Chapter 18
I know its been a while but the issues i have wth my hand are really causng me a lot of pain. and its taking me a while to type this because have to stop every time the pain starts up and wait a few hour of rest. i will try to keep updating as fast as i can.
The driver to David party was long and gave me time to reflect on what Nikita had said before I left the party. What had Nikita meant when she said that David be threatened by me, he knows I'm her bodyguard. That thought also reminded me about what the report was talking about when I had first arrived and that report asking about history repeating myself. Was there something I didn't know about Jane's parents. I tried remembering what I had learned about Dante in school, but was coming up short of any explanation. Dante Had married Lana after a year of dating, then he took over his father's business then sometime after had Jane. So what history was I missing? I guess I wasn't sure about Lana history so much. I knew she was high society and very rich and from a good family.
I finally snapped out of thoughts when I realized that Mark's car was slowing down and starting to pull over. I followed his action and parked behind him. As did Vincent and Dominick who had followed me in the same car. I got out quickly and started walking toward the house. I was still ferrous that Jane had run out of the charity event, not as mad as I was when I first found out, but still I was irritated because why didn't they just tell Dante and he would have put a stop to it
"let's go around back, might be easier to slip in with alerting the girls of our presence so we can slip in and out" Vincent said, I nodded
"Vincent the girls knew were coming, they planned the entire thing to get us here" Mark said walking next to me as I looked at him confused at how he knew this "I knew from the begin sorry, I didn't tell you because Tiffany asked me not to and they really wanted your help and I let them do what they wanted, I didn't think they would run off like that" I shrugged
"I just wished, I would have had a heads up, to their scheming, I would have agreed to help, didn't like David in the first place and after his antics at the school and after learning about his recent past indiscretion, I don't mind helping bring him down" I said thinking about what Nikita had said and how much it infuriated me that prick had Jane attention. Mark stopped walking, as I did the same.
"Guys go on I need to talk to river alone for a second" he said as he kept walking toward a back wooden gate, where I could hear people talking
"what is it" I said getting slightly impatient, I needed to find Jane, I wanted to make sure she was safe and get her away from the banker's son
"sometimes doing what you think is right is the wrong thing, I know you want to do your best to make Dante happy, but there is another way of doing things that could make you happy as well" he said looking toward the fences
"what are you talking about? I am happy" I said getting irritated
"Are you River, I saw your face in the car this afternoon when Jane and David were saying their goodbyes" he said as I glared at him "you looked hurt and jealous, and I understand I would be too, after tonight can you at least promise me that you will talk to Dante about your feelings for Jane" I started to laugh at him as he glared at me
"tell Dante I have feelings for Jane, do you wish me to die Mark? Besides I don't have feelings for Jane, I am not jealous of her relationship with David, I just don't like him as a person, her friends are correct she derives someone better and when that person comes along I will step aside willingly with a smile on my face" I said as Mark looked disappointed, what I said was true, I would step aside and wearing a smile, just as he was about to say something I heard a crash and both me and mark went running toward the gate
When we rounded the corner we could see Gina standing up a gusting her shirt and a guy on the ground that was attempting to get to his feet and avoid broken glass. Mark garbed me before I could move closer and stop the fighting. Seconds later the man on the ground finally got up in slammed into him causing Dominick to stumble back, but he was able to get his feet quickly. He shoved the guy from him and gave a fast punch sending the guy stumbling backward knocking into a few people who shoved him back toward Dominick. Where it didn't take long before Dominick to step forward and deliver another blow that sent the poor guy slamming into a table creating a loud crash and the area became silent as ever watched at the disoriented man attempted to get up, but was failing.
I heard yelling coming from the house and I leaned out more to get a look. As I saw an angry David followed by two other guys behind him, they were bigger than Dominick, but Vincent was taller than all of them. I was about to run toward them, I was in a bad mood as it was and if there was a chance to get a few nice damaging hits on David I was all for it.
"River no" mark said pushing me back, and I almost wanted to swing at him "Look Jane's not with the girls or David, meaning she somewhere alone, I know you want to fight, but go get Jane you will get chances to pick a fight with him another time" he said and I nodded turning running around back to the front yard.
David was right, there would be another chances to teach the banker's son a good lesson, but tonight was not the night. I opened the door, to a large crowd of kids. The music was loud and the smell of sweat, alcohol, and the heavy stench of perfume mixed with colon was nauseating. I looked around, but it was pretty dime and I could not spot Jane. I walked in more moving around people as I kept looking hoping I would find her soon.
I took me a few moments looking through the crowded tell I finally saw a glimpse of blond hair through movement of people. Jane was in the middle of the crowd dancing alone. Well she was more swaying in an awkward way. I walked up saying her name, she didn't respond. I grabbed her waist if she tried to flee when she saw me. Jane didn't flee she basically fell into me and I caught her, holding on to her waist as she leaned against me. Grinding against me and I unintentionally moved with her as I looked at her face that was lifted up toward the ceiling. Her eyes were closed, but they kept fluttering open and closed so fast that it was hard to tell they had moved.
I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe she was this wasted I mean she had to have only been here almost two hours. I sighed trying to think how I was going to explain this to Dante. as I was deep in my thoughts I felt a warm breeze on my neck followed quickly by soft lips pressing into my neck above my collarbone, then it repeated moving up my neck. Randomly I could feel teeth brushing against my skin nibbling lightly. The sensation felt so wonderful and my body was shaking and a groan escaped my lips. I need to stop this, I want to continue, it felt wonderful and it made it even worse to realize it was Jane making me feel this way.
"Jane..." I said trying to not sound too happy with what was happening, but she turned around in my arms, as she wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer to her. "please..." I said as my head was near her neck and I just wanted to press my lips to her neck, maybe nibble a little, just to get a small taste of her, as she leaned back giving me perfect access to what I wanted.
"I want you, please I need you now" Jane said in a low whisper, and I lost what little will power I had. I just need a little kiss to get over this, just one and I'll be over it.
So I kissed her, I pressed my lips to hers and I left a shutter emanate from my body. Her lips were soft like silk against mine, probably felt like sandpaper to her. I pull her tighter to me, I just wanted a little more to satisfy my craving for her. She responded the same way with a gasp, and I was about to take advantage of the situation and take a little more, but then she was ripped out of my arms.
I was ferrous, until I looked up to see Jane stumbling backward, I was about to reach forward and grab her because I wanted more, know I need more. But I stopped before I could move when I saw David standing next to her, attempting to glare at me in an intimidating way. His glare made me smirk
"What do you think you're doing" David almost yelled, as I just smiled more
"exactly what she wanted" I said as Jane looked at me with a strange look on her face.
But I couldn't look away from Jane's face, there was something odd about her. But before I could get a fully good look at her she pulled free of Davids grasp and went to bend down for a shoe that was on the floor. Jane went stumbling forward and I instinctively moved to catch her, I already have to take her home drunk, I don't need her drunk and injured. I caught her with easy, and stood her up. She looked at me as if she was in a daze, there was still something different about her that I couldn't put my finger on. I let go of her as I saw Mark and Tiffany walking closer I didn't need him saying anything more about my 'feelings'. Jane started to collapse as soon as I let her go, so I grabbed on to her again to stabilize her.
"How much have you drink tonight?" I said irritated that her friends would allow her to get this drunk when they were the ones that planned this.
"I only had a cup, I'm not that drunk" she said as she turned toward David that was still glaring at me, but his friend that stood next to him looked really scared as I watch him shift uncomfortable "I need a drink, David can you get me another cup"
"Jane come here now!" David said, as Jane tried taking a step toward him, but I pulled her back, causing her to stumble again, something wasn't right and I really didn't want to have her near him.
"Jane look at me!" I said in a hard tone, I need to know what was happening.
She looked up at me and looked scared, but then smiled as she moved and reached up toward my face. Jane ran her hands around my face and started giggling. I started at her in shock, a few hours ago was scream at me calling me a man whore, now was rubbing my face. She looked up to meet my eyes as she smiled again, and I felt like I wanted to melt with how happy she was looking at me. But I had to stop her as she tried touching my eye. What was wrong with her?
"Jane, do you feel okay?" I asked as she smiled more and nodded
"I feel really good, you have such pretty eyes, they're so green, I just want to touch them" Jane said as she tried reaching up and touching them again. My eyes glanced at hers when it finally hit me why she seemed different
Her eyes were almost completely black, with a tiny strip of blue in between the giant black orbs and the white of the eyes. She was had taken drugs. I wanted to scream as I glanced at David how had glanced at his very nervous looking friend. Then, it hit me, they had drugged her and she didn't even know. It took almost all my strength not to let go of Jane and not grab my gun and shoot them both in the head.
"I'm sure they are, yours are black" I said through gritted teeth as I glared at them which made them look uncomfortable
"I have blue eyes" she said laughing as I wrapped my hand around her preparing to lift her up
"wrap your arms and legs around me and hold on as best you can" I said as she actually obeyed me without a fight.
"what do you think you're doing" I heard David yelling at me as I turned and glared as I could feel my body shaking with anger
"Boy you are just lucky I don't put a bullet in your head for what you have done" I heard Jane gasp in my ear as she wiggled in my arms. "you will stay away from her and never come near her again, or so help me, I will tell Dante what you have done and he will come and shout you himself. Are we clear?" I said holding on to Jane for support, so I wouldn't kill him. She would just hate me more in the morning if I actually did kill him.
I turned and stormed out of the house with Jane securely in my arms, I was just so angry. All I could do was think about killing David, ripping him to pieces and burying him and never to be heard of again. I knew Jane was crying and it made me feel even worse that I had upset her. I hated David, I want him dead for trying to hurt Jane, when she loved him. He has no idea, how much I would give just to be him and have chances to be with her and he just didn't even care. I want him dead, but what even sicker is I would never be able to hurt him because Jane loves him, it would just cause more problem that would satisfying my want to kill him.
I saw the car that Mark had driven here in and slowed my pace down, to stop. I sat Jane down gently on the hood of the car, she was crying hard. I ran my hand through my hair frustrated, I quickly tried soothing here, by whipping her tears away, but she batted my hand.
"Jane please stop crying" I said begging her to stop, I hated make her cry, it made me feel horrible and insignificant
"no you were so mean to him. He didn't do anything wrong" she said as she kept cry and I took a deep breath try not to get angry
"Jane I know you think that now, but I need you to calm down, I also need you to try to throw up if you can" I said which caused her to stop sobbing, tears still fell from her puffy red eyes, as she gave me a confused look
"no, I don't like throwing up" She said crossing her arms as she looked around and seemed to get angry as she noticed her friends standing near me
"please I need for you to try to throw up, it will help get the drugs out of your system" I said as I tried rubbing her back and relaxing her which seems to work because she started laughing
"I don't do drugs" she said as I rubbed my face in frustration.
"lets just get her home we can at least get her in bed and let her sleep it off there" Mark said as I nodded in agreement
"Fine, I'll ride with you, I won't be able to drive with her like this," I said
"okay let's go Nikita just texted me saying that they just discovered us missing and they're angry so we need to beat them home and get her asleep before they realize what happened" I laughed, as Tiffany spoke, I was almost tempted to take a punishment for losing her first just so David would get what he discovered. I picked Jane up and she wrapped her legs around me.
"trust me, I'm almost tempted to let them know myself" I said sliding into the back seat.
I figured if she laid down she would fall asleep and just sleep this off. Mark started the car, and drove faster than we had on the way here. Jane seemed to have calm down from her crying fit, and was breathing healthy against my neck. It felt nice to be able to hold her, with her holding onto me back. I was lost in my thought when I left Jane lips press against my neck again. I froze at the feeling as she started gently placing soft kisses moving up my neck. I closed my eyes tightly and took a couple of deep breaths, trying to stay calm. I kept repeating 'this isn't her, she doesn't want you, she drugged and doesn't care who it is'. I kept saying as she started grinding against me breathing heavier. Each breath hit me like a wrecking ball slamming into a wall, and my willpower is the wall and it not as strong as I like to believe it is.
"River" Jane whispered, as her warm breath fanned down my frozen neck "I need you please" she said as she grinned against me hard and I squeezed my eyes tighter trying to keep up my control "please help me, I can't take this much longer" I felt her teeth press lightly into the sensitive skin of my ear "please take me, I want you so bad, I need you please" she said softly whispering into my ear, I gasped at her words and grabbed onto her hips tightly pulling her off me.
She looked shock as she sat next to me, I could see hurt and angry flash in her eyes, but I couldn't do what she was saying.
"Tiffany switch me places" I said in a gruff voice as I was completely exhausted trying not to get angry or even worse get fully aroused and fulfill her wishes.
Tiffany climbed in the back seat and after she had her hands around Jane I made my way to sit upfront I need to have distance. I took a deep breath and rube my face with my hands trying to clear my thoughts. I lite a cigarette to try to calm my nerves and get over the lust that I was feeling at this minute. Then, the soft sobbing broke me out of my thought and obsession. I turned my head slightly to her Jane muffled sobs, and I felt as if my stomach sank into my feet. I couldn't do what she wanted, it wasn't really her, beside the point Dante would kill me for even think of being with his daughter. I could hear Tiffany hushing and trying to sooth her and it worked after a short time. I guess she must have fallen asleep because when we finally passed her uncles club the car was dead awkward silent.
I could not help, but feel horrible, I had caused her to cry like that. Yes, she probably overreacted because of the drugs making her do and say things she wouldn't normally. Jane saying she wanted me, once this is over she will most likely go running back to David and me being the bad guy that won't let her be with the guy she loved. We turned onto the long street, and I was hoping her parents hadn't beaten us there. How would I explain any of this. Dante would be furious not to mention my parents would never speak to me again if they found out what I let this happen under my watch. I felt relief when I could see the house, and the Dante office room windows dark, we had beat them here. We parked upfront and I hopped out quickly and opened the back door. Jane was asleep leaning against Tiffany. She helped me get her out and I carried her quickly up the stairs. The guards standing out front gave us a skeptical look, and I had almost forgot about them, they might cause a problem and rat us out.
"Hey if Dante ask, we have been here for a couple of hours and you didn't see any of this" I motioned with my head as Jane limp body dressed in slutty clothing
"You're asking us to lie to Dante, River you should know better" one said as I glared at him
"Don't be a bitch and rat us out man, besides if I get reassigned Dante might pick one of you to be her babysitter," I said getting irritated as they glanced at each other unsure.
"Fine, but this is our first and last favor River, you need to get control over her fast." I nodded as Mark opened the door.
I went to the stars as quickly as I could, but it was difficult trying to not wake Jane up and get up stairs fast. I didn't know where our parents where and how much time we had before they arrived, but I was not going to let everyone get into trouble. I reached her room and kicked it open thankfully it hadn't been fully closed when she left. I went in quickly and laid her on the be gently and turned the lamp on next to her bed I sat down running my hands through my hair stressed. What was I going to say to Dante when he came home and demands to know what happened.
"River let's go, we should change before Dante gets here, and Tiffany need to get Jane out of those clothing" I looked up seeing mark standing next to me with Tiffany holding pajamas.
"you're right" I said standing up and walking out if the room.
My room was next to Jane so it only took seconds to get in and change. I gave Mark some clothing to change into so he wouldn't have to stand around in a suit either. I left the room and knocked on Jane door, I wasn't sure if I should enter or wait. Tiffany yelled to wait, so I stood there leaning against the door. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm down, and think of what to say. I could tell them the truth David would be gone and I would be a disappointment to everyone, or I lie and say she got sick and I took her home. Tiffany opened the door, she had changed clothing as well. I walked in and sat at the end of the bed and just glared at the ceiling trying to mentally relax when I heard aloud slam that echoed through the house.
Everyone jumped at the sounded, I took a nervousness glances at David, who was looking at Tiffany a little concerned as she rushed over to Jane side and I could hear arguing from the hallway that was getting louder as it approached
"Jane whatever you do just stay still, and pretend to be asleep" Tiffany said quietly as I turned at the sight of movement in the doorway
"What is going on in here?" Dante said in a loud, angry tone, I looked down not to look him in the eye for fear he could see my lie
"Sir, Jane became violently sick at the charity thing, I think it might be food posing for the mall or something else, the girl's thought it was a good idea to take her home" I said in a low tone almost a whisper
"Sick? why didn't you tell me, we all could have used that excuse to leave" he said still ferrous
"I'm sorry sir, it slipped my mind, I only thought about what was best for Jane, I take responsibility for any trouble I might have caused" I said, which seemed too easy some of his anger and his facial features softened up
"Why didn't Nikita come along or have any idea where you all where? Where are the rest of the girls?" he said looking around suspicious
"Nikita? I wasn't aware she was there, she wasn't with the girls in the bathroom when Jane got sick" I said looking at David who was standing next to me we looked a little confused, as I glanced back at Dante who seemed to be nodding in an understanding
"Then where are the other girls?" he asked as watch Jane toss around and moan like she was in pain in her bed
"They took off a bit ago, I expect they all should be home or just about to arrive" he nodded
"Next time tell me of everything" I nodded quickly "I need to call the girl's parents to tell them of what happened.
He said walking out and I breathe a sigh of relief have successfully lied to the head of the mob. David was on his phone when I glanced at him, most likely texting the cover story to everyone because Dante was most likely calling the other heads to compare story. I heard heel and turned around to see Jane mother standing in the doorway looking angry
"she is passed out?" I nodded as she came into the room and seem to glare at her daughter's body "Dame it, when she wakes up you tell her she I grounded until next week and is on lock down for the next week" she said as she looked toward Tiffany and said; "Tiffany dear, I think it is time you run on home, your mother not very happy either" Tiffany looked shocked and seem to glare at the ground as she pursed her lips at the statement "Tell Jane she pulls another stunt like this again I will sell her little bottom out to her father and let her deal with him" she said as she turned on her heel and started walking toward the door, but stopped before she passed the threshold and turned "also she is going to school tomorrow as punishment to sneaking off and partying on a school night, she can suffer through her hangover at school and learn a lesson." she turned and walked out.
"David I think it's time we get going home, it's going to be late once my parents finish yelling at me" Tiffany said as she walked to a pile of clothing and picked them up off the ground
"Can you handle taking care of her alone?" David asked as I walked toward the bed and sat down exhausted
"I'll be fine, get going" they both nodded and said good-bye
I sat there in silence for a long time, staring at the closed-door trying to comprehend what had happened. I glanced over my shoulder as Jane tossed around in the bed, as I shook my head at the memory of her lips against mine. They were soft against my rough hungry lips, I had stolen what was never to have been mine. Plus, she didn't even realize it was me who was holding on to her tightly in desperation, until that boy or so-called boyfriend showed up. I clutched my fest together tightly trying not to seek revenge. It infuriated me that David could even do that, she wanted to him, all he had to do was ask and she would have gone running off with him without a second thought. I took a deep breath to calm my emotions before I did something I regretted. Jane started to trash around in the bed and was whimpering and I stood up walking to the side and knelt down and grabbed onto her lightly.
"Shhh, Jane relax" I said softly as I ran my hand softly against her skin as she slowly relaxed, as I took sighed deeply relieved she was calming down. Pulled my hand away to stand up, but Jane snatched the closest one and pulled it closes to her. I tried gently to pull it away, but she just held on tighter
"no, don't leave me" she said in a groggy half mumbled and any willpower I had folded as I stopped trying to pull my hand away. It made me feel wanted and almost happy which was nice to feel after everything.
I moved off the ground and laid next to her with a wide space between us, as I stared at her soft sleeping face that looked so sweet and innocent it made me smile. Jane moved closer to me and was using my free arm as a pillow, and hand let go of my other hand as her rested on my chest. I smiled as I rolled toward her more so we were lying face to face some hair was spread across her face. I quickly tucked it behind her ear so I could see her face better.
"David, don't tickle me" she said as she batted my hand away from her face, I froze at the mention of the boy I hated. I clenched my jaw and eye so I didn't make any sudden movement to wake her and make her realize I wasn't her precious David. I stay still as possible as she held on to me, want nothing more than to break Davids neck with my bare hands, and yet somehow still want to be him.
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