Chapter 16
The flashed where blinding, I couldn't see anything, but flashing of lights. People were shouting everywhere, it was really disorienting and I just wanted to run and get away from whatever this was. I felt a hand wrap around my arm as I looked down still blind from the flashing lights. I could see Jane standing there looking confessed at me. She tugged on my arm and started pulling me toward the doors where could see more people standing.
About half way to the doors where I could now see out parents waiting chatting with others. I just wanted to get inside away from this madness. But as stopped abruptly and I almost fell into her as she wrapped her arm around mine and started smiling at the flashing lights. I looked at her confessed trying to figure out why she was doing this. Only minutes ago she was whining about this exact thing and now she was staring it up. I looked up in response to people yelling for me to smile, and I respond the best I could as more flash started up. I did not like this very much and was happy when I felt Jane pulling on my arm again.
She started walking and it took me a few moments to actually be able to see anything other than flashes. She pulled me until we stopped next to her parents that were talking to a woman with a microphone. Dante smiled and nodded in the direction that my parents stood. I quickly stepped back from Jane's grasp and went to where my mother was chatting with. As I approached them she turned her full attenuation to me with a big smile and started batting her overly large eyelashes. As my mother started to introduce me to the women she leaned forward and I was clearly able to see down her dress. My parents walked away quickly leaving me alone with the women, she was only a few years older than me.
"so River McDaniel" she said as she tried to flirt more "nobody even knew that parents had children, where have you been hiding?" she said as she pushed the microphone toward me
"well ... I was sent to school, a boarding school when I was young and I just finished and came back" I said feeling really with this microphone shoved in my face
"wow, a boarding school, all boys I bet" I nodded "you must be starved for female interaction" she said with a big smile, which she was kind of off, the school wasn't that strict when it came to going out and making friends with the local, especially the local girls
"Yeah I guess in a way" I said being polite as possible
"But now you have the Lovely Jane as arm candy, when did this relationship start because it there was a lot of unconfirmed reports that David Canton and Jane were in an exclusive relationship?" I froze at the mention of the Banker's son, it made me nervous know the truth, reporters knowing something, her entire school basically knowing, how did Dante not know about
"Well all I can say is Mr. Canton is a close friend of Jane's, I don't know him personally, but seems like a good friend" she looked disappointed as I spoke "as for Jane's and I relationship, there is none, we are just sandbox friend, grew up together because our parents are ... friends and it was just bound to happen" she smiled nodded as I spoke
"so there is not romantic feelings between you, it happens often, just look at Jane's parents history. Do you feel history will repeat itself and how does Dante feel about you coming as Jane's date to the charity event tonight?" I stood there shocked for a second as I listened to her speak. I had no idea what she was talking about. I knew everything about Dante, well at lest everything after he took over the business from Jane's grandparents.
"I'm not really sure, what history your speaking of, but Jane and I relationship is more of a sibling related feelings. I doubt Dante would approve.", I said almost irritated about what she had said, as I tried not to get angry and walk off, but I noticed Jane approach and so did the woman who was not flirting as much as she had when I first approached her.
"And here is my beautiful date. Where did you sneak off to on me?" I said pulling her closer to me as I kissed the top of her head to show friendly relationship as I could tell just by her body stiffening next to me she was very uncomfortable with my action and I wanted to start laughing, but I knew she would just get pissed and make a seine
"So Jane, River was telling us, about how he just came back from boarding school, and is so happy to see his childhood friend after so many years. Are you excited he is back?" I froze I looked at the reported mad, I wish she had not asked her questions.
"Oh yeah, it's been a long time, it's good to have him back" she said shaking her head and stuttering as she spoke, and I mentally sighed and I thought, how well she understood the concept of play along without be told.
"I would love to have an exclusive story, on the childhood friendship to now, blossoming romances?" the women said with a big grin, was she trying to piss Jane off and blow my cover "look how much she is blushing, did I expose someone little secret" I just stood there shocked, this girl was about to be murdered by Jane any moment
"not tonight" I said quickly before any would could say anything "maybe another time, we do after all have to go inside for the charity" I said backing away pulling Jane away before anything else could happen. I turned and saw Dante smiling as we approached
"Did it work?" I nodded "good, the kiss on the head was a nice touch also, gives the appeal of a sibling type relationship" he said as he turned and walked into the door and I followed their action still holding on to Jane
We walked in as I stole a glance's at Jane to see she looked really confused and unhappy about everything. I should probably explain what was going on because clearly she had no idea? I stopped and she did the same as she continued holding on to me.
"are you feeling okay?" I said tapping her arm trying to get her out react or do something beside look freaked out.
"What was that all about, mind letting me in on this past so at least I can be in on the lie" she said, almost yelling as she pulled her arm that was around me away, as I smiled because it was kind of funny
"I didn't tell much of a lie, I just add the word friends" I said as she rolled her eyes at me dramatically and glared at me
"are you kidding me, I only meet you three nights ago that does not count as 'childhood' friends" she said using her fingers as air quotes
"well see Jane you might not remember, but we did meet as children, and if my memory serves me right you held my hand and smiled while batting you little lashes at me" she looked horrified which made me smirk it was best I didn't mention the kiss in public who know what she might do
"I would never, you are nothing but a lying man whore" she yelled as she shoved me and stormed into the ballroom
I followed a moment later, I could see her heading toward the bar and I rolled my eyes. That was all I need is to deal with an angry wasted Jane the entire night. As I walked I overheard people talking about events coming up, so talked about what people were wearing and some were unhappy that it was a dry bar tonight. I signed mentally great, Jane was probably going to throw a fit. I could see her talking to the bartender so I walked quickly over to her. I could see the guy in a group and a few feet away the girls all laughing
"well you can always have me once this party is over, but as for now, you can pick from virgin drinks or sodas" I heard the bartender say as I approached, but I became ferrous that he was basically drooling as he looked at her chest.
Jane also looked like she was about to leap over the counter and murder the dude, whether it be from not serving her or that he was being a real creep. I walked up behind her placed my hand on her shoulder to get both of their attenuation. The bartender looked up and looked a little frightened as I glared at him, showing my protectiveness as I leaned down and spoke close to Jane's ear
"Little princes need to remember that in public places that your daddy doesn't own, you have to follow the laws and can't drink underage" I said as I could see her cheek going red from angry
"Give me a drink now!" she almost shouted as I looked at me frightened and really unsure of what to do
"I'm sorry, but I can't" the bartender said as he backed up glancing around trying to not make eye contact
"this is a dry party princess, you won't find any drinks here" I said as I started laughing at how angry she was, it was really adorable the way she got angry, I walked away and head over to the guy that were chatting and laughing about something.
"Jane pissed about it being a dry bar tonight" I nodded as mark chuckled
"yeah it is going to be long night, then I have to drive back with her which will be even funnier experiences" Marked looked at me strange
"you rode with Jane? Not with your family?" he asked as he took a drink of water
"no Dante thought it would be best to have her arrive alone, something about her being old enough" he nodded
"bet the press had a field day with that, won't be surprised if they say you're dating tomorrow morning" I shrugged
"Dante figured they would, but we know the truth so it doesn't matter"
"bet Davids going to have a field day with it" he said as I rolled my eyes
"I don't give a shit what that prick think, he tries pulling anything like earlier today he is in for some trouble"
"carefully river you're sounding a little jealous" Kegan said who was sitting on a stool next to Mark "I'm not frightened of your threatening glare river, I am just saying it sounds a little possessive"
"it's not" I snapped at him as I looked away not wanting to talk to them anymore
It was a good thing I did because almost missed Jane and her friends almost running toward a hallway looking overly excited. I quickly followed them as it made me suspicious of what they were up to. I caught up and grabbed Jane arm before entering the hall
"where are you and your friends running off to?" I said as she glared at me
"hmm none of your business" she said yanking her arm out of my grasp
"It actually is Princess, where are you going? Don't make me drag you through this party so I can tell your parents about you suspicious behavior" I said as she almost looked scared, probably thought I was really going to do it
"we are going to the girl's room because we are women and sometimes each month we have girly problems that..." Courtney, Jane's friend piped in and I had to cut her off
"stop, you could have just said the bathroom, no need to tell the world of your problems" I said as I turned and walked away
I saw Dante and he waved me over to where he and his wife Lana were standing talking to Tition and his wife, who was Mark's boss.
I walked over and bowed my respect for both, be as there both heads of their own "business" and it was not wise to disrespect and head of our lifestyle
"where is our daughters running of to" Tition said as he looked back in the direction
"bathroom sir, they have some things to deal with, they will be out soon sir" I said as he looked confused
"things to deal with in a bathroom that doesn't sound good" he said as both Dante and Tition laugh "what sort of things are the dealing with son?" I mentally ground I didn't want to have to say it and hoped he would have just accepted what I said
"umm sir, they're dealing with female issues..." I said shifting uncomfortably as they both raised their hands to stop me feeling just about uncomfortable as I was
"Oh you boys are such wusses, it a natural thing get over it, come on Cara let's go freshen up as well" Lana said as he and Tition wife left laughing
"well anyway, there will be dancing, if Jane wants to dance, or any of the other girls it will be with you or their protectors" Dante said
"Make sure the rest of the boys know as well" Tition said as I nodded feeling really nervous
"I will tell the others sir, but I have to decline on any dancing sir" I said trying to sound apologetic
"why is that, is Jane not good enough to dance with river" Dante said in a question tone
"no sir, it's not that sir it would be an honor have your permission to dances with her sir, it's just..." I said feeling really nervous and a bit ashamed to say
"What is it river" he said looking at me skeptical
"I don't know how to dance like that sir, I never learned" they both started laughing and it made me angry, but I hide it in because I would never insult them by showing my rage toward them
"oh river, we will just have to fix that I guess, Jane loves to dance, and she will need a suitable partner" he said as he continues to laugh "we will arrange for you to learn late, go and join your friends" I nodded and backed away and head back to where the guys were still chatting.
I noticed Nikita and Kegan sitting alone at the opposite end, and I rolled my eyes. As I looked back to where I was going I almost ran into Lana that was standing in my direct path. She was short like Jane and look almost an older version. Except Jane had Dante's threatening blue eyes why Lana had a soft kind green brown shade. She did not look happy and I stopped frightened I had done something to upset her
"River we have a problem" she said and I froze in fear and I instantly looked around for Jane to make sure she was safe and in my sight "she is not here, they're not in the bathroom, Nikita still here figure out where they are why we distract our husbands they find out, everyone will be in trouble" I nodded as she stepped away and I went right to where mark, Dominick and Vincent were chatting
"those little brats, skipped they're not here, Jane mom said they're not in the bathroom" I said in a whisper so nobody else would hear, as I did the first thing I thought of was to look around
"shit" Mark said as he rubbed his forehead
"Nikita with Kegan, she is going to know where they went" I said as I started to walk toward them Kegan look concerned as he saw our approach
"What's going on?" he said as we got closer
"Ask Nikita I'm sure she I fully aware of what is happening" I said as I glared at her and she smiled a devilish grin
"well that didn't take you long to figure out, I guess it would be an hour before you noticed" she said taking a sip of her soda
"Nikita what are you talking about" Kegan said looking confused
"is it not clear, my so brilliant friends, gave your buddies her the slip" she said smiling bigger
"cut the crap Nikita where are they" I said getting angry with her for playing this little game of hers
"wouldn't you like to know?" she says smirking turning to face me completely
"tell me where she is now, before I drag you by your hair to your father and have him make you tell me" I said getting closer to her
"River back off" Kegan say as he tries to pull me away from her
"you want to play games I will to, tell me or I will make sure you all go done instead Jane, I know she is the ringleader of this little plan" she smiled
"so quick to balm fault, I would say it was more of collective decisions and not just Jane's" she said taking another sip of her drink, as I ran my hand through my hair frustrated
"Guys go and find some car, call for someone to send a car for us at least we can get something else done why I try to figure out where they went" I said glaring at Nikita who was sitting smiling like she doesn't have a care in the world "Where are they Nikita" I said as all the guy except for Kegan felt
"where do you think they might have gone? I would love to hear your thoughts" I leaned back a little rubbing my temples because this one was giving me a headache
"Nikita, just tell him where he is, I don't want anyone getting in trouble" Kegan said as she shot him a glare that was threatening
"Kegan, go sit at the other end of the bar until I'm done with him," he sat there for a few seconds as they glared at each other in silence until Kegan huffed and got up walking away
"now, answer the question river?" she said as her eyes narrowed at me
"I don't know, if I did do you think I would be standing here ask you?" she smiled
"then I'll ask another question then tell you where they ran off to" she said looking bored at her nails
"ask away" I said getting frustrated
"do you like David" I looked at her confused at where that question came from
"no, now where are they?" I said as she wagged her finger in front of me
"I'm not done, we have a secret River we have kept it from Jane, and the only reason I created this plane is because I'm sure you can help us" she said as she patted the chair next to her for me to sit.
"if you wanted my help then why not just ask me, now you're putting mine and the rest of the guy's job on the line" she started laughing
"you're too serious sometimes River, learn to relax, we do this all the time, if our parents get pissed about this time that would be a new turn of events" she said as she sipped her drink "now what I need you to do is just wait, there at a mall down the road about now, don't you dare run off" she said pointing at me as I was about to jump off the chair to go get her "they will be gone by the time you get there, it's not worth it to run before I explain things"
"okay just explain then what do you want from me"
"We don't like David, he is not good for Jane, he was a party and tried to sleep with Gina while she was drunk and Courtney stopped it all before anything happened. We told him he needs to tell Jane what almost happened and he refused because he did want to lose her, that she was more important than her friends like her boyfriend"
I could almost feel the blood boiling in every inch of my body ash kept speaking. I couldn't listen to her speak anymore I was ferrous to start, but now I can't even think of a word to describe how much I hate the banker's son. I wanted to beat him to death, and smile as I dig a hole for his corpse
"Hey, are you even listening to me" I snapped out of my little fantasy to see an announced
"sorry, I was just thinking, what do you want me to do expose it" I said getting antsy to go and find Jane
"that will never work, if you had listened I would not be having to repeat myself now, Davids clearly threatened by you and he has good reason at that, you just need to push him until he snaps, he will get angry and do something stupid like the last time, but this time she needs to see that is the only way she will believe anything" she said writing an address on a damp napkin "this is the address of the party, once everything hits the fan be there for her try to make her laugh it is your way in if you want it. If not, do as you please then" she said hoping of the stool handing my three sets of keys "you will need these, there siting out back"
"why are you doing this?"
"he called me a nerd once, I have never liked him, after I heard what happened I have developed a plan to bring him down, now be gone with you" she said walking toward Kegan that looked very bored sitting at the end of the bar. I stood and started walking toward where the guy stood talking to a few workers.
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