Chapter 33
Look i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while, my computer got broken of the summer and i had to wait to get a new, but i'm back and i will try and update as soon as possible
The school day went by pretty fast which was really good and I liked it. I was really jumpy every time a book fell or a locker slammed, I was panicking. But, River was there the entire time and he instantly knew and grabbed on to me in some way. It made me feel better after a few moments and then I polled away because I was still quiet scared he might hurt me. I had a few people glancing sympathetically toward me and asking if I was okay, mostly kids had heard through the rumor mill and wanted to get on my good side.
I was happy that it was the last class of the day because it wasn't anything bad and I had it with Tiffany. I truly hated P.E. but, it was better than listen to lectures. We were in the big gym, supposed to be playing volley ball, which was good because I didn't play much and nobody tried to hit the ball toward me and mostly me and Tiffany chatted. I was also happy that David or his friends were not here so I wasn't subject to his horrible presents. However, I did notice the preacher daughter Lauren. She was on a different team and out on the sidelines talking with River, laughing and giggling like an idiot.
"glaring at her isn't going to stop them from flirting" Tiffany said as I glared at her
"I'm not glaring, I'm just.." I didn't have any excuse
"well technically the school thinks that you and River are a couple" she said as I rolled my eyes "him flirting in front of everyone including you, makes him look like he is playing you" she said as I was ferrous, like hell was I going to look like a fool again and let River contribute to the fact David and cheated and played me
I stormed off toward them, desired I was going to show that perfect little church girl who he belonged to and why. I don't know why I didn't want him flirting with her, I just didn't. I walked over and River noticed me and wrapped an arm around me pulling me to him, as I smugly smiled at her as she just smiled back completes normal which made me ever angrier. I glanced at River who was about to say something toward Lauren and I interrupted with the first thing that would make her uncomfortable and show River she wasn't her type
"River I'm bored with class let's go mess around in the bathroom" I said glancing at Lauren who looked shocked and red from embarrassment, but River looked the same
"I'll see you guess tomorrow" Lauren said quickly running off as I smiled satisfied with her actions
"really Jane, you're jealous of me talking to any girl" he said as I glared at him pissed
"no, I'm not jealous of that church freak, I'm pissed because you're supposed to be pretending to be my boyfriend and here you are trying to get into another girl pants" I said in a whisper yell "I've already had David running around playing me making me a laughing-stock of this school, I'm not going to stand by and let you do the same" I said as River just smirked down at me which made me want to hit him so bad
"I don't tend to like girls when they get all possessive and jealous, but I have to say I kind of like it when you do it its very cute" he said as he continued to smirk and I stood there shock did he just not listen to a word I said "beside for your information, she was only asking if you were okay after yesterday" he said walking off over to where mark and Tiffany were chatting as the coach told everyone to get out and change as it was almost time to go home.
I sigh in relief as I so wanted to go home and take a good long nap. As we walked to the locker room, Lauren in one of her friends I guess where in front of us and I couldn't help, but glare. I like her, but she is not my friend really, I'm polite and chat with her at church, but during school and outside she doesn't approach nor do we mingle in any way. We just ran in different circles and it was better that way, she was too much of a goody good for my liking. Plus, now her voice was extremely irritating as she talked about some club, which I think she was talking about a school club after school and not an actual club to go party.
We changed pretty quickly as we went outside to see Gina, Courtney, and Nikita with their bodyguards chatting and mark and River standing off with about five girls around them chatting touching them. I wanted to scream, I just had this conversation with River less than 20 min ago and here he is doing what I asked him not to. I guess he wasn't listening to me as I heard Tiffany grumble something, but I was too irritated to hear or ask what she said. As I walked over quicker than normally to blow up at this idiot. As I got closer River finally notices my approach as he smirked bigger, which made my blood boil even more. As he pushed off his car and gently pushed through the small crowded and meet me halfway. Then, he picked me up and I screamed as I was not expecting this and started spinning. I panicked as I felt River laughing and warm breath against my stomach.
I glanced at him below me as he slowly stopped and started lowering me to the ground. But my entire body was pressed slightly tighter, then I felt comfortable with. I slid down his body as I watched him in shock, what was he doing? Then I felt his hand gripped me tighter and I stopped being lowered and I was face to face with him . As he gave me a big grin and my heart stopped, not literally because before I could even respond his lips were on mine. I froze I wasn't expecting and I couldn't think because River and just kissed me. My mind was blank as his kiss was only a short quick peck, but I was lost for words until I hear a voice behind me.
"Jane can I speak to you a minute." David voice said as I looked up at River who had sat be back on the ground as he glared at David
"well speak then" I said in an irritated voice as I realized River was putting on a show and was really kissing me and I felt my heart twist inside as I didn't turn to look at David
"I would like to speak to you away from you body-guard" he said as I shook my head, I was in no way going to go anywhere away near him without River.
"not going to happen Canton, you speak here or you don't speak at all" River said as his grasp tightened around me
" whatever, I heard what happened and I just wanted to see if you weren't okay" David said as both River and myself scoffed at the same time, I was already not in a great mood and his words just made me lived.
"seriously!" I said turning around glaring at him River kept his grasp on my hips.
"yes" he said like I was crazy
"Like you even really care David, you use me, lied to me, drugged me in trying to rape me. Also you could get my father's work. You don't care if I'm okay, so what do you want from me because you're most likely not going to get it" I said glaring as David looked angry
"look I was just checking on you okay, what happened is pretty fucked up, and clearly its messed with your memory a bit too because as I recall we were once friends before we dated or he came barging in here." he said point at River "{so, yeah I do care you might not like it or want it, but you are still my friends and I will always be here for you. Clearly not in a relationship from." he said as I glared at him storming off as River started tugging me away from where I was standing toward his car where the crowd of girls where non glaring at me
Wonderful I thought as River moved through them as if they were on fire trying to avoid them, mark had disappeared somewhere as River opened the passenger car door to let me in and block one persistent girl from trying to slide in. I didn't even know who she was, but she looked like someone would was trashy and a social climber. As I glared at the girl following River around the car to the River side, I tried to think of having ever seen her before. I mean it wasn't that big of a school, it had a few hundred students in each grade, but I don't socialize with people not in my inner circle much so it not surprising.
Once River finally detached himself from the hyper clingy girl, he slammed the door as she yelled through the window to call her. River just started is car shaking his head as he pulled out and started driving away. The car was pretty silent and I wanted to scream this was awkward and I didn't like this. The smell of cleaning product was still very distinct in the car accept it was too hot in the afternoon sun to roll down the windows while the air was on. I just kept trying to think or do anything to not think about it, or River and the fact he was a flirting man whore, and the fact he had kissed me. I mentally cursed as I thought about it again, this was getting out of hand and I was relieved to see the games to my house opening at our approach.
"so we have a few hours before we head to the warehouse" River said as I rolled my eyes
"yeah I never really agreed to go there why can't you just go on your own, I'm sure my dad will understand just tell him you need a break and go out" I said not want to spend anymore time with him
"Jane, you have to go, I go where you go, and you go where I go, okay" he said in an almost exhausted tone "look just go inside take a nape eat watch a movie, whatever, but at nine, I want you little bottom ready to go, we need to get that picture back quickly and have it distorted" he said as he stopped his car opening his door as I signed shoving the door open
"whatever, but don't expect me to be any happy or any type of fun" I said storming up the stores as he laughed
"wouldn't expect anything less princess" he said following behind me as I flipped him off
I really hated being called princess and River constantly did it to get under my skin. I went in the kitchen putting my bag on the counter and started rummaging around for something to snack on, dinner wasn't for a few hours. I decided on a cold water and box of cheez-its, and lightly skipped over to the television and started flipping through channel, of course there was nothing on I was interested in watching. I laid around not really paying attention to what was on, mostly because my mind was racing and I couldn't stop think and mulling over everything that had happened.
I mean River had shot a living breathing person right in front of me, sure I was scared of him because if he really wanted too, he could shoot me too. However, the entire day he was such the opposite of everything I had ever expected him being. Well until Lauren showed up, and that just pissed me off to no point he was being that sweet person he really showed with her a person he just meet. Plus that kiss, I felt a smile grow on my lips as I tried to make it stop, I know it was because David was there and it was for a show, but I liked it. Then, I would mentally slap myself for even thinking it, some unknown person was blackmailing me with a photo of River kissing me in a very inappropriate place and he was on a personal mission to have it destroyed. True I don't remember it because of my own actions and if I just explained to my dad that it wasn't really us it was the drug I'm sure it would be forgiven. But River doesn't want the world seeing it, which really bothers me to no end and the only explanation I could think of was that it was me. He didn't want the world thinking we were together, but it didn't make sense about why he was okay with the school thinking that.
I sigh frustrated and irritated by River and everything to do with him and was literally madding and I wish he hadn't kissed me this afternoon because it just didn't help. I closed my eye trying to rid my mind of thoughts of him breathing deeply trying to relax. When I opened my eyes again the fluttered upon heavily. I glanced around realizing I was covered with a knitted blanket, the television was off, and it was dark out. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep or was really planning on sleeping. I laid there realizing I was hearing voices coming closer. I closed my eyes again quickly before they entered the room. Mostly I just wasn't ready to face my dad, Rivers dad or River.
"she's has been asleep for a while, do you think we should wake her" River dad Gino said
"let her sleep a while longer, she had a rough couple of days" my dad said as the footsteps went into the kitchen and I relaxed more know I was protected by the back of the coach from their view
"actually, I was going to wake her up soon, I was talking with Nikita this afternoon" River said as I scrunched my face up, trying to remember when he had talked to her "Jane's not really herself after Sunday events. She suggested taking her out tonight with the girls, mostly to show that she's not frightened and scared of something or raise flags to suspicious people" River said as I head him opening a water bottle
"no, Jane still in trouble from her little antics you let her pull a few days ago" Gino said in an irritated voice
"true, but the cops are going to come back soon and her acting suspicious isn't the best thing Gino, River and Nikita have a point, Jane's not bouncing around like normal, if people see her out and about doing what she normally does, the cops wouldn't think she involved" My dad said as I rolled my eyes, its like whatever River said or did was never wrong in their eyes.
"true, but I don't think going to dean club is a wise idea, the place is swamped with reported looking for a repeat night" Gino grumbled in defeat
"no, no, I was thinking something less theatrical like the warehouse, playing pool watching some fights. Simple low-key and I can keep her up in the private area away from the lower life forms" River said as I heard hands clapping together.
"that a grand idea" my father said as I just wanted to scream and rip my hair out
"but she still grounded" Gino shoot back
"just have her home before midnight a couple of hours out will not kill anyone" I'm dad said overly happy, I heard someone grumbled something that I couldn't make out, but my dad was too interested in River to ask what he said "both Gino and I work out every Monday afternoon, I think it is wonderful if you join us there for some more training so we can see what you can really do" my dad said practically begging him to hang out with them,
"sure as long as Jane grounded and once she un grounded I will try to make it down there for practice" he said as I heard footsteps and chairs moving
"good, also your dancing lessons start on Wednesday, after school, you and Jane will both go, she's going to fight you on it, but it's good, for both of you" my dad said as Gino scoffed
"the boy doesn't need dance lesson, he needs to focus on doing the job protecting Jane. not dancing with her" he scoffed again
"I have to agree with my dad, I have no need to dance or to have dance lessons" River said as I felt satisfied
"it has already been settled Jane birthday is in about three months time, there will be a grand party her mother is planning and there will be dancing everyone will dance, even you dance Gino and her parties and balls, Lana loves dancing Brit loves dancing" he said as I hear Gino scoff again "what do you think the boys going to do what he gets married just stand there while his wife dances alone with an imaginary person?" My dad asked, which he had a point, not sure why I was really on the side of going to dance lesson with River I already know how I learned when I was little.
"maybe on his free time he should learn with a girlfriend" Gino offered and I wanted to sit up and yell at River and I felt my face redden with anger, it was finally clear now why River was so hell-bent on getting the picture back and making sure people didn't think we were dating, he didn't want his girlfriend thinking that.
"Oh, I didn't realize you were seeing someone" my father said interrupting my infuriating rant in my mind
"well uhmm, I mean, well actually its..." River said stumbling over his words
"well I can try to work something out then, we have to get some work done tonight Gino, we should leave River to get Jane up she cranky usually when she wakes up" I heard my dad say as chairs started moving and I heard footsteps walking away
The room was quiet as I could hear River tapping a finger lightly on the table, I wanted to get up and leave, but then he would know I was listening to their conversation. So I was forced to lay there and wait until he left or made a loud enough noises so I could pretend it woke me up. It took about 10 minutes of laying here fuming, until River finally did something. I listened as he got up making the chair make a scratching sound, I couldn't pretend to wake up to that because when they all first sat down they made the noise and when my father and Gino left it made the noise. I listened as I heard River heavy footsteps approaching closer to the coach and I shut my eyes quickly and tried relaxing the school I had plastered on my face.
Hearing River take a couple more step so that he was standing in front of me, I was nervous and anxious for what he was going to do, but all I could hear a big sigh and the coffee table make a groaning noise. I wanted to open my eyes to see what in the world he was doing when I felt a hand on my arm and a practically jumped off the coach out of fear. Opening my eyes quickly seeing an almost tired looking River sitting on the coffee table. Staring at me shocked.
"its eight Jane we need to leave in an hour, I figured you wouldn't want to wear your school uniform to the warehouse" he said as I rolled my eye like duh, who in their right mind wears a school uniform outside school.
"obviously" I said getting up walking away irritated, I was irritated at the fact he had a girlfriend he didn't tell me about as well as cheating on her with any slut that walked within five feet of him.
"so what did I do" River said almost amused behind me as I walked up the stairs rolling my eyes
"the world doesn't revolve around you River" I said reaching the top and storming toward my door as he laughed and I slammed the door shut quickly
I hated him so much at this moment I wanted to scream and tell at him and find out who this girlfriend of his was. It really rocked me to no end he had been prancing around my house being the worlds biggest man whore. I sat on my bed trying not to think about River and everything that involves River, which was more difficult than you think. I got up heading toward my bathroom and was about to open it as I froze and remembered this morning. I felt my throat constrict as I debated going to the guest bathroom. I was told it would be taken care of, but what if it hadn't been which would cause me to pass out.
I decided it was best to just stop being a chicken and open the door, as I did I gasped out of fear that it had not been cleaned. I sighed with relief when I saw nothing but a clean perfect bathroom. I went in and started doing my hair trying to think of anything and every that didn't involve River or my bathroom looked like this morning. After I had curled my hair in perfect waves, I went to my closet and started debating what I wanted to wear. The warehouse was full up people around my age, but there is an older section that also is around. I didn't want to attract too much attention to myself, but then again I also wanted to piss River off by wearing something he would approve of, I just need to not let my parents see before we leave. Also, I need to take into account that this was like a mini biker bar and if you don't ride a bike there you get looked at plus they won't let you in because you probably don't belong there.
I decided on a black fake leather, I'm not about killing animals for clothing here, pleated skirts that was short and to the point. It had some studs on the waistband and a little chain that hung across the front that attacked at my hips. I chose a simple black tank top that was tight and slightly see through, from afar would couldn't tell but up close you could see the little baby blue bra I had on. I checked my make up it seemed fine so I didn't fuss with it too much. I sat back down on my bed as I started looking for my phone. I couldn't find it anywhere, and I remembered River had it this morning said it was dead. I grabbed a pair of high heel ankle boots and stomped toward Rivers door. I barged in, he doesn't knock ever so why should I have too, I wish I had he was standing in only a pair of black pants that were not done up. He also really didn't have a shirt on, which was really hard to not look at, he must have gotten out of the shower because his body was shiny and glossy looking which in some sick twisted way made him look even hotter. I turned quickly backing a different wall so I could stare at him, it was just wrong how good River freaking looked nobody should look that way it should be a crime really.
"I want my phone" I said in a higher than normal voice as I looked at the wall hearing him laugh
"you're not wearing that" was all he said as I wiped my head in his direction to he him looking down butting up his pants
"excuse me?" I said once I regained my focus
"you heard me, go change, I would like one night just one simple night where I A, don't have to fight horny boys or provery men off of you or B, where I don't have flocks of girls trying to show you up by being slutty or bitchy, so go change" he said sitting on the bed pulling his shoes on
"first every girl will be dressed a lot more provocative than I am, second girls don't do that, so no I'm not going to go change, and give me my phone" I said fuming mad
"really what was that little stunt in the gym this afternoon, I'm pretty sure you were trying to show up Lauren by acting sluty and bitchy" he said in an amused tone as I felt my face redden
"that's not the same, just give me my phone" I said really wishing I was able to strangle him
"chill it is charging, I still need it to get in contact with our blackmailer, if you haven't forgotten the real reason we are going out" he said as I rolled my eyes
"yeah, yeah, yeah, you need to get it distorted can't let the world or your precious girlfriend see the photo" I said in a mocking imitations of his voice as he looked up from his shoe
"what did you just say" he said in a confused tone, as I repeated the words in my mind and I realized I had let it slip that I was eavesdropping on their conversation
"you know what I said" I quickly said turning toward the door and ran out trying to escape, he quickly caught up with me and as I was trying to close my door and his big hand grabbed the door and pushed it back open, I was about to make a run for the bathroom, but his big hands grabbed my arm as his foot closed the door
"now, now Jane it's really rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations" he said smirking as I glared
"well maybe if other people weren't so loud with their stomping giant feet and there practically shouting match of a conversation, I wouldn't have been woken up and had the opportunity to eavesdrop as you call it" I said as he shook his head still smirking, as I realized how close River was to me without a shirt still, curse female hormones and curse whoever invented weight lifting and working out so guy didn't look like this.
"Jane, Jane, Jane," he said shaking his head "you can lick them if you want" River said as I looked up from his ripped stomach and chest muscles, he was smirking with a hint of evilness to it.
"what, why, what" I said baffled as I started at him and shock
"you were licking your lips like a person who needs a drink of water" he said amused as my jaw dropped and horror, I hadn't even realized I was licking my lips "oh Jane close your mouth you tempt me to much as it is" he said and I was no longer shocked, but pissed, I hated this man whore
"get out of my room" I said pulling my arm out of his grasp "you are nothing but a lying cheating man whore, get out" I said as I turned away and started walking away from him, as I heard him chuckle
"okay fine then, have your little bottom down stares in 10 minutes clear" he said as I flipped him off still fuming "also I don't have a girlfriend Jane, so don't worry your pretty little head about that, you're still my number one gal" River said closing my door as I flung myself on my bed furious, that he knew I was listening and had to come in here and be a super big perverted jerk face and tell me he didn't have a girlfriend which, this person was not buying it.
I laid there mad for a bit until I heard River yelling from downstairs I guess I didn't realize it had been 10 min. I started walking toward the stairs realizing he was playing on my phone as I glared at him. Why does he have to have my phone? Why can't I just deal with it? I've dealt with this stuff for years and all of a sudden he comes in and thinks he knows whats best. I glare at him as I walk out the door and down the stairs as turned left to go to the garage where my bike was stored. It was a nice little bike all black and shiny it had my name engraved on one side, I smiled and picked up my leather jacket I always kept hanging off the throttle. I started sliding my arms throw as I heard River opening the garage.
"we are not take that" River said walking closer as I glared at him
"I am taking it, it is my bike and we are going to a biker club" I said in a slow way
"I know, but were not riding a chick bike" River said walking over to my dad's bike, as I laughed
"yeah we are because my dad doesn't let anybody touch his bike, and your dad dike isn't even hear" I said smugly as I reached into the jacket pocket for my key
"your dad just gave me the key to his bike a few minutes ago, if you had been down stares on time you would have known that"River said ogling the bike as he held up my dad's bike keys, the noise that came out of my mouth was a mixture of horror, shock and anger
"you have got to be kidding me, half the time I have to beg to get a ride on the back of his bike, and he just hands the keys over to you without a care in the world, this is complete and utter bullshit" I said as River shrugged
"well technically it's not your dad's bike anymore" River said siding on the bike and started adjusting the mirrors
"what, my dad loves this bike, why wouldn't it be his bike anymore" I said glaring at him in anger
"Dante said it was mine now since I need a bike anyway, he is getting a new one delivered in a few days it some early release of next year's model" River said simple as it was not a big deal as I felt my eye twitching in furious.
"my dad just gave you his bike, the same dame bike he will not let anybody touch, just gave it to you" I said as River rubbed his face
"yes Jane, you can go ask him if you want, but it is going to take a while" he said slightly leaning back on the bike
"why is that" I asked still mad
"well once he sees your outfit, he is going to make you change" smiling smugly "he's in his office" River offered as I wanted to scream and rip my hair out
"whatever let's go" I said turning back to my bike grabbing the handles as I swung my leg over, as I noticed River staring at me with a weird expression on his face "what I said as I positioned the key in the ignition
"You're not riding your bike Jane" as River smiled sweetly patting the back seat of the bike
"yeah no, I don't ride bitch especially to you" I said as River rolled his eyes
"but you had to beg your dad to ride bitch" River said as I huffed
"not going to happen" I said as I reached for the key to start up my bike, but another hand stopped me by taking my key first, I looked up glaring at my father who looked disappointingly down at me
"your riding with River, Jane, your bike license was revoked a few months ago for your lovely little speeding ticket remember" he said as I glared at him, okay I had forgotten, but it was starting to sprinkle and I didn't want to get wet, I had a good reason for speeding
"why did you give your bike to River, you know I loved that bike and wanted it" I said and Gino came in not looking happy
"Jane, River need a bike unlike you, plus I think he is more than capable of handling the bike better and would take care of it" my father said motioning with his fingers to get off the bike, which I reluctantly did
"this is so stupid, and unfair" I said stomping over to River who was smirking and wanted to get him, but it wouldn't be a wise idea because it would hurt me more. So, I decided I was just stab him with my boat heel as I got on.
"Jane, when you get home we are also going to have a talk about this outfit chose" my dad said as I rolled my eyes, if it was up to him I would be wearing a nuns robe all the time
"whatever let's go" I said in an irritating form, and River started the bike up as he slowly backed the bike out of the garage with his feet.
Okay call me silly, but I loved bikes their roar, the vibration, feeling the speed, it was a thrill. I always wanted to ride a bike with a hot guy and hold on to them feeling them up a little, but I didn't want that hot guy to be River. Even though I wanted to actually feel the muscle of his body I couldn't because first he would never let it go, second he would get too much satisfaction out of and his ego would be even bigger than it was. So, I had to settle with holding onto the strap instead of him, which sucked because it felt dangerous and not as safe as holding onto the River.
We rode for a while, the warehouse was near the dock shipping lanes of the city where many storage warehouse where. Factory assembly place where as well. There wasn't many lights around on the roads that criss crossed the warehouse surrounding area. I also had to instruct River how to get there because he had never been before. But once we turned the last corner we could see a light above the door and people standing around outside and a couple of rows of bikes parked next to each other. I sighed when I couldn't see any of the girl's bikes, but hopefully they were forced to ride with the guards and I just didn't recognize their bikes.
Taking a deep breath and getting off the bike and started walking toward the door, the people gathered around the outside made me nervous. I could feel their eyes on me and I didn't like it much. Those that were around outside are usually the shady lower status people and they made me uncomfortable. But River was here which made it better until he slung his arm around my waist gripping my hip a little tight. I knew it was for show, but it felt really good to have his arm around me, like it was my own personal creepy guy repellent, whoever it also repealed hot guys as well. I sighed when I walked in looked up to the second floor seeing Tiffany leaning on the railing watching a fight.
Quickly walking over and up the stairs I could feel River behind me, as I made it to the second level and went over to all the girls who were around a pool table. A couple of the guys were playing, but I didn't play I sucked at it and I didn't like losing.
"hey you're here finally we're just waiting on Gina to get here, but from what I understand she was having some other fun" Tiffany said as she rolled her eyes
"how does her bodyguard feel about that" I asked imaging him, I couldn't remember his name, sitting outside her room wait listen, it was creepy, but all the girls beside Nikita was laughing she just shook her head "what so funny" I asked confused
"Jane Dominic is the person she is having fun with, those two have been going at it worse than a pair of rabbits" Courtney said as I felt my face redden
"well how was I supposed to know, plus eww really her bodyguard, her brother and dad are going to kill him when they find out" I said looking over the railing at the two guys beating on each other
"its pretty obvious, I guess you have been pretty distracted with your own sizzling hot pieces of meat over there" Courtney said as I just wanted to smack her, but thankfully Tiffany did it for me
"Courtney" she said glaring at her and they gave each other a look that I didn't understand, I was about to ask what the hell was happening, but got interrupted
"so, Nicolas said some of the guy where thinking about fighting tonight, are we going to wager anything" Nikita said as I shrugged
"That is not really fair to gamble on they will beat everyone, and River will beat all of them, it wouldn't be fun to gamble when we know the odds" Tiffany said at Nikita shrugged
"I was just saying, no need to get protective" she said backing away heading over toward the boys as I looked over the railing down at the fight
"I wouldn't mind seeing River get punched a few times" I said as both Courtney and Tiffany laughed
They started talking about something I wasn't listening, I was mostly just glancing around at the fight, ever so often glancing over the crowed seeing a few people I recognize from school. I was a pretty dead night still a lot of people, but on weekend nights this place was packed to the brim, and you could hardly hear the person next to you. Waiting time for table, the bar is jam-packed and you have to fight your way to get a drink if you're not an important person to get a waiter. Most that come out on the slower days come for the fighting and the gambling. The fights where not every good on the weekend and mostly consisted of drunk people wanting to show off for some girls how big and taught they are.
"so see anyone that looks suspicious" I heard River voice from beside me as he leaned on the railing like I was
"nope, not really" I said as I felt River put his arm around me and pull me in closer to him and press his lips to my temple, as I turned toward him as he smiled slightly. "David and his band of goons are here and are staring at you" River said as I nodded in understanding "but we got a new message from the person the meet them out back in three minutes. You're supposed to go alone, but that's not happening" he said while leaning in and pressing his lips to mine again, it was sick, but I liked his lips on mine it felt nice and sweet which was so not what River was.
I left his arm become tighter around my waist and pull me closer to him as he continued to kill me. I was now fully facing him begging he would take it just a little further and ask for entries to deepen the kiss, but he didn't. He pulled away and I felt like a stupid child that didn't get picked to be the helper in a magic show. He pulled away from me quickly and grabbed my hand pulling me toward the back exit on the top floor. Once outside we were on a metal staircase that was normally used for fire emergency. It was starting to rain only sprinkling, but still it was irritating, I didn't want to get wet, and usually when it starts raining more fall then winter is coming and that just sucks.
"okay, they said to meet them here, now I guess we wait" River said looking around as I crossed my arms over my chest
"great, why couldn't we have met inside" I said glaring down at my feet
" I told you to come alone, what is she doing here" I heard an annoying voice come from behind me as turned around to see Katie
"really Katie, trying to blackmail me, well this is actually uprising" I said as I remembered the last time I dealt with her running out of my room pissed. See River had hooked up with her in the changing room of Victoria secret and when she came to my house looking for him he made me get rid of her
"Shut-up, I told you to come alone" Katie said as I was taken back at her rudeness as River pushed himself off the wall
"really, why would I meet a stoker alone in a dimly lit alleyway, for all I know you were going to tie me up and rape me" River said as I laughed as she glared at me
"get rid of her now or I will send it to anyone who matters" she said crossing her arms as I shrugged it was raining lightly and I don't like being wet and I was practically going to look like a soaked cat if I stayed out her any longer
"no, she's not going anywhere" River said as I groaned
"no, we had a deal, you get rid of her, she's not even that pretty you all just think she is because you think she has some types of power and is loaded" Katie said as I rolled my eyes
"hold on a minute there..." I said but was interrupted
"shut up and leave your not wanted here" Katie practically screamed as I rolled my eyes "make her leave River or I will hit send or maybe I should just do it anyway, then she will be permanently out of our way" Katie said smugly
"no don't" River said taking a step toward her she couldn't see, but I could, he had his hand behind his back and was gripping a gun I hadn't noticed before, was he always carrying it. The flashback where starting again as I shut my eyes quickly fearing I was going to witness another person die's in front of me. I heard a loud metal bang sound and screamed as I panicky opened my eyes, but saw there was light coming from the door a little in front of Katie
"there you are, what are you doing out here is pouring rain" I heard a familiar voice say as I looked at the door and saw Dean, Katie brother head popping around the side of the door, the only reason I knew him and Katie was because Courtney and Gina both had a fling with him. He was pretty hot, not really my type, but nice to look at from a far.
" hey Jane, you don't look to happy" he said as I rolled my eyes, of course I wasn't happy I was wet and being blackmailed "hay River" done said coming fully out of the door into the rain and walking toward River "I haven't seen you in years, I didn't know you were here tonight" he said doing some weird handshake with him "what are you all doing out here its pouring rain" he said as I scoffed
"why don't you ask your lunatic sister" I said really fed up with this crap
"what?" dean said looking at me then back at Katie "what did you do?" he said as she rolled her eyes
" I didn't do anything, she's not even supposed to be here, this was just between river and I" she shouted back at dean
"why wouldn't she be here, river her bodyguard, they are always going to be together that's his job Katie" dean shouted back as river took a step closer to dean
"look she has a picture we need destroyed immediately or I'll be killed because of it" river said as dean ran his finger through his hair frustrated
"What the hell is wrong with you Katie, do you have any brains in your head, you don't go around blackmail heads children, he was probably going to kill you if I hadn't come out here" dean shouted as Katie looked down at the ground
"no he wouldn't, he loves me and if it wasn't for that bitch we could be together" she said back at him
"you can go I'll deal with this don't worry it will be gone and she won't bother you anymore, I'm sorry about all this" dean said as river turned and motioned for me to follow him.
As I walked past dean and Katie, I kind of felt bad for her, she actually believed river wanted her just because he messed around with her in a changing room. Like really it was messed up and it ticked me off why river had to mess around with so many girls all the time. It was his own fault though because if he just acted like a normal human being I wouldn't have to deal with his crazy hook up that stack him and me. One I was inside I went straight to the bar, and waited for the bartender to come over, he gave me a strange look.
"do you have a clean dry towel I can use" I said as he nodded and walked off
"well that was fun" river said beside me as I glared at him
"really because I didn't think so, can we leave now because we have no other business to deal with" I said as the bartender handed me a small towel and I started drying off my arms and face the squeezing my dripping wet hair
"come on Jane, we can still have some fun we got a pool table a nice fight going on" he said as I rolled my eyes "plus its pouring rain, do you really want to get on a bike when it raining and speeding in that rain going to hurt when it hits you" I huffed as he smiled because he knew he was right, I didn't want to get on a bike in the rain it sucks and hurt.
"whatever but once the rain stops I want to leave" I said as he smiled and wrapped his arm around me pulling me back up stairs
"oh there you two are, some girl was looking for you river" Tiffany said in an irritated tone as I glared at him as he shrugged
"already taken care of, not a problem anymore, I got next game" river said looking at mark and Dominic playing pool. I glanced over to see Courtney and Gina chatting as Nikita looked disappointed shaking her head.
"so what were you to up to outside in the rain" Tiffany said sliding into a seat at a small round table as I took the one opposite of her
"nothing new really that Katie bitch from the mall was blackmailing me into giving her river" I said as I looked down toward the fight and a very muscular girl with a clipboard was inside the ring chatting with a shirtless man.
"wow really, she always was a socially climber, what happened to her" she asked as I brought my attention back to her
"her brother came out and is dealing with her" I said as she smiled
"dean is a good guy, feel bad for him getting pulled down into his sister mess" she said as I watched the muscles won't climb out of the ring and disappear into the crowed.
The man in the ring still passing was tall maybe even taller than river, but he was also very big. River and the rest of the guys had muscles, but this man had a lot more and clearly spent way too much time in the gym to look like this. He seemed agitated and constantly pounded his fist against his chest as he passed the ring. I also finally noticed David and a few of his friends laughing near the ring in the large man corner. I guess he was their fighter, which didn't surprise me much a lot of people funded or backed fighter to make them more money. I just wondered who was going to be the idiot to go up against this giant man, normally there wasn't any waiting time the person must have wimped out when they saw how big he was.
"are you river" I heard a frustrated woman's voice say that caused me to tear myself away from the ring to look over at river standing next to the muscular women
"yeah, why" he asked in a hard tone and he choked up his pool stick
"I've been looking everywhere for you, you fight was supposed to start five min ago, you're late let's go" she said motioning toward the stairs as I hopped off my chair, Tiffany doing the same
"look lady you got the wrong person I never signed up for any fights" river said as we reached him
"Look your name is on the board, I just run the stupid thing and let people know when it's their turn, if you don't want to fight don't sign up, but since you're signed up you need to go down there in either fight or back out, okay" she said in an angry tone, as I glanced at the bored with his name on it, I also recognized the handwriting
"River, David signed you up, he is trying to embarrass you, by making look like a sacred weak person for not fighting or he is trying to make you look bad having his fighter beat you" I said as river smirked
"River don't do it" mark said from behind me as I glanced at him
"Why not I haven't had a decent partner in the ring in a year" river said laying his pool table down and following behind the women
"this isn't good, Dante going to murder some people when he finds out what happened" Mark said as well all followed a bit behind River, who was walking a lot faster
"no he is going to strangle me when he finds out I let him get into a fight and get beat up" I said wondering if I should try to stop this fight
"no, river won't lose, he has never lost a match Dante had him yanked out of the fighting matches we had at school after he hit someone so hard..." he said looking at Tiffany for a second "So hard what, what happened" I said trying to follow River in the crowed that was now cheering and I had to shout at him
"it sent the kid to the hospital and he died from internal bleeding in his brain" Mark said behind me and Tiffany
"What, how, oh my god" I said almost panicking and something in me realized river was a lot more dangerous than I really let myself believe, as I watched river climb up into the ring and I panicked I didn't want river to get hurt nor did I want him to hurt anybody else.
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