All our family members were waiting for us to talk,my parents,my in-laws,our whole family was here and I was helding Mahir's hand tightly.
"What is it guys?"Yuvi asked.
"You said you both want to say something.Any problem?"maa asked and I looked at Mahir.
"Bela,your health is OK right?"mummy asked and I nodded.
"Mahir beta,you are also OK right?"my dad asked.
"Yes uncle,we both are fine and healthy",Mahir said.
"Then what happened?Why are both standing numb?"papa asked.
I and Mahir looked at each other,
"OK..I will initiate,you continue",Mahir said and I nodded.
"Umm..that actually..me and Bela..we both..we are expecting",Mahir said and I closed my eye's hiding behind him.
I heard my their gasps and clutched Mahir's shirt tightly from behind,
"Bela..come",Mahir said pulling me in front of him.
I opened my eye's and stood beside Mahir,he kept his arm around my shoulder,
"Yes..I am pregnant",I said.
All were so silent and they were not reacting?
"Oh my God..finally..my wish has become true",Sumi maa said coming towards me.
"Mine also..oh my God..Bela",mummy came towards me.
"Thank you so much",they both hugged me together.
"Congratulations Bela,you don't know how happy you made us.My Mahir's child..thank you so much beta",Sumi maa sobbed cupping my face.
"Bela..I am so happy for you,my baby will be having a baby now..thank you God",mummy cried hugging me.
I was rubbing her back and looked at Mahir,Mahir gave a small smile and I smiled back.
"Bela..beta..congratulations,thank you so much.This is the best New Year gift we ever got",papa said kissing my forehead.
"My Bela baby..congratulations",my dad said hugging me.
"Congratulations son..thank you so much",papa said hugging Mahir.
"Mahir,my son..congratulations",dad said hugging him.
"I am so sorry for what I did months back beta,I'm really sorry",dad apologized.
"Arey..uncle no..please,I already forgot about it.We are a family,please don't make me formal with sorry and thanks",Mahir said helding dad's hand.
"Mahir..congratulations",Sumi maa sobbed hugging Mahir.
"Thank you mom",Mahir said wiping her tears.
"Mahir..congrats beta,thank you so much for this good news.We all are so happy and this is the best New Year gift we all ever received",mummy said helding Mahir's hand.
"Mahir bhai..congratulations",Yuvi said hugging him.
"Thanks Yuvi..thank you",Mahir said.
"Bela babhi..",Yuvi came and hugged me tightly,making me stumble back and everyone laughed.
"Eyy..careful",Mahir growled and I smiled.
"Bela babhi..congratulations..and thank you so much for filling our family with happiness",Yuvi said and I smiled.
All were so excited and they were already discussing about our baby.I and Mahir were looking at them with so much happiness,
"They all are so happy Mahir",I said wiping my lone tear.
"Yes Bela..it's all because of you",Mahir said putting his hand around my shoulder and kissed my forehead.
"Bela..come here",Sumi maa said taking me with her and Mahir groaned.
I laughed internally!
They made me sit in between them and were feeding me some sweets congratulating me.They were stuffing Mahir's mouth with sweets.
"Arey..Yuvi..dad..I'm on a diet",Mahir said when they were stuffing his mouth.
"Areyy..cheat that diet from now onwards soon to be dad",Yuvi said and we all laughed.
"Bela beta..I will make all healthy sweets for you,tell me what you want?You are feeling to eat anything now?"Sumi maa asked excitedly.
"Yes Bela,you want to eat anything?"mummy also asked.
"No..I'm fine",I smiled.
"From now you should eat a lot beta,you will be eating for you and your baby",Sumi maa said.
"Mahir..come sit here",mummy said and Mahir sat beside me.
"Now,what did the doctor say?Any complications?"mummy asked and everyone were looking serious now.
"No aunty,there are no complications as of now.But the doctor said,by the time she will enter fifth or sixth month,she needs complete bed rest",Mahir said.
He didn't tell me about it?
"Oh,thank God.And when is the next checkup",dad asked.
"Again in next week uncle",Mahir said.
"Bela beta,now you are pregnant.Going to give our grandkids,we should take complete care of you and your child",papa said and I nodded.
"Bela,you will stay with us?"Sumi maa asked and my face paled.
I looked at Mahir with worry,even he was worried.
"Yes Bela,now you have to be with elders.This time is very crucial,you have to either be with us or Sumi",mummy said.
"What do you say about it Mahir?Because now even you will be busy with your office and she will be alone,in this big house.And she have to be very careful while climbing the steps",papa said.
That incident still sends jitters all over my body!
"Yes dad,you are right.Bela should be with you all",Mahir said and my head shot up to him.
"No...",I shouted.
"No..I will not go anywhere..I will not..I will be with Mahir only,I will be with Mahir",I said and tears already started flowing from my eye's.
"But Bela..",Mahir was saying and I cut him off.
"You shut up..shut up.I..I don't want to go anywhere leaving you..no..I will not go",I said.
"OK..OK..relax..relax..",mummy said.
"No mummy..no..all these months,I was already away from him..I don't want to leave him.I can't live without my husband.I'm not going anywhere",I said wiping my tears.
"OK..OK..don't cry beta,you be with Mahir only.Now for initial months you both should be very careful,that's what we want to say",Sumi maa said.
"Sumi maa..I understand everyone's concern for me,but I can't leave Mahir and come.I and my baby..we both need Mahir,I cannot live without him",I said hugging her and she was rubbing my back.
I sobbed hugging her,
"OK..now don't pressurise her about this.She is right,she needs Mahir more than us",maa said rubbing my back.
"OK..Bela..look here dear",papa said and I looked at them.
"No one is taking you away from Mahir,OK?You will be with him only",dad said and I nodded.
The day passed with full joy and I didn't look at Mahir even for once.I was angry on him.
Everyone left to their homes and I was sitting in lobby giving food to my baby fishes.Mahir just completed his gym and came back.
He came and sat beside me,
"Bela..",he called and I looked at him with anger.
"Bela..I'm sorry",he said.
"What sorry Mahir?How can say that?"I shouted.
"Bela..",Mahir said pulling me close.
"You say you cannot stay without me,then how can you say that I should go and live with maa and papa,without you?"I asked.
"I was thinking about your health Bela.Your health is more important",Mahir said.
"Mahir..I will be fine if you are with me,that is only my happiness and health,my home",I said helding his collar.
"I love you",Mahir said cupping my face.
"I love you too",I said brushing my lips on him.
A week passed and all our family members are so happy.Mom and aunty,along with Vish,daily spend their time with Bela.
They all are keeping her happy,it's good for her and our baby also.Today we came to hospital for a regular check up,mom and dad were with us.
"So doctor,there will be no complications right?"mom asked.
"Because of her accident,there won't be any problem for Bela and her child right?"dad asked.
I and Bela looked nervous.
I don't want to take a chance when it comes to her health!
"Mr and Mrs Sehgal,that accident didn't left any damage to her womb.Because there was already a baby in her,and unfortunately that baby faced the loss and her womb was not damaged.So now it's safe,there are no complications",doctor said and I heaved a sigh of relief.
Bela held my hand and I kissed her hand.
"Thank God,thank you so much doctor.When will be the next check up"?mom asked.
"Again next week,I will do scanning also next week",the doctor said and I smiled.
"OK,now I need to have a chat with the young Mr and Mrs Sehgal",the doctor said and we laughed.
"Sure thing,please carry on",dad said.
Mom and dad left his cabin,now I and Bela were sitting infront of him,
"So how are you feeling now Bela?"he asked.
"Good doctor,I'm fine",she said.
"Mahir,from now onwards you have to take care of her like a child.She should not lift heavy weights,you can do yoga and some stretching,it's good for baby.And I will write the diet plan and give you",doctor said and I nodded.
I smiled and looked at Bela,
"Mahir..no",Bela warned and my smile widened.
I have a doubt and I need a clarification about it!
"Um..doctor,I have a doubt",I said and he looked at us.
"No..no..it's nothing,Mahir..shut up",Bela hissed.
"No we have a doubt",I said and Bela looked at the other side.
"What is it Mahir?"he asked.
"Um..that..now that Bela is pregnant..can we..you know?Can we make love..sex?"I asked and Bela face palmed herself.
The doctor laughed and Bela was so shy,
"Ouchh..",I groaned when Bela stomped my foot.
"It's OK,it's a regular doubt asked by newbie parents",the doctor laughed.
"So..can we?"I asked.
"Of course you can,but be careful..especially when she enters seventh month,orgasms and all will be little stressful during that month.So be careful during that time",he said and I grinned.
I can't stay away from her,even when it comes to intimacy!
"And she will be having mood swings,weird cravings,swollen feet and etc.You should be very careful",he said and I nodded.
"OK here it is,I have prescribed some multi vitamins,please have them"he said giving me her reports.
We both spoke to mom and dad and came back to our home.
"Mahir..I was so embarrassed in front of him.Why did you ask?"Bela whined when I was feeding her.
"Arey..we should not hide anything in front of the doctor and now our doubt got clarified,so no problem",I said and she blushed.
"We got a green signal now,because I can't stay without you",I said and she smiled.
"If it's a boy,I am worried he will go on you",Bela said pulling my cheeks and I laughed.
"My son will go on me for sure,right baby?"I asked putting my head near her stomach and she laughed.
Today our friends were with us to spend some time.Vish,Rehaan,Vyom and Yuvi.
"So Varsha will be having a brother or sister soon",Vikrant said cooing her and I smiled looking at them.
Even I'm going to become a father like him,I will be helding my baby in my arms!
"Yes,and we all are so so happy",Vish and Rehaan hugged Bela tightly.
"So Mahir,is Bela's mood swings bothering you?"Vyom asked.
"Right now..no.Maybe in future",I laughed.
"I'm warning you Mahir,be careful",Vikrant said and I laughed.
Three months passed in a blur,Bela's morning sickness was getting worst as she was at the end of first trimester.I wake up daily with her puking sounds .She is not able to sleep properly at night,I should cuddle her to sleep,a movie night and what not.
I felt the bed empty beside me and opened my eye's.It was six in the morning and we had a late night yesterday.
I heard Bela's puking sounds from the washroom.I got up immediately and looked for my clothes,I wore my lowers and went inside the washroom hurriedly.
I saw Bela wearing my tee,hair tied up in a bun and puking,
"It's OK..it's OK..",I said rubbing her back.
She was coughing too,
"Mahir..you go..I'm..OK",she said breathing heavily.
Her face was looking so worn out!
"Baby relax,I'm here",I said rubbing her back.
She rinsed her mouth and brushed immediately.She wore her shorts and walked along with me to our balcony.
She was sitting on my lap and I was wiping her tears,
"Bela..it's OK..please drink",I said.
She was crying,because she don't want to drink milk.
"I don't want to drink it,I feel like puking again..",she cried hiding her face in my neck and I sighed putting the glass on the table.
I rubbed her back and she was still sobbing!
Her mood swings and cravings are very dangerous.My baby is giving no peace to us!
I called our maid from the intercom and she got another milk glass,she kept on the table in front of us and Bela peeked at it,
"I said I don't want to drink milk..one more?"she asked angrily.
"Arey baby..this is for me",I laughed.
"What?"she asked.
"Yes,even I will drink milk along with you.Deal?"I asked and she was thinking.
"OK..then I will drink",she smiled wiping her tears.
She was crying right?
"One..two..three..go",she said and we both started drinking milk together.
"Yes..yes..I finished first",Bela said putting the glass on the table.
"That's very good",I said kissing her cheek.
She smiled and pecked my lips.All these three months passed like this.Daily whining to drink milk like a kid,eating more and more number of apples,craving for spicy food.
She stopped going to cafe because she was not liking the smell of cakes and flour.
"Mahir..you are going to office today?"she asked.
"I can stay,it's not so important",I said.
"OK then,stay.Because today we have to go for scanning",she said.
"Yes,I completely forgot",I said and she looked at me.
"You forgot?Now I'm annoying you right?"she asked.
"No baby,it just slipped my mind",I said.
"OK,today we will see our baby again",Bela said rubbing her stomach and I smiled.
"We forgot to say hi to our baby today,come",Bela said taking me towards our mirror.
I smiled and went along with her,we stood in front of the mirror and Bela removed her top,I removed my tee.
I got to my knees and hugged her stomach,kissing it,
"My baby",I kissed her stomach and Bela ruffled my hair.
"Now mumma and dadda are saying hello to our baby",Bela said when I was taking out my phone.
"Good morning baby",I said kissing her stomach and clicked our mirror selfie.
This is our daily routine since the day we got to know about our baby!
Today we were in hospital for scanning,
"Bela..you see that..bean sized,that's your baby",doctor said moving that device on my stomach.
Tears glistened my eye's when I looked at the scree,that little heart is inside me!
"Mahir..",I smiled looking at him.
He held my hand and kissed it,
"See..our baby",Mahir said and we both looked at the screen.
"Our baby..",I smiled looking at the screen.
Mahir looked at me,his eye's were glistening with tears,
"I will give you some privacy",the doctor said leaving.
"Thank you so much Bela..this is the real happiness",Mahir said cupping my face and I smiled.
He brushed his lips on mine slowly and I moved my lips against him.
The kiss of love!
We left to our home and now we were sitting in our balcony,face timing with our family,
"Bela,I've send more sweets with Yuvi today,you got them right?"Sumi maa asked.
"Yes maa,they are yummy",I said having one.
"Mahir,what did the doctor say?"papa asked.
"All good,he did scanning today.Baby is healthy,and Bela too",Mahir said.
"Mahir,next Sunday when you both come to our home,I will show you how to massage her feet.How are your feet now Bela?"maa asked.
"Now good maa,not so much of swelling",I said.
"It's OK,I will give her a massage.Don't worry mom",Mahir said.
We both had dinner and now I was solving cross word puzzles sitting infornt of Mahir,
"Mahir..enough..I can't do more",I whined.
"Arey..I read it,it's good for the child.They will become mentally strong if the mother solves more puzzles",Mahir said and I rolled my eye's.
"Who the hell does this Mahir?My baby is already strong",I said.
"Yeah I know,because it's our baby.But still,I want our baby to be strong mentally",Mahir said.
"I'm sleepy..I'm going to sleep",I said and got up.
"Bela..",Mahir said walking behind me.
"Really..I'm sleepy,good night",I pecked his lips and got under the covers.
"You are acting..I know you don't sleep this early",Mahir said pulling the duvet off me.
"No..",I giggled when he was tickling me.
"Mahir..baby stop..please",I laughed when he was tickling me.
He stopped tickling me and hovered on top of me,I circled my hands around his nape and looked at him,
"Bela..you are looking so beautiful,you are glowing",Mahir said and I smiled pressing my lips on him.
This pregnancy phase has got me and Mahir more close!
Mahir cupped my jaw and kissed me very passionately,he nibbled and sucked my lower lip,
"Mhmm..hmm..",I moaned in his mouth when he was sucking my tongue.
We pulled back when we were breathless,he panted resting his forehead on mine.He got up and removed his tee,I sat straight and Mahir removed my top,stripping my bra off.
He hovered on me again and kissed hard on my lips.I moved my hands on his back,his hands were playing with my asset's,
"Shh..ahh..",I groaned when he was going rough with my breasts.
"They are sore...",Mahir said caressing my breasts and I giggled.
"My breasts grew big?"I asked and he laughed kissing my tattoo on my breasts.
"I don't mind,I love them",he said flicking his tongue on my tattoo and my eye's rolled back in pleasure.
"Mahir..",I moaned when he was doing wonders on my breasts with his expert tongue.
"Shh..baby",I moaned when he pressed his body to mine.
"Baby..I'm controlling a lot..",he breathed cupping my face.
I rubbed his back and kissed his lips,
"It's OK baby,you can..doctor said it's safe.What happened to you now?"I giggled and he blushed.
"I mean..our baby..our baby will feel uncomfortable",he said and I bursted out laughing.
"Mahir..are you serious?"I laughed and he flipped us,making me sleep on him.
I laughed resting on his chest,
"Baby..it's OK,there is no harm to our baby.You don't have to stop your desires for it",I said kissing his tattoo.
"You sure?"he asked and I nodded.
"Get ready then",he said and I laughed.
Our night spent with full love and passion,Mahir being over protective about me while making love.
He was so gentle,he was never this gentle while making love to me.
We both were sleeping after the escatsy ended.Mahir kept a pillow beside me on the other side,so I can cuddle to it.
I'm cuddling with him when I'm not sleepy and this pillow is for other side.Because I can't make him loose his sleep because of me.
Now I am on my fifth month and my baby bump started showing,looking very evident.I smiled caressing my baby bump looking at the mirror,
"Happy five months to us baby",I said.
I am looking fat!
"Hmm..good morning my babies",Mahir came and hugged me from behind.
"Good morning dadda",I said and he smiled kissing my cheek.
"Let me say hi to my baby too",Mahir said taking out his phone and kneeling in front of me.
"Good morning baby,mumma and dadda loves you",he said kissing my bump and I giggled when he was taking a mirror selfie.
"Mahir,today I will look fat in lehenga or saree,I don't want to wear them",I said.
Yes,today is my baby shower function.
"But baby,it's a function right?You have to wear something",Mahir said.
Our family came to our home after sometime and the arrangements were going on downstairs.My mom and Sumi maa were helping me to get ready along with Vish,
"But maa..that lehenga,I will look so fat",I sniffed looking at a beautiful lehenga which Sumi maa brought for me.
"You will wear this saree?"mummy asked showing the saree she brought.
"Mummy..I will look more fat in that,I just don't want to wear anything",I cried turning the other side.
I know my mood swings are taking a toll on everyone,but my harmones are not in my control.
"I will call Mahir and come,she will listen only to him",Vish said going out and I was wiping my tears.
"Bela,you are troubling Mahir like this?Daily?"mummy asked and I sobbed fanning my face.
"Saarika,mood swings.We know right?Mahir can handle her.Bela beta,see..we both brought beautiful dresses for you,you will look so beautiful with this baby bump in them,you will look like a real mother",Sumi maa said pstting my cheek and I looked at them.
They were beautiful indeed!
"Please wear any one of them Bells,you will look beautiful",mummy said.
I saw Vish coming inside along with Mahir.He saw my tears and frowned,
"Now what happened?"he asked coming to me.
"Nothing..I was just thinking which one to wear.You tell me,saree or lehenga?"I asked wiping my tears and everyone laughed.
"Hmm..both are good and you will look beautiful in both..but this saree will do good for today",Mahir said and I blushed.
He always loves me in saree's,pregnant or not!
"Thank you",I said and he smiled.
"Thank you Mr husband for the help,now please..",Vish said and Mahir nodded leaving the room.
Everyone were ready and only I was left.Mom,Sumi maa,Vish made me get ready and I was looking beautiful indeed.
Soon the function begun with our close relatives and friends,everyone were showering blessings for me,Mahir and our baby.
"God bless my children",dad said wiping his tears and kissed my forehead.
"God bless you both and your baby",papa said blessing us.
"Bela..there's a surprise for you..see",Vish said and I looked in her direction.
"Haawwww...",I closed my mouth with both my palms.
"Wow man..this is crazy",Mahir laughed looking at them.
Yuvi,Vyom,Rehaan were walking towards me with a baby bump!
"Oh my God..what is this?"I laughed looking at them.
"Huh..which month are you in Rehaan?"Yuvi asked like a pregnant lady and I bursted out with laughter.
"God,I am in fifth month..what about you Vyom?"Rehaan asked in same tone making us all laugh.
"I am faster than you both,I am in seventh month.And Yuvi looks like he is eighth month",Vyom said and I laughed like hell.
"Huh..whatever it is,we are pregnant.My baby",Yuvi said rubbing his bump.
"God..this is so cutee..",I laughed when they were coming towards me with those bumps.
"See,we three have bigger bumps than you",Rehaan said and I laughed standing up.
"OK..thank you",I laughed,making everyone laugh.
"Guys..what is this?"Mahir laughed.
"A surprise for our Bela",they three shouted.
"Aww..I love you all",I said trying to hug them together.
"We love you soon to be mommy",Rehaan said kissing my forehead.
"Now say cheese pregnant ladies",Riley said taking out a canon.
We four posed with our bumps,mine real and their fake baby bumps.
I had a lot of fun posing with them and my family.Riley did a private photoshoot for me and Mahir last month,this was so much fun.
My family and friends are trying to make me feel comfortable and better all the time,I am truly blessed.Period.
"Vyom baby,how is our baby doing?"Riley asked and we all bursted out laughing.
"Riley...fuck you",Vyom hissed.
"Guys..please..enough for today,I can't laugh more",I said and everyone laughed.
Soon the function was completed and everyone were resting.I and Mahir were sitting in the lobby,I was resting my head on his lap,my saree drape in a single step,falling freely on the floor and my hair undone.Mahir was massaging my scalp slowly.
"You feel better now?"he asked running his fingers in my hair.
"Yeah..just..so exhausted",I said and he was pressing my temples.
"Remove this jewelry,it must be suffocating",Mahir said slowly removing my jewelry.
He removed my jewelry and kept it on the table,smiling at me,
"Bela..I am so happy today",he said and I smiled kissing his hand.
"Even me,everyone are so happy because of us,because of our baby",I said putting my hand on my bump.
"Now our baby is showing,I can't wait to meet her",Mahir said and I smiled.
"Even I can't wait to meet him.I want our baby in my arms",I said and he kissed my forehead.
"Soon,more..four months?Yes,more four months and our baby will be with us",Mahir said and I smiled.
"Seriously Bela,you never looked this beautiful for me.You are already so beautiful and now with this baby bump,our baby inside you..I don't have words to express",he said and I smiled sitting on his lap.
He made me sit properly in his lap and I rested my head on his chest,
"I am so lucky to have you baby,our complete family.I feel I am over pampered by both our families and I'm behaving like a spoilt brat right?"I asked and Mahir laughed kissing my nose.
"Who will not pamper looking at you?I never thought I will pamper a girl like this in my arms,now I'm pampering both my babies",Mahir said and I smiled kissing his chest.
"I love you so much",I said.
"I love you more,just don't share my love with our baby.Both are different,OK?"he said and I laughed.
"I know,I will be our baby's mother.And I will still be your better half",I said cupping his face.
"And..don't stop calling me baby after our baby comes",he said and I laughed hard this time.
"You will always be my baby,no matter what.OK Mahir baby?"I asked and he smiled pulling my cheeks.
I giggled and hugged him,
"Hmm...I love you so much",he said hugging me.
We both pulled back and looked at my bump and I laughed,
"See..now I'm not able to hug you properly also",Mahir said.
"I have many ways to hug you hubby,don't whine like a kid now",I said pulling his cheeks.
"You want to eat anything?It's your snack time",Mahir asked.
"Hmm..get me some apples and chocolate ice cream,together",I said.
"Wh..what?"he cringed.
"What?I asked for apple and chocolate ice cream",I said.
"Together?"he asked and I nodded.
And after sometime,I was resting my legs on the coffee table and eating chocolate ice cream,with few small pieces of apples in it.
I know it's more than wierd,but my baby is literally a mixture of me and Mahir,craving for both our favorites together.
I was eating and everyone were watching me,
"You want some more ice cream babhi?"Yuvi asked helding the ice cream tub.
"Hmm..put some more,Vish..apples also",I said and Vish was cutting apples into small pieces.
"I swear,I have never seen Bela eating so interestingly",Sumi maa said and I smiled.
I looked at Mahir and his expression was like,he is constipated.
"I swear aunty..your daughter,what did you eat when she was in your stomach?"Mahir groaned and I frowned.
Everyone laughed at this comment and I narrowed my eye's at him,
"And I swear mom,I'm not going to eat apples again in my life",Mahir said and everyone laughed.
I started eating again,adding more apple pieces in ice cream,
"This is your baby craving for it,even the baby is like you,all weird",I huffed putting the bowl on the table.
"Arey Bela..I was..I was kidding you know?My baby has just gone on us..apples..chocolate..both..haha",he said.
"Better know it Mahir,don't you dare say anything about my wierd cravings",I huffed and they all laughed.
"Mahir,these type of cravings are common,don't joke on them",papa said and I laughed.
"How are your feet beta?"dad asked massaging them slowly.
"They are fine dad",I said and hugged him.
Everyone were talking about our baby,will it be a boy or girl?What name to keep?Will our baby look like me or Mahir?
They were discussing everything and I smiled caressing my baby bump.Our baby brought so much positivity and happiness into our life's.
I looked at Mahir and he was already looking at me,
"I love you",I mouthed.
"I love you too",he mouthed and gave a flying kiss.
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