Chapter 27
I'm sorry guys, I've just been so busy lately i haven had any time to myself or time to write anything so i spent all day today and wrote a super long chapter, its not edited very well but non of them are really are so yeah sorry ill try to upload soon but cant promise.
“shh Jane, relax” I heard Tiffany say, but it was easier said than done,but I couldn't stop
I continued crying, as I could hear River, who was a few feet away from us sitting on a bench yelling at Mark. Well he was technically yelling, but not at mark, he was yelling about what I had done among other things. I tried not to listen to him speak cause what he was saying very mean hurtful things and I covered my ears to prevent me from hearing him. Once the tears stopped falling and I had calm down and finally was able to uncover my ears, I know longer heard River yelling. I glanced over to where he had sat, both mark and River were sitting on the bench. Mark was leaning back rubbing his face while river was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, and his head hanging down.
“its going to be okay, he might be mad now, but he will get over it in a few days” Tiffany said as I shook my head
“River hates me Tiff, he hated me before this, now I'm sure he wants me dead” I said as I felt tears welling up in my eyes
“relax Jane, River doesn't hate you, he just upset he will forgive you in time” she said as I looked up at her
I could tell she didn't even believe what she was saying, but it was wishful thinking and hoping that made me smile. I could even recall most of what happened last night. Glaring down at the ground, I remembered flash of things that don't make sense. People who didn't seem familiar, and places I didn't recognize. I sat there staring at the ground picking at the grass until I saw a pair of bare feet standing in front of me. I looked up only to look away quickly as River glared down at me.
“any of you happen to have the car keys” River said in a harsh tone that made me finish, but I shook my head I was only wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top I would have felt them in my pockets “wonderful anyone got their phone either” he snapped as I shook my head again, I guess I had lost mine at some point “great get up, we need to get back to the big house fast” he said as I felt Tiffany standing up and I felt her trying to help me stand up.
Pushing her off me as I stood up and followed in the same direction that River had stormed off, I wrapped my arms around my chest feeling really cold and tired as I continued to walk. Once out of the tree like I could see mark and river heading toward the parking lot where Mark's car sat. I noticed we were at the park we had gone to yesterday. It was early weekday morning so the park was pretty deserted at this time. River and Mark where at the car and were trying to open the doors, but I could tell they were becoming frustrated. As we approached I could hear Mark telling River to calm down as river punched the hood of his car. I stopped walking before I reached the sidewalk, just stood in the grass away from a very angry River
“hey!” I heard someone shout as all our heads whipped in the direction of the voice.
There was a guy walking toward us a really hot guy walking toward us. He long shaggy really light brown hair with some gold streak caused by the sun. He had sun glass on covering most of his face., I could see his hard jaw line that was slightly covered by an overgrown stubble that was very hot looking on him. The guy was young I'm guessing around River and Mark's age maybe a little older. He had on a wife-beater and a pair of ripped light blue jeans and where a little too big for him. Not in the overly obnoxious sagging below the butt way, just say enough not below in a sexy model in magazine low way. He was ripped and tan and had a few tattoos on his arm that had the sexy muscles that remind me of the way Rivers were, not gross just perfect and yummy to look at. I smiled as he got closer to use and I noticed he was barefoot like everyone else, why were we all barefoot, and where the hell where my shoes
“drooling doesn't look to cute on you Jane” I heard Tiffany giggle beside me and I instantly snapped out of my ogling of the stranger, but I also noticed the death glared I was getting from River and the disappointed look Mark was giving us
“Kevin what are you doing here?” I heard River say in an irritated voices while smacked Tiffany for saying that, as the newcomer Kevin laughed
“don't remember much of last night do you” he said laughing as he got closer to the car setting down a carrier of coffee, as I practically screamed from excitement, lets just say I really love and need coffee now
“no I don't” as river shoot a death glare at me and Kevin handed him a cup and Mark walked closer to get a cup
“mind filling us in on where you came into the story-line” Mark said as he laughed
“Yea” Kevin said as he grabbed the two remain cup and started walking over to us “ladies, I didn't know what you wanted so I got something chocolate and caramel” Kevin said as he handed both me and Tiffany a cup of coffee smirking and instantly I smiled in response, as if his smile was contagious
“don't even think about it Kevin,” River snapped as Kevin chuckled and took a few steps backward and turned to face him
“well like I was saying y'all ended up banging on my door around 3 am, with this fine chick that you” he pointed to River “keeps whining about her being a prostitute, until she left, some guy came and picked her up, big guy kind of scary, Jane said he was nice, but he doesn't look it” Kevin said as he leaned against the car drinking his coffee
“what happened after that Kevin, do you happen to have the keys or a phone on you” River said getting impatient
“Well after the hot chick left we all parted a bit everyone got more shit face we ran out of drinks that was about five hours ago, you and Jane demanded to be brought here, so I drove cause y'all where shit faced and I wasn't let any of you dive” Kevin said as River got in his face
“Give me the keys now” River demanded as Kevin laughed, but took the keys out of his pocket
“don't use your threatening tone with me, I'm not scared of either of you” he said as River snatched them out of his hand
“get in the car now!” River said glaring at me as I quickly walked over and went to the back seat as Kevin was chuckling and followed me
“you know I think I like you better on drugs, not so grumpy all the time” Kevin said as River glared at Kevin and I as we tried to hide the smiled that appeared on my face
“Kevin shut up and get in, I'll take you home once I get Jane back to her parents” he said as I slide in the back and Kevin slide in next to me
I sat in the middle while Tiffany sat on the other side of me resting her head against the window, she looked kind of sick. I felt nauseous, but wasn't too bad that would cause me to puke, it took a lot to make me puke. The coffee was really waking me up. River and mark sat quietly in the front seat as River drove a little quickly through the streets. The Kevin guy sat next to me tapping his hand against his legs and lightly humming a song. He caught me looking at him and smirked as I smiled back it was contagious and I couldn't control myself
“so how do you know them” I said quietly I knew everyone could hear me, but I wasn't overly load.
“I grew up with Mr. Grumpy pants here” he said ruffling Rivers hair and I felt shocked
“wait are you his brother” I said almost excited, then a little angry he never mentioned he had a brother, but Kevin laughed
“not by blood sweetheart, we were next door neighbors, well until River got sent off to his fancy private school for boys and left me all alone in public” Kevin said in a sarcastic tone as I heard River scoff
“Kevin shut up, you didn't miss me that much beside if I remember straight you said it was a blessing I was gone so you could have all the girls to yourself” River said as Kevin smirked and I glared at him, wonderful another playboy that's all I need
“True, but Mr. grumpy came home a lot and we still saw each other often, and then a few years later Mr. Mark appeared on my doorstep with River on one of his visits and that just how its been” he said as I nodded still irritated that River never mentioned Kevin, but I guess I never really asked much about his personal life
“so Jane, you interested in ditching Mr. grumpy pants for day and hang with somebody way funny, clear better looking for a change” he said as I stared at him in shock at the car stopped abruptly and Kevin went fly forward hitting the back of Rivers car seat, he wasn't wearing a seat-belt.
“Kevin back off, you might be my friend, but my job come first, or at least my job for the time being, I will not hesitate to beat the living shit out of you” River practically growled and Mark was glaring at Kevin's smirking face
“chill man, just testing the water, beside your cute in all, but not particularly my type” he said and I rolled my eye first I hated being called cute and second I apparently am nobodies type “don't get me wrong sweetheart your sexy little ass is nice and I wouldn't mind you taking a ride on...”
“Kevin!” River yelled as he laughed and Mark was shaking his head in disapproval
“well, I clearly have pissed off a grumpy bear, but don't worry sweetheart, you're just too good, or precious for my taste, but you are just perfect for a certain grumpy pan...” Mark interrupted
“Kevin stop it, now” Mark turned around glaring at him as River looked ferrous and was gripping the steering wheel tightly
“y'all no fun with the girls around” Kevin said sitting back and glaring out the window
The rest of the car ride was silent as I just looked out the window realizing we were getting closer and closer to my house. My parents are going to be furious with me, surely I was going to be grounded for the rest of the month possible next month for not coming home. Hopefully dean told them we were just having fun and they will go easy on us, but I was worried they were going to ask why I set Davis car on fire. I couldn't tell them the truth, but what would I say, he pissed me off and that wasn't really a good reason to set a car on fire. We took the turn on the street where my house was and river halted the car as everyone looked up quickly at the end of the road. There was a massive crowd of reporters gathered in front of the gate to my house. I knew the press where going a little crazy because of the fire, based on last night events trying to get into the club, but this was a massive crowd that seemed ridiculous because of a small fire.
"Kevin, do you have your phone” River snapped as Kevin fumbled around and finally pulled out a phone, as River dialed a number
“this is River I have Jane, where coming up to the gate get ready to open it” he said as he listened to someone speaking “figured as much will be there a min” River said hanging up the phone as he drove toward the crowded that was oblivious to our approach “Kevin give me your glasses, Mark that hat, and everyone get duck down quickly and make sure you hide your face” he ordered at the crowed was staring at the approaching car
I did as he said and copied Tiffany as she leaned forward so her chest was touching her thighs and her head was in between her knees. We sat like this for a long time as I felt the car slowing down and heard a lot of muffled yelling. I could see the flashes going off and I knew they were surrounding the car to get a picture. I started humming so I didn't hear them yelling anymore and I closed so I could see the flashes. The car came to a complete stop and I groaned and wanted to yell at river to go and to not stop, but only a moment later the car slowly lurched forward, then against then finally after the third lurch the car speed forward and I could tell we were finally free, as river slammed on the breaks and we all sat up. Realizing we were sitting in front of my house. Two guards where walking down the stairs the looked furious and I felt my throat constrict in panic.
Mark and Tiffany opened their door as soon as the car stopped and River did the same a moment later and I just sat there frozen in fear. Kevin hadn't gotten out either, as I looked at him he seemed almost freaked out. I finally noticed that his eyes were a deep brown color I had noticed before because he had his sunglasses on.
“Jane get out of the car” I heard river very close to me as I snapped my head to see river reaching into the car as I scooted away from him closer to Kevin, Kevin had the right idea
“no I'm not going in, get away from me” I said as river sighed frustrated as he kept trying to grab me
“Kevin grab her now, and get out” River said as I felt hands wrap around my wrist as I turned and stared at him in shock
“sorry Jane” he said as I struggled to get out of his grasp
“let go of me” I screamed as he pulled me out of the care and river grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towered the stairs
“I'm not in the mood to deal with your bratty attitude now Jane let's go, you're just making everything worries” he said as he dragged me along towered the stairs as the guards looked ferrous and I just dropped my head to hide
“I'm just going to wait out her” I heard Kevin shout and I turned to glare at him
“no, Dante wants all of you, including you Mr. Edison, he is waiting get going now!” one of the guards said and I jumped at how angry he was
We walked up the stairs as I could feel myself panicking and wanting to run as we made it to the front door. I figured it would be best just to run away up to my room once inside and lock the door. But river still had a hard grip around my wrist, I guess he was smart then I gave him credit for. As we walked inside I noticed there was a lot more guards around then normal as River yanked me toward the hall that led to my father's office and I finally felt vomit rising up as I knew this wasn't going to be good. The double doors flew open as I jumped in shock as River let go of my wrist and I debated making a run for it.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and glared at Kevin was shaking his head as if he knew what I was going to try. The sound of hard footsteps brought me back to reality as I turned to see Rivers dad storming toward us and I sighted at least it wasn't my dad, River dad was a pushover and always got my dad to do what I wanted. River stopped walking as his dad got within a few feet away from him as his dad continued to approach, until he was in front of him, His dad pulled his hand in front of him and backhanded River hard across his face, as I involuntarily screamed in shock. I couldn't believe Rivers dad hit him and how hard he had hit. The smacking noise echoed through the fall as everyone froze in shock. River didn't even respond he just stood there and took it, but then Gino Rivers dad started yelling
“what the hell is wrong with you, do you have any idea how embarrassed you have made your mother and I” he screamed at river and he just stood there taking it “you disappointed everyone and made me look like a fool for having such faith in you and make others believe that you were so great, and here not even a week has passed on the job and you just keep screwing up every day” he kept screaming and I was becoming infuriated that Gino was acting like this it was River fault he was only trying to fix all on my situation and everything I had done “your lucky I don't kill you for this little stunt you have pulled, but Dante wants to deal with you himself. Lets go before I change my mind and serve a punishment I think is deserving for your action”
I stood there shock as Gino stormed back toward my father's office and I just stood there shock of what I had just saw. Gino basically told river his son he wanted to kill him for what I had done, I couldn't movie I was angry and so upset about the fact River was getting blamed for this, and I was going to set Gino straight and make him apologize for saying such horrible things. As I stood frozen I felt a hand lightly squeezes my shoulder and I snapped at of my irritated state. Kevin looked disappointed, but nodded in the direction that everyone was walking in
“I know Jane, it sucks, but there nothing we can do about it” he said as I glared at him
“watch me” I said storming off catching up to River I wanted to grab onto him and say sorry
I was walking in ferrous as I could see my father looking angry as Gino stood next to him as I glared at him. He had no right to talk to river like that and should never speak to him because he is his son. River stopped walking and I followed his lead as my father stood up and I flinched at the glare he was giving us
“I don't even know where to begin, setting my banker's son car on fire, disobeying orders, fighting with press, the party not to mention the underage drinking and the drugs you all seem to be so admit to be telling the press about, not to mention countless law violations, the armed robbery, countless acts of vandalism, not to mention the company you were with an alleged drug dealer, a prostitute, and Mr. Edison here that has no affiliation to any family and has been put in danger because you all wanted to party” he screamed as I looked at my dad in shocked
“Dante, I'm going to take Tiffany and Mark home and deal with their punishment there” I heard Tition voice come from behind me and I jumped as I looked at Tiffany who looked scared and Mark just looked emotionless as my father waved them off and they quickly followed Tition Tiffany dad
“now somebody better explain right this second what the hell happened last night” he practically growled and I flinched, but as I was about to answer my dad River beat me to it
“I'm so sorry sir, I take responsibility for everything, I let everything get out of control when I should have handled it and never have disobeyed your orders. I take whatever punishment willingly and beg for more” River said as i stared at him gaping and started shaking my head
“that not true and you know it” I said in shock as river glared at me as finally say the red area on his hard face
“shut up Jane” he snapped at me and I finished back
“ Nobel your jester might be River, I'm not dumb I fully aware of everything that took place last night and I know for a fact Jane is the reason you were at the club and the reason she drugged everyone” my father said glaring at me as I shrank in fear “I've already dealt with the dealer and the prostitute and dean for the indirection but now I have to deal with your punishment so this will never happen again” he said as I glared at the ground
“I request to be the only one punished it was my fault the entire night happened everything that happened is a result of my bad dissension making, lease sir just give me everyone punishment” River said as I glared at him, as my father basically ignored his request
“Mr. Edison, I can't exactly punish you for your involvement in this mess, but you have no affiliation to anyone and are not loyal to me so let this be as a warning to you, mess up again and it will be your last thing you will ever do” he said in a cold voice as I glanced a Kevin who seemed almost freaked out "Jane, are the little ring-leader of this mess you are grounded, from all social event besides school and benefits, no electronics of any types, no money beside enough for lunch, you will sit in your room and only come out for meals, no friends over nothing” he shouted as he took a deep breath “your room has been cleaned out of all fun entering item's and you are left with home work or cleaning, get to your room now and I don't want to hear a peep out of you until no longer feel punishing you is necessary” he said as I glared at him
“what about River what's his punishment” I said as I was Gino smirking as I glared at him
“Jane! Room! Now!” my father screamed as I flinched, but I stood my ground
“what your punishment for Gino going to be then” I shouted back and he looked confused as Gino looked shocked
“Why would Gino get punished for what you all did?” my father asked in a snarky voices
“Jane just shut up and go to your room” River said next to me through clenched teeth
“because he hit River, you can see his hand print on his face, he deserves a punishment for that” I shouted back as my father looked shocked, than angry, but he covered his emotion quickly
“Jane Gino is River's father and can punish him any way that he feels necessary as long as it doesn't go against me” he said as I glared at him
“that's not fair he shouldn't be hitting him because River is his son” he glared back and my father looked frustrated
“River take Jane to her room now then come right back” me father said as I felt a hand wrap around my upper forearm and I was being pulled away
River looked furious as he dragged me out of the room I tried to pull free of his grasp, but he just tightened his grip. I really didn't understand what he was so angry about? I was only trying to help him, his dad should not have hit him no matter how angry he was. Plus based on Kevin reaction I don't believe that was the first time Gino has hit him and I was furious. Gino always seemed so happy and funny, but this was the first time I had ever seen the cruel side of him and I didn't like it one bit. As River pulled me up the stairs I gave up trying to break free and just went along until we reached my room as he shoved me into the room
“well that was rude” I said as he closed the door quickly and turned around and started stalking toward me, instantly I freaked and backed away quickly as possible
“you spoiled little bitchy stay out of other people business” he said glaring down trapping me against the wall
“I was only trying to help your dad should not have hit you” I shouted at him
“he can do whatever he wants Jane, you think that was bad, you have no idea the beat I'm going to get if your father doesn't kill me first” he shouted at me inches away from my face as I turned away from him and started to cry
He River pushed himself away from the wall and stocked out of the room slamming the door behind him. I slid down the wall feeling horrible my goal was to get River in trouble I just wanted to have some fun before I got grounded. Feeling of guilt and sadness as I realize river was going to be killed or beaten because of my action and I couldn't take it. My punishment was nothing compared to what River said he was going to get and it wasn't fair my father even said it himself they knew it was my doing so why is River getting a worse punishment? I finally pulled myself to my bed and laid down crying some more. I couldn't help it really once they started they just kept coming and I really hated myself for being such a baby. Eventually crying myself to sleep I guess the stress and guilt made me exhausted.
Once I woke up it was late afternoon as the sun was shining into my room near the horizon about to set. I had a pounding headache and the bright light of the sun was burning my eyes. I quickly got up and went to the window and closed the curtain. I realized my body was very sore and stiff and I was starving, I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten. I desired I need to change and clean myself up a bit before I saw anyone else, I felt gross and I'm sure I looked gross. Once in the bathroom I was horrified that I looked so bad make-up smeared everywhere hair looked like a rat's nest and I was dirty.
I started striping my clothes off, while I started the shower to warm up I couldn't remember the last time I had one. While taking my shirt off I saw the side on my reflection and I froze as I fully looked into the mirror. There are three bruises on my next all close to each other as I freaked and got closer to the mirror. I couldn't recall how I got them, but as I examined them I realized they were bite marks and I gasped. I started passing trying to remember how and who gave them to me, but I couldn't remember. I examined the rest of my body closely and I felt my lower self to see if there was any pain. Tiffany had told me she was in pain for about three days after her first time. I felt relief as I realized there was no pain and I was pretty sure I hadn't done anything I would seriously regret.
I finished striping as I got into the hot shower that burned my skin, but it was a good pain and it was relaxing. As I scrubbed myself trying to remember anything about last night, but I don't remember any guy or girl biting me. Maybe river might remember if some guy was with me, I'm sure he put a stop to it, unless it was his friend or even river, tho I doubt it was him he has said it before I wasn't his type. I got out and dried my hair and put pajamas on and slide some slippers on and yanked open the door and immediately came to a stop. There was a very large man standing in front of my door
“uhmm want to move it” I said irritated as the man finally turned around
“no can do miss Jane, my job is to make sure you do not leave your room unless it is for dinner or school or an emergency” he said in a monotone voice as I felt my fist turn into balls and I wanted to punch him in his face
“move I want to get something to eat, where is River?” I said getting irritated with the man
“I will call down for food what do you want?” he said as I glared at him
“I want you to move. River?” I shouted hoping he would hear me and come out of his room and get this guy to move
“miss Jane, you are grounded and to stay in your room, I will call for food what do you want” he asked again
“I want river now” I said as I slammed the door and went to get my phone, but remembered that I didn't have my phone no way of calling, but they couldn't take the speaker out of my room. “daddy!” I yelled into the speaker system that echoed through the house and I went and sat on my bed fuming as I waited for my father to show up.
After taking his sweet time, I finally got fed up and was about to scream over the overcome system when I heard a knock on the door. I went and yanked the door open and there stood my father smiling like he was amused by something as I glared at him.
“what can I do for you Jane” he said walking in as I shot the man outside a dirty glare
“I want that man gone, he said I can't go get food, and where is river I called for him, but he didn't come” I said as my father nodded as he sat on the bed
“well the man is going to stay, he is your guard for the time being, I will discuss with himabout being allowed to the kitchen that is reasonable, and River whereabouts are of none of your concerns” he said and a light air tone
“My new guard, River is my guard, his ‘whereabouts'” I said mocking his tone “are of my concerns, he is my guard not that man out there who need to be gone immediately” I said raising my voice
“Jane you need to learn that your action have consequences and it is unfortunate river had to suffer because I might have raised you into a self-centered person, but I'm going to fix that now” he said as I stared at him in shock
“what did you do to River, he didn't do anything wrong everything that happened was my fault” I screamed at him as he nodded
“I am well aware of this Jane, and you are being punished for your actions as is he” he said and I broke down crying
“get out! Get out! Get out!” I screamed as my father quickly got up and left the room without a word
The tears streamed down my face as I realized what my father had said and the realization that river had been replaced. I was never going to see him again and I was the reason he got whatever punishment he got because of me. My sadness turned into rage as I started passing in my room as I wanted to break free and I freaked at the relation that I was trapped in this room. I ran to the window and looked out to see it I could possible escape, but it was to high, but something else caught my eye. It was Gino and he and another man where walking out of the forest with shovels.
I backed away from the window and clasped as I started hyperventilating over what I had just discovered. River punishment was not a punishment at all, they killed him because I was a brat and wanted to have fun and now he was dead. I couldn't breathe my chest hurt as I realized he was dead because I drugged him and didn't listen and just let him take me home like he was order too. I felt vomit rise inside me as I gasping for air, but nothing was working. Trying to scream was worth less as I pulled myself over toward the door and I started becoming dizzy from not being able to breathe.
I don't know how long I was out, but the room was completely dark when I opened my eyes, my head hurt. I sat up and remembered everything River was dead, I was never going to see him again, I hated sometime, but there were times he was actually normal and okay to be around. But it didn't matter now he was dead because my father had him killed and made his own father burying him in the woods behind my house. They were sick disturbed men, I knew it I've heard about things they have done I just didn't want to believe it, he was my dad after all it. I turned on the light and stood there as I heard the sound of light laughter coming from the door and something in me snapped.
the fact they were laughing after just killing River who was innocent and hadn't done anything wrong. I ran to my bed and basically dove under looking for the shoe-box that was there for protection. I pulled the lightly dusted box out tossing the lid behind me as I pulled out the heavy gun. I had learned a long time ago how to use and shoot a gun, but I never really carried it nor never really wanted to have it. I shoved the clip in as I grabbed the second spare clip encase I need it.
I yanked open the door and there stood my new guard as I felt pure hearted rise in my as I lifted the gun and shot in in the shoulder. The noise echoed through the house and left a ringing in my ears. The man didn't fall, but instead only grabbed his shoulder as he cursed. I pointed the gun at him a second time and shot him in the knee as he was fumbling to reach for his gun. The second shoot, filled me with such an adrenaline rush I actually smiled as he clasped to the ground reeling in pain. I left the room as I heard shout everywhere and I quickly ran down the stairs and almost got to the door when I heard my father shouting.
“Jane you should have stayed in your room” he said running down the hall as other where shouting for him. Gino was right behind him as they stopped running a few feet away from as there was a large group of men following.
“what going on? Someone answer me quickly? Anyone got eyes on the shouted where it coming from?” Gino said as he looked around watch for the shooter, but he didn't realize that I was the shooter and didn't notice the gun in my hand or the fact I could just shoot him now and he would be gone
“Sir!” I heard a man shouting from above as I brought out of my fantasy of killing Gino for what he did
“What” both my father and Gino said as I looked up and he was staring directly at me and I knew he knew and was about to rat on me
Doing the only thing I could I raised the gun in my hand and shoot at him, I don't like rats and he was going to rat on me. Everyone standing around me jumped and turned as they now aimed their guns at me, well everyone except my father and Gino
“what the hell Jane?” my father shouted at me as I aimed the gun at him and he stepped back
“what did you do to River dad” I said as I felt tears peaking at the edge of my eyes, and he didn't respond “ that what I thought” I said as they just stared at me in confusion
I flung the door open behind me and slowly backed away and pulled it shut once I was through the door I quickly turned and ran down the staircase and toward the cars, but I stopped as I realized I didn't have any of the keys and I didn't have a clue on how to hot-wire so I took off running down the road which wasn't the smart thing I had done. I only has on thin pair of slippers and they were not easy to run in at all. Once I came to the gate the guard came out and looked at me confused as I pointed my gun at him and he immediately raised his hands in surrender and I pointed to the gate and he backed up slowly and opened it.
I took off running the second I was able to slip through the gate, my legs where hurting and breathing was starting to hurt, but I set off running I just had to. I could stay near them after what they had done to River and I wasn't going to stand idly by anymore. So I ran and ran tell some dude in a car almost hit me. Was cursing at me as and I knew I was never going to be make it running, so I shot his front window out and that shut the guy up pretty much. I quickly got to the passenger side and opened the door.
“Drive, now, quickly” I said as the man was in shock and I rolled my eye “dammit Drive!” I screamed as he finally did and I held the gun to him as I directed him where to go.
There was only one person that I knew could talk to that wouldn't judge me as I kept on thinking about river. It wasn't fair and I hated the fact that his blood was on my hands and I just couldn't take it all. Finally, once we started to get closer to my destination I made the man stop about a block away. I apologized to him, and got out of the car and ran as fast as I could down the block, I got to the familiar gate as I stopped exhausted and started pressing the call book over and over, until finally the gate slowly started too open. I took off running again up the driveway as I went straight to the door and started banging on it.
“goodness Jane, I heard there was a shooting, I'm glad you got here safely” Tition said as I was breathing hard “I'm going to call your dad and let him know you're here and safe” he said as I panicked
“no” I said panicking and point my gun at him
“Jane, put the gun down sweetheart” he said as he slowly backed away
“no, don't you dare call my father he is not to know where I am is that clear” I said visibly shaking and exhausted as I realized a few guards hand there guns trained on me and tried steadying my shaking
“relax everyone put the guns down and we can just talk in a calm manner” he said as I shook my head
“I don't want to talk to you I want to talk to Tiffany and Tiffany alone” I said as I made my way toward the sated that were at the opposite end of the hallway
“okay that fine just relax no need to be threatening and just go talk to Tiffany” he said as I took of running up the stairs as I noticed nobody was following me. Once reaching her room and started slamming on the door praying she answered and wasn't asleep.
“house is on lockdown, who is it and what do you want” I heard Mark say on the other side of the door as I smiled and realized he was still alive
“Mark its Jane, please let me in I'm alone” I said as the door flung open and was dragged inside and as the door slammed shut moments later as I faced Tiffany who was looking concerned sitting on the edge of her bed as I turned around point my gun at Marks head. “out now” I said as he glared at me then glanced at Tiffany
“Jane give me the gun” he said as he slowly reached for my gun and I raised the gun over my head and shoot a round off and plaster dust fell on us a second later
“I said get out, I don't want to shoot you, but I will” I said as he put his hands up in surrender and nodded
“why do I need to be out of the room Jane” he asked and I sighed and told him the truth
“I just need to be alone with my friend okay” as tears started welling up in my eyes and he looked like he pitied me and slowly opened the door and left, locking it quickly after it closed and dropped the gun on the ground exhausted
“Jane what the hell?” I could hear Tiffany shouting behind me as I felt tears fall down my cheek as I turned to face my friend
“Tiffany, Rivers dead they killed him because of what I did” I said as she was standing a few feet away from me
She walked closer as I burst into tears and she wrapped her arms around me and I just cried my eyes out.
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