Chapter 3
As I walked out of my house I spotted Tiffany's car, parked at the bottom of the stairs and quickly made my way to her car. Her black Jaguar xf v6, was a nice looking car, but I preferred classic or super fast cars. Nikita got out and moved to the back seat as I slid into the passenger seat. As I closed the door I glanced behind me and saw Gina and Courtney moving over to make room for Nikita
"Get changed we're going to your uncle's club tonight" Tiffany said as I looked over to see her handing me a pair of heels
"Awesome, I really want to test out those new cages he installed" I said taking the shoes, as she started to drive away
I had worn close over my club clothing, so my parents wouldn't see and get all involved in my social life. All of our parents are always whining about us going out and drawing too much attention and that it was dangerous. I guess in a way the world we grew up in is not really the safest environment, but we are young and they really need to understand we need to have a life apart from theirs. Whats making things worse is that my father keeps trying to threaten me with assigning me a protective detail early. It's a rule that I have a guard when I reach adulthood for some idiotic reason.
Under my conservative clothing I wore a tight black tube top that showed my midriff and black metallic dance shorts. I tossed my parents approved clothing in my bag and slipped the heels on as Tiffany drove weaving through traffic and the other girls sat singing in the back. We all have been friends from a young age, our parents do a lot of 'business' together and we naturally became friends because we all understood what it's like to grow up with parents with high-ranking titles in the mob. Though I had it a little different because my father has power over everyone. I looked out the window and saw we were almost to my uncle Dean's club. I liked his club because it is one of the few that lets us drink underage.
We got out of the car and walked up to the bouncer who smiled and open the door automatically without hesitation. While I heard a groan and words from those that had to wait in line. We just kept walking in as the music became louder as I could see the lights flashing all around. We headed straight for the bar and ordered a couple of around of shots before my uncle wrapped his arms around me giving me a giant bear hug.
"So girls, I see you're already enjoying yourself" my uncle Dean said as we all laughed and smiled at him
"Uncle Dean can we test out your new cages tonight?" I said giving him my most innocent puppy dog eyes
"And here I thought you came just to spend some quality time with your beloved uncle" Dean said, as he faked a hurt expression
"Uncle Dean, this is quality time since you're always working" he nodded with understanding
"Okay girls, give me a moment and I'll get the cages ready to go" was he reached over and took my last shot off the table and drank it "take it easy on the drinks girls I don't want to get calls from your parents again" he set the glass down and walked away
"We're going to go find some toys to play with be back in a few" Gina said as she and Courtney slid off their stool and went toward the dance floor
I just shake my head, as I watched them disappear into the crowd. They loved to find men and use them worse than a man whore would. I still loved them, they made me laugh and even if they sometimes went overboard with the guys. I sat watching the dance floor looking to see if there was any attractive guys that could entertain me for the night, but was becoming disappointed in my search. I'm not like Courtney or Gina and any hot guy will do, I just guess I wanted something other than a one-night stand. I also didn't want to lose my virginity to some stranger I wanted it to mean something. Tiffany lost it a year ago with her then boyfriend, but her parents' found out and we haven't seen him since that day. Tiffany was a devastated she loved him a lot and it was hard to see her go through that.
On the other hand there Nikita, she was smart and in the top of our class in everything, my parents said it was because she was some genius. She was still a virgin, but I think it was because she just didn't care about guys like the rest of us. Nikita was pretty, we all were, she was just more of a quiet type and when she did speak she spoke with such intelligence I think it intimidated any guy that tried to get close to her. Which is the wrong assumption to make about her she was fun, full of life and could party just as hard as any of us, the nights at the club are like her mind way to escape for a while.
After a few more drinks, Dean walked back over and said we could go in the cages, as we followed him down into the pit where most of the people were dancing. I continued to follow my uncle as Tiffany and Nikita followed the two men that worked for dean. My uncle stopped when we got to the gate surrounding the cage. The cages sat on a plate from as he opened the cage and turned to face me.
"We don't tell your parents about this, I don't feel like getting another call about how irresponsible I'm being while you're in my care" I smiled
"I won't tell if you won't tell" I said as I offered him my extended pinky, "pinky promise" he laughs and wrapped his pinky around mine
"Go on get in, you don't have all night, I'll bring you down in a few minutes" Dean said as I stepped up into the cage.
I felt the thrill of excitement as I looked around the pit and saw everyone standing in the cages. The door closed and locked and a few seconds later the cage started to lift into the air. I was surprised that the cage didn't swing like I thought it would, but the cage stayed stable and leveled. The cage stopped with an abrupt shock and I looked around to see nothing but darkness and flashing lights. I could see the other girls already dancing and I began to feel uneasy, but shook off the feeling and figured I drank too much to fast. I started moving in time to the music and forgot about everything. I was becoming tired after about six songs and was about to try to signal my uncle to bring me down when one of my favorite songs started to play. My adrenaline started pumping and I started dancing to the song, as I got a weird feeling that I was being watched. I flipped my hair as a light flashed of the crowd and I saw a man watching me, but then the light went off and I couldn't see him any more. I kept dancing and waited to see if the light would show him to me again, but he was gone.
I decided to ignore what I saw, sure he was hot, but there were many hot guys everywhere, and the cage shuck and started to slowly move down. I smiled relived a little that uncle Dean was going to let me out of the cage. As I'm lowered to the ground, I noticed the man I had seen a moment ago leaning against the railing watching the cage. Dean offered me his hand as he opened the gate and helped me down as I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was much hotter up closer, tall, dark eyes and short dark hair, I could see his arm muscles and they were big, not like giant and gross, but his are just the way I liked them.
"Did you enjoy yourself" Dean said as I have finally broke eye contact with the stranger
"Yes uncle Dean, it was amazing" I said and gave him a hug, to thank him
"Jane, I would like you to meet a friend of mine and your fathers" he gestures to the man stood watching with a small smirk, as I thought it was odd that Dean was introducing me to a guy.
Usually he chased guys away and I could hardly ever get past learning a guy's name before they got frightened or kicked out. I blame my father's position and Deans protectiveness, to why I haven't ever had a serious boyfriend, but I figured if they are that week and give up that quickly, then they're not really worth my time.
"Hello Jane, I'm River" he said as he extends his hand to me, and I quickly responded giving him my hand. He brought my hand to his face and placed a gentle, but small kiss on the back of my hand. I was now thankful it is so dark or he would have seen my massively red face
"Jane, why don't you dance with Mr. River and show him around my club while I go work" I looked a Dean shocked, it was completely out of character for him to push me toward a guy let alone a guy I didn't even know. But he just walked off as I looked back to at River who still held my hand.
"Shall we" he said motioning to the packed dance floor. I just nodded I was still speechless, as he pulled me behind him
He stopped and turned and pulled me closer to him as I automatically moved with him in beat with the music. His hands held my hips to him, as my hands were frozen against his stomach, I could feel there was hard sculpted muscles underneath his shirt and my mouth became dry. I slowly traced my hands up his chest tell they locked around his neck. I could see his eyes more clear now that I was only inches apart from him, they were dark, but a dark green that hypnotized me. I was so captivated by the dominance and power he had over me and I had never felt such want or need before. It felt as if my heart was going to explode as my entire body felt like I was on fire and it was becoming difficult to breathe. I saw his eyes glance down for a second and return as I noticed him lick his lips. Which made me pull him closer to me, as our lips became only an inch apart, I felt him hesitate and loosen his grip on me. It confused me and opened my eye to see if there was something wrong
"Jane!" I froze as I turned and looked at Tiffany standing next to me with a small smirk on her face
"What?" I said as I loosened my grip on River more and pulled away from him
"Nothing, just going to the bar to get a drink" Tiffany said as she walks off with a guy in tow, as I looked back at River as he watched them walk away
"We should get something to drink" he said as I nodded and he grabbed my hand and started pulling me in the same direction that Tiffany had gone
It took a few moments to get out of the crowd of dancing people, but we finally made it to the stairs that went up to the bar area. I saw all my friends sitting at the table we had occupied earlier, and noticed the guy Tiffany was with standing against the bar with three others. They all had the same type of clothing on all had tattoos and they all were watching my friends. I was distracted by the weird suspicious feeling I forgot about the stairs. I tripped and fell hitting my knee on the edge of the last stair, River wrapped his arms around me, but he was too late I had scraped my knee and I hissed at the pain.
"Does your knee hurt" River said as I had the strangest feeling of Deja Vu as I looked up at River who was looking at me intensely
"Uh huh" I said as I watched him look down at my knee and kept getting the strangest feeling I knew him somehow
"I'm sure the bartender has a band-aid or your uncle does, go sit with your friends and I'll get your drink and fix your knee up" he released my hand as I watched him walk away.
There was something familiar about him I just couldn't remember, and it bugged me, but I guess if he knew my father I probably met him before. I started walking over to the table with a small limp, my knee hurt a little, but it would be fine after I let it rest. I sat down and started to listen to Courtney and Gina tease Nikita about the hot guy that she had and happened to glance over at the group River was standing next to talking with. I found it weird they all seemed to be good friends. It is kind of strange and an odd chance that five friends would connect with five other friends. I wouldn't be suspicious if it was two or three guys that were friends hitting on us, this just seemed unusual I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see River standing next to me. He grabbed my hurt knee and put a band-aid over it and handed me a bag of ice and a water bottle. Why did he hand me water, as I looked at it confused
"What's wrong?" River said
"You got me water to drink?" I said looking up to see him smirking
"Yes," River said leaning closer to me "I don't abide to underage drinking little one" with slight amusement in his voice "plus I like the girls I take home, sober and willing not wasted and unconscious" he whispered in my ear as I felt my face heat up as he pulled away and walked back over to his friends. I quickly turned back to face the girls who were all staring at me with grins plastered on their faces.
"So Jane, who's your new friend?" Gina said as she glanced over toward the guys "he has to be the hottest of them" she said as I felt my face go redder
"His names River, Dean introduced him, and all I know is that he's a friend of my father" the all smiled and did a couple of glances over to the guys.
They all went back to giggling and chatting about them as I noticed something strange that we all had water bottles. I peeked over at River and saw him and his friends all had beers, and I knew they could only be a few years older than us. I bit my lip trying to shake the weird feeling I was getting. I felt butterflies explode in my stomach as I felt an arm wrap around me and saw River smiling at me. He leaned closer to me as I felt the lightest brush of his lips right below my ear as he started whispering
"Did you drive here tonight?" he asked as I shook my head and tried not to blush from nervous feeling the crawled over my body.
"No" I said quickly trying not to sound too excited
"Good, why don't you catch a ride with me" I smiled and looked over at Tiffany who was watching me with a goofy grin
"Hey Tiff, I'm going to ride with River, that cool?" I said slightly hoping she might say no, because I was nervous of what might happen if I was alone with him.
"Nope, you go ahead, and you" she pointed a finger at River with a serious look "I will castrate you if I hear anything wrong, got it?" she said and I was instantly mortified
"I would never dream of hurting this little princess" River said in a serious tone as Tiffany had
"Good, have fun," she said looking away as I slid off the chair
"I just need to tell my uncle I'm leaving" He nodded and walked back over to his friend as I made my way to the end of the bar where I could see Dean writing on a clipboard
"Dean!" I said as I startled him slightly "I'm going to take off I wanted to say night and thanks for letting us in the cages" he smiled and leaned over the bar for a hug as he looked at his watch
"Leaving so soon, it's not even midnight yet, are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed" he said as he check my forehead
"Stop" I batted his hand away "I'm fine, can I ask you something?" I said as he nods in response "how well do you know that River guy?"
"Well, tonight was the first time I met him, I've known his parents since about your age," he said looking around "I've heard a lot of good things about him, top of his class, respectful, and he's not bad-looking, but you already know that based on how close you to where getting on the dance floor" Dean said as he tousled my hair, and I had to be redder than a glowing tomato.
"that's not funny, so do you think I'll be okay if he takes me home?" I said nervously
"Oh yeah, you'll be much safer with him then your friends" Dean said laughing, and I nodded and walked away back to where River was standing alone waiting for me.
The girls must have taken the others back to the dance floor, as I walked nervously over to him. He smiled and extend his hand to me and was a little more comfortable leaving with him. Now that dean knew I was with him so if anything happened to me at lest my parents knew where to look. I normally didn't do these types of thing, but tonight had been strange enough and why not live for once. He was pretty quiet as we walked around to the back of the club where the parking lot was. He pulled me to a very nice old muscle car.
"Is this your car?" I said as he gave me a confused look while unlocking the doors
"Yeah," he said with a bit of a cold tone, as I slid in and watched as he walked quickly to the driver's side.
"It's nice, I like the old car style" I said feeling really uneasy about living with him again
"Yeah, my dad and I rebuilt her last summer" he said as he peeled off leaving the parking lot
"That's pretty cool" he didn't respond and just watched the road, the silence was unbelievably awkward and I hated awkward moments
After a couple of minutes of awkward silence, the phone I had placed in my bra started going off. It made me jump when it blared it scared the crap out of me. I looked at the phone and saw that it was Nikita private home line calling. I thought it was weird, she would be home already, she must have left when I was talking to Dean.
"Hello" I said confused and I could hear yelling in the background
"Jane, are you with River?" she said screaming into the phone, I had to pull it away from my ear
"Yeah, you were there when I said I was going home with him" I rolled my eyes
"Jane! Get away from him now, he's not who you think he is" Nikita said as I felt my heart stop and fear seeped in "Jane, get out of his car and run, trust m..." I heard her scream something then the phone was quiet
"Nikita" I was panicking and I couldn't move, and I started worrying I had just listened to my friend be murdered
"Nikita's fine," a deep voice said as the line went dead.
I was trying not to panic, and I heard Rivers phone go off and he looked at it for a second and shoved it back in his pocket. He looked angry and not like the person I had met in the club that night, I saw the light up ahead of us true red and I knew I needed to get out of the car and make a run for it. As the car started to slow I slipped my shoes off and 'accidentally' dropped my phone to take the seat belt off so when we came to a complete stop I was leaning forward. I grabbed the handle and bolted out of the car running down the road barefoot the second the car stopped. I heard River yell my name, but I kept running. I glanced back to see if he was following me and it was a bad idea. He was right next to me running with no problem, as he grabbed me and I started to fall. He kept his grasp and held me up so I didn't fall face first in the concrete. He picked me up with both hands and flung me over his shoulder like I was nothing, I kicked and screamed. There was no help and he didn't let me go, as he head back to his car. He threw me in the passenger seat and buckled me in and locked the door as he watched me intently as he walked around back to his seat. I was crying and scared, my father told me this might happen, but I didn't believe him and look where I am
"Where are you taking me?" I said scared, and he didn't respond "please" I said, but just kept his eye on the road. He made a few turns as I cried and huddled in my seat as I heard him sigh after a few minutes
"Home" was all he said, and when I looked at him he didn't seem as angry as before and looked more relaxed as I looked out the window and realized we were very close to where I lived. Then, reality struck me, as we made a last turn on a street that I knew only had one house built on it, my house. All the fear drained my body and replaced with rage, I knew instantly my father had sent him.
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