The school day had ended, and I made my way back home in my car, as I needed some alone time for myself. To be honest, I needed time to think of my options now. Do I help Scott properly, touch him a bit about the wolf world. Or do I try and stay out of it. I came back here for a fresh start, and tried to live a normal teenager life, but I couldn't have normal. I never could...
I pulled into the driveway, my mind casting back to the attack from the Alpha. The scene kept playing over and over in my head. I feel guilty for my friends. Throughout my life, I've severed Nature's will, and fought to protect the ones who could not protect themselves. I wasn't ashamed of my goody two shoes, following Nature's rule's. That's why I was taught to follow Nature's way, since I was born. And now, it was my only link to my family I had left, and I didn't want to tarnish that. Besides my necklace and the books.
Without even realising, I was already in the house, and planted on the couch. I must've been deep in thought, there was a lot going in my life right now with Scott and his troubles. Allison also, I could just tell by looking at her, she felt totally helpless at the High School, and no girl or woman should ever feel like that. I crossed my leg over one another, my foot tapping the air as I thought some more...
On the other hand, Derek was still a no show, and I don't believe he's dead. I just had a weird, unexplained feeling that he wasn't and I knew a way that I could make sure, just to be on the safe side. I quickly un-crossed my legs, and stood from the couch, heading over to the desk within the living room, holding spell books, knowledge of magic plus the history. And a map of Beacon Hill. I grabbed it, as it was currently rolled up neatly. Girl got to be neat, and black sand that was in a small bottle, with a cork plugged too sealed it.
I strolled to the kitchen island, opening the map out and keeping in place with weights such as a piece of fruit and other things I had laying around. The four corners were down, and the map was laid out perfectly.
I removed the cork from the bottle, and poured it onto the map but in the center. I placed the bottle back down on the kitchen island as it was a large space. I took a deep breath through the nostrils, my hands hovering over the black sandas I also stared at it, while thinking of Derek as I had no personal affections for him.
"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguiem," I state, the spell taking an immanent effect, as the black sand started to move in a straight line across the map. This was a good sign, meaning he wasn't dead. It travelled to the wood side section, the black sand slowly moving as the little grains were pulled together, before stopping half way in the woods, before making a circle at his current position. I smiled pleasantly, as I stared at the black circle on the map. I knew it, deep down he was alive. I placed my hands on the side of the island, leaning into them, just staring at the map. A smirk tugging at my lips.
Son of a bitch...
He was a sneaky little wolf.
I pushed myself from the island, before my phone started to vibrate in my back pocket, I quickly grabbed it, and looked at it. There was a message from Stiles saying that Scott had escaped from him, meaning Stiles was keeping an eye on him, and didn't do a good job of it. I pursed my lips, thinking to myself. If I should help him, before he kills someone, the moon's effect is much stronger as he still hasn't been taught how to handle it. Though Derek is alive, he might not help Scott in the situation since he threw him under the bus and now he's a wanted man. I hate this, I hate I always have to save this boy from danger and the supernatural world that he hardly understands. I huffed and went to the front door before leaving my house behind, and started to search for Scott...
Hoping he wasn't in shit already...
I had searched for Scott in the woods, and everywhere else possible. I couldn't use my magic because I had nothing that was his to be able to track him. However, my vampire side could track him, if I could smell his scent. It was like a mixture between wet dog and his cologne, but the cologne was much stronger, if I wasn't so close to him to actually smell him. I wandered down the street, to a store that sold sporting equipment of various things. I stopped in the car park as I smelt something in the air. It wasn't Scott. It smelt like girl perfume with the mixture of sweet honey.
Then it hit me. It was Allison's scent. I quickly scan the car park with my enhanced vision. I could see Allison in the car with Jackson of all people, but I think she just needs someone to talk too right now. Suddenly, I heard a growl in the car park, and I cocked my head to the side and looked meters across the parking lot, to see Scott in his wolf form, looking straight into Jackson's car.
I had searched for Scott in the woods, and everywhere else possible. I couldn't use my magic because I had nothing that was his to be able to track him. However, my vampire side could track him, if I could smell his scent. It was like a mixture between wet dog and his cologne, but the cologne was much stronger, if I wasn't so close to him to actually smell him.
I wondered down the street, to a store that selt sporting equipment of various things. I stopped in the car park as I smelt something in the air. It wasn't Scott. It smelt like girl perfume with the mixture of sweet honey.
Then it hit me... It was Allison's scent. I quickly scan the car park with my enhanced vision. I could see Allison in the car with Jackson of all people, but I think she just needs someone too talk too right now.
Suddenly, I heard a growl in the car park, and I cocked my head to the side and looked meters across the parking lot, to see Scott in his wolf form, looking straight into Jackson's car.
This isn't going to be good. I watch as he leaps off the car and runs on all fours like a wolf does. I made my way through the cars, I saw him leap onto Jackson's car, but before he could put his hand through the roof, another figure tackled him off the roof. Before landing a few inches away from the car. Before the figure picks him up and throws him into the woods behind the car park.
Very convenient...
I carried on making my way through the car park, quickly passing Jackson's car, knowing that they didn't see me. Before I looked over the edge to see Scott and now I see him, Derek, fighting. Scott swings his claws at Derek but he counters all of his attacks, before Derek kicks Scott, making him fall backward onto the dirt. I rushed down the slope, as they continued to fight. I looked down, because I had to watch where I was placing my feet, with these knee high heels on. Just then, I see Derek picked up Scott and flipped him over his shoulder, making him land on his back.
"Enough!" I shouted as I came closer, Scott and Derek's eyes darted over to me. As Scott began to back up, him not knowing what happened to him. "Are you alright Scott?" I quickly asked, as I came to crouch by his side, as he lifted his hand up to look at his claws. I shot my gaze at Derek who was now in his normal human form, looking at Scott and I. I couldn't help but think 'Thank the lord' he was alive and now I didn't have to get too involved in his teachings of the supernatural world.
"What's happening to me?" Scott finally commented as he took his appearance in and what he had done.
"Exactly what he wants to happen," Derek replied, as I stood from where I was. His eyes laid on Scott for a moment, before he shifted his gaze to mine.
"Glad to see you not dead Derek," I smile playfully, as I bent and grabbed Scott's arm to lift him up, Derek coming over and doing the same on the other arm. We gently dragged Scott through the woods, and went back to his place.
We arrived at his house, coming up the steps as Derek pushed open his door. I stopped remembering what I was and how I needed to be invited in. I let go of his arm as Derek continued to drag him inside. Derek stopped half way through the door, realising that I had stopped outside.
"You coming in?" He asked, his eyes looking me up and down. As I stood on Scott's porch, just looking inside.
"Hmm, no. I have to go somewhere. Take care of him," I state sweetly, before turning around and back the way we came. But I could feel Derek's eyes on me all the way, before I faded from his sights, it was freaky. It's way too early to get my secret out and I couldn't handle the questions right now.
But overall, I was glad Scott was safe and he didn't hurt anyone this full moon. He still had a long way to go, to gain control over his transformation and the effects of the full moon...
Heyy, everyone. I hope you are liking this Book, I'm so glad that I carried this on. I am also so close to the ending of Season One. However, I'm struggling on a decision. Should I make a new book for each of the Seasons, as I could write more in the chapters and give you extra chapters.
Please comment below if you think this is a good idea.
Thank you all.
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