I was working on the food I was preparing,today we invited our friends for lunch.I already completed making starter's and the biryani was almost done.
I felt some ingredient missing which I should add in biryani.I don't want it to turn out distasteful,Mahir loves biryani.I learned to cook it from mom after my engagement.
I called mom and she lifted it on the first ring,
"Hey baby,how you doing"?she asked.
"I'm fine mummy,I'm making biryani and I feel I missed something",I said looking at the biryani which was being cooked.
"I'm sure you must have forgotten to add the biryani leafs and clove's",my mom said and then it clicked me.
Yes..I forgot to add them!
"Ah..yes mummy..you are right,I forgot to add them",I said rubbing my nape.
"I know,you forgot while learning to cook it.And what special today"?mummy asked while I was stirring the curry.
And suddenly felt two hands sneaking around my waist and I know who it is.Mahir started caressing my neck with tip of his nose and I forgot that I was on a call.
"Bela"?my mom called and I stood straight.
"That..mummy..today we invited Mahir's friends...for lunch",I told with a difficulty,because that man was not letting me speak,caressing my arms and my back.
"Oh..so you cooked everything alone"?she asked.
"Yes mummy..not so much,only few of them are coming and I....",I stopped when Mahir bit my ear shell.
I turned around and glared him,he shrugged and started kissing my neck,
"I could manage..",I said out in the phone.
But damn I can't,I can't manage to talk like this!!
Mahir nipped near base of my neck making me moan and I closed my mouth immediately,
"Bela...you OK"?mom asked.
"Mummy..I'm..I'm fine,I will call you later",I said and she hanged up.
I turned around and now Mahir pulled me closer,tangling his one hand in my hair and other on my waist.He started kissing my neck like a vampire and I whimpered at his soft torture.
"Why..would you do that...mummy was laughing",I said and my husband was leaving some visible love bites.
"You are looking so fucking beautiful",he said giving feather lite kisses.
"Mahir..now stop distracting me",I said and he backed off.
"You are getting distracted"?he smirked and I looked away.
"OK..OK..no hanky panky.Let me help you",he said wearing an apron.
"Everything is done,only biryani is left to cook.And the desserts are already resting in the fridge",I said and he kissed my cheek.
"Impressive wifey",he said and I laughed.
I completed cooking everything and was setting the table.Our friends are yet to arrive.I'm OK with everyone coming.It's just Yuvi,Vyom,Riley,Rehaan,Annu and K.
I know I invited K and Annu myself,though I'm not so comfortable with them.But they can't be left out like that.And Annu is coming because Mahir had asked to.
Mahir was helping me to set the table while stealing glances at me.
"Mahir?Did you call Annu?Is she coming"?I asked.
He nodded and bit his lip looking at me,my cheeks heated up,making me feel warm.He took me to lobby and we both settled on the couch.
"Why are you so intoxicating today"?he asked pulling me close.
"I don't feel it though,how can you say that"?I giggled when he kissed my cheek.
"Your vanilla and strawberry scent is drawing me crazy Bela..why are you teasing me like this",he said nipping at my jaw and I just chuckled in response.
The door bell rang and we both parted.We both went to the door step and opened the door,met with smiling faces of Yuvi,Rehaan and Vyom.
"Welcome guys",I said giving them a way to get in and all greeted Mahir.
"Riley fucked off again?Right"?Mahir asked and Yuvi nodded laughing.
K and Annu are still not here!
"Hmm..babhi don't say that you made biryani",Yuvi said smelling the air in our lobby.
"Yes I did",I smiled and he was so excited.
"How's mom"?Mahir asked.
"She is fine Mahir bhai..and worried about you",Yuvi said.
"Worried about me"?Mahir asked.
"How many day's it had been you spoke to her bhai? Learn something from babhi,she talks to them daily",Yuvi said and I looked at Mahir.
He hasn't spoken to mom?
"Fuck..I know..I will talk to her,everything took a toll on me",Mahir cussed.
"You took everything upon you",Vyom snorted back.
Mahir gave Vyom an annoying look and I dint miss their silent war.There is something wrong with these best friends or I could say brothers.
I knew about their friendship,brother's not by blood but by soul.Heck I've seen many pictures of them before my marriage.These both are known in the town for their friendship and today something is wrong between them.
"OK..leave all that..Annu dint come still"?Yuvi asked and now I can sense the anger seeping across Vyom's face.
"She must be here,I already called",Mahir said going back to door step,giving Vyom a murderous glare.
What am I missing?
And as Mahir stood there,Annu came giving a small smile to Mahir.I went and stood beside Mahir,welcoming her in.
"Welcome Annu",I said and she stepped in giving a small smile.
Yuvi moved aside giving her place to sit,she sat beside Yuvi and was looking all frightened.She was receiving the murderous glares from Vyom.
What's wrong with Vyom today?
"Vyom..you OK"?I asked.
"Yes Bela..I'm fine,let's eat?I'm starving",he answered me.
"Yeah..but..that K hasn't shown up still",I said and as if on cue she showed up.
"Hey Bela",she said taking me in a hug,which left me and other's surprised,I hesitantly hugged her back.
"Welcome K..please come in",I said and she stepped in,going towards Mahir.
"Mahir",she said hugging him and I rolled my eye's.
That is it!!
"Hey",he said just patting on her back.
"Oh..hi everyone,I'm sorry I was late",she said.
"No it's fine,come let's have lunch",I said and we all made our way to the dining area.
Mahir was helping me to get the dishes like a obedient husband and was a prey to Yuvi and Vyom's teasing session.
Everyone started digging in the food,as I said..typical Punjabi's!!
"God you guy's are literally made of meat",I joked and they all laughed.
Mahir was no less,we have meat almost four times a week.He just loves meat.
"Babhi we are Punjabi's and you know how we love meat.And this biryani will be hurt if we won't devour it",Yuvi said munching a chicken lollipop.
"Really Bela..the food's so tasty",K said eating dreamily.
I saw Annu eating quietly,munching on her chicken.Yuvi was trying to talk to her but she smiled on every comment he made.
I was waiting for Mahir's reaction though,about the biryani!
He looked at me and took a chicken lollipop,he took a bite and moaned,
"My girl's magic is in my veins",he said and everyone looked at him.
"So tasty",he said licking his fingers.
I was crimson red by now,yes I wanted his review about the food,but not like this.I'm all shy!!
"Ohoo..it's tasty"?Vyom asked and Mahir winked.
"This ass said something true at least now,the food is real good Bela"Vyom said.
"Though I'm not a Punjabi..I really like meat a lot.My family is vegan but I can't resist",she said biting her chicken.
"As if you resist everything",Yuvi muttered and I chuckled.
"I never knew my Bells could cook so good",Rehaan said.
"OK..thank you everyone",I said and we all completed eating.
We settled in lobby savoring our choco lava cakes,gossiping randomly.
"Bela..your dad is Punjabi or mom"?Vyom asked.
"Actually both,but their families dint approve for their marriage.They got married against their will and stayed away from them.And they got back together after I was born",I said and everyone were listening to me keenly.
"Parent's had a love marriage but you had an arranged marriage,wow",K said mocking me.
And here she goes!!
"It's not necessary that even we go for a love marriage,sometimes arranged marriages turn out so beautiful,just like our's",Mahir said circling his hand around my shoulder.
She was burning with jealousy and that was radiating across the room.Everyone gave her a smug look,including Annu.
"Getting to know a person whom we don't know is better than taking a wrong step with a person we know.Every love marriage doesn't survive and every arranged marriage doesn't break",Mahir said and there was a pin drop silence across the room.
It was a hard slap on her face,I could see invisible hand print's of Mahir on her cheek.
She narrowed her eye's at us and retorted back,
"You never know,some people may turn out as gold digger,attention seekers,fame and what not.So better get hitched with the person we know,instead of unknown".
She is directing it towards me.What she wants to prove now?That I am a gold digger and our marriage is a wrong decision?
That's not going to happen honey!
"Now what can we say,everyone are not like you right"?Mahir said,Yuvi and Rehaan laughed out loud.
I was trying to control my laugh while Mahir was smirking at her.
You got the right one bitch!
I'm regretting it now..why did I invite her?
"OK..OK..that was not our topic.Chill.Rehaan even you are a Punjabi"?Vyom asked.
"Yes I am..but I like south Indian food alot.I went on a road trip with my college gang to South India,it was a pure beauty",Rehaan said.
"That's nice.And Annu..what are you?A Punjabi like us"?Vyom asked.
She shot a glance towards us and frightened.Mahir moved away from me and shifted uncomfortably at his place.
Vyom is doing it on purpose today.Why is he back of Annu like this.I told that I can't reveal her identity right now,but he don't want to loose.
"Vyom"?I warned him.
"What?I just want to know,we know about everyone,why not Annu"?Vyom said and my blood boiled.
We both are not in perfect talking terms after that days incident.He doesn't like to see me with Annu or maybe he doesn't like Annu.
"Annu is an Anglo Indian",I said and she looked at me.
I assured her that I won't tell anything more than this!!
"Anglo?Which country"?Rehaan asked.
"Australia",I replied.
"Oh..that's nice",he said and Vyom glared at me.
Annu stood up from her place to leave and I stood up,going to her,
"I will leave now sir.You please enjoy",she said.
Pain was gushing through me,Vyom is making her feel uncomfortable.And I can't help her now.It could be a sign of danger if I lash out now.
"OK..one minute",I said calling Bela.
I gestured her to come to us,she came and stood beside me,
"Annu is leaving",I said.
"So soon?It's OK..have a nice day Annu and please take care",Bela said formally.
"Thank you for having me mam..the food was really good.Have a good day",Annu said and Bela smiled.
Annu left and we all were still talking,we were giving a small house tour to everyone.K was hell bound to make Bela uncomfortable,but I will never let that happen.
"I need to use the restroom,I'll just come",K said walking towards our bedroom.
"Please don't mind,you could use the one down there"?Bela asked her and she stopped.
"What's wrong in using the one in this room"?K asked.
"That's our bedroom,we'd expect some privacy.Mahir doesn't like it when someone enters into his room without his permission",Bela said with a smug look and I feel proud of her.
"That doesn't make sense,I'm his friend,I can go",she said walking towards our room.
"I don't think it's a good idea,it's our room..we..our personal..",Bela was blushing.
Wow..I'm stunned!
"That's our room and I don't want others to invade our privacy",I said going towards them.
Bela smiled looking at me and I winked at her,
"Fine..I'm leaving",K gritted her teeth and left.
"Your evil",I said kissing her cheek.
"I don't like her and I don't want her to get into our room",Bela said.
"Why wifey?We dint do anything in that room still...then why this shyness"?I asked pulling her close.
"I..I..mean..we...",she was blushing.
"Ahem..ahem...",we heard Rehaan and parted.
"Rehaan it's nothing..we were just...",Bela said and Rehaan smirked.
"Let's go and play some PlayStation,what say Rehaan"?I asked diverting the topic.
"Yeah sure,let's go"Rehaan said and I heaved a sigh of relief.
We all settled in our lobby playing PlayStation.Bela got a call and excused herself.Vyom went behind her and I became suspicious.
"Bela?Can I have talk with you"?Vyom asked.I was ev's dropping their conversation,standing a bit away so they cannot see me.Yuvi and Rehaan were busy in the game.
"Yes Vyom"?Bela said.
"Thank you so much Bela,I never thought my boy would change.I'm so happy that he is acting all mature now",Vyom said.
I'm a toddler according to him who can't handle their own shit!
"What did I do?He is the way he is",Bela said.
"He is madly in love with you and I'm so happy for it.He is learning to care and worry about you.He used to be a manwho..I mean he used to be a douche.But now he is looking like a responsible man.
Never let anyone come in between you both Bela.You both are made for each other,I take you as my sister and I don't want to see my sister hurt anytime",Vyom said and I smiled.
This douche is concerned about me and Bela,then why he have to act so cold towards me?
"Vyom..I..I know,he is always good to me,we never felt that someone would come in between us.I know about him and thank you,thank you for your concern.You are just like Rehaan for me",Bela said hugging him.
I was grinning like a idiot looking at them,my love and my friend!!
It's been a week since that conversation happened.I was on my way to our home,to meet my mom.
I saw mom sitting in our garden,smiling to herself,
"Mom"?I called her and her face lit up looking at me.
"Mahir",she hugged me and I wrapped my hands around her.
"Hmm..so you remember me now"?she asked ruffling my hair.
"Mom..how can I forget you?That's silly.I missed you",I said kissing her cheek.
"I missed you too my baby,missed you",she said kissing my forehead.
"So?How's everything going"?she asked sitting on the swing.
"Everything's going good mom..and thank you so much",I said resting my head on her shoulder.
"Thank you"?she asked.
"For finding Bela.I never knew I would be whipped for a girl till this extent,I could never find a girl like her",I said.
"I know,the minute I met her I was sure.And you both made it.You both are my favorite",she said.
"Mom..I never felt these feelings..I'm not able to stay without her even for a second.I feel like someone has taken away the air I breath when she is not with me...why do I feel like that mom?I love her,I know.But it's getting stronger that I can't live without her now",I said.
She smiled and caressed my face,
"Two person's will love each other,that's not a big deal.But two person's getting bound by marriage is something to cherish.
I and dad were in love,we got married and that love has grown more after our marriage.Your souls got bound together the moment you tied the wedding chain,the moment you filled her partition with vermilion.
That's the power marriage holds Mahir.It will bring the person's who are poles apart and you feel inseparable",mom said and my heart was racing fast.
"I can see Bela is a perfect daughter in law and is she being a perfect wife"?mom asked wiggling her eye brows.
I blushed and replied,
"More than I expected".
"That's good,I want you both to be like this always Mahir.Please don't hurt her in anyway",mom said.
She knows that I was a man whore,sleeping with very girl in the town.
"No mom..I can't see anyone other than Bela.I can't imagine myself without her anymore",I said rubbing my nape.
"Finally she wrapped you around her pinky",my mom said proudly and I just blushed.
"And I'm OK with it",I said and she laughed kissing my forehead.
Vyom's words were still ringing in my ear's.Was it some kind of warning?
Someone is trying to come between me and Mahir?
No way,it's impossible!!
I was trying to think positively about Annu but I'm not succeeding.That picture is still fresh in my mind,she holding Mahir's hand.
Last Sunday when they all came for lunch,I observed.Vyom was instigating something and Mahir dint like it.
There is something about Annu.Mahir is hiding it from all of us.I just hope she brings no change in our relationship.
Today I was piled up with a lot of baking stuff.First a birthday cake,a success meet cake which I have completed in the morning.I'm still in my cafe,baking one last cake.
Rehaan was out for some work,and he says it's important so I'm all myself today,baking the cake.
I lost the track of time while designing the cake,only when Mahir called,
"Bela?Did you check up on the time?Where are you"?he shuoted.
I looked at the watch and then only realized,it's half past 8.Fuck I'm so late!!
"I'm sorry Mahir I dint see,I was busy designing the cake",I said.
"I thought I was late when I returned back,you are late.And it's night Bela,come home",he said and worry was evident in his voice.
"Yes Mahir just a work of...twenty minutes"?I said.
"What?Twenty minutes?Are you serious?Where's Rehaan?He can handle,you get back to home like..right now",he said.
"Rehaan's not here Mahir,he is out.Just twenty minutes and I will be on my way",I said.
"OK..I'm coming to pick you up,wait for me",he said.
"No..no I've got my car,I can come.You please have dinner,it's late already",I said.
"You kidding me?I can't let you come like this,and Rehaan is not there to check up on you.I'm coming",he said angrily.
"Mahir please understand,I will come.It's safe around here.I will be home in like forty minutes",I said and he hanged up.
Did I just make him angry?
And it's not going to turn out good,I guess?
I placed the cake in the freezer room after making it look perfect.I looked at it and grinned to myself,
"Hats off to you Bela Sharma...oops..Bela Sehgal",I laughed.
The staff left and I locked our cafe putting the keys in my handbag.I hopped into my car and started driving.My man is angry now,I need to get to him.
There was a slow down of my car and I wondered what's wrong.The car stopped abruptly in the middle of the road and I got down to check.
Geez..a tyre puncture?
And at this time?
I grabbed my phone to call Mahir and fuck,my phone's dead.
Mahir was right,I could have allowed him to pick me up.And I dint knew this was awaiting for me.
What should I do?I need to get home.
And there's no hint of any vehicle on this way,it's already night and for fuck sake I took a shortcut to reach soon.
This way is completely deserted as far as I know,how will I get out of here now?
I saw a man approaching towards me,thank god.He could be some help for me.
He walked straight towards me and I clutched my bag tightly,because I'm scared.Is he a man who could really help?
"Excuse me..can I borrow your mobile once,my car had a breakdown and I need to inform my husband",I asked and he handed his mobile to me.
Thank god..he is not like I thought!
I dialed Mahir's number and felt a tug at my shoulder,I turned towards him and he was trying to snatch my bag.
"No..leave me...get off..go away",I was having a tug of war with that man,with my bag being the rope.
"Give me the bag and leave",he hissed pulling it in his direction.
"No..leave my bag and just...get lost",I pulled it towards me.
I can't let the bag go away,it had my cafe key's.Spare one's are with Rehaan and he is not here,
"Just leave my bag....",I was shouting and he left it,resulting me fall on the ground,flat on my butt.
I groaned in pain and my ankle twisted,I saw that man wincing in pain,clutching his bleeding nose.
What did I miss?
Mahir...Mahir is here!
"Fuck off you bastard...",Mahir gave another blow in his face and that man left limping.
I was still groaning in pain and Mahir turned towards me,his eye's were blood shot red.He came towards me and made me stand and I couldn't...my ankle was hurting like a bitch.
"Ahh...I can't stand..my ankle",I winced in pain and Mahir glared at me.
"I'm sorry..I dint see..my phone's battery is dead and car's tyre punctured",I said hoping he doesn't lash out.
He snatched the hand bag from me and hung across his arm,he slowly lifted me up and throwed me across his shoulder like a potato sack.
Well..congrats Bela,your man is angry!
If he would not be,then he would carry me in bridal style,caressing me.And clearly he is angry for what just happened.
He threw me slowly on the passenger seat of his car and buckled the seat belt and I was still wincing in pain.He got into car and dailed someone.
He gave my car details to a mechanic and instructed him the way.He started the engine and was too fast.
"Mahir..slow down",I said clutching my ankle and I just earned a murderous glare from him.
OK,for the first time..I'm going to experience his anger today.And men are bad when they are angry!
I was still wincing in pain,my ankle got hurt very bad and my pinky was scraped,bleeding right now.In no time we were in our parking lot.He parked the car and opened the door for me.I tried to step out but he carried me in bridal style.
OK now I was a bit relaxed,but there's a storm waiting for me,and that storm is named as Mahir.
He got into the elevator and I pushed our floor button.He motioned me that the house card is in his pocket.Since he is carrying me he can't use his hands,instead I should.
I slipped my hands in his pocket and unlocked our home.And the worst part is he haven't spoken a single word with me.
He took me straight towards our room and placed me on the bed.I clutched my ankle in pain.He got a first aid kit and sprayed a pain killer.I hissed at it's chill sensation and he looked concerned.
He was cleaning my wound on my pinky and it fucking hurts...mummy...it's paining.
"Mahir..I'm sorry..I should have...",
"Just shut the fuck up",he snapped at me and I was shocked.
"What the fuck you think about your self?A fucking fighter"?he yells at me and I flinch at his tone.
"Do you have any idea?What if that guy is having some dangerous weapons?What if he hurts you?This is just your stupidity",he said in a angry tone,cleaning my wound.
"Shh...",I winced when the wound burnt and he looked at me.
"Mahir I'm sorry..I know I should have listened to you..but I dint knew my car would break down like this..I'm sorry",I said.
"You said you will be home by yourself,and you take a shortcut which is a deserted place where only bastards roam around.And then your phone goes off,you don't know how worried I was...what thoughts were getting into my mind when you dint pick your phone",he hissed.
"Mahir..I'm..I'm..really sorry for that.It was my mistake,I should have been alert...I'm really sorry",I said cupping his face.
He removed my hands and went to my vanity table,came back with a nail polish in his hands.I looked at my feet,OK they were not painted with nail polish.
He sat beside me and placed my leg on his thigh,applying the nail polish and I just blushed.But this guy is still having a frown on his face.
"Mahir..please talk to me"?I asked leaning close to him.
"Don't move",he glared and I backed off.
"Mahir I'm so sorry..please talk to me",I said cupping his face and he looked at me,because my voice was shaking.
I can't handle his cold shoulder even for a second,it hurts!
He pulled me into his lap and I happily settled on him,he leaned against the headboard and circled his arms around me,
"Know that you are important to me and I can't live if something happens to you",telling that he joined our lips.
I closed my eye's feeling his soft lips against mine in a rough and passionate kiss.He parted my lips with his tounge and slipped in my mouth.I moaned raking my hand's through his hair.
"You are mine..I can't let anything happen to you..don't you dare to pull these stunts again",he said in between our kiss and attacked me again.
He was rubbing his hands all over my body and I fucking loved it,his hands on me.We both backed off in need of oxygen and rested against each other,panting hard.
"Why were you not ready to...leave that bag Bela?That's not important..why would you fight for it like that"?Mahir asked panting hard,caressing my cheek.
I grabbed my bag which was beside us and Mahir watched me keenly.I removed my wedding chain from the bag and showed it to him,
"This..this is precious,not that bag.I could get another bag but I can't loose this",I said tears pooling my eye's.
My cafe keys?I don't care,I could have many ways to open my cafe.But what about my mangalsutr?
My wedding chain,which Mahir tied it around my neck.I can't loose that...never.I would even die for getting it back,that's mine.Symbol of our marriage.
His eye's softened after looking at it,
"I over worked today,I dint want it to be spoilt..so I kept it in my bag",I said unlocking it.
He took it from my hand and unlocked it.He leaned forward and locked it around my neck,not leaving our eye contact.He caressed the diamond which was on my neck.
"You are making me fall for you more and more Bela..how"?he said resting his head on my chest,clutching me tightly.
I caressed his hair and kissed his forehead,giving small kisses on his day old stubbled cheek.He looked at me and smiled.He cupped my face and sucked my ear lobe.
He started peppering wet kisses all over my cheek,dragging his warm mouth from my cheeks to neck.His hands moved to my heaving chest and he looked at me.His hands were resting on my chest while his mouth met mine.
He kissed me hungrily and started to knead my breasts and I gasped.His big hands were kneading my breasts while he was still kissing me,making me all wet down there.
I felt so good and I wanted this without clothes on.He stopped kissing me suddenly and removed his hands from me.
"No..no..this is not correct..this is not..I'm sorry..sorry",he said getting up.
What's wrong?
"Mahir..what happ..."he cut me off.
"I'm sorry Bela..I'm sorry..if I have made you uncomfortable,I'm sorry",he said getting up.
He walked out of the room and closed the door.How can he make me feel uncomfortable? Never!
What's bothering him?
Did I do something wrong?
Hey guys!
I see my readers are a bit lazy. Well I take out time and write for you all,and please don't do this to me.I feel I'm writing for nothing.Am I ?
And about targets,you people are making me doing it.I'm giving the targets based on the reads I'm getting,so silent readers kindly vote and don't make genuine readers wait.
Next update after 250 votes,I will be stubborn like you all this time🙂.
I love you all,please take care of yourself.
Vote,comment and share.
Thank you.
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