
"Well the fake kisses were good and like a 5, but the two in the alley way one was a 10 and the other was like a 99, lets just say I really understand why so many whore floor to him now because I was about a second away from beginning to be one" I said as Tiffany squealed next to me playfully hitting my arm
"wow Jane, but River never kiss any of those girls" Tiffany said smugly
"What do you mean, they are just really that slutty they don't even kiss him before..." I said waving my hands around
"Nope, mark told me some stuff about him, and he said that river never kiss any of the girls he hooks up" Tiffany said as she played with the phone
"Why, why not kiss any of those girls" I asked as Tiffany shrugged
"that I don't know the real reason, but I assume it's because he doesn't care about them, well I hope that is reason" she said pursing her lips as she texted someone on her phone
"Why do you hope that's the reason, who are you texting you better not be telling anybody what I just told you" I said looking over closer to her phone
"I'm not I'm checking in with mark I want to know if they found anything" She said as I rolled my eyes "I hope that because that means he wants to be with you on a more serious level" she said smirking as my heart feel as his words echoed
"Tiffany we can't be together you know that, my father will never allow it, and he knows it and he said that in the alley" I said standing up and start walking toward the door
I run down the stairs because I didn't want to talk about anymore, he was right, I don't like it, but he was right. I felt mad and angry because it was true no matter what I wanted it wasn't going to change anything. River worked for my father and I was his job that all it really ever can be, maybe a friend, but at the end of the day what I wanted maybe what he wanted didn't matter. I walked into the kitchen and saw Tiffany, rivers and my mom sitting on the couch watch news feed on the television. Tiffany came in a moment later giving me a look, I'm sure I'll get talked to later, which was going to be, oh so fun. I watched the television and realized it was a live feed of rioting and looting, I walked closer, trying to figure out what was happening listening to a woman speak quickly about building being broken into and fires running out of control
"What happening?" I asked as I leaned on the back of the coach
"There searching for River" my mother said in a flat tone as I felt panicked
"There rioting, that's not searching" I said walking over closer to the armchair and sitting down
"That what the news people think is happening, and there are people out there acting crazy, but most are searcher for river" she said as she glanced at Tiffany, "have you heard anything" my mother asked and Tiffany nodded
"Mark said they found a broken bottle that has blood on it in the alley way" my heart feel as Tiffany look at me sad my mother grabbed onto Brits hand as she sat there expressionless.
I watched her for a long time watching the news quietly, not moving much and no showing much emotion. My mother looked stressed and worried and even Tiffany's mom looked concerned. But Brit, River mom just sat there some faced and cold like she didn't care if the river was found or no. I felt rage bubble under my skin as I wanted to scream at her, do something at least pretend you care for your own child safety. I glared at her a few more times as the new kept rolling off dangerous areas and places to avoid. Silent we all were for hours I realized it was close to midnight as I stood up.
"I'm going to go to bed, will you wake me if anything happens" I asked as my mother nodded
"Tiffany why don't you head up, all you girls are not going to school tomorrow, they boys are too busy to sit at school"Tiffany mom said as she followed behind me silently to my room
"Tiffany, what is happening why is everyone freaking out like that?" I asked as Tiffany glanced at her phone
"River is important to your father, River is very special and a prize in your father's eyes" she said as I sat on the bed "messing with Dante favorite brand new toys isn't a wise thing, what do you think would happen if they had taken you?" she said as I shrugged and I slid under the covers and laid on my stomach and played with the light switch for the lamp that was on. I was waiting until I felt Tiffany climb into the bed as well to turn the light off
"Do you think River is okay?" I asked in the slight filled dark, she didn't answer right away
"I don't know, I really hope so," she said back after the longest pause
"Why didn't they come after me? I was in heels and run I wasn't fast they could have caught me" I asked
"That's a good question I don't know the answer to either, maybe river held them off or maybe they knew..." she stopped talking as I sat up in the dark looking toward her waiting for her to finish
"Knew what, what don't I know Tiffany" I said, irritated, we are a lot alike, she paused when she doesn't want to say something like me
"Maybe they knew it was wiser to not take you" she finally said as I kept staring at her in the dark
"Why would it be wiser to take river and not me?" I questioned, she signed
"I mean it in the nicest way, but maybe they knew River was more valuable to your dad than you are. You are valuable in blood terms and Dante would pay, but Rivers valuable in his own way, that make people scared of what he capable of doing" she said sighing
"What is he capable of doing? I know he can kill, but who can't really" I asked
"Jane just go to sleep, I'm sure by morning he will be back and everything will be back to normal" she said as I laid-back down
"And if he not, what happens then?" I said as it became silent in the room which made my stomach sink
"They will destroy the city looking for him and we prepare for the fact he might not come back" she said as chest felt tight and buried my face into my pillow as tears came down my face
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