Hearing San knock on my door before entering my bedroom all of a sudden gets my attention from my book, a little something to busy my mind with in the early morning.
I didn't have any need to go to work today, so I made sure to let everyone know to give Hoseok and Seokjin my personal phone number so they could contact me at any time, which we'd forgotten to do yesterday.
It hadn't crossed my mind until it was too late, and I couldn't possibly send San back to the company building just to have a look at the papers the two of them had sent when applying for a job when it was already the middle of the night.
It made more sense to wait until the next day, and it made even more sense to let their supervisors know to give them my number while I stay in bed to enjoy my small break while I still can.
I want to invite them over tonight so we can get to know each other with a meal that I'll cook myself, and I intend to spend most of my day cleaning the penthouse, which is why I figured it'd be best if I stayed here today.
San throws my phone at my feet on the bed, then closes the door again, all of that without saying a single word. I frown at the closed door before staring at my phone again.
What was that face? He looked like something important just happened, but his silence confuses me - he normally always explains. Could it be that Hoseok or Seokjin called me already?
I stretch to grab the device, then unlock the screen only to see that he left it on one of my soulmates' messages, Hoseok's.
Hey, Y/N? It's Hoseok, I hope I got the right number...
Anyway, Seokjin and I learned just now that you're not at the building, but...
We talked to everyone yesterday night.
They're with us right now.
At BeyondGold.
I nearly throw my phone against the wall in my shock, but thankfully fight against the reflex while I trip out of bed with the blankets all twisted around my legs, my book's page now forgotten as it flips over on the floor to mimic my own position.
They're all where?!
"San!" I scream as I fight against my bed to free myself, and I hear him sigh on the other side of the door as he opens it again, only slightly, just enough to see my pitiful form on the floor, a prisoner of my fluffy blankets.
"I'll wait in the car. Hurry up".
Oh my gosh!
Finally freed from my dangerous trap, I grab my phone again to send a quick message to Hoseok asking him to not let anyone go, that he must even tie them up in my office if he must, for I am coming, and then proceed to get changed into a more appropriate outfit for meeting my soulmates whom I once rejected.
I can't believe it.
What did Seokjin and Hoseok say to get everyone there so fast? I thought it would take longer to convince them to meet up with me! I was not mentally ready to see them today of all days, and I am entirely unprepared for once.
"Ma- makeup, I need makeup. And my hair? Oh goodness, no. I can't go out like this. San! San? Ugh! Why is he so quick to run away when he knows that I need him?! San!"
I'm biting on my nails now that I'm in the car, and the rottweiler sighs again, a sound he's made too often in the last ten minutes we've been on the road.
"Stop biting your nails, Y/N. There'll be nothing left by the time we make it to your soulmates".
"Shut up, San. Leave my nails alone, they're taking care of my mental health right now" I retort distractedly, my mind reeling with all that must happen once I see them for the first time in twelve years.
How do I handle that meeting? What do I tell them?
Will I even be able to speak or will I crumble on the floor, just like I did in Hoseok's arms yesterday? I seem to have a tendency for looking pitiful in front of my soulmates now, nothing like the strong girl I once was.
I don't like that, not at all.
"At least eat something before we get there, we'll be at BeyondGold in a few minutes" he insists as he glances at the sandwich that he got me at the local coffee shop earlier, but although I know that he means well, I simply cannot eat anything right now.
"I'll throw up if I eat something. I'll eat later".
He makes an annoyed sound with his tongue, but doesn't insist again.
He can see that this situation is making me incredibly unstable and there's not much he can do to help, no matter how much he wishes he could. He's not my soulmate, so his touch won't do anything to me.
When we finally reach the building, I don't wait until we make it to the parking lot. I make him stop near the main entrance, and I jump out of the car in less than a second once my door unlocked.
He follows behind me as I rush inside, car keys handed to someone trustworthy before he loses sight of me, a swear out of his lips when I nearly trip on my heels on the way.
They're all in my office, aren't they? I'll take the elevator, the doors will open at the top floor, and I'll enter the large room to see them all waiting for me. Will the hybrids smell me before I reach the door? What will Jungkook do?
Will he keep his distance? Or will he run up to me for a hug just like he used to do?
I'm about to reach the elevator, not a smile or glance given to anyone as everything looks like a blur around me, my eyes unable to focus on anything when I know my soulmates are closer than ever, that they're here to meet me.
But then I suddenly find a head of grey hair to my left and I freeze where I am, heart coming to a stop as it reacts to the presence like a prey trapped by a predator.
This... no, it can't be.
The familiar, tall figure turns around as the sound of my heels echo one last time in the vast lobby, and my eyes widen when I find before me my father, his older face looking... tired until his eyes fall on me.
Then his gaze lights up with recognition and he runs over to me, hands grabbing my own with so much strength that I almost wince in pain.
"Y/N, oh, my baby girl! You cannot believe how glad I am to finally see you in person! I've been looking for you for so long, so you must understand my surprise when I heard that you're the CEO of BeyondGold! A haven for hybrids, they say! I'm so proud of you!".
Frozen in time, I stare at him as if a stranger stands before me.
He's... proud of me? For creating a haven for hybrids?
The same people that he used to despise to the point of abandoning me? What kind of performance is he doing in the lobby of all places? Has he become an actor during these last twelve years?
A dizziness takes me over, and a sickness makes itself known in the pit of my stomach, making me feel nauseous and confused. I'm overly aware of the glances we're given as my employees take in the sight with curiosity, and I hate that.
He's dangerous to them, and yet I failed to prevent that from occurring. My haven's biggest threat is standing right in front of me, with all of the people I must protect around us.
This outcome seemed so ridiculous to imagine in my daydreaming that I used to chastise my brain for even worrying that such a day might come, and yet, here he is.
The father who left me to a fate of pain and betrayal.
It's odd, how easily emotions can change from excitement to complete neutrality in the span of a heartbeat.
The way that my heart can turn lifeless and cold after beating so fast just a moment ago. The way that my eyes can turn blank and icy when they burned with tears of reunion as I exited the car.
He steps forward, ready to push the man off me in the blink of an eye once I make the request, but his eyes widen the slightest bit when my words do not even suggest that possibility.
"Can you please clean my office and make sure there's some tea ready for my father and I?" I ask him with a neutral voice as I meet his gaze, pleading for him to see what I truly mean as I speak those words.
I trust only him to understand my hidden meaning.
Take my soulmates out of here before my father sees them.
He hesitates, eyes searching my own and brows furrowing in unease. The fact that he doesn't want to leave me alone with this man brings me comfort, but I press the issue with a tight smile that puts him in motion against his will.
Take my soulmates away, so they don't have to see me like this.
He bows at us before taking the elevator when the doors miraculously open in front of us at this exact timing, but I hold my father back when he makes a move to enter with him.
I see a flash of annoyance across his face before he turns it into a fake smile that I've never seen in such a light on him before, and I mimic it perfectly on my own face, if only to speak his language, a mirror incarnate.
"Let us not be in a hurry, father. You've come so far just to see me, why don't I give you a tour of BeyondGold? Then you can see what twelve years of hard work can accomplish, hm?".
An eye twitch, but he keeps his mask on, though his hands tighten their hold on me, this time enough to make me wince in pain.
I could see how his arm muscles bulged almost instinctively, like he was ready to grab and throw, and I somehow can tell that he would have pushed me to the floor had we been alone.
"A tour? I would love that, baby girl, of course".
Chills of disgust crowd my skin at the use of such a nickname coming from this disgusting man, but I hide it under a mask that I hope can hold on until the end of this god awful meeting.
If only I could find out why he's here, maybe I could get rid of him faster, and permanently. It's shocking enough as it is that he showed up in my life after all he's done to me.
The nerves he must have, or is he simply that desperate?
I would vote for the latter.
"If you would follow me, father, let's start with the lower floor. We have a total of ten departments, so let's start with the first one".
That should give San enough time... right?
Taehyung's POV
Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook and I are incapable of remaining still as we wait for Y/N in her office after following Seokjin and Hoseok there, two of our newest soulmates.
I feel bad that this is the kind of first meeting we're giving them, with us asking them questions about her as soon as we meet in front of the building.
They deserve better, we should do better, but they assured us countless times that they understand, that they don't mind, and I would feel terrible about their selflessness if I wasn't shaking with stress and anticipation for her to find us.
Hoseok and Seokjin wait by our side with nervous eyes, the two of them sat on a couch and unsure of what to do with themselves now that we're pacing the room in silence, though we're not faring any better ourselves.
If only I could sit down and smile at them, talk to them, about them, but my mind is all about Y/N, only her.
Her scent surrounds my entire being in here and it's so strong on my nose, mint that cradles my heart so tenderly, mint that sends a cool wisp of freshness into my very soul.
How can I not think about her when the proof of her existence is everywhere?
I turn around to glance at Jungkook, and to see him looking like a caged animal lets me know of the intensity of his panther's agitation as he keeps glancing towards the door every five seconds, tail swaying left and right, up and down, again and again as he expects to see it open anytime now.
She's on the way, that's what she sent to Hoseok, and Y/N doesn't lie. Not when she can help it, and especially if it concerns our well-being. I think it's safe to say that meeting her has become a matter of taking care of our sanity.
She would know that, since she wants to see us too. I can hardly remember the touch of her warmth on my skin and I long so adamantly to change that. I need her in my arms again, just like before. More than before.
The door opens without warning and I jump, startled.
"Y/N- oh. Who are you?" I ask straight away, the face that greets my sight not at all my sweet girl, though... doesn't he kind of smell like her? Does he know her?
"Y/N has a sudden urgent matter to take care of and sent me to fetch you, her soulmates".
Seeing our obvious shock doesn't stop him from continuing as he remains in the doorway with a blank face that I've only ever seen Namjoon adopt on days where he feels the most powerless.
"If you would please follow me outside, I'll bring you somewhere where it'll be easier for Y/N to join us without any... disturbances. I'm sure some of you remember her childhood house? The mansion?".
The hybrid doesn't ease us into his presence at all as he speaks, and my eyes catch Jungkook's at these last words, the meaning not going unheard by us. She bought the mansion, didn't she?
"We know of it, yes. We actually bought the house next door, thinking it might open at least one door leading back to her. Are you saying that she's the one who bought it?" Namjoon asks as he walks closer to the new face, and he nods while glancing at all of us.
"That's right. We do not have much time, but my name is San, her personal assistant. If you could please come with me, I will drive you there safely before coming back to fetch her when she's done with her matter".
It's so sudden that I can't make sense of what he's saying, because weren't we supposed to meet her in this room? Why is he so intent on taking us away from here then? Why do we not have much time?
"Can't we wait here? We just drove all the way from that exact mansion to see her, and now we have to go back without seeing her? Do you even know what you're asking of us right now?" Jungkook exclaims with a despaired swing of his hands in the air, his frustration heard in the rasp of his usually soft voice.
San's jaw ticks as he controls his gaze over our panther, and I can tell from his posture that he too seems very tensed for some reason.
"Did something happen to her again?" I speak up quietly, worry all over my face. I don't want to say those words, but this situation... it's all I can think about, that she might be taken from us again.
Jimin gasps and Namjoon wraps an arm around his waist to keep him close while San's face falls a little, ears and tail twitching uncomfortably. He looks like he doesn't want to confirm my question, but his reaction was enough.
Hoseok and Seokjin share a concerned look, their merging warmth the only comfort they have as they bring their gaze back to us.
"We need to leave now. Y/N is going to deal with it, then you'll be able to meet, but it can't be here. Please don't make this complicated and come with me without asking any more questions. She'll tell you later if she feels the situation requires it".
Jungkook huffs and puffs in anger and Hoseok steps in, sensing that things might deescalate if he doesn't say anything.
"She's a very busy woman, I'm sure it's something very important if it kept her from you because I assure you, more than anything in this world, what she wants is the four of you back in her life. Please trust her, she will find her way back to you before the end of the day".
His confidence in her forces us into silence, and Jungkook clenches his fists and jaw before sighing deeply to calm himself.
"I trust her, that's not the problem. What I don't trust is life itself. It's not her who left us but life that forced her to do so. I don't want it happening again, never. I'm staying here until she comes back".
Once more brought to a wall, I inhale loudly before walking past Namjoon and Jimin and to a fuming Jungkook before putting a hand over his shoulder, my other tilting his face towards me so we can stare at one another.
"Kookie, listen to me. I know how you feel, I really do, but we can't get in her way. She's not a child anymore and she does have many responsibilities now that she owns a company.
"Remember why she's doing this in the first place? It's for people like us, baby, so let's not get in their way. Let's wait for her at home, and then we get her back and we don't let go. How's that? Can you do that for me? For her?".
Jungkook bites on his lips, ears tilted back in resistance but tears in his eyes, and when his chin wobbles before he nods his head slowly, I pull him into a strong embrace, a kiss between his ears where I breathe in his scent of fragrant peonies.
Everyone in the room relaxes upon seeing that I somehow managed to convince him, thankful for how easy it was this time because it really is hard to get him to agree sometimes, especially when it has anything to do with Y/N.
Seokjin purses his lips, seeing in our dynamic something that has been created solely to fill in her absence. How he wishes that the bond could heal from the past and see smiles on everyone's faces instead of these grim expressions.
"We should go, I'm sure she'll be here soon and we shouldn't get in her way".
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