After a much needed shower, I leave the bathroom dressed in one of my comfortable satin pyjamas and make my way to the living room where Jungkook and Yoongi are seated, eyes staring at everything around them like they've never seen anything similar until now.
Sure, the sight that we get from this floor is unlike anything else, the large and tall windows serve their purpose by allowing us a sight of the sea of stars that the city becomes at night, but other than that, the rest is what I assume every homes are like.
Of course, that's spoken from someone who's only ever known luxury. The mansion might have gotten gross at some point when I was young, but it was still more luxurious than a garbage container, and Hae-in's properties were all filled with pure gold.
But a couch is a couch, no?
I take in the soft leather that decorates the living room, and the beautiful rug that gained my love when I first saw it last year, and the huge television that hangs on the wall. The furniture below it has an electric fireplace fixed into the middle section, and the room's lights are dimmed to a low amber glow that gives the paintings on the walls a cozy night ambiance.
Okay, maybe my taste for luxury is above the norms, all things considered.
I silently take in how Jungkook looks in his thin black shirt and pants now that he has changed into his own night clothes while Yoongi was lent some of San's, dark blue shirt and pants that suit him marvelously well, my old friend sure has a good eye for that sort of thing.
They both look my way when they finally notice me standing nearby, and I smile before coming closer.
"I lost track of time in the shower, I'm sorry for taking so long" I say as I lean back against the wall with a towel in my hair to dry it by hand. I didn't have any patience to use the hairdryer, so this will have to do.
"Have you been offered anything to drink while you waited? Some tea? A late snack, maybe?" I ask, wondering where the rottweiler is since I haven't seen him since we arrived a while ago, and Yoongi nods before pointing at the two mugs and the empty plate on the coffee table.
"We were given tea and some sweet biscuits to go with it. San went to bed already".
Looking at the clock to find what time it is, it comes to no surprise that he would've gone to sleep by now. It's almost midnight with all that happened, and driving all over the place must have been exhausting. I'll have to thank him for today.
"I see. You two must be getting tired too, right? I'd like to offer you my bed while I take the couch, if you're comfortable with that. The only other room we have serves as an office at the moment, but I'll move things around to make it into a bedroom in the coming days, Yoongi, so I wish you'd use mine in the meantime" I request softly, wanting nothing more than for him to be comfortable.
It's big enough for Jungkook to have his side for the night too, but if the three of us sleep together, it'll be cramped. My bed is big, but not that big.
"What? I'm not sleeping in your bed without you" Jungkook states matter-of-factly while Yoongi surprisingly nods his head in agreement, and I search my words very carefully before saying anything back, unsure of whether they really know what they're saying or if they're only trying to be nice.
"While I appreciate the inclusion, I haven't missed the way that Yoongi isn't very comfortable with big physical touch just yet, and if we're three in the same bed, there won't be any personal space left. I'm not having either of you sleep on the couch, so don't even try" I inform them, but while that doesn't seem to deter the panther who huffs his dislike, the white wolf's posture wavers a little bit.
Yoongi has only bad experiences of being touched by others, he was groped and poked by strangers for most of his teenage years because of his white hair, ears and tail, and it wasn't any better at the shared house, as if his rare attributes made him into a freak show.
He was lucky to go to school, but he also hated his entire experience.
But this is the touch of a soulmate we're talking about, and so far, they have soothed him in ways that he's never felt before. He doesn't feel ready for cuddles yet, but he also doesn't want to be left on his own, nor does he want to leave anyone out. Having me sleep on the couch alone bothers him more than not having his own personal space.
"We can all take the bed" he says even if his voice sounds unconvinced, and I frown in uncertainty, for this is certainly the voice of someone who's pushing himself out of his comfort zone.
"Yoongi-" I start but he shakes his head before I can continue.
"I don't want you to sleep on the couch because of me, and... I should be fine if it's the two of you. I'm just... not comfortable having others so close while I sleep. My past hasn't taught me to like that, but you're not just anyone. You're my mates and I want to get used to being near you".
"It doesn't have to happen all in a single day, Yoongi" is how I reply to his brave speech, not because I don't believe him, but because I know what it's like to push my own limits to the breaking point. "It's not a race, and we won't like you less for taking the time and space that you need".
His ears droop a little, though not in a negative way. He stares at me, then at Jungkook, who smiles softly even though he didn't come for a sleepover only to have me far away from him. Yoongi's comfort is more important.
Now that I have my mates back in my life, both old and new ones, I want to do things right. We'll have all the time in the world to get used to each other, all the time in the world to learn more about one another. Everything doesn't have to happen in a single day.
Seeing how Yoongi cannot find the strength to say himself what it is that he truly needs, I hum.
"For tonight, I will sleep on the couch. I have some work I need to do anyway, so I won't be sleeping just yet, but you two should head to bed now, it's getting very late" I decide for all of us, then see how Yoongi's anxiety seems to just... dissipate from his body, as if a breeze just washed through him.
I smile at the sight, confident that I made the right call for tonight, and seeing the same thing, Jungkook can only surrender to the final verdict. He won't complain even though he wants to, because he can see that Yoongi needs to see that we're ready to follow his pace.
And I wasn't lying about needing to work. I want to make use of the fact that San is already sleeping to get some work done since I know that tomorrow won't be very work-oriented for me. Jungkook and Yoongi will surely accompany me, and I want to go shopping for clothes and furniture since we barely got anything of his earlier.
The marketing team sent me an email this morning asking for my thoughts on the few suggestions they came up with to advertise the collection, and I want to answer them before tomorrow morning, else it'll push back their work and I know how stressful that can be when we near the release of something new.
True to myself, I'll have to analyze and give proper feedback, knowing that they'll be able to make the most of my comments and opinion.
"Go on now, I've kept you up for long enough, you look exhausted" I muse with a chuckle when Jungkook yawning turns into Yoongi yawning as well, and they look at me with a sleepy droop to their eyes and ears that turns my heart tender, while I look perfectly awake.
My midday nap added a few more hours to my day, and I will most likely struggle to fall asleep knowing that two of my soulmates are under my roof, especially since I've finally reunited with my soulmates when it's all I ever wished for since my parents abandoned me.
After longing for this day for so long, it's hard to believe that it finally happened.
Jungkook is right here and staring with those same loving eyes as he used to have for me. I was held by Namjoon for a car ride that will forever be healing, then sandwiched by Jimin and Taehyung in a way that showed me how much they longed for this too.
They all welcomed me so easily, with open arms, that my fears of being rejected by them vanished in a mere second. I could never ask for anything more from them, as they already gave me everything I ever dreamed of.
"Come, to bed" I repeat softly, and when they nod sheepishly, I lead the two men to my bedroom and then help them into bed, with a kiss to their forehead before I wish them a good night. Then I turn off the light and quietly close the door behind me.
I head back to the living room where I clean up the dishes left on the coffee table by bringing them to the sink, the newfound silence feeling strange after the day I just had.
It feels like just a minute ago when I was in the loud chatter of my seven soulmates, and now I'm left alone in this large room. I stare at the healed soulmark on my hand, a finger caressing the lines softly. The thrumming of heartbeats can still be felt through it, slow and soothing, easing my own.
I hadn't been given a lot of time to admire it like this with everyone else around me, but now that I can, I find that I could stare at it for hours without growing bored.
I missed looking at it, missed the feeling of this healthy bond. Having to hide it from sight for all this time, the pain that I'd feel whenever I'd be forced to glance at it in the shower or in the bath, they're things that I'd gotten used to, but also never really could accept.
It's hard to ignore something so deeply rooted into one's identity, something so precious, when you have to carry it everywhere you go.
To think that meeting Seokjin and Hoseok yesterday managed to change everything so fast. I didn't think they'd so easily achieve their promise to me by reaching out to the others through the soul group chat, or that they'd even convince them to meet with me again the next day.
I thought it would take longer, that it would be only us three for a while, but instead I was drowned in everyone's love for the entire day. I can only wish that I could make them feel my love with just as much strength, because getting them back in my life means the world to me.
Never again will I ever abandon my soulmates. Once was already too much.
Knowing that work won't do itself if I keep staring at my soulmark like this, I grab my laptop from my bag before making myself comfortable at the table I usually use to work, right by the window next to the balcony's door, then force myself into focus.
Pushing every thoughts to the back of my mind, I immerse myself in my work, just like I always have.
Jungkook's POV
Waking up bathing in Y/N's mint scent feels like a lie, at first.
This is a trick of my senses, a lie that my brain forged to make me believe that she never left me, that all this time, it was just a very long nightmare.
But then, the lilac that blooms besides me, a new scent that accompanies a sleeping soul already very dear to me, reminds me of where I am, of what happened yesterday, and that serves to push me up on my feet and out of the warm bedroom in a flash.
This isn't my home, and while Y/N's scent remains very strong, there's also another one that I recognize from her secretary, San. Strangely, he smells like winter. That cold, but fresh and pure air that follows the fall of snowflakes.
Zoning out everything else, I follow the source of my favourite mint until I find Y/N sat at a small table by one of the large windows, the balcony's door opened to allow in the fresh morning breeze, a coffee by her side and her laptop in front of her.
She's typing something, drinking, yawning, then typing again, and somehow, I can just tell that she hasn't slept at all since last night.
That has me frowning, unhappy that in the end, I couldn't ease her into sleep by hugging her to my chest like I first wanted when I came here. Instead, I slept like a baby with Yoongi while she worked - a work that apparently sees no end.
Sensing someone near, she looks away from the screen until she finds me standing on the other side of the kitchen's perimeter, and seeing the look on my face has her looking at the time once, then twice, eyes widening when staring outside reveals a sun that is slowly beginning to peek over the horizon.
"Oh" she utters out softly, lips pursing prettily when she bashfully glances at me again. "I seem to have lost track of time again, there was so much to do that I couldn't find a right time to stop. I didn't realize that it was already morning when I made myself a coffee".
Swallowing a noise of displeasure, I make my way to her, then look down from all my height to her seated form. A purr threatens to seep out of my chest at seeing her look at me with those round eyes, but I push it down to instead focus on the wrongness of this situation.
"You worked all night" I state, nothing new, she knows that, but for some reason, I just need to say it aloud. "Instead of sleeping like everyone else, you sat there and worked until sunrise without a single pause. Why?".
She points at her laptop as if that might explain everything. "At first I just wanted to review something for the marketing department, but then I remembered other things that needed some work and before I knew it... one hour turned into a full all-nighter".
I sigh at the sight that she makes, how dare she use that cute pleading look on me?
"Is Yoongi still sleeping?" she asks next, perhaps hoping that the mention of the pretty wolf might lower my anger, and alas, it works. A softness fills my soul as I remember watching him fall asleep last night, all shy as he felt my gaze on him despite his closed eyes.
I didn't even take the time to gaze at him before I left the bed earlier. What a pity.
"He is. He had some trouble falling asleep, but once he was gone, he was sleeping like a log. I'm worried about you, Y/N, you're going to be tired today if you don't sleep at least a little" I share my concern as I take the other seat in front of her, and she hums while pushing her laptop aside.
"That's a relief to hear, and I will be alright, Jungkook, don't worry. This isn't my first all-nighter, and it will most likely not be my last" she says right as the source of this permanent winter smell joins us, and I see exactly as she freezes when San appears from the corridor without a sound.
His eyes are set straight on her, and even if I don't know him that well yet, I can tell that this gaze is a dangerous one. I feel threatened and he's not even staring at me.
"You pulled an all-nighter behind my back? I went to bed thinking that you'd do the same since your mates are here with us, and yet I wake up only to learn that you stayed up all night?".
The question is spoken coldly, and Y/N gulps before leaning over the table in a way that her arm hides her laptop, as if doing so would change anything. She's clearly put herself in a delicate situation seeing as he looks more angry than me.
"No? Whatever made you think that, San?".
I resist a snort at the look of fear in her eyes, and San doesn't say anything, instead opting to walk to our table with a demeanor that makes me feel on edge. I'm sure she would've fled by now if that was an option.
When he snatches the laptop from her to have a look from the kitchen counter, I surprisingly get to see a young girl waiting for a scolding from her parent while said parent analyzes the extent of what was done.
When younger, I don't remember many times when I could see her behave like this. I always found that she was acting slightly older than her age, even for me, but this? This is probably what she would've looked like if she wasn't forced into becoming an adult too early.
It shows that San is, to her, more than a simple friend, or a secretary. It feels like the kind of bond that could never be broken, no matter what gets in their way, one that's even stronger than the one between us soulmates.
It's a special thing to witness, and I can't even find it in me to be jealous of what they have. This is beyond my understanding, clearly.
"You're not going to work today, you've done enough" San finally declares before taking the laptop away into a work bag, and where I was expecting Y/N to complain, she instead nods her head with a pout that I would find adorable if I wasn't currently fascinated.
Yoongi is missing something, that's for sure.
"Fine. I won't go to work, but I still need to go out to buy Yoongi the things that he needs. We'll have to measure the office to see how we could make him a cozy bedroom" she speaks after finishing the last of her coffee while he enters the kitchen to set another mug in the coffee machine.
"I would rather you wait for me before you go shopping" he utters with a frown, clearly his day is already loaded with tasks that he must do, but he seems to forget that Yoongi and I will be with her.
"We can keep her safe" I blurt out as the loud steam of the machine begins to echo in the air, and to that, San doesn't reply immediately, instead investing all of his focus on the coffee that pours into the cup until it stops.
After adding another one to start the same process once more, he puts the first on the table in front of me.
"Do you want milk, cream, sugar?".
"Uh, milk and sugar, please".
I watch as he reaches the fridge to get the milk, then the sugar from the counter before he's back again. He doesn't mention my comment even once as he busies himself to prepare breakfast, and Y/N motions for me to just drink while we wait for his verdict, something that I find rather unnerving.
I don't know how much older than us San is or if that even matters, but he certainly seems used to be acting as a guardian to those around him, because why do I feel like I need his permission to do anything with my mate? Why?
Still, right before my eyes, I get to see as he effortlessly prepares a breakfast that I could've easily ordered in a restaurant, a feat that isn't easily achieved, in my eyes.
Jimin and Taehyung would probably have loved to learn a few things from him since they're usually the ones cooking for us at home. I'm not too bad myself, but I don't really like cooking. I much prefer cuddling with my mates instead.
"Do you know how to fight, Jungkook? Have you ever taken any lessons before?".
Taken aback by the sudden question, I hold myself straight on my chair. I never felt like that was a necessary skill before, but knowing what I now know about Y/N's background and about that mafia boss, I can tell that he's asking this very seriously.
"I practice boxing and kickboxing, I have for a couple of years now, but I'm open to learning more if you think it's not enough".
"A good answer. It's indeed not enough, but it's a good start. What would you do if someone tried to do something to Y/N in a moment of inadvertence? Say you're out shopping somewhere, and you look at an item for one second. It's enough for someone to pull her away from you, and he threatens her life while slowly backing towards the exit where a car awaits them".
Very specific, and I come to wonder if that has ever happened before. The simple thought of it makes me sick, who would dare take my mate away from me?
"That won't happen, because I'll always keep her close and in my line of sight".
San hums without looking away from what he's doing, as if he was expecting that answer.
"Spoken confidently, but this is only idealistic. There are people out there who are trained to kill in the blink of an eye, Jungkook. People who may be waiting for the exact time you look away to jump into action. You need more than the ability to kick and punch people to keep someone safe, you need to react quickly and efficiently, you need to prevent any possibilities before they occur, otherwise she is the one who pays the price for your lacking".
I keep quiet as he glances back at me from the stove while Y/N keeps her gaze down, fingers nervously linked under the table. It makes me want to hold her hand and reassure her that everything's fine, but can I make that promise?
San is right, I've never been into a real fight, I've never been faced with that kind of situation before. I'm only imagining what I'd do, I know what's expected of me, but could I apply those things in a real life crisis?
"It's not like anyone would attempt to attack me again, San, everything's been quiet for a long time now" my sweet mate tries to step into the conversation, but San sends her a pointed look before flipping the eggs.
"You say that only because those people have learned to stray out of my path. Your mates aren't known to be feared yet, so they'll most likely be tested by the entire community at some point. What happens then, if you're left on your own surrounded by people who wish to use you against Hae-in?".
"I don't work for him anymore" she retorts, but again, San speaks the truth.
"You may not work for him anymore, but Hae-in likes you and the underground network knows that, Y/N. Trust me, they're ready to do a lot just to get the upper hand on him, and you are one way to do that. Once you have contacts within that world, you're never really... free. This is not something to take lightly".
She doesn't say anything back to that, and I can smell her frustration like it is my own. It might as well be, because I also hate that for her.
"I did not get my soulmates back only to start worrying about their safety" she eventually murmurs, it's obvious in her voice, in her eyes, that she had not taken the danger of her past into account until now.
In her mind, that was all good and over with, but that was only because San has been doing a good job so far.
Honestly, I wish to gain the ability to give her a life free of worries just like he can, but I don't know how possible that's going to be if I keep working at the law firm. How will I be able to focus on my work if all I'll be able to think about is whether she's safe or not?
I will certainly have things to think about, and that's a conversation I will have with Namjoon hyung and the others some other time. I want to hear what they think, because that decision would not only impact me, but them as well.
Actively protecting her means putting myself in danger, but I know that Namjoon would understand my wish. Actually, he might even think the same as me. At this pace, Y/N will find herself surrounded by her mates as bodyguards, that would be funny.
"Did I miss something? You all look so serious".
Yoongi's raspy morning voice brings all of our attention towards him, and he only slightly flinches at first, but then frowns when his sense of smell alerts him of the mixed emotions in the room. His gaze falls on Y/N's avoiding eyes first, then on me.
"San was asking me questions about how I'd protect Y/N if we leave on our own today, and it's making me realize that should anything happen, I don't know if I can fight against villains as well as I thought I could" I answer while he accepts the mug of coffee that the rottweiler gives him with a small "Thank you".
How he noticed that Yoongi was awake before his arrival is beyond the skills I can call mine, is there anything this man cannot do? He makes me feel incompetent as a hybrid, and I considered myself not that bad just a moment ago.
"Well, if her existence is known to the underworld, she's never ever really safe, is she? What would be required of us to be considered good enough to protect her on our own?" Yoongi asks nonchalantly as he leans against the kitchen island to get a better view of us, his ears standing in interest.
He looks like he belongs in this kind of conversation for some reason, and imagining him fighting against others and winning without even breaking a sweat does flash in my mind. It's... sexy, honestly, I would love to see that happen in real life. Without all the danger, of course.
"Martial arts are usually a good starting point, but it's not enough. You need to learn about the mindset of criminals to better understand the way they think and hence prevent their moves, and you need to develop the ability to move quickly and precisely, because a second too late could cost everyone a lot. Protecting someone from trained assassins is not something anyone can do without being trained from an assassin themselves".
"And I'm guessing that you were trained by an assassin" Yoongi states calmly.
San smiles, then finishes buttering the toasts before motioning for us to sit at the dining table while he brings everything over. I don't remember seeing him cook all of those things, but damn, it looks delicious.
"I was born to become an assassin, just as my father was before me, and his before him. Someone who takes care of the dirty jobs while the higher ups take care of finding the next targets. If you want to become good enough to protect Y/N on your own, then you need to succeed my training, and I wouldn't go easy on you".
"Sounds good to me, I'm in" Yoongi answers smoothly before sitting down, and I raise from my chair just as Y/N does with a feeling of urgency settling within my chest.
"Me too, I want to learn from you too".
"Guys" Y/N's sweet voice fills with concern as she stares at us, doubting this whole thing more than she feels allowed to say aloud. It shows that she doesn't want to decide for us, but she would also prefer to not see us in danger.
Yoongi reaches from across the table to gently hold her hand once she sits. "This is the least we should do, little moon. Not only for you, but for our pack as well. Learning how to defend ourselves feels like a good move on our part, we never know what might happen in the future".
She inhales deeply, then exhale slowly, there aren't many available paths for us to take at the moment. Who knows when that mafia guy might try to steal her from us? She might not even be aware of that possibility, but we are, and we cannot allow it to happen.
"If anyone else in your group is interested to learn, just let me know and we'll figure out how to proceed from there" San says before staring at Y/N, eyes softening when he sees the fear in her own. "I'll take good care of them, I promise. You know as well as I do that this is for the best".
I watch as she slowly nods her head, though she's not happy to agree, and I pat her head before sitting down next to Yoongi. I could sense that the rottweiler would rather sit next to her this morning, and it would've felt wrong to take that from him.
Yoongi and I take in the way that she drops her head onto his shoulder, and it serves to give us a better understanding of the chemistry and bond between them. They went through so much together, things that I might never be able to comprehend unless I go through them myself.
"Is Hae-in still after me, San?" we hear her ask quietly, and to that, he sighs before nodding, a caress to her hair before he guides her gaze to the food on the table, fork pushed against her palm before he closes her fingers around it.
"He can try all he wants, but he will never get his hands on you again. For as long as I breathe, I will keep that promise. Now eat, and try to find some time to sleep while you're at home. I'll finish work early so we can go shopping for Yoongi, but not before you've rested".
"She pulled an all-nighter" I explain to the white wolf when he looks confused at his statement, and he makes a sound as if he'd expected nothing less from her.
"It happened by mistake" she defends herself, and San shakes his head, apparently having already given up on the matter while Yoongi looks at her with that gaze that can see through all of your walls like they never existed to begin with.
"That's more worrying than if it had been on purpose, you're aware of that, right?".
She baffles for an answer before ultimately choosing silence, and my snort earns me a harmless glare from her.
"Whatever... just eat while it's warm, don't waste San's efforts" she settles for a grumpy answer before eating herself, words that make San grin while I decide to listen for this time. The food looks too good to waste.
"Thanks for the food, San".
"Oh, don't mention it".
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