"Mahir,I'm not a fan of apples.I don't want them",Vish whined when Mahir was cutting an apple for her.
"Mahir please spare her,she is pregnant.Let her eat what she likes",I said serving a paratha in Vish's plate.
"When did I say no?But apples are good for everyone and specially for a pregnant women.So eat",he sighed shoving a slice of apple in her mouth.
"You will feed only her because she is pregnant?You won't feed me?"I asked.
"This is an apple,so I thought...",Mahir said.
"What if I say I want to eat?"I smirked.
"I will be very much happy",he said shoving a slice in my mouth.
Vish laughed looking at us,
"You both are so cute",she said.
"Now come on eat your breakfast",I said serving him.
"Diet baby,fruit diet today",Mahir said.
"You should have told me before.Who will eat all of this now?"I asked looking angrily.
Mahir looked at Vish who was eating silently,
"What?I'm full,I can't have more",she said stuffing her mouth and turned around with her plate.
We both laughed looking at her,
"Vishi witch,you are looking so cute",Mahir said pulling her cheeks while she was chewing.
"A selfie with this witch will look good,this pregnancy glow of her",I said kissing her cheek.
"Guy's..I take that back when I said that you both are cuteee...",Vish said when we both pulled her each cheek and took a picture.
"Aww...so cuteee...",Mahir said and we laughed.
"But Vish please,eat more.Who will eat all these three parathas now?Bela will kill me if I waste food",Mahir said.
"Uhm..it's OK,I will eat",I said and they looked at me.
"But you just ate",Vish said.
"So?And I'm feeling hungry again",I said serving a paratha for myself.
"Yummy..",I moaned eating it.
"Don't say like that baby,even I'm feeling to eat it now",Mahir said when I was putting more butter on my paratha.
"You can cheat your diet today",I shrugged.
"Um..never mind.I can't cheat the diet",he said putting more butter on Vish's paratha.
"When will Vyom and Yuvi come?"I asked.
"Maybe in thirty minutes,they will come from office",Mahir said eating some pomegranate.
We were eating and my phone was ringing with a face time.It was Kuhu,
"Hiii...",I said looking at her and Ruhi who was sitting on her.
"Say hello to Bela maamiii...",Kuhu said.
"Mam..maamii..",Ruhi smiled touching the screen.
"Hello Ruhi baby..how is my baby?"I asked kissing the screen.
"Aah..mum..mumm..",she was giggling.
"Ruhi baby...hii",Mahir said and she jumped excitedly.
"Maamu...mahh..mamu",she giggled looking at him.
"What is Ruhi baby doing?She had her food?"Mahir asked in a baby tone.
"Yes maamu...mumma..give appuu..",she smiled.
"Very good,Ruhi baby and maamu in same team",Mahir said and I laughed swatting his hand.
"Today Ruhi baby remembered maami?Missing me?"I asked.
"She has been ranting maami maami since morning,she is missing you.Right Ruhi?"Kuhu asked kissing her cheek.
"Maami..choco..choco",Ruhi said and I laughed.
"Oh so this is the reason you were saying maami since morning?Ruhi wants chocolates?Ruhi wants chocolates?"Kuhu asked tickling her and our eye's were blessed with her happy laughing face.
"Yes baby,we will go to our cafe and have lots and lots of chocolates.You me and Vish will go together.We don't want mumma and Maamu.Let them eat their apples",I said and Ruhi clapped.
"Excuse me,someone had apples in the morning I think?"Mahir narrowed his eye's.
"Yeah just one",I shrugged.
"OK..now say hi to Vish",Kuhu said and I showed Vish.
"Hello Ruhi baby,how are you?"Vish spoke to them.
"You and your chocolate",Mahir said bumping my head with his.
"Even you like chocolates,you forgot?"I asked.
"I started liking chocolates because of you.How about some new experiments with chocolate tonight",Mahir whispered in my ear's.
"Mahir..shut up,Vish is here",I said smacking his shoulder and he laughed.
"Yes Kuhu,doctor said regular exercise and diet should be followed.Vikrant is making me do Yoga daily",Vish laughed talking to them.
"Yeah..all good.OK bye,take care.I love you Ruhi baby",Vish said.
"Bye Ruhi,we will go for a chocolate date.I love you",I said kissing the phone screen.
"Bye baby,we love you",Mahir said.
We hanged up after talking to them.We were talking about Vish's pregnancy and Mahir's diet.
"Seriously..my stomach is full today Mahir.Make your wife also eat like this when she is pregnant",Vish said drinking water.
"Definitely,no doubt in that",Mahir said.
I smiled and looked away.
Vish is glowing.Her pregnancy is making her look more beautiful.I'm so happy for her,I will also experience all this one day.
Mahir will make me eat,he will take care of me and our kids.I smiled to myself touching my belly.
Yeah,maybe not now but some day!
"And I heard that you will crave more for ice creams",Mahir said.
"Don't remind me Mahir,I'm already craving for it.And Vikrant will kill me if I eat ice cream as my breakfast",Vish laughed,making us also laugh.
We heard our door bell ringing.Mahir and Vish were busy in their gossips.I opened the door and saw Yuvi and Vyom standing,
"Hey..welcome..welcome",I said and they stepped in.
"Hello..home sweet home",Yuvi said.
"Why did you people get late?"Mahir asked coming to the lobby.
"Traffic man,it's ridiculous",Vyom sighed when I gave them water.
"And a chocolate for Vish",Yuvi said showing a chocolate bar to her.
"God Yuvi,you are my life savior.Thank you",Vish said taking that chocolate.
Even I want it.I'm craving for it now!
"Then for me?"I asked in a low voice.
"Oops...I thought only Vish will be craving for it.Sorry babhi",Yuvi said.
Everyone were silent looking at my sad face,
"I..I will check in the fridge babhi..just a second",Yuvi smiled sheepishly and went to kitchen.
There's no chocolates in our fridge.I ate them yesterday.
Yuvi came back smiling,
"Mahir bhai,how can you eat Bela babhi's chocolates?There are no chocolates in fridge",Yuvi said.
"Yuvi..I'm on a freaking diet.Why would I eat?"Mahir said looking at me.
"I hate you allll...",I said,Mahir and Vish laughed looking at me whining like a kid.
"But you will love me Bela",Vyom said taking out a chocolate bar for me.
"Huhhh...chocolate.Thank you Vyom",I hugged him taking the chocolate.
"I know your love for chocolate",Vyom said putting his arm around my shoulder.
"OK that's enough",Mahir said when Vyom was still hugging me.
"Why?Are you jealous?"I asked opening my chocolate,they all laughed.
"You want to attend the meeting with a broken hand Vyom?"Mahir asked and Vyom laughed.
"Mahir,you are such a jelly bean",Vyom said.
"Yeah,that's true",Yuvi said and Mahir looking pissed.
"OK relax",Vyom said removing his hand.
"Better",Mahir huffed and I sighed.
"OK you both talk,we have to attend the meeting",Mahir said.
"You'll take time?"I asked.
"It's a business meeting Bela.It will take time.We will try to complete it soon",Mahir said taking a file from Yuvi.
"Mahir let's go to your study",Vyom said looking at a file.
"Yeah let's go",he said and all three went to the study room.
Me and Vish,we both were talking eating our chocolates,
"That's so nice of Yuvi,for this chocolate",Vish said.
"Yeah and Vyom too",I laughed.
"Hmm..so Bela.You and Mahir rarely fight?"Vish asked.
"No.We do fight.But not because of us.We fight because of other people",I sighed.
"Other people?Means?"she asked confusingly.
"Annu,mostly because of her",I said.
"Why is Annu a problem in between you two?"she asked.
I sighed and narrated everything about Annu.The fights and misunderstandings we had because of her.
"This is weird Bela.You both fighting because of another person",Vish said.
"I know,and I'm hoping for the day to come when he will tell me about Annu's past",I said.
"He will tell maybe.Mahir is hiding it from you,not only from you but even from his whole family means..it must be confidential",Vish said.
"Yeah,whenever I ask.He just tells that she have a history and is alone.She needs me,I will tell you everything one day and all",I said.
"Come on,now don't overthink about it.He will tell.Annu is not a topic for you and Mahir.So chill",Vish said.
"Hmm..yeah,whatever",I said.
There were many things which happened in this one year.But I can't tell it to anyone.That's just between me and my husband.And about K's cheap tactic,it's better if I shut my mouth about it.
I can't even say the cheap things she did to separate me and Mahir.
"Bela babhi..we need this adapter",Yuvi said coming out.
"Yeah I will get it",I said and went to our room.
I was searching for it in our cupboards and a file fell down because of my hand.It's looking new.
At first I hesitated but opened the file.It was some motel accommodation paper?In Mahir's file?
My eye's went wide when I saw Mahir and K's name in the bookings page.
I looked at the date and year to make sure it's not any recent one's.Because they had a history before and nothing now except hatred.
March...2021...stay for two days...
These were the only words I could concentrate on.Mahir and K met recently!
Mahir said he was going for a short business trip,but he went to meet K.I blinked and kept those papers back in the file.I'm shocked,why wouldn't he tell me?
I can't get into conclusions like this.I will talk to Mahir about it.I gulped and kept the file back taking the adapter.I walked back to lobby thinking about that,it's not settling well with me.
"What took so long babhi?"Yuvi asked.
"Huh?No..I couldn't find it.This Mahir,he is so messy",I said giving him the adapter.
"That's his childhood trait",Yuvi said laughing and went back to study room.
"What happened to you?"Vish asked looking at me.
"Nothing,it's nothing",I said and looked away.
Mahir and K stayed in a motel for two days.But why?
And that too recently and he lied to me about it.Why should he lie to me first of all?
And why did he meet her?After everything she did to us,why did he meet her?
"Bela...where are you lost?"Vish nudged me.
"Um..nothing",I cleared my throat.
"So your honeymoon done.Can we expect a good news now?"Vish smirked.
" But we went to honeymoon and you got pregnant",I laughed.
"Yeah..so",she huffed making me laugh more.
"I'm expecting a good news from you both.Just imagine,you and me both pregnant together.Flaunting our baby bumps together",Vish said dreamily.
"Yeah right,your mood swings started",I said.
"Not mood swings,I'm telling it for real.It looks so good,we both flaunting our baby bumps",Vish said.
"Hmm..then if it's like that,who's baby bump would be more big?"I laughed.
"Maybe mine only,or maybe it depends on the child's gender",Vish said.
"Oh,it depends even on the child's gender?"I asked.
"Yeah,maybe",Vish smiled.
"Tell me.You want a girl or boy first?"I asked putting my hand on her belly.
"Anyone is fine for us.But Vikrant is wanting a girl more",Vish smiled rubbing her belly.
"Wow..that's so cute babe.Even Mahir says that always.He always says our daughter our daughter,but never says our son",I said and she laughed.
"Fathers are more attached to their daughters.So it's obvious,they always say they want a girl first",Vish said and I smiled.
"And when Mahir is saying he wants a daughter,when is that daughter coming?"Vish asked.
"Don't know",I blushed.
"You guys still using protection?"she asked and I became red.
"Um..no,I'm taking pills",I said looking away,smiling.
"Stop taking them and conceive",Vish swatted my hand.
"No..Mahir is not ready yet.Maybe we will plan it for next year",I blushed.
"That's too long,I can't wait to see your kid's Bela",Vish said.
"You told me to wait for nine months right?Now you wait for one year plus nine months",I said and we both laughed.
We were talking randomly giving food to my baby fishes and our door bell ringed.I went and opened the door,it was K.
What the fuck is she doing here?
She was looking worn out,her eye's puffy.Face all swollen,
"What are you doing here?"I asked straightly.
"Bela..is Mahir home?"she sniffed.
"Yes he is,what do you want?"I asked irritatedly.
"Bela..please let me in,I need to talk to Mahir.Please Bela",she sniffed wiping her tears.
Why is she showing me her crocodile tears?
"I don't think it's a good idea K.Please go back",I was about to close the door.
"Bela please,it's important.Please Bela,I beg you",she sobbed.
I closed my eye's and calmed myself down.The anger I felt when I looked at her,I just want to snap her head.
"OK..come in",I said and moved aside.
Vish looked at her stood up eyeing me.I shrugged as I don't know.K sat on the couch and sniffed wiping her tears,
"Please can you call Mahir?We need to talk",she said.
I walked to study room and opened the door,
"Yeah this one is done,we could launch it during monsoon",Mahir said putting a pen in his mouth.
He stopped smoking,this is helping him sometimes.
"Mahir",I knocked on the door.
"Bela?What happened?"he asked and all three were looking at me.
"That..K has come.She said she wants to talk to you",I said and all three looked shocked.
"What is she doing here?"
"Why her all of a sudden?"all three of them asked.
"I don't know,she said it's urgent.And she is crying",I said and Mahir frowned.
"Tell her to get lost,we don't want to talk to her",Yuvi said looking at a file.
"No,let's go.Let's see what she has done now",Vyom said.
"He is right,let's talk",Mahir said and I felt something wrong is going to happen.
"Mahir",I held his hand.
"Nothing will happen,she can't do anything to us.Come",Mahir said kissing my forehead.
I nodded and walked back to lobby along with him.She saw Mahir and stood up,
"Mahir..",she said looking at him.
"What are you doing here?"Mahir asked sternly.
"Mahir,it's important.I have to tell you",she said when we all sat down.
"There's nothing left to talk after what you did,you can....",she cut him off in the middle.
"I'm pregnant",she said.
My eye's bulged out and I was shocked.Everyone looked shocked.K is pregnant?
And why is she telling us?
"Congratulations,but why are you telling this to us?"Yuvi asked
She looked at Mahir and wiped her tears,
"Why are you telling me this?Why do I care if you are pregnant?"Mahir said.
"Because...because..it's your child",she sobbed and I stilled in my place.
Everyone stood up with a shock and I was still sitting,trying to take this in.
No,it can't be.She is lying!
"Have you hit your head somewhere?What nonsense are you talking?"Vyom spatted.
"K,this is not time for jokes.So please stop this nonsense",Mahir gritted his teeth.
"I'm not joking...I'm pregnant with your child Mahir",K shouted.
I blinked my eye's and looked at Mahir,he is shocked.
"Stop doing this K.This is enough.Stop blaming me for what you did with someone else",Mahir said standing infront of her.
No...this can't be!
No...no....Mahir can't do this!
"I am not lying,see this",K said showing a medical report.
Mahir took it from her and checked the reports properly.His eye's went wide while looking at them,
"This is utter nonsense...I don't believe them",Mahir shouted throwing the file on the floor.
"I know you will say like this,that's why..that's why..I got those paternity papers too",K sobbed.
"That day..when we both met in the motel,we were...we were drunk and..",she sobbed.
My eye's pooled with tears!
Mahir and K really met that day and they...
Vish took the file which was lying near her legs and looked at it.She looked at me and her eye's pooled.I muffled a sob and blinked my tears back.
K is pregnant with Mahir's child!
"K stop it,nothing happened in between us and how will you get pregnant with my child?"Mahir shouted helding her shoulders.
"Stop shouting Mahir.This is true,not once but I got tested thrice.I'm one month pregnant,with your child.Those papers are the proof",she sniffed.
"K please don't do this.This is wrong",Mahir said.
"I'm not doing anything Mahir.I'm telling you the truth.No women will lie about her pregnancy,why will I lie about it?"she cried helding his collar.
She cried hugging him and Mahir was still in a shock.I slumped down on the couch feeling dizzy,I felt everything spinning around me.
This can't happen!
K is pregnant with Mahir's child,he..he cheated on me?
I sobbed closing my mouth and everyone looked at me.I wiped my tears and looked down.
"K,just get out.I will deal with you later.I will get you tested again.You are lying and I'm very confident about it.Because I've never laid a finger on you after we parted.And that day in motel,nothing happened.You are just cooking up stories.Just get out",Mahir said.
K sobbed looking at me and him,
"Come with me to the clinic tomorrow,you will understand and remember everything.And I'm saying it again Mahir,I'm not lying.I am pregnant with your child",she sniffed and walked out putting that file in Mahir's hand.
Yuvi and Vyom were looking at her reports and even they seemed convinced that K is right.Mahir was sitting silently on the couch closing his eye's.Vish was sitting beside me and I was looking down,don't know how to react.
K did it,she got Mahir!
She is pregnant with his child.Mahir is father of the child in her womb!
Mahir came and leaned in front of me,
"Bela..this is not true,she is...",I cut him off.
"Don't touch me",I said when he was putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Bela?"he was shocked.
I wiped my tears and stood up,
"Why is it always me Mahir?Why am I the one who trusts so easily,always",I sobbed.
"You are thinking this is true?That she is pregnant with my child?"Mahir asked.
"Then what should I think?"I shouted.
"She is pregnant with your child Mahir,these are the proofs",I said throwing the file across the room.
He was listening to me silently,
"And you..you lied to me Mahir?"I asked defeatedly.
I went to our room and got that file.I came back and showed it to him.He was shocked looking at that file.He cheated on me for real,all fake love and fake trust.
"This...you said a business trip?But you were with her.You both..you both were together",I cried.
I cried covering my face.I don't know what I should do now?
I'm broken,once again!
"Why Mahir?Am I not enough for you that you went to seek love from another women?"I cried helding his collar and he was shocked at my words.
He made love to her!
He's been lying to me!
"I was a normal and simple girl..living in my small own world.And then you came...I loved you,trusted you,not once but many times and still..I stand in this position",I sobbed.
"At first I dint want to believe her,but those motel papers are another proof for it.You were...were with her,all these days you were cheating on me",I cried.
His eye's pooled and a lone tear escaped from his eye,
"I have always trusted you Mahir,even in Annu's matter.Even in K's matter.I asked you before our wedding also,you could have told me atleast that time.Why all this....why?"I shouted crying.
"Bela..calm down,you have to hear him out",Vish said trying to compose me.
"What will he say?That he is going to become a father?"I cried.
"I love you Mahir,I trusted you.But you just broke my trust today.You lied,you hid things to me,you are cheating on me.
Even...even I deserve the same love and trust Mahir,then why me?Why me?"I cried helding his collar.
Not K's words,but Bela's words broke me today.
I'm hurt,I'm shattered today!
I removed her hands which were helding my collar and stepped back,tears flowing from my eye's.
"You are right.You are right Bela.Everyone deserves same love...respect and trust.I did a mistake for expecting trust from you.I...I did a mistake",I said weakly.
"Mahir bhai no,she dint mean...",
"No Yuvi,she is...she is right.You are right Bela..you loved me and trusted me.I loved you and trusted you.But I..I did a very big mistake in trusting you",I said wiping my tears and she sobbed.
Hurt and agony was clear in her eyes.
"You know what?You trust others more than you trust me.You trust the media more than me,you trust K more than me",I shouted in anger.
"You don't trust me Bela.If you would have trusted me...you..would never accuse me for something like this",I said defeatedly.
"Mahir..",she stepped near me.
"No..just stay..stay away from me",I said stepping back.
"I'm cheating on you,you say that I'm cheating on you.Right,you are right.I cheated on you with K according to you.Believe that only,because you are not ready to hear me out.
I thought to make you understand.But now I don't want to.I don't want to when you say I cheated on you",I shouted and she flinched.
"I love you Bela...but today...I'm feeling weak,broken.I never felt like this all my life,you made me feel like this..you made me look like a cheater in front of everyone...you made me a joke",I said,my voice breaking.
"I was a playboy before you entered in my life.Everything changed for me after you,everything.I started learning that life is beautiful,with you especially...but..no..it's not.You don't love me..you wouldn't accuse me for this if you would have loved me",I said and she sat on the couch with a thud.
"And I'm done with your accusations Bela,I'm seriously done",I said wiping my tears.
"I was like an open book to you Bela.I never thought you would..you would crush all my pages like a tissue paper",I said feeling low.
My world is crashing in front of my eye's.
"I lied to you and I hid things from you.Because I don't want to hurt you,I don't want to hurt you with the things you don't like..and..and I'm a cheater",I said.
"K is pregnant and that too with my child.And you already believe it.Wow..claps..claps",I said clapping my hands.
"Mahir don't get into conclusions,stop talking like this",Vyom said.
"No..she is right.Bela is right..you see..these reports..paternity test...I'm her child's father according to Bela.Yes I am..I am her child's father.K is pregnant with my child...congratulations to me...congratulations",I said clapping in front of her.
"Mahir..I don't know what to say..I don't know....",Bela sobbed.
"You should congratulate me Bela..I'm going to become a father,mine and K's child",I said and she sobbed sitting on the couch.
"Wow..I'm..I'm feeling so good today..Bela...Bela said that I'm going to become father,K's and my child.Thank you for telling me Bela.Thank you",I said in a broken voice.
"Thank you for all the trust and love you gave me.Fake love and fake trust right?Right..fake love and fake trust.I've never felt so close to any person except you Bela..and it's true that trusting closed one's will hurt us.That's so true and...thank you...thank you for making me believe in that",I said looking at her.
"Yes,I stayed with her in a motel for two days,but I never touched her.And you know that I would not touch her after what she did to us",I said.
"Then why did you lie about it Mahir?These medical reports won't lie.What about them?"she said in a low voice,coming near me.
"I said stay away from me..you...you don't deserve this cheater..who doesn't love you and broke your trust.Fucked another women when I'm married to you",I shouted and she gulped sobbing.
"I did not do any wrong,I did not cheat on you.I will never believe that K is pregnant with my child.But I will believe it because you...you believe it Bela.
And from now...K is my responsibility,her child...I mean our child is..my responsibility.As a father..I have to take care of that child and her..she is pregnant..with my child",I said and Bela came to me.
"Mahir..please just say this is not true,please",she cried cupping my face.
"No..I will not say it.This is true..this is real,she is pregnant with my child Bela.And I'm so happy that..I'm going to become a father...I'm so happy",I said sarcastically,removing her hands from my face.
"I should have realized it,once a playboy..always a playboy",Bela spatted with all her anger.
Our relationship is broken completely!
"Yes..I am a playboy,I told you the count also.I told you about my past relationships too..and yes,you never judged me..but I'm still a playboy",I said.
"Now listen to me Bela..you don't trust me...I don't trust you.You are thinking that I broke your trust and loyalty.But..you broke my trust today.Judging me within a moment.After being with me for a whole one year..this is our relationship..this is our compatibility",I broke down.
"And I'm going to K,I'm going to take care of her and my child now,just as you wanted.Thank you for all the love,trust and loyalty you showed towards me in this one year..thank you",I said and grabbed my car keys.
I walked towards the door hurriedly and I saw Bela running behind me,
"Mahir..wait..where are you going?"she held my hand.
"I said don't touch me",I shouted jerking her hand away.
"Aah..",she fell on the floor with my push.
I looked at her concernly,she was still crying lying on the floor,
"Mahir bhai..are you mad?"Yuvi shouted helding Bela.
"Mahir..what is this?"Vyom spatted making her stand.
"Mahir..please listen to me...I'm sorry..I was...",
"No Bela..don't say sorry.I'm sorry that I spoiled your life.I'm a playboy,playing around and cheating on you.I'm a man whore...and I'm going..I'm going to K",I said and walked out.
"Mahir...Mahir...",I heard Bela's faint voices.
I hopped in my car and drove fastly.This is the trust she has on me?
She will believe whatever that K says?
"I hate you...I hate you Bela...",I shouted banging my hand on the car.
"I fucking hate you...you don't trust me...you don't",I cried.
All the love,loyalty,trust just flew away in a blink today!
"Why Bela..why did you do this?How can you accuse me like this..how?"I cried feeling low.
"You trust K more than me,even after knowing about her...why God damn it",I cried banging my hand continuesly.
I'm not feeling any pain physically,but I'm dead emotionally!
All my happy moments with her flashed in front of my eye's.
The moment I met her for the first time,our first talk,our first hug,the moment she held my hand on our engagement,the way she looked at me while tying the wedding chain around her,our first kiss,our heart to heart talk.Our first intimate moment...everything has crushed down to our feet today.
We shared our happiness and sorrows together,but she left me in a deep sorrow today.
It's not K with whom I'm disappointed and broken,it's Bela who broke me!
I was sitting in a bar,switched off my phone and gulping the drinks like water.I need this toxicity in my body to forget the pain,but it's not leaving me.
K has proved that she can stoop more low,blaming me for her pregnancy.I can get the truth out from K and this will get solved soon.But nothing is going to get solved in between me and Bela.
It's all over!
She kept a fullstop to our relationship!
Hey guys!
This was something unexpected right?This time not a small problem but a very big one.What do you think now?What will Mahir do?Will he leave Bela and go to K?Is his anger and hurt justified towards Bela in this situation?
Keep guessing and don't kill me😁😁
Please please vote,I don't even see 250 votes now.What happened guys?
Vote,comment and share
Thank you.
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