Peggy's secret?!
Peggy's pov
So hi I'm Peggy Schuylar and I am have a secret I never told anybody we go..........I am bisexual and I have a crush on....john Laurens my bestfriend and a another girl named Maria lewis. I have a hugeish crush on Laurens you see we have been friends since 1st grade and I had a crush on him the problem is.....hes gay so there is no chance yes we dated so his dad wouldn't hurt him or hurt him anymore and I enjoyed what u could even though i could see him cringe when he kissed me while I blushed but acted like a hated it. So ya......but Maria I have a huge crush on her i might never love her unlike Laurens it's just a crush a....big crush. I was interrupted from my thoughts as I got a texted from the one and only turtle boi himself.
Turtle boi:pegs can you come over I'm bored out of my minddddddddd....please.
Pegleg change turtle boi name to turtle boi bae❤
Turtle boi bae❤: .....peggy wtf.....
Pegleg: don't worry about it,it just looked cool.
Turtle boi bae❤: 2 can play that that game. >:]
Turtle boi bae❤ changed pegleg name to ❤sunshine❤
When I saw the name i turned so red I was like an apple a really red apple.
❤sunshine❤:I can do worst...>;)
❤sunshine❤ change turtle boi bae❤ name to peaches😘❤
Peaches😘❤: omg really, ok whatever are you coming or nah.
❤sunshine❤: yeppers, preggers out!!!!
I kinda run to is dorm room because I want to see him so bad I know i know i should be all over this guy he is gay and Alexander his all over him right now it would be a kick to the face if they get together but I will be happy for him of course. I make it to his dorm and I knock like 1000 times because......i can the door finally opens and John pulls me in and puts me in a bone crushing hug that makes me blush because he wasn't wearing a shirt like whyyyyy
Omg Peggy I need to tell you everything I miss you and I love you.
Clam down you saw me like 3 hours ago.
I know but like that's to long for me because your my bestie ughhhhh.
I push myself out of his bare chest and walk to the couch to sit down trying to control my blush but failing badly
John pov
I pull Peggy in and hug and I swear i saw her blush I mean did I mention I'm not wear a shirt I just got out the shower when she came.
Omg Peggy I missed you so much I say hugging her tighter
You just saw me like 3 hours ago
That's to long for me ughhh.
She pushes herself out from my chest with her face really red... I wonder why. And she makes her way to the couch trying to hide her face but failing.
Pegggggyy why are you hiding your adorable face I asked jokingly
Um..ah..i..ugh never mind
It's something tell me
It's nothing now what do you want to do.
Then it hit me she blushed while i hugged her which she does everytime i hug her or say she cute or anything...wait she blushed when we "dated" and I kissed her. Does Peggy have a crush on me.....wholely crap she does doesn't she let me test this.
Hey sunshine what you thinking about I say moving closer to her and her face turned back bright red
Um nothing just of what to do since we still don't know.
I could tell right through it it was lie
Yes John
I think I figured out
Your secret......!
This is a little leggy moment because I shut it not as much as i ship lams and meggy so
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