With the moon high up in the sky and too many yawns that have yawned in the past hour, it was eventually decided that we would put an end to this day of reunion to head back home and have a good night sleep.
"I don't want you to leave" Jungkook whines as he stands by the door with the others while Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin stand behind me - San got here a minute ago with the fancy limousine, so we're going to drive them home before heading back to the penthouse ourselves.
His tail is wrapped around his own leg to soothe himself, and his droopy ears are holding my heart hostage. I've always had a weak spot for those soft puppy eyes.
"We'll meet again, you said so yourself" I remind him with a small smile, though I can't deny the pain that pulls against my ribcage at the idea of leaving him, any of them, behind. I loved every single seconds that I spent by their side, and I'm not ready to say goodbye.
It feels like I'm willingly stepping out of a dream and back into a nightmare, but the difference here is that my soulmates will still be part of my life even then. This isn't me waking up from a dream, because they won't be gone even as days go by.
They will answer when I call them, and we will smile when we meet again. This isn't the end of our story, it's only the beginning of our chapter two.
He stomps a foot on the floor, lips pursed and nose scrunched cutely. "I know, but- I don't care. Either you stay or I come with you".
I chuckle at his stubbornness, especially when I find Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin sighing behind him. There's no stopping our panther once he's like that, and if taking him with me is what needs to be done to soothe him, then that's what I'll do.
"Get some clothes, then" I tell him, watch with a pleased heart as his eyes light up instantly, and he jumps excitedly before running up the stairs to his bedroom, his voice chirpy as he starts enumerating all that he'll need for the unplanned sleepover.
"Are you sure you don't mind taking him with you? I wouldn't want any of us to take too much of your time if you're busy" Jimin inquires with a worried frown on his beautiful face, and I nod my head while reaching out to hold his hands between mine.
It's hard to distribute my attention evenly when I have seven soulmates to care for all of a sudden, and Jimin is one of those who haven't been given enough today. I'll have to find a way to spend more quality time with each of them in the near future.
"It's really fine, Jiminie. If I could, I'd take you all with me, but we have work to do and I know that it's not exactly easy so take days off whenever we want to. Does he work tomorrow? Or is it a day off for him?".
"I think it's a day off? He didn't really mention anything about his work schedule, but if it isn't, then it might as well be now. He won't let anyone get in the way of his time with you" Taehyung says with a small laugh that I echo, that does sound like the Jungkook that I remember.
San will probably grumble at the fact that one of my soulmates will stick to me like glue at work, which I wouldn't be surprised to see happen. Not to forget about Yoongi, I'm still waiting for news about any available jobs for him.
Heck, I'll create one if there's nothing, it's not like I can't.
Jungkook quickly comes back with what looks like the heaviest duffle bag I've ever seen to this day, and after a small kiss for those we leave behind, he joins our other soulmates outside. San is waiting for us by the trunk of the vehicle with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Well, we should get going if we don't want to fall asleep too late" I say softly, brows furrowing the slightest bit as I attempt another smile. I would've loved to stay here, but we all have things that must be done and I want to see the others home safely by my own eyes.
Jimin wordlessly pulls me into a hug that is quickly joined by Taehyung and Namjoon, and lips press all over my head multiple times, until my smile turns brighter and more sincere. Oh, how I would've loved to stay here with everyone.
Soon, I think to myself. It'll happen soon enough.
"Don't be a stranger, hm? Call us whenever you want, and come over once in a while" Namjoon muses against my temple, and I hum in response.
"I'll definitely call, if only to remind myself that this is real" I assure him, which earns me another kiss to the cheek before they all let go of me, and as I step back to join the others outside, Hoseok is the one who welcomes me with a warm smile and a hand to my shoulder.
He squeezes gently, getting an inkling of how hard it must be for me to leave them like this, and after one last goodbye, our group reaches the limousine where San proceeds to grab Jungkook's bag to fit in the trunk while Seokjin opens the back door to help us all inside.
"It's the first time I get to sit in a limousine, it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be" Yoongi says as he sits on a random seat with impressed eyes looking all around him, there is no useless luxury since this is meant to be a drive home and nothing more, but the comfort is still above most expectations.
"It's a first time for me too, I feel like a celebrity all of a sudden" Hoseok chirps as he waits for his turn, and I laugh with an arm slipped around his waist for a side hug that he welcomes gleefully, eyes creasing as he lets his other arm slide over my shoulders to keep me close.
Jungkook slumps down on the seat next to Yoongi with a happy grin, and Hoseok and I take the seats in front of them. When Seokjin comes inside, he takes the middle seat by the door before spreading his wings wide open with a satisfied sigh.
Unaware that we're all taking in the majestic sight that he makes with gaping mouths, he pulls on his seatbelt and carefully clicks it under the black feathers that cover the coffee leather. Then he's looking up at us, only to blush under the weight of our staring.
"What?" he utters shyly, wings fluttering in nerves, though he leaves them as they are.
"You're just... beautiful" Yoongi admits first, his face in complete awe of the handsome soulmate we have by our side, and quite honestly, I couldn't have said it better. Seokjin truly is one of the most beautiful people I've ever had the honor of meeting, and it's not something I say easily.
"Oh" he replies, now looking all timid as he blinks at his feet while we hear San enter the front seat of the limousine so we can get where we need. "I- thank you. It's the first time someone says that about me".
This man, who so confidently took care of me earlier as he kept me on his lap, now looks shy because he was called beautiful. But there's also a shock of disbelief upon hearing that he was never called beautiful until now, how is that even possible?
The feeling seems to be shared, because Jungkook gapes at him like he was told the biggest lie of the century. "There's no way people wouldn't constantly compliment you. Every time I look at you, it feels like I'm standing in front of a god".
"It does feel like it, doesn't it?" Hoseok chimes in, much to Seokjin's incredulity.
"Please, don't exaggerate. I've been called many things, but beautiful has never been one of them. You say that just because of the bond" he tries to wave the compliments as if they're nothing, and now that's something I just can't accept.
"If it's the bond alone speaking, then none of us are beautiful, handsome or pretty, Seokjin. Anyone who dares to insult someone like you is jealous, rotten to the core, and if I ever meet one of them myself, or hear anything that shouldn't be said, I will destroy them".
Yoongi smiles at that, looking proud as he stares at me with his white ears perked up above his soft hair. "Well said. If you ever need help on that matter, I offer my services for free".
A handshake to seal the deal, and we're two to look satisfied at the prospect of beating up Seokjin's bullies while the man himself is left speechless, unable to find anything to say to what just took place in front of his golden eyes.
"Now that's more like the Y/N that I remember" Jungkook muse as he leans back in his seat with a pleased glow settled in his dark eyes.
"Did you guys know? Whenever someone would try to bully me in the past, she'd be right up in their nose and scaring the shit out of them until they'd apologize to me. She never hit anyone, but she sure traumatized a few of them. That school was terrible, but she made it better".
"No one bullies my soulmates, it's simple" I let out casually under their smiles, it doesn't take a genius to see that Jungkook just gave my ego a huge boost that San will need to deal with for the next couple of days until it deflates back to its regular size.
The latter's sigh says that much, and I snort to myself as the ride brings us closer to Hoseok's address first.
Knowing that it might take a while until we see each other again and hating the fact that we barely talked today, I let my head fall on Hoseok's shoulder while we hold hands, needing to at least feel his warmth until we make it to his place.
I hate that I couldn't give everyone the same amount of attention today, but a group as big as ours is meant to make things more complicated on the matter. At least he and Seokjin could talk more with the others and get to know our soulmates, so it's not like they were ignored by anyone.
"Even if it takes longer than we'd like, we'll see each other again. This isn't a goodbye" Hoseok murmurs as his cheek rests on my head, as if knowing that my heart is getting heavier by the minute, and I hum with a forlorn look on my face that Jungkook, Yoongi and Seokjin feel deep in their guts too.
The rest of the ride happens in comfortable silence, and after wishing Hoseok a good night sleep, we make a next stop at Seokjin's home where we wait until he's inside before leaving. This is definitely not a neighbourhood that I like for him, though it's not particularly dangerous, as long as he avoids a few areas that aren't hybrids friendly.
Things get more complicated in an unexpected way when we reach the house where Yoongi lives.
After telling us that he rents a room in a house occupied by a group of university students, we finally reach the building only to see that a party is currently happening with at least a good thirty people gathered both outside and inside, party lights bright and blinding as they move to the rhythm of those dancing on loud music.
The wolf stares at the sight from the window already looking defeated, ears drooping on themselves, which tells me that this is no rare occurrence. Parties like that one must happen often, and it explains why he was never attached to his life, until now, that is.
When Yoongi raises himself from his seat to reach the door reluctantly, I don't miss the stare that Jungkook sends my way, himself looking shocked by what's going on outside.
This is worse than anything I could have imagined as a home for my soulmates, and seeing the lack of hybrids at this party gives me an idea of what kind of people the ones organizing it are like. Either they don't like hybrids, or they think themselves superior.
I land a hand on Yoongi's arm before he can push the door open, and he turns to glance at me with nervous anticipation.
"Stay here, Yoongi. With your permission, I'm going to go inside on my own, I'll get your stuff from your room, and then we'll go to the penthouse. We'll see how we can make you feel at home until the mansion is completed, but I cannot allow this".
As if he was only waiting for this - and he might as well have been, considering how well he knows me - Jungkook immediately pulls Yoongi back to his seat and pats his knee before sending me a thankful smile, and I nod back before stepping out of the vehicle.
With San now standing besides me, which I should've expected, I stop by the opening to gaze at Yoongi and his watery eyes, relief and gratitude flooding his heart and soul with every breaths he takes.
"Thank you" he murmurs, and I wink at him before closing the door. Then I turn towards the fiasco of a house that this is, the ground beneath my feet shaking with how loud the music's bass is. The mess that awaits inside... I am not excited to find out.
"Let's go, San" I say firmly before walking over to the front door with the rottweiler on my heels. It's a good thing that he's accompanying me, all things considered, because I have very little patience with this kind of environment.
He opens the door before I can, and instantly do we get swarmed with the smells of drugs, alcohol and sex, which is both overwhelming and sickening, even for me.
I'd think it would be too much for him, but San appears completely unbothered as he grabs my arm before pulling me further inside and between the crowd that completely ignores us, too lost in themselves to really care that two strangers just entered the house without an invitation.
After entering a long corridor, we eventually reach a door from where we can hear moaning echoing, and when San stops in front of it, anger begins to boil within me. What is this? How could people do something as disgusting as entering someone's room without their permission?
They dare use his bed when he's not here, and considering how loud they are, this isn't the first time. How often has this happened? How often has he had to come back to a soiled bed after a long day of work at a job that treats him like shit?
Too upset to knock on the door, I kick it open and stand in the doorway to glare at the couple that freeze on top of each other to stare at me with fright, and though I'm tempted to kick them out of this room butt naked just to give them a taste of the tormenting they purposefully pushed onto my soulmate, I give them a minute to get dressed while San growls threateningly from behind me.
They hurry out of the room like their ass is on fire, and I shake my head, hands clenched into fists.
"This is disgusting" I utter, and purposefully ignore the bed to instead focus on the clothes that are inside Yoongi's dresser and closet, one of his old bags taken from the floor before I store it with the basic necessities. Anything else the wolf needs after this, I will buy for him.
While San and I make sure we haven't forgotten anything of importance, like items of sentimental value, someone reaches the room before clearing their throat, and I turn around to see a young man with his arms crossed over his bare chest, hair all disheveled and with smudged lipstick around his mouth.
The boy sure enjoyed his party, but I'm not here to deal with his need to show off tonight, I'm here to make sure that my soulmate gets a better life than he had in this hellhole, because it breaks my heart to know that he had to endure this everyday.
"I just called the police, because two strangers entered my home without an invitation, harassed my friends, and then started to steal from another friend. They said they'd be here soon and that I'm to keep you from leaving" he speaks as if he can't even feel his tongue anymore, and I can't resist the smirk that appears on my lips as I move Yoongi's bag over my shoulder.
"Oh yeah? Your friend? For his sake, then, I guess I'll be left with no choice but to talk about how abusive your behaviour towards him is, that you left your 'friends' fuck on his bed without his consent, and that there is illegal use of drugs and possibly other substances happening in this stupid party. Shall I wait with you until they arrive? It'll be my pleasure to explain everything to the officers".
"Oh shit" is all he says before falling on the floor like a rag doll, now unconscious - from drugs or shock, I'm not sure - and I shake my head before making my way out of Yoongi's old bedroom with San.
"That was the most ridiculous thing I've witnessed in a long time. He's never going to recover from that one" the latter says as we open the front door to flee the scents of hell, and I let out a short laugh of agreement.
"Clearly, this guy overestimated himself tonight".
"The officers will have a fun time once they get here".
Taking the bag from me once we reach the vehicle, he adds Yoongi's bag to Jungkook's while I open the back door to sit on the seat that Seokjin occupied earlier, and Jungkook's nose twitches with disgust as soon as he gets a sniff of the air around me.
"What the fuck happened in there? You smell like... I don't even want to name what it is that I'm smelling right now".
Yoongi purses his lips knowingly, and I sigh before resting my head back for a moment, just to clear my mind. That was a lot, and it barely lasted over ten minutes.
"Let's just say that this place will not be missed by anyone after tonight" I utter before glancing at the white wolf, whose fingers are knitted together tightly, as if what I saw in there could affect the way I view him.
"We took only a few of your clothes, Yoongi, and anything else that seemed important to you. Someone threw up in one of the drawers and I didn't try to figure out if those underneath survived the onslaught. We'll get you new stuff tomorrow".
"Ew" Jungkook says with a grimace, while Yoongi simply nods at me, body relaxing now that he can finally leave this nightmare behind him. He didn't know that it would end tonight, and he can't help but feel thankful that the party happened today of all days.
"I'm sorry for the trouble" he mumbles softly, just as San gets in the car to leave this wretched place before the cops get here. I smile at him, a shake of the head to assure him that there's no need to apologize.
"All is well, Yoongi. I promised to always take care of my soulmates, and that's what I'll keep doing until the end. Let's go home, now".
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