Chapter 25
I was rudely shoved into a large room with blank white walls, benches everywhere and girls staring at me with dirty looks. I saw the corner closest to the exit was free as quickly walked over to it and sat pulling my knees to my chest. I snickered to myself as I thought about the last hour and what I had done. It was unbelievable exhilarating and I felt like I could run across the state and not be tired yet. I had spoken to my daddy lawyer, I'm in trouble is the gist of what he said, mostly that I'm going to be grounded for life, David's dad dropped the charges against me as a peace-offering he said. It was far from over with that little bip-shit, but I will leave it alone for a few days.
"hey give me those shoes" I heard someone say close to me, I looked up from my little daydream of looking at the ground.
There was a girl standing in front of me with her hands-on her hips glaring down at me, as I stared at her in amused that she heard the nerve to speak to me in that way. She was older than me, it was hard to tell with the amount of make up she was caked on an inch thick. Her hair was in a high pony tail, had on a really small sparkly top, and a skirt that really wasn't long enough for her cause if she moved wrong I'm pretty sure I would see her womanly parts. She had a ton of fake jewelry on that was overly tacky, and giant fake nails that make her look like she was trying to be Freddy Kruger or something.
"Bitch you're dead, give me your shoes?" she said again as I just looked at her baffled at how she was acting towards me and how she was going to get a rude awakening once I tell my father about her. She took a step forward and reached for my shoes, instantly I kicked at her hands, as I panicked at the thought of her touching my beautiful sequined pair of Christian Louboutin. "Bitch I'm going to cut you up, give me them shoes" she yelled as I continued to kick at her hands coming closer
"Back off!" I heard another voice come from the right side of me, I couldn't look as I was too frightened at the scary women in front of my trying to steal my shoes, "I said back off or I'll rip your cheap ass weave out of your hair this instant" the voice said loaders as another girl grabbed on to the women's pony-tail and flung her back
"bitch back off, this ain't got nothing to do with you ho" she snapped back walking tell she was up in her face
"first it does, come near this girl again and you won't live to work another day on your ghetto ass corner bitch" the shorter of the two girls said blocking the attempted shoe theft from me
"Bitch what your problem why you care about some rich bitch shoes?" shoe thief said trying to act friendly suddenly
"Because I do, and if you had half the knowledge I did about this rich girl you would back the fuck up this instant" my savior said as I looked at her in curiosity
"One day you'll wish you didn't cross me" she said flipping her hair and walking back toward a group of girls.
the shorter girl turned and looked at me and I became fearful that she had only saved me from the other so she could take my shoes for her self. But she didn't, she just stepped assigned and sat down next to me watching the other girls. I was unsure why she had helped me, what she meant when she said she had knowledge about me. I couldn't come out and tell her who my father was because you never know who was your enemy or ally.
"so what did the little princess do to end up in a holding cell with us commoners" she said as I glared at her
"don't call me a princess, I have a name and I can assure you it is not princess" I snapped back at her irritated i hated it when people called my princess
"I know your name Jane, and who your daddy is, and who your daddy happened to be is the only reason I helped you out, so don't get an attitude with me because I can always let the girl come back over" I started at her in shock and gaging if her threat was real or not. I also watched her because if she knew who my father was and she worked for someone who didn't like him this could be really bad
"I don't know what my father has to do with this, I think you got me confused with someone else" I said trying to deter the conversation from my dad, as she laughed and turned showing me the tattoo of my father's brand on her left arm, as I felt instantly relieved
"I know exactly who you are, your daddy, your mother, and your uncle, you could say I'm a close friend of the family" she said smiling mischievously
"what do you mean I've never seen or meet you before" I said confused by her statement
"no you wouldn't, but my line of business I do is not something your family would tell you about"
"what business do you do?" I asked confused, as she laughed
"you uncle makes arrangements, for me to keep lonely men company" she said as she winked and I felt as if my eyes were going to pop out of my head
"you're a prostitute and my uncle is like what your pimp" I seriously whispered, as she laughed more
"why do you seem so surprise haven't you ever wondered where your daddy gets all the money he spends on you from" she said looking around the room
"I know what my dad does, I just didn't know he or dean worked with prostitutes" I said a little irritated
"no you wouldn't, it's not a pretty like Jane, you live the life of a princess and those at the bottom can only dream of the life you have" she said which seemed said
"if you don't want to do it any more why don't you ask to be reassigned, I can put in a suggestion my daddy will listen to me" I said as she tried to laugh
"no I like my job, I love sex it addicting, you find out one day" she said as I realised I never learned her name
"hey what's your name, you know so much about me, but I don't even know your name" I said as she stuck her hand out
"I'm Mercades" she said as I shook her hand "so what did you do to get yourself locked up?" Mercedes asked as I giggled a little
"We set Davids Canton car on fire, he is my dads bankers son" I said smirking as I remembered the thrill it had given me
"We? as in you and your little girlfriends came up with this all on your own" she said laughing a little
"no, my friends weren't there, it was just River and me, River is my dad friends Gino and Brit son, he kind of my bodyguard" I said as she nodded her head
"Gino boy, I bet he is pretty hot, yummy, make my mouth water" she said as I got angry at her words
"I guess he okay, but he is normally a royal jackass and I hate him 99% of the time" I said glaring at the door as another girl was shoved into the room
"probably just need some good lover, he has been at an all boys school for years no women to feed his needs" she said as I rolled my eyes
"doubt it, he is a nasty little man whore, who scores every slut bag at every turn" I said ferrous as she started laughing, as I turned and glared at her
"yeah and have you offered him any of your sweet little ass?" Mercedes said as I just gawked at her in shock
"no!" I screamed in horror "would never he is rude, arrogant, an ass, controlling, plan mean"
"you forgot incredibly hot, and sexy and makes you so wet you can't even think straight" she said as I started at her furious and mad at her words "trust me sweetheart, you get angry that he gives so much attention to other girls, open your legs for him and he will fall you like a lost puppy"
"no, I don't think so, besides that would never ever happen, I'm not even his type, he said I look too much like a boy for his taste" I said irritated at her statement irritated at River for saying I looked like a boy
"yeah he can say that all he wants sweetheart you and I both know you look nothing like a boy" she said as the door opened up and I was about to ask what that meant, but I saw my lawyer walk in
"Jane time to go" he said as I stood up and started walking toward him, but stopped
"Wait can my friend come to" I asked looking back she looked at me funny
"Jane, it is not my job to fix everyone problems I don't even know what her charges are?" he said as I glared at him and turned back to Mercedes
"why are you here?" I asked as she smiled and stood up walking closer
"soliciting, I'll be out in a couple of hours it not necessary Jane, go on home to your daddy" she said as she turned to her side so her tattoo was facing my lawyer, which he was looking at as well
"will pay her bail as well" he said to a cop standing next to him as he shrugged "okay let's go girls" he said as I followed her out, but noticed the girl who tried stealing my shoes glaring at both of us as I waved and walked out following everyone down the fall
To the front door where we signed a bunch of papers "now Jane your father wants you home immediately he is very angry about this little stunt both you and river should have known better, and will be getting punished, I pretty much expect river will be getting reassigned and you will be getting a new bodyguard" he said as he went back to his paperwork at the window
Mercedes pulled on my arm and motioned to the door, but all I could think about is the thought of river getting reassigned. I was happy because that's what I had wanted for the last five days, but know that it was actually happening I was feeling upset and didn't really want him to go. We walked out of the building toward the stairs that led to the parking lot. I walked down the steps in a daze think what all that really meant when I saw River, walking toward us quickly, he looked a little angry, and glared at Mercedes
"River! Dante wants you to home immediately. Is that clear?" the lawyer said as he head off in the direction of the parking lot and River watched him
"oh my gosh Jane I'm so jealous I wasn't there to see David's face," Tiffany screamed almost startling me as I looked up to see her excited face standing in front of me and I smiled finally seeing a friendly face
"it was so much fun, I wish you could have been there it was almost as fun as that time we accidentally burnt your kitchen down trying to cook" I said as we both burst into laughter as Tiffany eye shifted slightly to Mercedes standing slightly behind me "Oh Tiff, this is Mercedes, she super nice" I said as both girls smiled at each other, as I saw in the corner of my eye River shift which got my attention quickly
"Jane we got to go, your father wants us home as soon as possible" River said in a hard tone of voice
"fine, but I promised Mercedes a ride to my uncles club" I said as he rolled his eyes and glared at mark who was surging
"it is on the way, and I doubt Dante will notice or care if you're a couple of minutes late getting home from the police station" Mark said as river nodded, as he turned and head toward Marks car.
We walked quietly towards Mark's car while river looked back every few feet, as I rolled my eyes, like really I wasn't going to run anywhere especially not in these heels. I walked as I listened to Tiffany talk to Mercedes about something, I wasn't sure of because my mind just kept think of ways to stall from going home. I knew the second we got their river would be reassigned maybe even taken to the backyard as a punishment. I felt nauseous as all the thought ran through my mind, but I didn't understand why I kept thinking about it. I had wanted him gone for the last few days and here I am about to get what I wanted, but yet I wanted him to stay, he was handy sometimes. I heard a scream and was pulled out of my thoughts quickly as I looked up to see River holding Mercedes hair yanking it high above her head
"River! What the hell are you doing?" I screamed at him as he glared at me angrily as mark came jogging from the other side of the car, but stopped
"Jane did you know your new little friend here is a prostitute that is owned by one of your fathers men" He said pulling on Mercedes hair and turning her toward me so I could see a tattoo on the back of her neck, that I didn't recognize, I was just fuming he was threatening anybody like this
"River let her go now, I don't give a shit what she does, I owe her and she wants a ride and she is getting a ride" I yelled back at him want to strangle him to death
"How the hell could you owe a prostitute any type of favor" he said suspiciously glaring at Mercedes as she pushed him so he would let go of her
"for your information Mr. Bad-ass, while Jane was in the general population holding tank with other girls, let us say in business terms, my competitors wanted your precious Jane here lovely expensive shoes" she said as River glared at me and I rolled my eye, I could just hear him now yelling about not wearing the shoes, "I being the super wonderful person decided it might do me some good to help out Dante's daughter and look here she got me out of jail and a ride back to work" she said with a smirk
"whatever let's go then, and I don't want to see you snooping around for anymore favors after tonight we clear" River said in a threatening tone as she raised her hand in surrender
"you won't see me again, I can assure you lover boy" Mercedes said as River gave her a disgusted look and he yanked open the car door and got in.
We drove for a while the car in silent tell I felt my phone vibrate, I had forgotten to even check it once the officers had given it back to me. I opened and seen I had a ton of miss calls and text, but the most recent one was from Tiffany. she was sitting on the other side of Mercedes, I ignored the other not really feeling like I want to be very social.
Tiff: "hey what's wrong?" I rolled my eyes not really want to talk
Me: "nothing, I just don't want to go home, not yet at least" I sent back as I saw her open her phone and look at it, as Mercedes grabbed her phone, and started texting away on it
Tiff: "when we get to your uncle's club everyone just get out and book-it inside they won't know what we're up to and will be inside before they realised we left" Mercedes had set me and I smiled I could use a good drink before I had to face my father, who is pissed and going to most likely kill river
Me: "okay, but I'm for warning you River going to blow up and yell" I said smiling because he was he always did
The rest of the way to the club I was still awkwardly silent and really uncomfortable. It honestly felt like we were going to attend a funeral. I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to make it into dean club before river figure it out and caught me dragging me back to the car. But I just didn't want to go home yet, and if river knew what was good for him he wouldn't either. As we pulled onto the street that was familiar the nerves burst into overdrive and I feared I wouldn't be able to move. I knew river was going to be mad he was going to yell, but it was better than going home.
We pulled into a parking spot and I opened the door quickly and felt a hand pushing me forward as I got. I turned to see my door slamming and Tiffany barely just getting out of her side of they are and I hand wrapped around my wrist and started pulling me toward the club door where there was a large crowd which seemed odd for a weeknight, but it didn't really bother me the more people the more fun it was. We made our way toward the crowded as I heard Tiffany close behind me running.
"yeah I would move it a little quicker girls, River looked like he was about to flip his gasket before I left" the second she said that I immediately booked it toward the door as fast as I could run in heels.
I came up to the crowd that was surrounding the door and started pushing our way through, which was proving to be more difficult because they were so tightly packed. I finally got angry and a man standing in front of me block the only short route to the door for me and Mercedes.
"Hey!" I screamed loudly irritated by the heat and smell all these guy were productions "will you move some people would like to go inside" I yelled at the guy turned toward where Mercedes was standings I guess he figured she had said it
"go play somewhere kid, we wherein here" he said waving her off as I shoved him as he turned around a little surprised as other people kind of moved out-of-the-way
"first this is my uncle's club and dame will positive you don't work here and now you're pissing me off and stopping me from going into a club, now would you like to move or explain to my uncle why you're saying you work here and let him teach you a lesson" I said as he smirked
"where only here for you, sweetheart" was all he said
Then as if a switch went off lights were flashing everywhere, people were screaming from every direction. I felt Mercedes grip on my wrist tightened as I tried covering my eyes from the flashing lights that never seemed to end. It was like a bright white lights glaring at me from all directions. They all screamed and yelled at the same time I couldn't understand a thing they were saying. I was frozen as I felt Mercedes grip on my wrist tight, as a large hard gripped my only free hand and I was yanked forward. I couldn't see anything, but at lest someone was helping me get out of this massive abuse of paparazzi. Once out of the crowd I felt relieved and shocked at what had just happened, I'm used to taking picture, but that was overly ridiculous.
"what the hell were you thinking Jane?" River started shouting as I instantly dropped my gaze to the ground, feeling like a small child getting in trouble for the first time
"relax dude, we're just trying to have a little fun" I heard Mercedes shout back at him
"Was I talking to you? Why don't you go about your business here" he sneered at her as I clenched my fist at his words "Jane we have to go, I'm sure every one of those picture is being plastered all over the news and your father is probably ferrous now and coming here himself to rip our heads off" River yelled at me
"River calm down" Mark said
"Calm down, easy for you to say you're not the one who just pissed off Dante, I'll calm down once I get this idiot child back to your car and home" he yelled at mark
"Go to hell River" I screamed at him storming past him
I practically ran down the hall, wanting to get as far away from him as possible. I couldn't believe I was actually feeling bad and didn't want him to be reassigned or killed, but then reality came back into focus. As the true River showed his wonderfully rude, ignorant, asshole self. I hated him and maybe it was just the excitement or the fumes from the burning car that messed up and altered my thought. I stormed straight to the bar and looked around for my uncle. I couldn't see River and I wanted a drink and wanted one now.
"relax Jane, River is just stressed and probability freaking out that your dad's going to kill him" Tiffany said as she stood next to me
"I don't care, I hope my father chops him to itty bitty pieces and feed them to the pigs" I said as she laughed
"I didn't know you owned pigs" I glared at her as she laughed
"I don't and it's not the point, you also don't seem to get that when everyone not around that how he acts all the time, I hate him he is the worries person my father could have chosen to be my bodyguard" I snapped at her and she didn't respond as River showed up again next to me
"Jane let's go, your father going to kill us" he said snapping as I glared at him
"like hell am I going anywhere with you, if you want to leave so bad you know where the exit is" I said turning my entire body away from him
"Let the girls have a drink or two, then we will leave, sound reasonable to everyone" Mark said stepping in, as Tiffany nodded and glared at me as I agreed and River rolled his eye sitting down next to me
"fine let's drink our two drink and go" River said irritated, as I watched Dean come walking down the bar head straight toward us
"why look what the cat dragged in" Dean said stopping directly in front of us "do I even want to know why you set Cantons son car on fire?" Dean asked looking down at me as I just pursed my lips irritated not really wanting to tell the truth
"nope" I said, after thinking it over as he raised an eyebrow at River who just shrugged
"whatever I hate that little punk anyway coming in here acting like he owns the place only my little Jane can do that" he said pinching my cheek as I tried slapped his hand away "I'm guessing y'all want drinks?" he said pulling up bottles from below the counters "only a couple, Dante pretty mad at you two and I want you all gone be the time 2am comes around" he said eyeballing us
"will be gone soon uncle Dean, daddy said to be home by midnight and it's only eleven" I said taking a drink and heading toward the dances floor
"Jane wait" I heard Tiffany shout at me as I stopped near a few empty table as I saw Tiffany walking toward me.
"what?" I said irritated I kind of just felt like being on my own
"don't get bitchy with me, I'm just trying to help you two get along, what why is that such a bad thing?" she asked as I saw mark get up from the bar and look around for us
"why do you think we need to get along, he will be gone in a few months once I'm married off" I questioned as she looked at me disappointed "look I'm glad you and Mark are friends, but River and I are never going to get along where like water and vinegar we can be put together, but we won't mix" I said as mark looked at me suspicious
"River a really good guy Jane, he just under a lot of pressures from your dad and his parents, away from that situation you two would be friends" Mark butted in as I rolled my eyes
"well that so nice" I said sarcastically as Tiffany cracked a smile
"Jane, just try giving him a break I get you don't like this, but I can guarantee if you just try to being his friend it would be a lot better in the end" Mark said as I saw River get up from the bar and look around, as I rolled my eyes
"I don't need anymore friends we clear on this, and I would appreciate it is you two stopped being so annoying and butting in and trying to make us be friends" I said glaring at them as river walked up.
the small group became extremely quiet as river looked at us suspiciously I diced I was tired of standing here. I turned and walked over to the closet tale to sit down, as everyone followed me and sat down as I glared at them. I hated be followed around why couldn't they have gone back to the bar and just leave me alone. But we sat there in silence for a long time which made it easier to ignore them for the most part. I was looking around the dance floor as I was curious where Mercedes had run off. I watched people dance and felt it would be nice to dance for a while, but I was sure river would find a way to ruin it by scaring off any guy that even tried to dance with me.
I watched for a long time fuming still until I spotted Mercedes talking with a guy and I smiled at lest she was somewhat of fun. I watched her for a while as she spoke with the guy closely and they kept whispering for a long time until he nodded. As he nodded Mercedes became excited and jumped up and started looking around the club and as her eyes fell on me she grinned and evil little smirk that confused me. She waived for me to come over to her and I felt hesitation, but she also pointed toward Tiffany which made me feel better.
"I'm going to go dance a little" I said as I looked toward Tiffany and motioned for her to follow me
I walked toward where I had seen Mercedes at moment ago still standing next her with his arm around her. He was young probably around Mercedes age, but he looked very strange and gave me a very creepy vibe that made me very uncomfortable to be around. Plus they way he looked at me and Tiffany made me want to run back to river and get him to stop it because I felt almost nausea as he liked his lips.
"girls, I have a surprise for you" she said smiling her head off
"what I said very interested as she seemed very happy about whatever it was
"a present for you" she said as she stretched her hand out and grabbed my hand, I felt something in her hand as she pressed into my hand and I squeezed on to it holding it as she pulled her hand away, as I looked down at a small plastic bag "give one of those to each guy, and two to can split one in half, can't have you two freak out and getting into trouble" she said as she laughed as well as the creepy guy
"what is this?" I said kind of confused because I wasn't very knowledgeable about drugs
"her name is molly baby, she is nice and sweet and will help you relax and have some fun" the creepy dude said as I looked down at the bag in my hands
"you want us to drug our body guards?" Tiffany said next to me in a shocked voice
"don't look at it like drugging, just think of it as having some fun, you girls could use some fun with being yelled out for wanting to live your life" Mercedes said as I smiled in agreement
"your right, I'm so sick of river controlling me all the time I'm doing it" I said to Tiffany as she looked at me still in shocked
"Jane this is a bad idea, how did you feel after learning David drugged you, know amplify that times a 1000 for when he finds out, your dad, and his dad are all going to lose it on you" she said which she was right, but I was already in trouble and going to be on lockdown for a year probably with no fun this is my last chances
"sorry Tiffany, but I'm still doing it, you don't have to, but I think it might be best you get Mark to take home" I said as Mercedes smiled big
"no I'm in too I guess, she said still not looking very happy" Tiffany said as i smiled and jumped up excitedly and screamed
"thank you so much" is said throwing my arms around Mercedes and practically ran to the staircase, but as I go to the top I looked over at the table river and mark where sitting. River was glaring at me of course I mean when is the boy ever not glaring at me for something.
"I'm going to get another drink, you guess want another?" I said sound freaked out that he knew I was up to something and I just wanted to run away
"thanks Jane, just bring us another round" Mark responded as I quickly ran off toward the bar
"I don't like this Jane, river going to murder you when he finds out" she said looking very worried as we stood next to the bar
"relax, he won't even know what happened, will all just have some fun" I said as she shook her head
"just don't come crying to me after this comes crashing down around you" she said as the bartender handed us drinks
I waited for him to walk away then opened the bag up and dropped two of the capsules into two of the drink. Then, took the last one and twisted the two halves apart as with a bit of the powder falling on the counter. I handed one half to Tiffany as I dumped my into my drink, as she did the same. She grabbed hers and another bottle and turned walking over to toward the table river and Mark were sitting. I took a sip of my beer, I could taste a slight difference, but nothing too noticeable as I smile and excited what the night was about to offer
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