Chapter 2
My muscles were burning as I continued pushing myself off the ground repeatedly I trained once a day to stay in top shape for when I get the call for my first assignment or job. My father said it would be a couple of years before I'm called on, I just had to stay on guard. The muscles in my arms where screaming and burn more than ever as I kept pushing through I heard my phone vibrate next to me and I pushed up off the ground again to and grabbed the remote to the stereo that was blasting and turned it off. Grabbed the phone and saw my father was calling me, answered it as quickly as possible because he never called me unless it was an important
"Hello" I said
"River, you need to come to the big house immediately" My father said quickly and hung up quickly following his statement
I shut the phone and ran quickly out of the garage when I trained and went straight to my room where I changed into a dark pair of jeans and a plain black shirt. I checked the phone it had been three minutes and I need to get to the big house as quickly as possible. I raced down the stairs and grabbed my keys to my car that was my true love. A 1969 Mustang Shelby GT 500, black gloss paint, leather interior. My father and I fixed it up together last summer and it is one of my greatest accomplishments so far. I loved how she purred to life and just admired her roared under my hand. But tonight was not the night to admire her beauty, I peeled out and took off down the street.
I knew where the big house was, I had visited and remembered the direction many times, the big house was a code name. In reality it was Dante's mansion where he and his family lives, not a lot of business is done there, but only the most important business took place here. During my schooling I also learned my father was Dante's personal bodyguard and close friend, I had never known this about my father, but he worked his was up through the rankings and eventually proved himself over many years. He never was a man to gloat or flaunt that he has so it was a shock during class when the teacher was lecturing me on my father.
As I pulled up the long driveway after passing the front gate where the guard interrogated me wasting more presses time. I pulled my car up behind a couple of flashy expensive cars I walked quickly up the steps and stopped by two large bodyguards in front of the doors
"Mr. River you're wanted in Mr. Dante conical room, take the hall to your right and the guards there will announce you" The man said in a deep threatening voice, I nodded and did as he said
I could see at the end of the hall there were two different men standing waiting watching as I approached they said nothing as I stopped in front of them and just opened the door and I walked into a small, but very refined looking hall. Both Dante and his wife sat in two big ornate chairs at the end of the room. My father and mother both stood beside them, I found the sight of them unnerving and suspicious they all looked unhappy as I approached and stopped about five feet from the stairs that led to the platform they all occupied I immediately dropped to my knees and lowered my head in respect for all of them,
"Rise River," I heard my father and I did as he said
"It's very nice to see you again after all these years river" Dante said as he rose from his seat and started descending the stairs toward me "You grew up into a fine young man," he said as he extends his hand to me, which I accepted
"Thank you sir" I said as he shook my hand firmly
"Unfortunately we had to call under these circumstances, you were not meant to be assigned for a couple of years" he said relies my hand and my heart rate started to race.
"I will gladly take my assignment when I'm need sir" he smiled
"Good, the other heads and I have agreed that our daughter are out of control." he turned and started walking back up the stairs "they refuse to listen to our warnings and heed the dangers of our world" he turned back toward me "so we decided to activate their protection survives early, normally we wait tell they reach adult hood, but time, social life, and media have changed in our world today" he sat leaning forward "My daughter and her friends are now seen as socialites and there is real danger that comes with everyone knowing who she is and who I am" Dante said as he looked at me trying to read my response
"Completely understandable sir" I said as he nodded in agreement
"We are assigning you as her personal protector" Dante said in a hard voice and I was in shock "you will make sure she is safe at all times, keep her out of trouble and out of the tabloids if possible" Dante explained as my father walked down the stairs and handed me a green folder, I opened it and it's filled with personal information about Dante daughter Jane; all versions of contact methods, personal likes and dislikes, frequent hang out locations, friends plus their information, and shocking criminal record for a girl who was 17. "You and four other men, are assigned to the other head daughter will retrieve them tonight as a test, if you pass you will permanent be assigned" I closed the folder and brought my attention back to Dante
"I will do my best sir" I said in a serious tone
"Good, she is at some rock club based on social check ins the other guys will meet you out front soon, I will warn you, don't present who you are, she won't take kindly to you and will cause a scene, you're dismissed" I nodded and turned and walked away.
I walked quickly out to my car as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out as I started the engine. My father had sent me the address Dante daughter was at, I rolled my eye as I read the address and knew the place and was not too pleased with having to go there. The club was in the heart of the city, with a bad reputation and I understood why Dante wanted me to pull her out of there. Club Rock was not the place you go when you are on a date, or a place to go alone or meet new people. This club attracted the people from the underground, strange, vial, drug addicts, sexual predators. If it was classified as not socially acceptable it turned up here at some point and time. I drove down the road at dangerous speeds trying to make it to the club, my head was on the line with this order and I could not fail. I need to get in fast and hopefully nobody they're already had not captured her interest or drugged her to take home for the night.
As I pulled down the street, I could see the club spotlights shooting up into the bright night sky as a large crowd stood around the front trying to get in. I pulled up the valley and got out and handed the guy my keys as I walked up to the door and saw four familiar faces. The guy spotted me and waved me over to them, there was Mark, Dominick, Vincent and Kegan I was friends with Mark from school, he was my closest friend in school. Dominick, Vincent and Kegan, I had met and chatted with many times, but did not know much about their personal lives. As I got closer I heard Dominick speak
"Damn, I guess you got Dante daughter then" Dominick said as he offered me his hand
"Yeah, I did" I said with a reluctant tone, I was unsure who was around us or who could be listening at any time
"That sucks many, the other girls are wild in their own right, but she a big pain in the ass to deal with" Dominick said as he took another drag of his cigarettes
"Well that's why you didn't get assigned to her," Mark said in a sarcastic tone followed by a rolling his eyes "I figured you would be Dante pick, you're probably the only person that can handle her that isn't a complete psycho" Mark said as he patted me on the back and I nodded
"Who did you get assigned to" I asked Mark as he started on his phone
"Titions daughter, Tiffany" Mark said as he shrugged "I got it almost as bad as you, I got the demon child's best friend and partner in crime" he laughed as he shoved his hands in his pocket
"Must be nice, at least yours doesn't have three sex tapes out already, she's not even 18, how am I going to deal with this girl" I heard Dominick grown and figured he had Bailey's daughter Gina, she has a bit of an appetite to promiscuous and was not afraid to show it.
"You will deal with it as you've been trained" I said with an underlying threat, I knew Dominick was one of those guys that liked to hop from girl to girl and he needs to shape up and be professional here.
"Do you have a plan River?" I heard Mark says and I nodded
"We get in and get out fast, don't tell them who we are, try to keep them separated so they won't figure it out, and most importantly don't forget this is a mission you do well we can get promoted quickly" they all nodded except for Kegan who just looked at the ground
I'm surprised he's chosen, i'm guessing he had Carson daughter Nikita, not that anything was wrong with him. Kegan was just quiet didn't talk much, did well in all the class was up near the top with the rest of us. He just didn't come across as a head chose, the rest of us were big strong powerful looking. Kegan was tall had some muscle, but didn't have that intimidating edge, he was kind of a quiet person. I guess it worked for Nikita she was the milder of the group, was some type of genius, I read an article about how smart she was as a child. She didn't party like the rest of them, but was still a troublesome teen that rebelling against her parents every so often.
We walked inside as the music became louder and the base could be felt through the floor and the light could be seen flashing a variety of colors As we entered the large room as a new song started playing, as the lights started flashing more vigorously. Their level we stood on healed a two bar on each side and seating area, as the dances floor was in a dropped pit and was pretty packed tight. The cages in a few people where people could get in and be lifted into the air and dances for a while. I kept looking all around to see if I could spot any of the daughters and I was becoming more anxious as every moment I could not find them.
"Got them" I heard Kegan say next to me in a small voice I almost didn't hear him over the music
"Where?" I said still searching the crowed
"They're in the cages" I looked up to see people in the cages
As I looked at the cage in the center of the room I couldn't tell who was inside. It was dark and I could only see the outline of a figure I knew it had to be a female just based on the figure the hail and the seductive dance moves, it could only be a girl. I felt as if I couldn't look away, the person dancing was like a siren call, to me. I couldn't help, but want to see and feel the figure dances against me in that way. The lights pick up with the music and I was finally able to see the person's face and the second the lights flashed my eye connected with a pair of dark blue eyes that I had seen once before so many years ago, I felt my heart instantly stop. Our eye connected only for a moment, but it had an effect on me. My body went numb, as I automatically moved to get closer. I didn't realize she was drawing me in until a felt a hard force slam into my chest. It didn't hurt much just shocked me out of my daydream, which I was thankful for, until I focused on what the shock came from.
"You're barking up the wrong tree, find a new target" an older larger man said as he lightly shoved me back as I rolled on my heels.
This guy was wherein a shirt with no sleeves and a leather jacket, bald and tattoos cover his arms. He was taller than me and had over a 100 lb on me, I could not take him alone, plus I need to not make a commotion. I watched the man look up and smile and I became enraged that this disgusting man was looking at her in any way. As I was about to attack him, I caught a glimpse of one tattoo that halted me in my approach. As he turned around and rolled his eyes when he spotted me still standing there
"Dude, I'm not going to tell you again, she's not interested and you have no chance" I started to laugh as he just started me down unwavering. I just pulled the collar of my shirt down and over so it exposed my chest where my first tattoo was. He pursed his lips together and crossed his arms as he realized we were part of the same family and were working for the same goal "She still out of your league man" I laughed again
"I'm not trying to get with her, Dante sent me to extract her, I've been assigned to her" I said as he glanced around the room
"It's about time, I'm sick of babysitting them, I have a business to run, and this is not a playground for them to do as they place" he turned and hit a button and the cage started lowering to the platform he leaned next to.
"I'll take care of it, you don't have to worry" I said watching the cage move closer to where we stood, my heart started racing along with my mind
What if this man, decided to tell who I was? It would not end very well and I needed to keep my identity unknown tell she was safely in my car away from others, then she can throw a tantrum. The cage finally came to sit on the platform and the bouncer looking man opened the door and extended a hand to Jane and she willingly took his hand for support and stepped down. My stomach all jumped up into my chest when I finally laid eyes on her as she stood in front of me and I knew that instant that all my training did not per pair me for this.
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