ready as ill ever be
John pov
Any moment now....your highness
Believe I know I've sunk pretty low but whatever I do you. You deserve it
Me Eliza and angie were listening to ready as I'll ever be because it's one or my favorite songs so we are acting it out.
I'm the bad guy that fine its no fault but mine! I say pointing to myself and spinning to to desk In me and Alex's room.
And justice at last will be served I say smiling at Eliza.
"Please listen" Eliza tries to negotiate
Now it's time to step up or its time to back down and there's only one answer for me. I say cracking my knuckles and looking at an unconscious angie with sad eyes as she tries not to laugh.
And I'll stand up and fight cause I know that it's right. I say walking to Eliza and putting a sick mask on her as he look sadly at her to.
And I'm ready I'm ready....I'm ready......
ready as I'll ever be
Alex POV
Now its time to rise up
Or it's time to stand down and the answer is easy to see...
And I swear by the sword if your in get in the car..
Are you ready
I'm ready herc yells
Were ready peggy yells back
WERE READY we yell together
Ready as I'll ever be
Peggy POV
Are you quite sure this is the right one Alex whispers to me.
Together we can guarantee I say back
John POV
ILL MAKE THEM HEAR ME I cry desperately
All together
Now it's time to repeat
Or its time to resolve...
Alex POV
Prove he can trust me I say to myself
Peggy POV
And the outcome will hardly come free I say
I need to save my friendship I whisper to myself
Now the lines in the sand and our moments at hand
Alex group
And I'm ready we park the car
I'm ready laf repeat unlocking the door
I'm ready peggy repeats as we walk up stairs and open me and John's room door
John's POV
Ready as I'll ever be
I say lastly and put the sick mask on myself as I see the door open and back myself against the wall with angie and liz
Alex POV
(I'm sorry in advise)
I got you a present
WAIT WAIT LEX ITS WERE JUST PLAYING John says running I'm my arms crying...
Omg jacky you cant do that
I'm sorry me liz and Angi were acting out one of my favorite songs please dont be mad he says showing me his phone that has the song ready as I'll ever be on it.
I laugh and we all laugh and laugh and John looks scared and backs up and holds onto angie who is also scared. When we stop I pick up John and take him down stairs.
I got you a present I say smiling are you ready I ask
Ready as I'll ever be
(I promise text chapter will be the dog)
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