Chapter 21
I know im sorry its been a while just vacation and life got my so busy.
I looked up confused to after being rudely might I say, shoved and almost falling. Mark was the person who caught me as I glanced up to see him looking intently in a different directly. I followed his gaze to where I could see River standing a few feet away from me with his back. He stood over David as he was lying on the ground on his back holding his face. I was a little confused, but I guess David was the one threatening to kill someone, I'm also guessing me or river based on rivers actions. He bent down closer to the David who was moaning on the ground like a baby
"you're one lucky boy David, twice you have been saved by the fact dumb people can't mind their own business" he said standing up and looking around "let this be a warning for you all, mess with me my friends or those girls you won't make it to the next day, know scatter your irritating me" River said in an ominous voice that I have to admit was kind of hot. I wanted to slap myself for thinking it, but I noticed everyone quickly leaving except for the girls that were standing there looking awkward as the hallway cleared out.
David was still whining on the floor and I kind of felt a little bad for him, but I was kind of also satisfied by the sight of him in pain on the ground crying like a baby. I looked up from David's agony when I heard the sound of heels echoing. I could see walking toward us looking unhappy was our social studies teacher. I wasn't her biggest fan she took my phone away for an entire day freshman year, so she has been on my dislike list for a while.
"What's going on here?" Mrs. Prissy pants said sounding angry stopping a few feet away from David
"He punched me in the face, I want him expelled" David said still holding covering his nose as he got up off the ground.
"Is that true?" I didn't respond just looked away as she glanced around all of us standing there avoiding looking at her "Oh I see how it is, you all just happen to be standing here, but nobody was saw" she said in a condescending voice as I rolled my eyes "young man what is your name?" she said as she turned her glare to river who was standing there like he was bored
"River Auditore, ma'am" he said
"Mr. Auditore, where did you go before you came here" Mrs. Prissy pants said and I looked up to see her not looking so angry
"A private school for boys on the other side of town, not many people know about it" he said looking around like he was uneasy
"yes I'm fully aware of the schools code my husband the head master Mr. Rinchio, he talked about you were one of his prize students there, spoke so highly about your..." she paused for a moment "grades, so smart I hear it feels like an honor to have you as my student" she said as she glanced around noticing the other boys "I'm going to make a wild guess and assume you are the other boy I've heard of?"
"It is a pleasure to meet you ma'am, but we must really get the girls to class" river said smiling at her and she looked a little star struck for a few moments, and it looked like we were about to get away with it as river backed away from toward where I stood
"Mrs. Rinchio, he broke school rules he should be kicked out for what he did don't make me call my father and sue the school for leaving this barbarian in the school who is a threat to my safety and well-being" he yelled as I rolled my eyes what a spoiled brat he is.
"Mr. Canton, grow up, River is new to this school and doesn't know the rules everyone even yourself has had one or two passes when they step out of line, we could always go to the principal's office and discusses what it is that you did to cause him to attack you, would you like that option" she said standing there with her hands on her hips
I started walking away irritated with everything that was going on, and I just felt the need to get away from all of them. I was very tired and feeling really sick, and learning my least favorite teacher is basically rivers biggest fan. I know I have a peace agreement, but that agreement does not say I have to like him, he still basically drove me crazy and made me angry every second he was around. Plus it ticked me off how everyone seems to basically fall to the ground and kiss his feet like he was a god or something. I mean I'm Dante only child and people don't even treat me that good, it's ridiculous. I was about to turn the corner to walk down the hall where my class was, when I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.
I looked up glaring irritated that someone had the nerve to touch me especially in the mood I was in. River was standing there walking with a smirk on his face, I tried pushing his arm off, but I failed he just pulled me tighter to him. He leaned in closer to me as I glared at him hoping I would develop superpowers to smite him with laser beams that come out of my eyes. Sadly that was never going to happen.
"princess, you got us into this mess announcing to everyone that we have had sex, now either play along or nobodies will believe you're little lie" he said as he kissed the top of my head on my hair, but I still felt my entire body heat up and felt really embarrassed at his actions, my heart was racing and all I could think about was how close his lips where to my ear, and the sensation on his warm breath against my ear "Also, if you're little lie, finds its way to your daddy's ears, I'm throwing you under the bus to save my skin" he said and all the heat and nervous jitters that were swirling around in my body were gone just like a switch being turned off.
"Don't worry, he never found out about the other dick in this school, everyone in this school would not be rat because they would never live after I found out" I said shrugging out of his grasp and walking into the classroom.
I went in and sat in my normal seat and River sat in the empty seat next to me where David normally sat. I just hoped that the stupid teacher that clearly knows who River is won't make him move and forces David to sit next to me. A few seconds later Tiffany and Mark walked in and sat next to each other on the other side of me. Tiffany was looking at me like she wanted to say something, but the stupid River loving teacher walked in and started babbling about something that was over little interest to me. I just sat there not really listening to what the teacher was saying, I just glared at the desk top I didn't want to look around because I knew people would be staring and I also didn't want to see where David was sitting either so other stupid student that saw couldn't make up rumors I was staring at him all class.
I just sat there doodling spirals on the edge of the paper that was sitting in front of me until I heard the bell rang and everyone was getting up to leave class as I grabbed my stuff and a felt a hand wrap around my arm I looked shocked to see Tiffany practically dragging me out of the classroom. I few people looked at us weird, as she passed them quickly moving toward the girls restroom. Tiffany slammed the door open and a few of the girls that were in there jumped and looked almost frightened by the forces of the door slamming open.
"Out! all of you now" Tiffany said in a voice that made them all jump and scatter out of the room as quickly as possible. "you have a lot of explaining Missy" she said turning and looking at me with her hands on her hip tapping her foot, and it made me laugh because it was funny. "don't laugh at me, I want an explanation for what happened this morning" she said and I looked at her confused
"well a lot has happened could you be a little more specific on what it is you want explained" I said not sure what she was getting at
"Oh don't play dumb with me Jane, you announced to the entire school you're having sex with River and you didn't even bother to tell me about it first" she said as the door to the bathroom opened and Nikita and Gina walked in, and I laughed at her reaction to this
"Really Tiffany, this is what got you all twisted, come one that entire episode this morning had so many lies you should have picked up on the fact that sleeping with River was one of the biggest lies" I said looking at her like she was crazy
"see I told you, pay up" I heard Nikita say and Gina mumbling something
"how was I to know, you were basically about to..."
"Tiffany!" Nikita said as she glared at Tiffany cutting off what Tiffany was about to say.
"I was about to what Tiffany" she glanced over my shoulder then back at me very nervously
"well it was just you were really drugged up last night and you were acting very friendly to everyone and anyone, and well I just wasn't sure if something happened after I left your house" what she said felt really weird, but I didn't feel up to it I was starting to feel nauseous again and I really just wanted to go to history class and sleep through the class like the teacher does most of the time after he assigned us a chapter to read.
"what every Tiffany, I'm tired and going to my next class, I'm really tired and don't feel like arguing with any of you." I said as I looked around noticing Courtney was not in the bathroom with us "where is Courtney?" I said looking back at the girls, my next class was with Courtney and I didn't want to have to go there alone with river and have the chances to deal with David without her
"She right outside talking to Vincent" Gina said as she went into one of the stalls as I turned and walked out of the room. The guys were all standing outside chatting with Courtney and when she saw me smiled and I motioned for her to follow me because I really didn't want to be standing here
Once we finally got to class it was already pretty full, and I was lucky that David wasn't in the room yet so I could just sit down and fall asleep. I could hear the entire class whispering and talking I just could not deal with listen or having to hear what they are saying about me. I just sat in the back laid my head down on the desk and drifted into much needed sleep.
I felt a hand softly shake me and I automatically sat up in my sleep remembering where I was. I looked around quickly realizing that the room was empty and River was still sitting next to me, looking bored. I quickly got up started walking toward the door to leave and get some lunch I was starving because I didn't eat anything this morning. The hour-long cat nap made me feel better I still had a pounding headache, but the sick and tired feel had passed. I walked quickly to my next class with was the last class before lunch and it wasn't as bag at the other it was lecturer and for the last two-day we had watched a movie about a book we were supposed to read, which I didn't.
As I got to class I noticed I was almost the last to arrive, some students were running down the hall trying to get to their next class before they would not be late. My class was pretty full and only a few seat where empty mine next to Tiffany I could see David's seat that sat next to mine was empty. I took chances to glance around the small room that was chattering waiting for the teacher and noticed David was not even in the classroom, which made me feel better and I was able to relax more, when I noticed that most of his friends were also no there as well. I was actually really relieved by this realization I'm glad they skipped school. I just wished I would of noticed earlier in the day so I wouldn't have been so worried about where he is and what he is doing and how to avoid him.
I sat and actually watched the movie, it was a good one and wasn't too horrible boring, but I kept looking around the room and noticing the empty seats. It was actually irritating me that they were not here, and I wanted to know where they were and what they were up to. I became irritated at the thought of David having fun while I was stuck here in class. I was so ferrous by the time the bell rang signaling the start of lunch I was not hungry like I had been before, I just felt like murdering all of them for what they did to me.
"What wrong with you?" I heard someone ask as I turned and glared at Tiffany who was giving me a weird looks and another where that near turned and looked trying to get more gossip to pass on
"will talk outside, not in here" I said getting up with the rest of the class and storming of the room down the hall I went straight to the cafeteria where Gina and Courtney where waiting, I never really saw Nikita during school she was in some gifted super smarty classes that had their own schedule and did everything at different times.
"What got you all angry" Gina said to me as she was watching some guy pass by us and go in line for their food.
"Nothing" I said getting more irritated
I walked away from them faster because I was really going to blow up at the next person to ask me what wrong. Like I know my friends are not always the bright cookie in the pot and I'm there with them a lot on intelligent decisions. But they were irritating me at the fact they had to ask what is wrong, like really being drugged and almost rapped isn't something to be mad about really girls. I walked around the like that was growing at the beginning of assortment of food. My friends nor I ever waited in line we just walked around the line to not wait grabbed what we wanted and walked over to the cashier got in front of whoever was next and left. I was always how we did things, nobody ever said anything to use, there is the random remake, but we are never going to stop.
I grabbed my first large chef salad is my favorite thing to eat, always fresh lettuce, lots of shredded Swiss cheese, large pieces of juices chicken and ham, a few cherry tomatoes and a packet of Italian dressing. lets just say it was the best thing this school had to offer. I know it's just a salad, but it was a delicious salad in deed. I grabbed a bottle of cola and went straight to the chaser and practically through the money at the women because I just wanted to go sit away from everyone else. I turned and could see the girls waiting for me to move so they could pay for their food as I moved quickly out of their way.
I started walking toward the doors where we had entered so I could get to the outdoor area where some play sports after they're done eating. There was a picnic table that the girls and I always eat. I was almost to the door when I noticed River and his stupid friends were not falling us and I stopped looking around. I spotted them standing in line to get food. I stared at them confused why they just didn't grabbed their food and go like us. I took a few steps toward them and glared at River as he just stood there chatting with his friends
"What do you think you're doing?" I finally said irritated that he was basically ignoring me not sure if it was on purpose or not, but I didn't like it. My statement got their attention as well at everyone nearby.
"What does it look like princess, I'm waiting in line to get food" I glared at him and just wanted to flip him off so bad, but I needed to have others believe that I like him
"I can see that what I want to know is why are you waiting just get your food and let's go" I said in a mocking tone as he laughed and moved a little with the line
"nah I'm good with waiting like you should have, I don't need to act like David of is prissy bitch friends who can't wait Three minutes like everyone else." River said as he turned around and started picking up food and other around watch our exchange started whispering. I was furious and just turned quickly and walked toward the second set of doors that would lead me away from irritating people. I left like I could finally breathe the second I walked down the set of stairs that led to the grassy field.
"wait did River just call us prissy bitches because i will emasculate him" Tiffany started laughing
"Yes Gina he basically did, but there will be no emasculate him, I think Jane would be a little sad if she couldn't have any fun with his masculinity" she said and they all started laughing hysterically as I stopped and turned and looked at them with fire hatred.
"Are you kidding me?" I shouted at them "why would I ever want to have any type of fun with that overconfident dick whole of a person" I said storming away from them
"Jane relax, it was just a joke, wow maybe you should get River to give you a little TLC and get you to relax a little" Gina said as I glared at her as we sat down at the table.
"really Gina, you can't figure out what I'm pissed about, did you get memory lost from hitting your head against some random dudes head bored while he fucked you?" she flipped me off
"Get over it Jane we tried to stop you, nothing happens so don't get bitchy with me because you wanted to be in love and have a happy fairyland life" she said as she opened her soda "you know very well that every one of our dad will choose who we are going to marry and I can damn well assure you it not going to be for love, it will be based on whom will take over after our for our dads, so stop acting like a little kid Jane" I was ferrous a Gina, yes what she said was true
"I'm not acting like a little kid, I have every right to be upset about what happened last night" I shouted back
"yeah I know Jane, but its better just to move on and not dwell what happened you don't have long before your 18th birthday and then you're stuck with whoever your dad pick" she said and I just rolled my eyes
"what every Gina, I don't want to argue with you, my head is killing me and I haven't eaten in a while that's making me bitchy" I said opening the box my wonderful salad was in
"I know, it sucks and I'm sorry too, I think we're all just tired" Gina said, I didn't respond I just poured my dressing on my food and started eating as the table became quiet
"plus your dad could always choose someone who is even hotter than David, your dads not that dumb he is going to choose someone who will be a good replacement for him and someone who you're going to want to have sex to make lots of babies with" Tiffany said as I almost choked on my food
"why Tiffany?" I said choking to get air "I was in the middle of eat, and you just had to talking about baby making and my dad in the same sentences" I said as everyone was laughed
"sorry, I just felt it needed to be said" she said surging with a smirk on her face
"next time wait till I'm done swallowing at least, besides you're the only one at this table who is 18 has your dad told you yet?" I said looking at her and she just looked at her food not really meeting anyone eye contact
"well, yes in a way" she said like it was not a big deal, I practically screamed my head off
"You've known who you're going to marry and you haven't said anything? Why? is there something wrong with him? Is he old? Creepy? Who is he? Do I know him?" I practically shouted
"it's complicated Jane, I'm not even sure I was supposed to tell you, yes to your first the first question" Tiffany said as I stared at her in shock
"not supposed to tell me? Why? whats bad about me knowing my best friends practically engaged?" I said getting a little irritated
"well it's not just you it was everyone except for Nikita" she said as she took a bite of her sandwich
"What!" Courtney, Gina, and I said at the same time
"it's just they way our parents want things done, they think it is best for you not to know who it is until everyone is 18 so it doesn't influences what they think might naturally occur" I looked at her confused not understanding what she meant "well that what Nikita say and I kind of agree with her at lest in your case" she said looking at me and I glared
"I don't like this, I want to know right now if my dad already chose who I'm going to marry, it's only fair, I'm going to have a long discussion tonight with him" I said a Tiffany shook her head
"he won't tell you" she said as she looked up and looked a little happier than she did a moment ago, and I followed her sight and I could see River pushing the door open and holding it for the other guys following behind them
My mind was racing, I couldn't believe this both Tiffany and Nikita knew who they were going to marry and didn't tell me. I was going to be the last to know Courtney and Gina birthday where in next month and still had basically Three months to go it wasn't fair. I was becoming more irritated by the second until I heard River laughing and looked up to see him walking toward us as I heard another small chuckle almost a whisper come from next to me. I looked at Tiffany to see her hiding a smile while eating and her trying to hide her glances at the guys. Then, I realized she was always defending River, almost always staring and laughing with him. She was going to be marrying River, I felt all the blood in my system freeze
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